1,386 research outputs found

    Kreacja z niczego. Propaganda faszystowska w Litzmannstadt

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    Artykuł omawia działalność propagandy nazistowskiej w Litzmannstadt. Propaguje ona centralne pojęcia ideologii faszystowskiej, takie jak Volk, ziemia i przywództwo w walce. Celem działania politycznego i militarnego jest przywrócenie i utrzymanie zdolności dominacji kulturowej nad innymi narodami. Państwo nazistowskie jest jednolite etnicznie, językowo i rasowo – nie zna pojęcia tolerancji wobec mniejszości etnicznych. Istotną cechą tej propagandy jest jej wpływ na działania organów administracyjnych.The article discusses activities of the Nazi propaganda in Litzmannstadt (Nazi name for Lodz, Poland). Said propaganda promoted central concepts of fascist ideology such as Volk, land and leadership in battle. The goal of political and military action was to restore and maintain the cultural domination over other nations. The Nazi state was ethnically, linguistically and racially uniform – it lacked the concept of tolerance towards ethnic minorities. An important feature of this propaganda was its impact on the activities of administrative organs


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    Artykuł ten jest próbą przedstawienia działalności sieci placówek, instytucji i organizacji zajmujących się współpracą polsko-niemiecką w dziedzinie kultury w Polsce i w Niemczech. Zawiera omówienie najważniejszych podstaw prawnych oraz przybliża modele funkcjonowania i misje organizacji państwowych, placówek dyplomatycznych, fundacji, miast partnerskich, towarzystw, współpracę młodzieży, działalność mediów na tym polu oraz najważniejsze wydarzenia kulturalne ostatnich lat

    Kodeks Makarewicza w opiniach niemieckich autorów

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    Odstępstwa od narodowości polskiej w latach 1939-1945

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    Odstępstwa od narodowości polskiej stały się istotnym problemem w czasie wojny i po jej zakończeniu. Zjawisko to było skutkiem prowadzonej przez okupanta polityki germanizacyjnej, która zakładała wzmocnienie niemieckiego potencjału na ziemiach wcielonych do Rzeszy. Narzędziem tej polityki stała się niemiecka lista narodowościowa (Deutsche Volksliste – DVL). W wyniku dobrowolnych i prowadzonych pod przymusem wpisów na listę tę zarejestrowano około trzech milionów obywateli mieszkających na terenie przedwojennej Polski. Zakwalifi kowanie do jednej z czterech grup volksdeutschów niosło za sobą zarówno przywileje, jak i obowiązki. Dla wielu osób wpis na listę stał się sposobem na przetrwanie okupacji, zachowanie majątku, uniknięcie wysiedlenia, represji czy obozu koncentracyjneg

    Prawne aspekty położenia mniejszości narodowych na Górnym Śląsku w latach 1918-1939

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    This paper discusses the legal situation of German and Polish ethnic minorities in Upper Silesia, which was divided between Germany and Poland in the wake of uprisings (1919-1921) and the plebiscite of March 1921. The discussion concentrates on the provisions of the Upper Silesia Convention (known also as the Geneva Convention) concluded by the German Reich and the Republic of Poland for fi fteen years under the auspices of the League of Nations in May 1922. Emphasis is laid on the main provisions, including the so-called fundamental rights of minorities (Art. 64-68), which were meant to ensure equal treatment and free development in the spheres of language, education, religion, etc. to ethnic minorities. The discussion also touches upon other issues – which were not fully regulated by the Convention – concerning the interpretation of the term ‘ethnic minority’ at the League of Nations and other organisations and institutions (Inter-Allied Mixed Commission for Upper Silesia), as well as in the prevailing legal opinions in Germany and Poland at that time. On the example of the views of such jurists as Bruns, Flachtbarth, Walz, Cybichowski, Kierski and Kostanecki, arguments and controversies are shown which surrounded the criteria for defi ning ethnic minorities. Over this matter two views clashed. The fi rst and more popular held a person to be member of an ethnic minority if he or she expressed their bona fi de will to be counted as one (subjective criterion). The second was based on the assumption of objective membership in an ethnic minority (criteria of language, religion, culture and tradition). In the author’s opinion, the Upper Silesia Convention contributed to the reduction of ethnic tensions in the area where it was enforced

    „Kolano” (1995-2001) – czasopismo literacko-kulturalne z Berlina

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    „Kolano” było polskim czasopismem redagowanym i wydawanym w Berlinie przez Leszka Oświęcimskiego i Piotra Mordela. Między 1995 i 2001 r. opublikowali oni 17 numerów tego magazynu. Jego tematyka koncentrowała się wokół: poezji, prozy, publicystyki oraz informacji związanych z działalnością Związku Polskich Nieudaczników. Promował on przede wszystkim młodych autorów i artystów, którzy opuścili Polskę w latach 80. i 90., po rewolucji solidarnościowej. Niektóre zeszyty „Kolana” były częściowo dwujęzyczne (polsko-niemieckie). W Polsce periodyk ten jest obecnie trudno dostępny. Jego pełną kolekcją dysponuje wyłącznie Maria Kalczyńska z Opola i Jan Wolski z Rzeszowa. Artykuł zawiera informacje dotyczące twórców czasopisma, jego zawartości tematycznej, strony edytorsko-wydawniczej, form kolportażu i promocji

    Piłka nożna i rekonstrukcje niemieckiej tożsamości narodowej

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    The article is aimed at analysing the relationship between football and ways of reconstructing the German national identity. At the beginning the origin of football in Germany is decribed. Than the role of „Berno Miracle” (German world championship in 1954) in creation the postwar new German identity is considered as well as the role of football in presenting „new Germany” to the world in the 2006 world championship organized by Germany. At the end the stereotypes considering the connections between German style of play and German „national character” are presented.The article is aimed at analysing the relationship between football and ways of reconstructing the German national identity. At the beginning the origin of football in Germany is decribed. Than the role of „Berno Miracle” (German world championship in 1954) in creation the postwar new German identity is considered as well as the role of football in presenting „new Germany” to the world in the 2006 world championship organized by Germany. At the end the stereotypes considering the connections between German style of play and German „national character” are presented

    W sprawie wpływów języka niemieckiego na polszczyznę

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    The basic and underlying assumption for the article is that the hitherto written literature of the subject lacks a general and comprehensive work combining and integrating the state-of-the-art knowledge on Polish and German linguistic contacts, particularly within the scope of the extent and the nature of this influence. Hence, attempts have been made to provide a holistic presentation of the most important results of the influence of German on Polish, including into the scope of interest not only standard Germanisms to be found in dictionaries (from the oldest ones to the most recent), but also the effects of this influence on Polish dialects, regional varieties of non-standard Polish and sociolectals, the influence of the German language within the scope of word formation, including loan translations of various kinds and phraseological units, commonly used sayings and proverbs, and, finally, proper nouns, anthroponyms and place names existing in the Polish–language areas in particular, as well as eponyms

    Problematyka niemcoznawcza w Bydgoszczy

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    Bydgoszcz is one of many cities of the region formerly annexed by Prussia, which history is burdened by the Prussian-German heritage. Its Polish-German past makes it a borderland city. An interest in the Polish-German border area led to establishing of a certain topic of German studies in Poland, understood as striving to explore Germany, its past and present, but also a field of education, interest in the German past of the city, and existence of a center of German studies. During the interwar period, German studies were conducted by the Baltic Institute in Toruń and Poznań University. After World War II, the main research centers involved in German politics and society were the Institute of Western Affairs in Poznań, the Silesian Institute in Opole, and the Baltic Institute in Gdańsk. It would seem obvious that in the time of social and political changes in Poland in 1989/1990, a center for German studies and field of education similar to the ones operating in Gdańsk, Poznań, Cracow and Wrocław would be established in Bydgoszcz. However, it did not happen, which can be described as a wasted opportunity. We also need to mention that Professor Włodzimierz Jastrzębski, a scientist from Bydgoszcz put a lot of effort into establishing a local center for German studies. It resulted in conferences and publications dedicated to the Polish-German border area based on the example of Bydgoszcz. In German studies, Bydgoszcz as a subject of research is an important city that still needs to be explored by researchers. Lack of a center for German studies in Bydgoszcz is a loss that is hard to be made up for. Development of a proper model of memory about the past of Bydgoszcz was a challenge for local German studies

    Prusko-niemieckie państwo prawa a polska mniejszość w Prusach (1815–1914) Stan badań i postulaty badawcze

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    The author presents a new research project on the concept of the rule of law in the nineteenth century Germany, in view relative to the Polish national minority, living in the prussian provinces of Posen and Westpreussen. This paper presents the thesis and research perspectives, requiring extended analysis: such as the genesis and content of the Prussian-German concept of the rule of law or a question of system administration bodies and institutions of protection of fundamental rights. Finally, to obtain answer to a question about the degree of eff ective legal protection of Polish citizens in Prussia and the German Reich the analyze, even limited, the administrative and judicial practice is required element – especially jurisprudence of the administrative courts, including Oberverwaltungsgericht in Berlin. The author presents the current state of research into the history of Polish territories under Prussian rule, and the Prussian- German policy towards the Polish minority, the key position of a synthesis, monographs and minor papers