1,502 research outputs found

    Image resolution enhancement using dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    In this letter, a complex wavelet-domain image resolution enhancement algorithm based on the estimation of wavelet coefficients is proposed. The method uses a forward and inverse dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) to construct a high-resolution (HR) image from the given low-resolution (LR) image. The HR image is reconstructed from the LR image, together with a set of wavelet coefficients, using the inverse DT-CWT. The set of wavelet coefficients is estimated from the DT-CWT decomposition of the rough estimation of the HR image. Results are presented and discussed on very HR QuickBird data, through comparisons between state-of-the-art resolution enhancement methods

    Using the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for Improved Fabric Defect Detection

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    Published ArticleThe dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) solves the problems of shift variance and low directional selectivity in two and higher dimensions found with the commonly used discrete wavelet transform (DWT). It has been proposed for applications such as texture classification and content-based image retrieval. In this paper, the performance of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform for fabric defect detection is evaluated. As experimental samples, the fabric images from TILDA, a textile texture database from the Workgroup on Texture Analysis of the German Research Council (DFG), are used. The mean energies of real and imaginary parts of complex wavelet coefficients taken separately are identified as effective features for the purpose of fabric defect detection. Then it is shown that the use of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform yields greater performance as compared to the undecimated wavelet transform (UDWT) with a detection rate of 4.5% to 15.8% higher depending on the fabric type

    A novel Watermarking Technique Based on Hybrid Transforms

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    This paper proposed Anovel watermarking scheme using hybrid of  Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and singular value decomposition . Image watermarking is to embed copyright data in image bit streams. Our proposed technique demonestrates  the effective and robust of image watermarking algorithms using a hybrid of two strong mathematical transforms; the 2-level Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This technique shows high level of security and robustness against attacks. The algorithm was tested for imperceptibility and robustness and the results were compared with DWT-SVD-based technique, it is shown that the proposed watermarking schemes is considerably more robust and effective

    The near shift-invariance of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform revisited

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    The dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) is an enhancement of the conventional discrete wavelet transform (DWT) due to a higher degree of shift-invariance and a greater directional selectivity, finding its applications in signal and image processing. This paper presents a quantitative proof of the superiority of the DTCWT over the DWT in case of modulated wavelets.Comment: 15 page

    Rotationally invariant texture features using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    Satellite Image Enhancement Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform

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    Drawback of losing high frequency components suffers the resolution enhancement. In this project, wavelet domain based image resolution enhancement technique using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) is proposed for resolution enhancement of the satellite images. Input images are decomposed by using DT-CWT in this proposed enhancement technique. Inverse DT-CWT is used to generate a new resolution enhanced image from the interpolation of high-frequency sub band images and the input low-resolution image. Intermediate stage has been proposed for estimating the high frequency sub bands to achieve a sharper image. It has been tested on benchmark images from public database. Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and visual results show the dominance of the proposed technique over the predictable and state-of-art image resolution enhancement techniques


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    ABSTRAKSI: Seperti telah kita ketahui, pada setiap sistem komunikasi derau selalu muncul dalam proses pengiriman informasi. Hal ini mengakibatkan informasi yang diterima mengalami gangguan sehingga hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengiriman sinyal informasi ini, diperlukan proses pereduksi derau. Pentingnya pereduksi derau pada sistem informasi khususnya informasi berupa citra, bertujuan agar hasil citra yang dihasilkan lebih akurat dan mendekati aslinya. Banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk merestorasi citra. Pada tugas akhir ini akan digunakan analisa perbandingan antara metode Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) dengan suatu metode dari tranformasi wavelet baru yang bernama Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT), dimana pada metode baru ini merupakan evolusi dari DWT yang menggunakan 2 tree untuk menghasilkan bagian real dan imaginer dari koefisien komplek. Yang akan di gunakan untuk penghilangan noise, dimana noise yang akan dipakai adalah noise Gaussian. Sedangkan level dekomposisi yang dipakai adalah level 1, 2, 3, dan 4, yang masingmasing parameter tersebut di inputkan secara bergantian untuk melihat kinerjanya dalam mereduksi noise. Pada tugas akhir ini didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan menggunakan metode DTCWT menghasilkan performansi yang lebih baik dari pada DWT ketika input noise lebih besar dari 18 dB. DTCWT memberikan penampilan tepi gambar yang lebih memfokus bila dibandingkan dengan DWT yang memberikan hasil tampilan yang lebih pudar atau blur. Pada kondisi terburuk (SNR input = 0 dB), tingkat performansi yang didapatkan baik DWT maupun DTCWT sangat kecil, sehingga didapatkan nilai SNR yang negatif karena adanya faktor perkalian dengan log. Untuk penilaian subyektif, citra hasil DTCWT memiliki nilai diatas 3.00 yang berarti citra yang diamati memiliki kualitas yang baik bila dibandingkan dengan DWT.Kata Kunci : *ABSTRACT: Like we have known, in each communications system noise always emerge in course of information delivery. This matter result the information accepted experience of the trouble so that its result disagree with expected. To increase quality of this delivery signal information, needed process of denoising. Denoising its Important in communications system specially information in the form of image, aim so that image result yielded more accurate and come near its genuiness. A lot of method which can be used for the restoration of image. In this final assignment will be used comparison between Discrete Wavelet Transform ( DWT) with a new transformation wavelet method which called Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) because this method is an evolution from DWT, which they used dual-tree to generated a real and imaginer part from coefficient complex. Both method is used for denoising, and the gaussian noise will we used to distorted an image. While level dekomposisi weared is level 1, 2, 3, and 4, which each the parameter input by turns to see its performance in reducing noise. In this project, DTCWT will give better result than DWT while the noise input more than 18 dB and DTCWT will given accurate in edge of image. In a bad condition (SNR input = 0 dB), both of that method will give the negative result, because additional with parameter log. For subjectivity, DTCWT have result 3, about that result DTCWT give a better quality than DWT.Keyword:

    Using the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for Improved Fabric Defect Detection

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    The dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) solves the problems of shift variance and low directional selectivity in two and higher dimensions found with the commonly used discrete wavelet transform (DWT). It has been proposed for applications such as texture classification and content-based image retrieval. In this paper, the performance of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform for fabric defect detection is evaluated. As experimental samples, the fabric images from TILDA, a textile texture database from the Workgroup on Texture Analysis of the German Research Council (DFG), are used. The mean energies of real and imaginary parts of complex wavelet coefficients taken separately are identified as effective features for the purpose of fabric defect detection. Then it is shown that the use of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform yields greater performance as compared to the undecimated wavelet transform (UDWT) with a detection rate of 4.5% to 15.8% higher depending on the fabric type

    Impelementasi dan Analisis Metode Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) untuk Mengurangi Noise pada Audio <br><br> Implementation and Analysis Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) Method With Thresholding Technique For Audio Noise Reduction

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    ABSTRAKSI: Kebutuhan untuk mendapatkan audio yang terbebas dari noise saat ini cukup pesat. Setiap orang tentunya menginginkan agar audio dapat didengar dengan baik tanpa adanya noise yang mengganggu. Dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, noise pada audio dapat dihilangkan melalui proses denoising (pengurangan noise audio). Tugas akhir ini menggunakan teknik thresholding DTCWT sebagai metode untuk membuat sistem pengurangan noise audio. Melalui penentuan parameter ambang batas (nilai threshold), antara sinyal audio dan sinyal noise terlebih dahulu dibatasi. Setelah itu dengan menggunakan teknik thresholding sinyal yang diketahui sebagai noise kemudian dihilangkan. Dua teknik untuk menghilangkan koefisien noise ini adalah dengan hard dan soft thresholding Sedangkan DTCWT digunakan karena mampu merekonstriksi sinyal dengan baik. Dengan memanfaatkan bagian imajiner dari DTCWT, sinyal yang hilang akibat proses thresholding pada bagian ril dapat digantikan keberadaanya oleh bagian imajiner.Kata Kunci : denoising, DTCWT, hard thresholding, soft thresholdingABSTRACT: Necessity to get free-noise audio is very rapidly right now. Of course, everyone wants the audio can be heard very well without any disturbing noise. With current technology, noise in the audio can be eliminated through the process of denoising (audio noise reduction). This final project uses DTCWT thresholding technique as a method for making audio noise reduction system. Through determination of the threshold parameters (threshold value), between the audio signal and noise signal is restricted. After that, by using a thresholding technique, signal known as the noise will be removed. Two techniques to eliminate this noise coefficient is with the hard and soft thresholding. While DTCWT is used because it could well perform signal reconstruction. By leveraging the imaginary part of DTCWT, the signal that lost due to thresholding process on the real part can be repaleced existence by imaginary part.Keyword: denoising, DTCWT, hard thresholding, and soft thresholdin

    Pose Invariant Face Recognition Using DT-CWT Partitioning and KPCA

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    In this paper the suitability of Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for pose invariant Face Recognition is studied and a feature extraction frame work is proposed. This proposed framework will aid in design of Face Recognition system to address the challenging issue like Pose Variation. In contrast to the discrete wavelet Transform (DWT) the design of Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform is rugged to shift Invariance and poses good directional properties. These features of DT-CWT motivated to study their suitability for Face Feature Extraction, as the features of face are oriented in different directions. In this proposed frame work the Image is decomposed using DT-CWT and the features are extracted from low frequency band using Kernel Principal Component analysis (KPCA). To show the performance, the proposed method is tested on ORL Database. Satisfactory results are obtained using proposed method compared to existing state of art