1,646 research outputs found

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Development of professional competencies teachers of philological specialities

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    Для ефективного розвитку професійних компетентностей вчителів філологічних спеціальностей у середовищі веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу фахових іншомовних текстів є необхідність набуття психолого-педагогічних умов використання веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу, визначити та оцінити рівень сформованості професійних компетентностей вчителів у середовищі веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу фахових текстів, обґрунтувати використання веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу фахових текстів як ключову умову ефективного розвитку професійних компетентностей вчителів.For efficient development of professional competencies teachers of philological specialities among web-based computer-aided translation of foreign language texts is a need of psycho-pedagogical conditions to use of web-based computer-aided translation, define and assess the level of formation of professional competences teachers among web-based computer-aided translation professional texts to use web-based computer-aided translation of professional texts as a key condition for the efficient development of professional competencies teachers

    Chapter 3 Human– computer interaction in pun translation

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    creative texts; translation technologies; machine translation; computer-aided translation; translation practic

    Linguistic-technical aspects of machine translation

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    To allow to compare computer aided translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT) systems, essential criteria and typical exponents of the various concepts are presented

    Computer Aided Translation Technology Application in ESP Teaching

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    With the development of computer and the Internet, traditional teaching methods have been greatly challenged, so does ESP teaching. In order to cope with the new trend and the changes happened in classroom teaching and learning, teachers should turn their eyes on more effective methods especially the ones integrated with computer and the Internet technology. English for Specific purposes (ESP) has a long tradition, as a movement designed to respond to non-English majors’ needs both for academic and cross cultural communication purpose in specific scientific fields and professional settings. The purpose of ESP teaching may lay both in explaining basic language knowledge used in a particular subject and promoting the abilities to use English as a tool or a way to learn the special subject. How to teach ESP and are there any new methods can be applied into classroom teaching are remain the hot topic which have been discussed recently. Nowadays, in this information age, many scholars devote themselves to the exploration of computer aided teaching in particular subjects, and computer aided translation is of great importance in ESP teaching. It is a subject involves the basic concepts of computer-aided translation technology, helps students learn to use a variety of computer-aided translation tools, enhances their ability to engage in various kinds of language service in such a technical environment. This study explores the method of applying basic principles of computer aided translation in ESP teaching, including using searching engine or an appropriate electronic dictionary to translate a term, using proper software to construct a terminology database, using corpus to refine an academic writing and etc.. It can not only combine modern technology with traditional teaching but can also enhance the ESP learners’ ability in reading and translating, and to make them increasingly autonomous

    Development of professional competencies teachers of philological specialities among web -based computer-aided translation of the texts

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    Актуальність проблеми розвитку професійних компетентностей вчителів філологічних спеціальностей у середовищі веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу текстів полягає у підвищенні уваги вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців до цієї проблеми. Важливим є визначення нових підходів до організації змісту та методичного забезпечення процесу розвитку професійних компетентностей вчителів філологічних спеціальностей у середовищі веб-орієнтованих систем автоматизованого перекладу фахових текстів.The actuality problem of development of professional competences teachers of philological specialities among web -based computer-aided translation of the texts is an increase the attention of domestic and foreign scientists to this problem. It is important to identify new approaches to content and methodological support of the development of professional competencies teachers specialities among web -based computer-aided translation of the text

    Rethinking Word-Level Auto-Completion in Computer-Aided Translation

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    Word-Level Auto-Completion (WLAC) plays a crucial role in Computer-Assisted Translation. It aims at providing word-level auto-completion suggestions for human translators. While previous studies have primarily focused on designing complex model architectures, this paper takes a different perspective by rethinking the fundamental question: what kind of words are good auto-completions? We introduce a measurable criterion to answer this question and discover that existing WLAC models often fail to meet this criterion. Building upon this observation, we propose an effective approach to enhance WLAC performance by promoting adherence to the criterion. Notably, the proposed approach is general and can be applied to various encoder-based architectures. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms the top-performing system submitted to the WLAC shared tasks in WMT2022, while utilizing significantly smaller model sizes.Comment: EMNLP202

    Un esempio di didattica in rete della traduzione assistita

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    The paper reports on the author’s experience as a teacher of Computer-Aided Translation in a distance post-graduate translation course. After analyzing the features of Computer-Aided Translation, the author draws a parallel between this subject and its fellow research and practice field, Computer Assisted Language Learning, in order to define a common theoretical and methodological framework. The author then introduces the online course in which he works as a teacher of Computer-Aided Translation and illustrates how the drawbacks of teaching technology online together with the features of the subject have induced him to define an ad hoc teaching methodology so as to simplify as much as possible his learners’ work. This is done through a series of strategies, e.g. by shortening each tutorial step, by adding pictures and by using forum discussion and screencasts as a support medium