15,649 research outputs found

    Analisis Elastisitas Transmisi Harga Daging Ayam Ras Broiler di Tingkat Peternak dan Pasar Modern

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    The aim of this research is to determine the elasticity of price transmission for broiler chicken meat at the farmer and modern market levels. The data used in this research is secondary data, specifically of the time series type. The analytical method used involves calculating the average price of broiler chicken meat at both the farmer and modern market levels. Subsequently, the data is analyzed using multiple regression analysis to assess the efficiency of broiler chicken meat prices. The research results indicate that the elasticity of price transmission for broiler chicken meat in this study is 2.038, which means ET > 1. This implies that a 1% increase in broiler chicken meat prices at the modern market level will result in a 2.038% change in prices at the farmer level. Therefore, the broiler chicken meat marketing system is considered inefficient.The aim of this research is to determine the elasticity of price transmission for broiler chicken meat at the farmer and modern market levels. The data used in this research is secondary data, specifically of the time series type. The analytical method used involves calculating the average price of broiler chicken meat at both the farmer and modern market levels. Subsequently, the data is analyzed using multiple regression analysis to assess the efficiency of broiler chicken meat prices. The research results indicate that the elasticity of price transmission for broiler chicken meat in this study is 2.038, which means ET > 1. This implies that a 1% increase in broiler chicken meat prices at the modern market level will result in a 2.038% change in prices at the farmer level. Therefore, the broiler chicken meat marketing system is considered inefficient

    The Quality of Nugget of Broiler Chicken Meat with Addition of Sago Flour (Metroxylon Sp.)

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    This study aims to determine the quality of broiler chicken nuggets with the addition of sago flour (Metroxylon Sp.) As a binder. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), with a factorial pattern of 3 x 3 and 3 replications where factor A was broiler chicken meat (A1 = 60%, A2 = 70% and A3 = 80%) and factor B was sago flour (B1 = 30%, B2 = 20% and B3 = 10%). The material used was 4.5 kg of fresh meat broiler chicken and 900 g of sago flour. Based on the results of the study showed that the administration of sago flour as a binder in broiler chicken nuggets dough did not significantly affect (P 0.05) the quality of broiler chicken nuggets. The conclusion of the study showed that the administration of sago flour to the quality of broiler chicken nuggets had no real effec

    Analysis of Factors Affecting The Demand of Broiler Chicken Meat In Binjai City

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    Consumption of broiler chicken meat increase year by year in line with publicawareness increased of animal products. The demand for broiler chicken meat in Binjai Cityshows a fluctuating increase that estimated by a number of factors that influence it.The purposeof this research was identify the factor of family’s dependent number (X1), educational level(X2), family income (X3), price of broiler chicken (X4), taste (X5), age of respondent (X6), andprice of substitution was egg (X7) to broiler chicken demand in Binjai City.The analysismethod used in this research was multiple linear regression analysis method by using SPSS22.0. Sampling technique with slovin method with the samples were100 consumers of broilerchicken meat. This research was conducted from October until November 2017.The results showed that value of determination (R2) was 0,704. Simultaneously, the variablesshowed that they gave significant effect (P<0,05) to the demand of broiler chicken meat.Partially, family’s dependent number, income, chicken meat’s prices and tastes had asignificant effect to the demand of broiler chickens while the educational level, age ofrespondents and the price of egg did not give significant effect on the demand of broilerchicken meat in Binjai City. The conclusion of this research showed that the taste was the mostsignificant (increase) variable to the demand of broiler chicken in Binjai City and thenfollowed by the family’s dependent number, price of broiler chicken meat and family income.Keywords: Demand, Broiler Chicken, Price, Binja


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    This study aims to determine: (1) the factors that influence the production of broiler chicken farming, (2) the effect of broiler chicken business management on production, and (3) the effect of murotal Al-Qur'an and other production factors on production. This research was conducted in Malang Regency, with the consideration that Malang Regency is one of the three (3) big broiler-producing districts in East Java. As the unit of analysis is primary data from interviews with broiler breeders who were selected as respondents. The analysis tool uses multiple linear regression models using the natural form (Ln). The results showed that: (1) The production of broiler chicken farming was positively influenced by the number of seeds, the amount of feed, business management, business capacity, murotal Al-Qur'an and the volume of business above the average. Broiler chicken production is negatively affected by the area of ​​the house, the number of dead chickens, and the number of abandoned chickens. Independent variables that do not affect the production of broiler chicken farming are the management of broiler chicken raising and the number of person working days (HKO). To increase production, it is necessary to increase the number of seeds, the amount of feed, optimize the area of ​​the cage, reduce the number of dead chickens, reduce the number of dead chickens, improve business management, increase business capacity, utilize murotal Al-Qur'an and with business volume above average. Keywords: Production, management, livestock business, murotal Al-Qur'an, broiler chicken

    Keberadaan Residu Tetrasiklin pada Daging Ayam Broiler di Kabupaten Kudus (Studi di Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern Tahun 2019)

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    Background: One of the causes of antibiotic resistance is the presence of antibiotic residues in livestock, one of which is broiler chicken meat. Excessive use of antibiotics and not in accordance with the diagnosis will result in the discovery of antibiotic residue content in chicken meat and will endanger public health. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the antibiotic residues of tetracycline in broiler chicken meat sold in traditional and modern markets in Jati District, Kudus Regency.Methods: This type of research is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The samples in this study were all broiler chicken meat sold in traditional markets (Bitingan Market, Sunggingan Ploso Market, and Baru Market) and in the modern Hypermart market with a total sample of 78 samples of broiler chicken meat taken with total population sampling technique. Sample testing was carried out at Balai Veteriner Boyolali using the Bioassay method.Result: Based on the results of the study, there is no tetracycline antibiotic residues were found in 78 (100%) broiler chicken meats sold in the Bitingan Market, Sunggingan Ploso Market, Baru Market, and Hypermart.Conclusion : There is no tetracycline antibiotic residues were found in broiler chicken meat sold in the Bitingan Market, Sunggingan Ploso Market, Baru Market, and Hypermart

    Utilisasi Probiotik Cair Asal Fermentasi Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) terhadap Performa Ayam Broiler: Utilization of Liquid Probiotics from Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) Fermentation on Broiler Chickens Performance

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    This study aimed to evaluate the utilization of liquid probiotics from black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) fermentation on broiler chickens' performance. A total of 250 male broilers strain Cobb CP 707 were given 5 treatments of probiotics in drinking water with 5 replications using a completely randomized design. The treatments in this study were P0=commercial broiler feed+drinking water without probiotics, P1=commercial broiler chicken feed+ drinking water with 1 mL L-1 commercial probiotic, P2=commercial broiler chicken feed+water with 1 mL L-1 probiotics from BSFL fermentation, P3=commercial boiler chicken  feed+water with 3 mL L-1 probiotics from BSFL fermentation, and P4=commercial broiler chicken feed+water with 5 mL L-1 probiotics from BSFL fermentation. The results showed that BSFL fermentation probiotics were not significantly different on broiler chicken performance. Income over feed and chick cost (IOFCC) in addition to 5 mL L-1 in drinking water was more efficient in saving feed cost and the highest performance index during the broiler rearing. In conclusion, the utilization of BSFL fermentation probiotics in drinking water gave the same effect on broiler chicken performance as the other treatments yet the IOFCC and broiler chicken performance index were more advantageous. Key words:        black soldier fly larvae, broiler, performance, probiotic

    Effect of Ochratoxin A on Body Weight, Feed Intake and Feed Conversion in Broiler Chicken

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    The effect of ochratoxin A (OA) on the body weight, feed intake, and feed conversion was investigated in broiler chicken fed dietary levels of OA at 0, 1, and 2 ppm for 28 days from hatch. Feeding OA significantly reduced the growth rate of broiler chicken. The reduction was observed from the first week onwards in OA-treated groups. Feed consumption and feed conversion also showed a diminishing trend from the first week of feeding toxin. Its implication on the performance of broiler chicken is discussed

    Histopathological features of Marek’s disease infections in broiler chicken in Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis West Java

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    An outbreak of Marek’s disease was reported to occur in broiler chicken in Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis. A total number of 58 tissues samples of broiler chicken were collected from 7 flocks of commercial broiler chicken farms in both Districts. The disease affected broiler chicken aged 17 to 24 days. Those chickens had been vaccinated to Newcastle Disease (ND) and at age of 10 days had been vaccinated to Gumboro using blended bursa of fabricius. Tissue samples were fixed in 10% of buffered neutral formalin (BNF) prior to haematoxilin and eosin (H and E) stain using standard procedures. Histopathological features show that out of 58 samples, 32 (55.2%) were infected by Marek’s Disease (19.0% were infected by Marek’s Disease, 20.1% were infected by Marek’s Disease and Gumboro, 16.1% Marek’s Disease and other infections), whereas 44.8% were infected by Gumboro alone or accompanied by other infections, ND and Colibasillosis. The study reveals that Marek’s Disease infection in broiler chicken tends to be mild i.e. infiltration of neoplastic cells (lymphoid, pleomorphic) in proventriculus, intestine, spleen, livers and bursa of fabricius. In addition to this, there were mild non-supurative inflammation in heart, lung, peripheral nerve and brain, as well as a severe demyelination in brain. It is concluded that the histopthological features confirm the diagnosis of Marek’s Disease.   Key words: Histopathology, Marek’s disease, broiler chicken, Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis (West Java
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