1,061 research outputs found

    A Survey on IT-Techniques for a Dynamic Emergency Management in Large Infrastructures

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    This deliverable is a survey on the IT techniques that are relevant to the three use cases of the project EMILI. It describes the state-of-the-art in four complementary IT areas: Data cleansing, supervisory control and data acquisition, wireless sensor networks and complex event processing. Even though the deliverable’s authors have tried to avoid a too technical language and have tried to explain every concept referred to, the deliverable might seem rather technical to readers so far little familiar with the techniques it describes

    An efficient scheduling method for grid systems based on a hierarchical stochastic petri net

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    This paper addresses the problem of resource scheduling in a grid computing environment. One of the main goals of grid computing is to share system resources among geographically dispersed users, and schedule resource requests in an efficient manner. Grid computing resources are distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic, and autonomous, which makes resource scheduling a complex problem. This paper proposes a new approach to resource scheduling in grid computing environments, the hierarchical stochastic Petri net (HSPN). The HSPN optimizes grid resource sharing, by categorizing resource requests in three layers, where each layer has special functions for receiving subtasks from, and delivering data to, the layer above or below. We compare the HSPN performance with the Min-min and Max-min resource scheduling algorithms. Our results show that the HSPN performs better than Max-min, but slightly underperforms Min-min

    Preliminaries of orthogonal layered defence using functional and assurance controls in industrial control systems

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    Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) are responsible for the automation of different processes and the overall control of systems that include highly sensitive potential targets such as nuclear facilities, energy-distribution, water-supply, and mass-transit systems. Given the increased complexity and rapid evolvement of their threat landscape, and the fact that these systems form part of the Critical National infrastructure (CNI), makes them an emerging domain of conflict, terrorist attacks, and a playground for cyberexploitation. Existing layered-defence approaches are increasingly criticised for their inability to adequately protect against resourceful and persistent adversaries. It is therefore essential that emerging techniques, such as orthogonality, be combined with existing security strategies to leverage defence advantages against adaptive and often asymmetrical attack vectors. The concept of orthogonality is relatively new and unexplored in an ICS environment and consists of having assurance control as well as functional control at each layer. Our work seeks to partially articulate a framework where multiple functional and assurance controls are introduced at each layer of ICS architectural design to further enhance security while maintaining critical real-time transfer of command and control traffic

    Smart grid

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016The SG concept arises from the fact that there is an increase in global energy consumption. One of the factors delaying an energetic paradigm change worldwide is the electric grids. Even though there is no specific definition for the SG concept there are several characteristics that describe it. Those features represent several advantages relating to reliability and efficiency. The most important one is the two way flow of energy and information between utilities and consumers. The infrastructures in standard grids and the SG can classified the same way but the second one has several components contributing for monitoring and management improvement. The SG’s management system allows peak reduction, using several techniques underlining many advantages like controlling costs and emissions. Furthermore, it presents a new concept called demand response that allows consumers to play an important role in the electric systems. This factor brings benefits for utilities, consumers and the whole grid but it increases problems in security and that is why the SG relies in a good protection system. There are many schemes and components to create it. The MG can be considered has an electric grid in small scale which can connect to the whole grid. To implement a MG it is necessary economic and technical studies. For that, software like HOMER can be used. However, the economic study can be complex because there are factors that are difficult to evaluate beyond energy selling. On top of that, there are legislation and incentive programs that should be considered. Two case studies prove that MG can be profitable. In the first study, recurring to HOMER, and a scenario with energy selling only, it was obtained a 106% reduction on production cost and 32% in emissions. The installer would have an 8000000profitintheMGslifetime.Inthesecondcase,itwasconsideredeconomicservicesrelatedtopeakloadreduction,reliability,emissionreductionandpowerquality.TheDNOhadaprofitof8 000 000 profit in the MG’s lifetime. In the second case, it was considered economic services related to peak load reduction, reliability, emission reduction and power quality. The DNO had a profit of 41,386, the MG owner had 29,319profitandtheconsumershada29,319 profit and the consumers had a 196,125 profit. We can conclude that the MG with SG concepts can be profitable in many cases

    Modern Fault Diagnosis in Power Systems Based on 5G Networks

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    The future power system will be dynamic, requiring Intelligent control, reliable protection, and fast communication. Modern concepts in power systems, such as smart grids, involve bidirectional power flow and two-way communication. Conventional protection schemes and fault diagnosis methods are unsuitable for future power systems. This study proposes a modern fault diagnosis that integrates 5G's reliable communication and AI. 5G's URLLC, mMTC, and edge computing can bring significant advantages to the applications of power systems. In this study, a concept of intelligent fault diagnosis is proposed, which utilizes a 5G network and AI. This work is divided into two main sections. The first section develops an ML-based power system protection model in MATLAB, and the second section deals with Simulating a 5G communication network is OMNeT ++. ML algorithm developed for power system protection achieved fault detection with an accuracy of 99% and isolated faults within 7ms. The standalone 5G network without an edge computing server achieved a round trip network latency of 20 ms

    Bibliographical review on cyber attacks from a control oriented perspective

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    This paper presents a bibliographical review of definitions, classifications and applications concerning cyber attacks in networked control systems (NCSs) and cyber-physical systems (CPSs). This review tackles the topic from a control-oriented perspective, which is complementary to information or communication ones. After motivating the importance of developing new methods for attack detection and secure control, this review presents security objectives, attack modeling, and a characterization of considered attacks and threats presenting the detection mechanisms and remedial actions. In order to show the properties of each attack, as well as to provide some deeper insight into possible defense mechanisms, examples available in the literature are discussed. Finally, open research issues and paths are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ensemble-based network edge processing

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    Estimating energy costs for an industrial process can be computationally intensive and time consuming, especially as it can involve data collection from different (distributed) monitoring sensors. Industrial processes have an implicit complexity involving the use of multiple appliances (devices/ sub-systems) attached to operation schedules, electrical capacity and optimisation setpoints which need to be determined for achieving operational cost objectives. Addressing the complexity associated with an industrial workflow (i.e. range and type of tasks) leads to increased requirements on the computing infrastructure. Such requirements can include achieving execution performance targets per processing unit within a particular size of infrastructure i.e. processing & data storage nodes to complete a computational analysis task within a specific deadline. The use of ensemblebased edge processing is identifed to meet these Quality of Service targets, whereby edge nodes can be used to distribute the computational load across a distributed infrastructure. Rather than relying on a single edge node, we propose the combined use of an ensemble of such nodes to overcome processing, data privacy/ security and reliability constraints. We propose an ensemble-based network processing model to facilitate distributed execution of energy simulations tasks within an industrial process. A scenario based on energy profiling within a fisheries plant is used to illustrate the use of an edge ensemble. The suggested approach is however general in scope and can be used in other similar application domains