43 research outputs found

    Квазипроизвольные запросы к базам данных и информационная модель их реализации

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    Рассматриваются различные типы запросов пользователя-аналитика к тематической базе данных. Предлагается технология создания системы построения квазипроизвольных запросов пользователя. Построена информационная модель предметной области в виде совокупности трех составляющих: реляционной модели, фреймовой модели и модели бизнес-правил, обеспечивающая возможность создания системы построения квазипроизвольных запросов.The different types of queries by user-analyst to the thematic database are discussed. A technology of creation system for constructing of quasi-arbitrary user queries is proposed. It is constructed the information model of domain as a set of three components: relational model, frame-based model and business rules model that provides the possibility of establishing a system for constructing of quasi-arbitrary queries.Розглядаються різні типи запитів користувача-аналітика до тематичної бази даних. Пропону- ється технологія створення системи побудови квазідовільних запитів користувача. Побудована інформа- ційна модель предметної області у вигляді сукупності трьох складових: реляційної моделі, фреймової моделі та моделі бізнес-правил, що забезпечує можливість створення системи побудови квазідовільних запитів

    Expressing business rules : a fact based approach : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Information Systems at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Numerous industry surveys have suggested that many IT projects still end in failure. Incomplete, ambiguous and inaccurate specifications are cited as a major causal factor. Traditional techniques for specifying data requirements often lack the expressiveness with which to model subtle but common features within organisations. As a consequence, categories of business rules that determine the structure and behaviour of organisations may not be captured until the latter stages of the systems development lifecycle. A fact-based technique called Object Role Modelling (ORM) has been investigated as an altemative approach for specifying data requirements. The technique's ability to capture and represent a wide range of data requirements rigorously, but still in a form comprehensible to business people, could provide a powerful tool for analysts. In this report, ORM constructs have been synthesised with the concepts and definitions provided by the Business Rules Group (BRG), who have produced a detailed taxonomy of business rule categories. In doing so, business rules discovered in an organisation can be expressed in a form that is meaningful to both analysts and business people. Exploiting the expressive simplicity of a conceptual modelling technique to articulate an organisation's business rules could help to fill a significant requirements gap

    Methodological approaches based on business rules

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    Business rules and business processes are essential artifacts in defining the requirements of a software system. Business processes capture business behavior, while rules connect processes and thus control processes and business behavior. Traditionally, rules are scattered inside application code. This approach makes it very difficult to change rules and shorten the life cycle of the software system. Because rules change more quickly than the application itself, it is desirable to externalize the rules and move them outside the application. This paper analyzes and evaluates three well-known business rules approaches. It also outlines some critical factors that have to be taken into account in the decision to introduce business rules facilities in a software system. Based on the concept of explicit manipulation of business rules in a software system, the need for a general approach based on business rules is discussed


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    We argue that enterprise modelling should also include the human aspects of the organisation in order to develop a faithful representation of the total relevant system. Faithful representations contribute to practical implementation of management and organisational concepts like dynamic capabilities. Currently, there is a lack of enterprise modelling frameworks for modelling the organisation as a socio-technical system. We propose the Atlas Meta Framework for integral enterprise modelling and explain its elements: facets, levels, stakeholders, maps, atlas and roadmap. We demonstrate how the Atlas Meta Framework can be instantiated to the Atlas Capability Governance Framework and an online tool that can be used by managers for orchestrating the second-order dynamic capabilities of an organisation

    Parcel loss prediction in last-mile delivery: deep and non-deep approaches with insights from Explainable AI

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    Within the domain of e-commerce retail, an important objective is the reduction of parcel loss during the last-mile delivery phase. The ever-increasing availability of data, including product, customer, and order information, has made it possible for the application of machine learning in parcel loss prediction. However, a significant challenge arises from the inherent imbalance in the data, i.e., only a very low percentage of parcels are lost. In this paper, we propose two machine learning approaches, namely, Data Balance with Supervised Learning (DBSL) and Deep Hybrid Ensemble Learning (DHEL), to accurately predict parcel loss. The practical implication of such predictions is their value in aiding e-commerce retailers in optimizing insurance-related decision-making policies. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed machine learning models using one year data from Belgian shipments. The findings show that the DHEL model, which combines a feed-forward autoencoder with a random forest, achieves the highest classification performance. Furthermore, we use the techniques from Explainable AI (XAI) to illustrate how prediction models can be used in enhancing business processes and augmenting the overall value proposition for e-commerce retailers in the last mile delivery

    Arsitektur Bisnis: Pemodelan Proses Bisnis dengan Object Oriented

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    Pemodelan proses bisnis merupakan suatu langkah awal yang sangat penting dalam menghasilkan sistem informasi enterprise yang terintegrasi. Model bisnis adalah seperangkat asumsi tentang bagaimana organisasi menghasilkan nilai yang bermanfaat bagi seluruh komponen yang ada dalam organisasi. Manfaat yang jelas, pemodelan bisnis bagi organisasi adalah memperjelas karakteristik dan tujuan dari proses organisasi. Salah satu teknik pemodelan proses bisnis bagi organisasi yang tersedia pada saat ini adalah UML. Keberadaan UML sebagai teknik pemodelan pengembangan sistem informasi secara keseluruhan juga diiringi dengan munculnya tools pemodelan yang dapat digunakan oleh organisasi. Dalam makalah ini, akan mengulas tentang bagaimana cara mengidentifikasi pemodelan proses bisnis dalam organisasi dengan suatu pendekatan yang dinamakan dengan pendekatan object oriented. Bagaimana teknis pemodelan proses bisnis tersebut dilakukan, akan dituangkan dalam bentuk studi kasus yaitu pemodelan proses bisnis untuk kebutuhan perguruan tinggi

    Integrating Agents into a Collaborative Knowledge-based System for Business Rules Consistency Management

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    Capitalization and reuse of expert knowledge are very important for the survival of an enterprise. This paper presents a collaborative approach that utilizes domain ontology and agents. Thanks to our knowledge formalizing process, we give to domain expert an opportunity to store different forms of retrieved knowledge from experiences, design rules, business rules, decision processes, etc. The ontology is built to support business rules management. The global architecture is mainly composed of agents such as Expert agent, Evaluator agent, Translator agent, Security agent and Supervisor agent. The Evaluator agent is at the heart of our functional architecture, its role is to detect the problems that may arise in the consistency management module and provides a solution to these problems in order to validate the accuracy of business rules. In addition, a Security agent is defined to handle both security aspects in rules modeling and multi-agent system. The proposed approach is different from the others in terms of the number of rule’s inconsistencies which are detected and treated like contradiction, redundancy, invalid rules, domain violation and rules never applicable, the collaboration that is initiated among business experts and the guarantee of security of the business rules and all the agents which constitute our system. The developed collaborative system is applied in an industrial case study.

    Reusing enterprise models to build platform independent computer models

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    Enterprises use enterprise models to represent and analyse their processes, products, decisions, organisation, information flows, etc. Nevertheless, the enterprise knowledge that exists in enterprise models is not used beyond these purposes. The main goal of this paper is to present a framework that allows enterprises to reuse enterprise models to build software. The framework includes these dimensions: (1) a methodology that guides the use of the other dimensions in the reutilisation of enterprise models in software generation; (2) a set of metamodels to represent enterprises at the Computation Independent Model (CIM) level; (3) a modelling guide to make enterprise models using the metamodels proposed in this paper; (4) an extraction algorithm to discriminate the part of the CIM model to reuse; and (5) a set of transformation rules to reuse enterprise models to build Platform Independent Models. In addition, a case example is shown to validate the work that was carried out and to identify limitations

    Business rules based legacy system evolution towards service-oriented architecture.

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    Enterprises can be empowered to live up to the potential of becoming dynamic, agile and real-time. Service orientation is emerging from the amalgamation of a number of key business, technology and cultural developments. Three essential trends in particular are coming together to create a new revolutionary breed of enterprise, the service-oriented enterprise (SOE): (1) the continuous performance management of the enterprise; (2) the emergence of business process management; and (3) advances in the standards-based service-oriented infrastructures. This thesis focuses on this emerging three-layered architecture that builds on a service-oriented architecture framework, with a process layer that brings technology and business together, and a corporate performance layer that continually monitors and improves the performance indicators of global enterprises provides a novel framework for the business context in which to apply the important technical idea of service orientation and moves it from being an interesting tool for engineers to a vehicle for business managers to fundamentally improve their businesses