339 research outputs found

    IBM Worklight as a tool for cross platform mobile development

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    A cross-platform mobile development for accelerating software development lifecycle

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    This paper presents and discusses the benefit of cross-platform development. The purpose is to demonstrate the advantages of the cross-platform framework .NET MAUI. The mobile application was designed according to a cross-platform approach to reach the broadest possible audience of customers, saving time and effort in development and maintenance. The code is fully shared between mobile platforms (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Web) allowing customers to use the application on any device.Однією з найважливіших частин кожної програми є вибір мови та фреймворку, на якому вона буде розроблятись. Але досить складно визначити, яким має бути хороший фреймворк для розробки програмного забезпечення, адже на це питання немає єдиної правильної відповіді. В цілому, він повинен робити програмні продукти дешевшими у розробці та обслуговуванні, бути гнучким при виявленні помилок, розширюваним та придатним для довгострокового використання, адаптивним до вимог та змін; при додаванні функцій продуктивність не повинна знижуватися. Хороший фреймворк допомагає підтримувати якість програмного забезпечення протягом усього терміну його служби. Однак навіть найкращі проєкти зазвичай зазнають труднощів при виборі правильного фрейморку на початковому етапі. Завжди важливо думати про довгострокову перспективу, створюючи програмне забезпечення, щоб зробити його функціональним одразу і в той же час дозволити підтримку розвитку та будь-яких змін. Це може заощадити час розробників, обслуговуючи мінливі вимоги клієнтів. Вибір правильного фреймворку має вирішальне значення, тому що після створення продукту його вже досить складно і дорого змінити. У цій статті розглядається крос-платформний фреймворк .NET MAUI. Проаналізовано його переваги порівняно з іншими фреймворками. Ця інформація може допомогти при виборі фреймворку при розробці власного продукту. Також детально розглянуто його застосування на прикладі розробки авторського кросплатформового додатка “Draw & GO”

    Using of Delphi visual cross-platform mobile development in project-based learning

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    Requirements of the new education standards for schools introduced compulsory execution of research projects by students, and the projects must have a practical value, the inter-subject relations and active use of information and communication technologies. Creation and rapid development of mobile applications for different platforms in a Delphi environment ideally suited for inclusion in project learning. Experience with the product based on team competition School of real cases has shown real results in the short term. This school received hands-on experience and practical skills essential for future students of any specialties and answer the question of early professional profiling of students in the school, including in the framework of further educationТребования новых стандартов образования для школ вводят обязательное выполнение научных проектов учащимися, при этом проекты должны иметь прикладное значение, межпредметные связи и активно использовать информационные и коммуникационные технологии. Создание и быстрая прикладная разработка мобильных приложений для разных платформ в среде Delphi XE7 оптимально подходит для включения в проектное обучение. Опыт использования продукта на базе командного конкурса «Школа реальных дел» показал реальные результаты в достаточно сжатый срок. Такой полученный в школе практический опыт и практические навыки важны для будущих студентов любых специальностей и отвечают на вопрос раннего профессионального профилирования учащихся в школе, в том числе и в рамках дополнительного образовани

    An Empirical Investigation of Performance Overhead in Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks

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    The heterogeneity of the leading mobile platforms in terms of user interfaces, user experience, programming language, and ecosystem have made cross-platform development frameworks popular. These aid the creation of mobile applications – apps – that can be executed across the target platforms (typically Android and iOS) with minimal to no platform-specific code. Due to the cost- and time-saving possibilities introduced through adopting such a framework, researchers and practitioners alike have taken an interest in the underlying technologies. Examining the body of knowledge, we, nonetheless, frequently encounter discussions on the drawbacks of these frameworks, especially with regard to the performance of the apps they generate. Motivated by the ongoing discourse and a lack of empirical evidence, we scrutinised the essential piece of the cross-platform frameworks: the bridge enabling cross-platform code to communicate with the underlying operating system and device hardware APIs. The study we present in the article benchmarks and measures the performance of this bridge to reveal its associated overhead in Android apps. The development of the artifacts for this experiment was conducted using five cross-platform development frameworks to generate Android apps, in addition to a baseline native Android app implementation. Our results indicate that – for Android apps – the use of cross-platform frameworks for the development of mobile apps may lead to decreased performance compared to the native development approach. Nevertheless, certain cross-platform frameworks can perform equally well or even better than native on certain metrics which highlights the importance of well-defined technical requirements and specifications for deliberate selection of a cross-platform framework or overall development approach.publishedVersio

    Baseline Requirements for Comparative Research on Cross-Platform Mobile Development: A Literature Survey

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    Technical implementations are common in computing research to objectively assess hypotheses. In mobile computing, and more specifically within research on cross-platform mobile development, such implementations are usually in the form of mobile apps. Due to the lack of a common ground for research on app development, studies tend to lack depth and miss out on possible contributions. In an attempt to better the situation, we propose a technical baseline for future research on cross-platform app development to draw from based on previous studies’ technical implementations. We assess and scrutinize existing literature to find trends, and use the generated knowledge to lay out the baseline proposa

    Identifying Trade-offs Associated with Cross-platform Mobile Development Tools

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    Native app development is still the primary development method on Android and iOS, the two major platforms for mobile devices. The development process for building an app for more than one platform with the native approach is slow and expensive. Although cross-platform mobile development tools (CPDTs for short) allow building apps for more than one platform using a single codebase, application of such tools has traditionally required considerable sacrifices in terms of performance, resource use and user experience. In recent years, a new generation of CPDTs has emerged that once again raise hopes of achieving the "write once, run everywhere" ideal. However, few studies have systematically assessed trade-offs associated with such recent CPDTs. This thesis sought to identify some of the practical trade-offs between data-driven apps built by modern CPDTs when compared amongst themselves and against their native counterparts. The thesis established and applied a quantitative evaluation framework for investigation of the trade-offs between modern CPDTs with respect to responsiveness, convenience of use, resource use, performance, and developer experience. The study first identified three modern CPDTs: Flutter, React Native and PWA (Progressive Web Apps) based on perceived developer interest. The thesis then developed a three-fold evaluation system. For each evaluation component, an app was designed and developed for each baseline comparator (i.e., Android native and iOS native). This work then developed an app implementing the same design for each CPDT (i.e., Flutter, React Native and PWA). For that evaluation component, such evaluation-specific apps were then compared to one another. The first component of the evaluation investigated trade-offs associated with responsiveness and convenience of use, using measurements of three defined metrics: launch time, navigation time and size of the installer. The second evaluation component investigated trade-offs related to resource use and performance by implementing a set of resource-intensive tests to measure relevant metrics. The third and final component of the evaluation focused on trade-offs associated with the developer experience by measuring three metrics: lines of code, cyclomatic complexity, and build time across multi-page data-driven apps developed separately using each development method. The responsiveness and convenience of use evaluation found some trade-offs imposed by CPDTs, with those being especially notable on the iOS platform. The resource use and performance evaluation results demonstrated that while native approaches retain an edge in resource use and performance, modern CPDTs are shrinking the gap --- and, in some cases, outperforming native apps. The results of the developer experience evaluation showed that CPDTs could significantly improve the developer experience by requiring development and maintenance of just a single, shared body of source code that is less complex and requires fewer lines of code, in contrast to the per-platform sets of lower-level source code required in the native approach. This study conducted the first quantitative study investigating the trade-offs of modern CPDTs from the developer experience perspective, and provided empirical evidence regarding such trade-offs. Through the use of dedicated resource-intensive tests, this study also serves as one of the first quantitative studies to provide insight on the resource use and performance overhead imposed by modern CPDTs. All of the artifacts developed in this work, including the multi-page data-driven apps and dedicated resource-intensive tests, are accessible in public open-source repositories

    Cross-platform development frameworks : overview of contemporary technologies and methods for cross-platform application development

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    This is paper provides an overview of the technologies currently (2016) available and in development which allow the development of cross-platform applications. Both server-side and client-side applications are considered, as well as applications for web, desktop and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. A web-based approach is recommended for the development of truly cross-platform applications across devices and operating system. Topics discussed include the contemporary background within which cross-platform technologies are developing, full-stack web development using a MEAN stack, cross-platform mobile development methodologies and web-based desktop application development.peer-reviewe


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    Abstrak— Mobile based application is now very quick todeploy. This is in line with the availability of smartphone devicesavailable in the market and supported by the prices are gettingcheaper. Different types of platforms available on smartphonessuch as Android, iOS, Windows Phone (WP) and the Blackberry,forcing application developers to be able to adjust to the needs ofusers with a variety of smartphone platforms. To overcome this,the emerging framework that provides solutions phonegap crossplatformissues. Phonegap itself is a hybrid applicationdevelopment platform that allows users to build mobile appsusing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS). Experiments werecarried out in this research is to build a dictionary application ofscientific plant names into Indonesian. This trial resulted inmobile apps on android and windows mobile platform that canbe build without a hitch. While on iOS development constrainedin license certificate.Keyword— Framework Phonegap, Cross-platform, hybrid mobiledevelopment, HTML5 applications, hybrid programming.Intisari - Aplikasi berbasis mobile saat ini sangat cepat dalampengembangannya. Hal ini seiring dengan tersedianya devicesmartphone yang ada di pasaran serta ditunjang dengan hargayang semakin murah. Berbagai jenis platform yang tersediapada smartphone seperti Android, IOS, Windows Phone (WP),Blacberry memaksa para pengembang aplikasi untuk mampumenyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna dengan berbagaiplatform smartphone. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, munculframework phonegap yang memberi solusi permasalahan crossplatform.Phonegap sendiri merupakan hybrid applicationdevelopment platform yang memungkinkan pengguna untukmembangun mobile apps menggunakan HTML, CSS, danJavascript (JS). Ujicoba yang dilakukan dalam penelitian iniadalah membangun aplikasi kamus ilmiah nama tumbuhan kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Ujicoba ini menghasilkan aplikasimobile pada platform android dan windows mobile yang dapatdi-build tanpa hambatan. Sedangkan pada IOS terkendala padalicense certificate development.Kata Kunci: Framework Phonegap, Cross-platform, hybridmobile development, aplikasi HTML5, hybrid programming

    An empirical investigation of performance overhead in cross-platform mobile development frameworks

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    The heterogeneity of the leading mobile platforms in terms of user interfaces, user experience, programming language, and ecosystem have made cross-platform development frameworks popular. These aid the creation of mobile applications – apps – that can be executed across the target platforms (typically Android and iOS) with minimal to no platform-specific code. Due to the cost- and time-saving possibilities introduced through adopting such a framework, researchers and practitioners alike have taken an interest in the underlying technologies. Examining the body of knowledge, we, nonetheless, frequently encounter discussions on the drawbacks of these frameworks, especially with regard to the performance of the apps they generate. Motivated by the ongoing discourse and a lack of empirical evidence, we scrutinised the essential piece of the cross-platform frameworks: the bridge enabling cross-platform code to communicate with the underlying operating system and device hardware APIs. The study we present in the article benchmarks and measures the performance of this bridge to reveal its associated overhead in Android apps. The development of the artifacts for this experiment was conducted using five cross-platform development frameworks to generate Android apps, in addition to a baseline native Android app implementation. Our results indicate that – for Android apps – the use of cross-platform frameworks for the development of mobile apps may lead to decreased performance compared to the native development approach. Nevertheless, certain cross-platform frameworks can perform equally well or even better than native on certain metrics which highlights the importance of well-defined technical requirements and specifications for deliberate selection of a cross-platform framework or overall development approach