4,152,868 research outputs found

    Hearing Debussy reading Mallarmé: music "après Wagner" in the "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune"

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    The "song triptych": reflections on a Debussyan genre

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    Debussy composed eight sets of three songs between 1891 and 1913. Containing almost all the mélodies of these years, the series tracks his development from post-Wagnerian maturity to ‘late’ style.While we have several fine readings of individual songs, the distinctive ‘triptych’ form of the Debussyan ‘song cycle’ has received little focused analytical attention. One reason might be glimpsed in Susan Youens’s assertion that these little cycles are not as ‘musically unified as [those] of Schubert, Schumann or Mahler’. Indeed the few existing studies of these tripartite sets generally emphasize textual links over musical ones, often in service of a narrowly ‘narrative’ sense of unity.In this paper, I take a fresh look at the various kinds of textual and musical unity on view in this distinctly Debussyan genre. I begin with a contextual glance into visual culture of the time, which saw a striking revival of interest in painted or printed triptychs. Then, in testing how such ‘painterly’ orientation can qualify our sense of multi-part literary and musical form,I outline an allegorical reading of Debussy’s successive triptychs as an evolving response to the pressures of modernist music historiography

    Debussy's string quartet in the Brussels salon of "La Libre Esthetique"

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    The second performance of Debussy's String Quartet, given by the Ysaye Quartet on an all-Debussy program during the 1894 salon of "La Libre Esthétique" in Brussels, offers an ideal context for a critical reexamination of his musical and aesthetic affinities at this pivotal moment. In the first place, a view to the salon's other three concerts, which honored Beethoven alongside recent works by Societe Nationale composers, encourages reconsideration of Debussy's own response to the "great tradition" in the work he ironically designated "Opus 10." But at the same time, due regard to his other contemporaneous compositional obsessions, as exemplified in the works programmed alongside the Quartet, raises the question as to how such self-conscious dialogue with Classical models related to more pressing, post-Wagnerian musical negotiations. Pursuit of this question through analysis of the first movement's reconfigured sonata form ultimately suggests ways to distinguish, from amid the myriad post-Impressionist artists on view in the "Free Aesthetic" salon itself, those painters whose visual explorations most tellingly paralleled Debussy's own "games" with musical syntax and expression in the early 1890s

    Stellar spectrophotometry in the far ultraviolet Final report, Jul. 1959 - Dec. 1963

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    Stellar spectrophotometry in vacuum ultraviolet - feasibility of ultraviolet spectrophotometric satellite, interference filter fabrication, vacuum calibration, and X-15 rocket aircraf

    Summer of Code: Assisting Distance-Learning Students with Open-Ended Programming Tasks

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    A significant difficulty in teaching programming lies in the transition from novice to intermediate programmer, characterised by the assimilation and use of schemas of standard programming approaches. A significant factor assisting this transition is practice with tasks which develop this schema use. We describe the Summer of Code, a two-week activity for part-time, distance-learning students which gave them some additional programming practice. We analysed their submissions, forum postings, and results of a terminal survey. We found learners were keen to share and discuss their solutions and persevered with individual problems and the challenge overall. 93% respondents rated the activity 3 or better on a 5-point Likert scale (n=58). However, a quarter of participants, mainly those who described themselves as average or poor programmers, felt less confident in their abilities after the activity, though half of these students liked the activity overall. 54% of all participants said the greatest challenge was developing a general approach to the problems, such as selecting appropriate data structures. This is corroborated by forum comments, where students greatly appreciated “think aloud” presentations by faculty tackling the problems. These results strongly suggest that students would benefit from more open-ended practice, where they have to select and design their own solutions to a range of problems

    A Bayesian Framework for Parameter Estimation in Dynamical Models with Applications to Forecasting

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    Mathematical models in Biology are powerful tools for the study and exploration of complex dynamics. Nevertheless, bringing theoretical results to an agreement with experimental observations involves acknowledging a great deal of uncertainty intrinsic to our theoretical representation of a real system.
Proper handling of such uncertainties, is key to the successful usage of models to predict experimental or field observations. This problem has been addressed over the years by many tools for model calibration an parameter estimation. In this article we present a general framework for uncertainty analysis and parameter estimation which is designed to handle uncertainties associated with the modeling of dynamic biological systems while remaining agnostic as to the type of model used. We apply the framework to two Influenza transmission models: one deterministic and the other stochastic. The results show that the framework can be applied without modifications to the two types of models and that it performs equally well on both. We also discuss the application of the framework to calibrate models for forecasting purposes.


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    Penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode dalam bahasa penulisan kini kian marak di masyarakat Indonesia terutama pada penulisan artikel di majalah.Majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia merupakan salah satu majalah yang banyak memuat alih kode dan campur kode pada artikelnya.Adanya variasi bahasa dalam penulisan artikel menggunakan alih kode dan campur kode mempermudah penulis menyampaikan pesan dan juga pembaca untuk mengerti isi pesan. Selain itu penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode dengan bahasa asing menjadikan suatu gaya hidup atau tren baru dalam masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kegunaan dan faktor adanya alih kode dan campur kode yang terjadi di majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan final project ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang sistematis, nyata, dan akurat. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis melakukan note taking dalam artikel di majalah Cosmopolitan Indonesia, kemudian meneliti pada setiap kalimat dan tuturan yang ada dalam artikel. Hasil penelitian final project ini ialah penggunaan alih kode dan campur kode dengan bahasa asing di majalah Cosmopolitan terjadi karena penulis ingin membuat pembaca lebih mudah menerima pesan yang disampaikan, bahasa yang digunakan sesuai dengan tren masa kini dan penggunaan bahasa yang lebih tepat dalam menyampaikan sesuatu

    Code for sustainable homes: opportunities or threats for offsite manufacturing and mass-customization?

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    This study intends to, firstly, discuss current status of zero carbon homes in the UK, and secondly, to investigate the feasibility of using offsite construction methods to deliver mass customised zero carbon homes. The study concludes that mass customised offsite housing could be an answer to overcome the current barriers to achieve zero carbon homes in the UK; however, more work is required to increase the confidence of stakeholders including clients, designers, and housebuilders in offsite manufacturing in order to increase the share of such methods in the construction industry