995,605 research outputs found

    Clasificación de las fases del sueño utilizando señales EEG

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    La identificación eficaz de las fases del sueño es de gran ayuda para el tratamiento de problemas del sueño como la apnea obstructiva (OSA), insomnio o narcolepsia. De esta manera, se puede mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La clasificación de estas fases pueden realizarla expertos del sueño de manera manual, basándose en señales PSG (Polisomnograma).No obstante, esto requiere mucho tiempo y para realizar una polisomnografía se necesitan muchas señales. Con un clasificador automáticobasado en señales EEGla detección sería más rápida y efectiva. En este trabajo se ha realizado una investigación de estudios ya realizados de la detección automática de las fases del sueño y se ha experimentadocon las señales EEG de 4sujetos sanos: se hanextraído un conjuntode características y se ha evaluadodel rendimiento de diferentes clasificadores. Con el clasificador KNN,7 características y 8 canales EEG, se han clasificado las fases del sueño con un F1 scoredel 51,41%. Como líneas de investigación futuras para mejorar los resultados se ha propuesto añadir característicasespectrales y reducir el número de canales, entre otras

    Las fases de Levrero

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    As duas fases da história e as fases do capitalismo

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    The capitalist revolution was such a major economic, social and political transformation that that we can see history divided into two phases: ancient and modern times or pre-capitalism and capitalism. While ancient societies change slowly, modern societies change fast as they, for the first time, experience economic development. Taking the more developed countries as reference, capitalism itself may be seen as divided in three phases: commercial capitalism that marked the transition, classical or bourgeois capitalism, and professionals’ or knowledge capitalism. The later, that is dominant since the beginning of the 20th century, may be divided in two phases: the fordist one and the 30 neoliberal years of capitalism (1979-2008).

    Tres fases del crecimiento económico argentino

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    Nuevos enfoques en la historia económica de España y de América Latina. Homenaje a Robert W. Fogel y Douglas C. North, Premios Nobel de Economía 1993Editada en la Universidad Carlos IIIEl empeoramiento de los resultados económicos relativos de Argentina puede atribuirse, en gran parte, a las desfavorables condiciones existentes para la acumulación de capital a partir de 1913. En la primera fase (antes de 1913) el éxito de la Belle Époque se debió a las espectaculares tasas de acumulación. En la segunda fase (1913-década de 1930) la baja tasa nacional de ahorro limitó la tasa de acumulación de capital. En la tercera fase (década de 1930-década de 1950) se adoptó una política de sustitución de las importaciones y el precio relativo de los bienes de capital importados que eran clave experimentó una brusca subida. Ahí comenzó el retraso: al principio, debido a que el ahorro era insuficiente ahorro y, más tarde, a que los altos precios de los bienes de capital importados redujeron los incentivos para realizar actividades de inversión que son las precursoras del crecimiento.Much of Argentina's decline in relative economic performance can be attributed to deleterious conditions for capital accumulation after 1913. In the first phase (pre-1913), the success of the Belle Époque was due to spectacular rates of accumulation. In the second phase (1913-1930s), low domestic savings rates constrained the rate of capital accumulation. In the third phase (1930s-1950s) import-substitution policies were implemented and the relative price of key imported capital goods rose sharply. Retardation ensued: at first because of insufficient saving; later because price disincentives channelled funds away from investment activities which are the precursor of growth.Publicad

    Coneixent les fases primerenques de l'Alzheimer

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    Investigadors de la UAB han participat en un treball publicada a la prestigiosa revista Neuron, que ha estudiat com les alteracions en els processos d'unió entre neurones, l'anomenada sinàpsis, afecten l'aprenentage i la memòria durant l'inici del desenvolupament de la malaltia del Alzheimer. Aquesta investigació permetrà conèixer millor les disfuncions que es produeixen durant les primeres fases d'aquesta malaltia.Investigadores de la UAB han participado en un trabajo publicado en la prestigiosa revista Neuron, que ha estudiado como las alteraciones en los procesos de unión entre neuronas, la llamada sinapsis, afectan el aprendizaje y la memoria durante el inicio del desarrollo de la enfermedad del Alzheimer. Esta investigación permitirá conocer mejor las disfunciones que se producen durante las primeras fases de esta enfermedad.UAB researchers have participated in a research published in the journal Neuron, that has studied how changes in the neurons binding process, called synapses, affect learning and memory in the Alzheimer's disease early stages of development. This research will allow a better understanding of the disorders that occur during at the beginning of this disease

    Journal Staff

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    Electrical properties and strain gauge factor of Cr/SiOx cermet films with compositions 50/50 and 70/30 wt% were investigated in order to evaluate their use in strain gauge devices. The films were deposited by flash evaporation. The microstructures and resulting phases were characterized by electron diffraction and electron microscopy. The influence of the thickness and deposition rate on the sheet resistance, the temperature coefficient of resistance and the gauge factor were investigated. The results are consistent with a mixed conduction mechanism with metallic and a thermally activated tunneling components, between interconnected and discrete conductive phases, respectively.Se investigaron las propiedades eléctricas y el factor extensométrico de películas del cermet- Cr/SiOx en composiciones 50/50 y 70/30 % en peso, para evaluar su uso en dispositivos "strain gauge". Las películas fueron depositadas por evaporación "flash". Las estructuras y fases resultantes fueron caracterizadas por microscopía y difracción de electrones. Se estudió la influencia del espesor y la velocidad del depósito sobre la resistencia laminar, el coeficiente térmico de resistencia y el factor extensométrico. Los resultados son consistentes con un mecanismo de conducción mixto, con una componente metálica y otra por efecto túnel térmicamente activado, entre fases conductoras interconectadas y discretas, respectivamente

    Finding Australia’s social enterprise sector: final report

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    Executive Summary Social enterprises are organisations that: Are led by an economic, social, cultural, or environmental mission consistent with a public or community benefit; Trade to fulfil their mission; Derive a substantial portion of their income from trade; and Reinvest the majority of their profit/surplus in the fulfilment of their mission. This document reports on the research findings of the Finding Australia’s Social Enterprise Sector (FASES) project. FASES is a joint initiative of Social Traders and the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Queensland University of Technology. It is a first attempt to identify the range and scope of social enterprises in Australia. The methodology utilised in this research included: a review of existing literature and methods of social enterprise mapping; establishment of a project website and preliminary discussion paper to stimulate public engagement with defining and identifying Australian social enterprises, which resulted in four online responses to the discussion paper and 157 nominations of social enterprises to be included in the research; a series of workshops and interviews with 34 key informants to assist in defining social enterprise for the purposes of the research; identification of the social enterprise population through a combination of web and media review, review of existing databases and feedback through the project website; development and administration of an online survey; and collation and analysis of secondary data. Five hundred and thirty-nine organisations commenced the online survey, of which 365 were valid social enterprises according to our definition. Based on pre-existing research data and information from our survey, we estimate that there are up to 20 000 Australian social enterprises. This estimate takes into account that some not for profit organisations have multiple business ventures, and that not all social enterprises are incorporated as not for profits. Our survey results suggest that the Australian social enterprise sector is mature, sustainable and internally diverse with regard to mission and organisational structure. Amongst the 365 survey respondents, 73% had been operational for at least five years, and 62% were at least 10 years old. Australian social enterprises seek to fulfil a diversity of missions and serve a wide variety of beneficiaries. As a whole, the dominant foci of our survey respondents were on creating opportunities for people to participate in their community, and on finding new solutions to social, environmental, cultural and economic problems. Australian social enterprises operate in every industry of our economy. Our survey data suggest that they trade predominantly in local and regional markets and focus on fulfilling their missions at local and regional goals. However, some social enterprises operate in international markets and seek to respond to missions of international scope

    O aspecto de fases em português contemporâneo

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    Separata de "Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de Linguística e Filoloxía Románicas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1989 / ed. Ramón Lorenzo. - A Coruña : Fundación "Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa", 1997. - Vol.1 : Lingüística teórica e lingüística sincrónica

    Itinerariol y Fases de un Programa Tipo

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    [From Introduction] Si bien el itinerario y las fases del proceso de empleo con apoyo son claros y definidos, la presentación que de él se haga puede variar según quien lo presente. Tratamos pues de exponer aquí el modelo y sus fases desde nuestra experiencia y entendimiento, sin pretender afirmar que este planteamiento sea el único. Igualmente, las actividades, herramientas y procedimientos, pueden enfocarse de diferentes maneras. Nuestro objetivo es realizar una propuesta que pueda ser útil al mayor número posible de profesionales que pretendan iniciar un servicio de empleo con apoyo

    Fases de Integração e o Século XXI

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    The present work was proposed in the course "GLOBALIZATION, REGIONALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT", taught in the Course of Economics of UNILA in the second semester of 2016, where some foundations for a contemporary interpretation of the South American Integration were constructed. Based on the analyzed literature and the expository meetings, this work was organized with the purpose of understanding the antecedents of the regional integration process and the approximation of Brazil to its neighbors. To this end, it is organized in sets of the main processes that help to explain the unfolding of South American regionalization, which we will call stages of integration. As the phases organized here are four, the last of which ends at an inflection point that opens precedents to suppose the emergence of a fifth phase or wave of integration. This assumption is indicated in the final considerations of the paper.As ondas de integração são distintas fases do processo de integração que prevaleceram ideologicamente na política econômica internacional dos Países Latino Americanos. Diversos autores, como Nilson Araujo de Souza, Raphael Padula, José Luís Fiori, Amado Cervo e Flávio Sombra Saraiva indicam fases, onde o Latino americanismo, o Pan-americanismo e o Sul americanismo foram suas respectivas bases ideológicas. Em nível de análise sistemática, as ondas começaram e terminaram com eventos históricos marcantes: a 1° fase foi permeada por Políticas Estratégicas dirigidas por Estados Nacionais, começando com o fim da 2° G.G., moldada pelo Consenso de Bretton Woods, pela Industrialização, a substituição de Importações e protecionismo econômico; a 2° fase é o fim da primeira, ela é conhecida como de regime aberto (mercadológica), começa a partir de 1991, sendo marcada pela queda do Muro de Berlim e governos Neoliberais, o fim da URSS e Unipolaridade Internacional; a 3° fase, 2003-2016, foi de integração Política Estratégica, marcada por governos progressistas da Argentina, Brasil e Venezuela e multipolaridade internacional. No entanto, esta última fase, aparentemente, pode estar com seus dias contatos devido ao processo atual de derrocada desses governos progressistas, principais motores desse processo, os quais estão sendo abruptamente substituídos por governos neoliberais, favoráveis às relações com países hegemônicos no sistema internacional, em detrimento dos da região Latino-americana. Esta última fase, deixa, portanto, em abertas as trajetórias possíveis, inclusive a de uma nova onda