103,149 research outputs found

    Developing an enterprising spirit among engineering college students : what are the educational factors ?

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    The purpose of this chapter is to further what can be called the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Indeed these words, although widely used, have not yet been properly defined in the literature as to how it is created, and what precise aspects can be enhanced through teaching activities. It is a matter of suggesting hypotheses in order to build up a model of how an Entrepreneurial Spirit is engendered among newly trained engineers. Our chapter is divided into four section. The first deals with the question of the definition of the Entrepreneurial Spirit: How does it arise prior to the decision to set up a business? How can the components of an Entrepreneurial Spirit be defined? We suggest a dynamic model. The second section deals with the factors leading to an Entrepreneurial Spirit among young engineers: What is the relevance of the educational background ? What are the possible teaching method variables within engineering college training? The third section presents methodological features of our research. The fourth section presents early results about the projective dimensions of our model of engineering students in 2004. As a conclusion, we present theoretical and practical implications of our research.entreprising spirit, entrepreneurship education

    Entrepreneurial Spirit Among University Students in Indonesia

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    The current era of globalization is driving a lot of competition. Competition is increasing, but it is not balanced with available job openings and causes educated unemployment to increase. Educated unemployment is increasing and encouraging people to try professions to become entrepreneurs. Based on previous research, entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit, on the other side entrepreneurial mindset has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit. Research conducted emphasizes the impact of entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit among undergraduate students in Surabaya. This research takes data. This data is taken from a private university in surabaya with management study program A accreditation with a total of seven private universities. Data obtained from distributed questionnaires 149 and returned 130 respondend with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit. This research can be developed by adding entrepreneurial education, innovation, and career choice variables. This research can be applied to undergraduate student in Indonesia that have management study programs


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    This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy and family environment on entrepreneurial spirit through personality. This research is a quantitative study using an approachcluster proportional sampling with primary data by distributing questionnaires to vocational high school students in Surabaya. The number of samples in this study were 180 vocational students. The data analysis method uses SEM. The results showed that entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial personality, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial personality, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality, entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial spirit, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial spirit, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial personality influences entrepreneurial spirit entrepreneurship.

    Entrepreneurial Spirit

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    David Trone is building one of the nation\u27s top retail chains

    Entrepreneurial Spirit

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    Entrepreneurial Spirit

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    Do you believe there\u27s something inherent about agriculture or life sciences that (pardon the express) provides a rich soil for growing entrepreneurs? Roger Underwood: Absolutely! Agriculture and life sciences are changing rapidly due to the many input advancements in seed (genetics), equipment and services and output advances such as food, energy and feed utilization. In all of these changes there is unending opportunity for entrepreneurs to create new value. Entrepreneurs thrive when any market is changing rapidly so the ag and life sciences markets are ripe for entrepreneurship. Charles Sukup: There really is something with agriculture and the people in it that see the day-in and day-out risk that contributes to an entrepreneurial attitude. Farming is being independent and being an entrepreneur. You\u27re in control of many things, but in the big picture you;re not in control of weather, government programs or markets. You have to focus on what you can control. That is a good analogy for all sorts of entrepreneurs

    Analisis Kepemilikan Jiwa Kewirausahaan: Evaluasi Outcome Pendidikan Menengah di Jawa

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    : Entrepreneurial Spirit Analysis: Outcome Evaluation of Secondary Education in Java. Education has central role in forming character and entrepreneurial spirit. Since Indonesia has less than 2% of its inhabitants as entrepreneurs, education of entrepreneurship becomes urgent. According to Drucker, a country would be prosperous if its inhabitants have entrepreneurial spirit. The question is, why entrepreneurial spirit plays an important role in organization development, business, and self development? The answer is that entrepreneurship trains people to become self-supporting, creative, innovative, competitive, result oriented, fond of challenges, hard working, and so on. Result of evaluation on entrepreneurial spirit of high school education outcome in 5 towns in Java in 2011 indicates that they do not have entrepreneurship spirit as expected by the standard of competence for SMA/ SMK graduates

    Internalisasi soft skills dan minat kewirausahaan dalam pembentukan jiwa kewirausahaan:

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of internalization of soft skills and entrepreneurial interest in the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students in MAN in Kuningan Regency. The method used in this study is an explanatory survey method with data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires to students of MAN in Kuningan Regency. The research instrument used has been tested for validity and reliability. The population of this research is all students of MAN in Kuningan Regency as many as 2,123 students, while based on Slovin calculation, the sample is 355 students. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression. The results showed that: 1) the level of internalization of soft skills, entrepreneurial interest and entrepreneurial spirit of students were in the high category. 2) internalization of soft skills has an effect on the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit. 3) interest in entrepreneurship affects the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit. 4) internationalization of soft skills and entrepreneurial interest have an effect on the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit. These findings indicate that to form an entrepreneurial spirit, it is necessary to increase the internalization of soft skills and interest in entrepreneurship

    The Improvement of Etrepreneurial Interest Through Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Sprit and Entrepreneurship Motivation

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    This study aimed to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship spirit and entrepreneurship motivation on the entrepreneurial interest of Muria Kudus University students. The population consisted of 865 students who enrolled a compulsory students entrepreneurial skills training. The sample was 125 students. Data analysis was done using AMOS for (SEM) Structural Equation Modelling. The results showed thatentrepreneurship education had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial interest. Entrepreneurship spirit had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial interest. Entrepreneurship education had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurship motivation. Entrepreneurihip spirit had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurship motivation. Entrepreneurship motivation had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial interest.Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Spirit, Entrepreneurship Motivation, and Entrepreneurial Interes

    The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Process of Development

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    This research suggests that the evolution of entrepreneurial spirit played a significant role in the process of economic development and the dynamics of inequality within and across societies. The study argues that entrepreneurial spirit evolved non-monotonically in the course of human history. In early stages of development, the rise in income generated an evolutionary advantage to entrepreneurial, growth promoting traits and their increased representation accelerated the pace of technological progress and the process of economic development. Natural selection therefore had magnified growth promoting activities in relatively wealthier economies as well as within the upper segments of societies, enlarging the income gap within as well as across societies. In mature stages of development, however, non-entrepreneurial individuals gained an evolutionary advantage, diminishing the growth potential of advanced economies and contributing to the convergence of the intermediate level economies to the advanced ones.Elasticity of Substitution, Growth, Technological Progress, Evolution, Natural Selection
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