98,108 research outputs found

    Feasibility Analyses of Integrated Broiler Production

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    The major obstacles in the development of broiler raising is the expensive price of feed and the fluctuative price of DOCs. The cheap price of imported leg quarters reduces the competitiveness of the local broilers. Therefore, an effort to increase production efficiency is needed through integration between broiler raising and corn farmers and feed producers (integrated farming). The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of integrating broiler raising with corn cultivation and feed production. Besides that, a simulation was conducted to analyze the effects of DOC price changes, broiler price and production capacity. The analyses showed that integrated farming and a mere combination between broiler raising and feed factory of a 10,000 bird capacity is not financially feasible. Increasing the production to 25,000 broiler chickens will make the integrated farming financially feasible. Unintegrated broiler raising is relatively sensitive to broiler price decreases and DOC price increases compared to integrated farming

    Design of Stocking Density of Broilers for Closed House in Wet Tropical Climates

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    The objectives of this research were to: 1) design the stocking density of broiler reared at a closed house system in wet tropical climates based on the heat released by broiler, 2) design broiler harvesting system based on the housing heat load, and 3) design required housing area based on the broiler age. The housing design used to determine the broiler stocking density was based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Solid Works Flow Simulation software. The method had good validation shown by small number of average percentage of deviation (6.07%). Simulation was carried out by changing the number of broilers i.e. 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22 birds/m2. According to the CFD simulation result, total heat load inside the house was 233.33 kW at 21 birds/m2 at weight 1.65 kg/bird. At that stocking density the housing can be occupied by 27,224 birds until 22 days of age. The highest total weight was produced by daily harvesting started from 22 to 32 d. It can be concluded that the stocking density of closed house for broiler is 34.65 kg/m2, total production is 45,717 kg per period and the required area for 27,224 broilers is 248.63 m2 (1 to 7 days of age broiler), 562.52 m2 (8 to 14 days of age broiler) and 1,000 m2 (15 to 22 days of age broiler)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berat relatif organ gizzard, usus halus dan hati pada broiler di Rumah Pemotongan Ayam Era Cipta 2, Lamongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan broiler dengan strain manggis dan berjumlah 30 ekor dengan bobot antara 1,68 – 2,52 kg. Pemeliharaan Broiler dilakukan dengan sistem kandang terbuka (open housed) yang dipanen pada umur 34 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian observasi dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan dan pencatatan terhadap keadaan objek yang diteliti. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan membandingkan berat relatif organ gizzard, usus halus dan hati broiler hasil penelitian dengan literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bobot hidup 30 ekor Broiler memiliki rata-rata sebesar 2,06 kg. Sedangkan persentase berat relatif organ Broiler secara berurutan yaitu gizzard, usus halus dan hati memiliki nilai rata-rata 5,65 %; 1,93 % dan 1,56 %. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bahwa rataan berat relative organ gizzard, usus halus dan hati pada broiler di Rumah Pemotongan Ayam Era Cipta 2 menunjukkan rataan yang sesuai dengan rataan berat relative organ yang normal, yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber literatur

    Variability in wheat: factors affecting its nutritional value

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    Wheat is a common raw material used to provide energy in broiler diets. Its apparent metabolisable energy and its influence on broiler performance varies between wheat samples. Reasons for that variability can be classified as intrinsic (variety, chemical composition) and extrinsic factors (growing conditions, storage, etc.), both of which affect nutrient digestibility and availability. However, these factors are not always considered when formulating the diets for broiler chickens. Moreover, research through the years has questioned the relation between wheat AME and animal performance. This review aims to describe factors that influence the observed variability in wheat nutritive value for broiler chickens by considering origin (variety, growing conditions and post-harvest storage), chemical composition of the grain (carbohydrates and protein) and the broiler chicken

    Broiler farm size in relation tot sustainability aspects

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    In the Netherlands the number of broiler farms has been reduced by 50%, while farm size doubled between 1990 and 2008. A debate on the positive and negative aspects of large farms emerge. Many entrepreneurs in the broiler sector use increase in scale as strategy to reduce production cost. However, a critical reflection on the process of scaling up is needed. We investigated various aspects of broiler farm size with three farm sizes: small (fewer than 60,000 birds), medium (60,000 to 120,000 birds) and large (more than 120,000 birds). . The study shows that: - profitability (revenues as % of total cost) is higher on larger farms - gross margin (revenues over feed and chick cost) is higher on larger farms - larger broiler farms have a higher labour productivity (kg broiler live weight / hour) - larger farms more often have certified low ammonia emission poultry houses - there is no clear relationship between mortality and broiler farm size - there is no significant relation between the level of medication (antibiotics) and farm size The size of a broiler house and the equipment used is not related to the farm size. As a result there is no influence of farm size on the physical and social environment of the broilers. Our conclusion is, that larger broiler farms have some clear economic advantages. There is no evidence that there is a negative relation between farm size and animal health and animal welfare


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    Conjoint analysis is applied to study the attributes affecting the location of a broiler complex. Distance between feed mill and growers, feed cost, and community attitude toward broiler industry are found to be the most important factors influencing the location decision of broiler growing, feed mill, and broiler processing respectively.Agribusiness,


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    This research was conducte to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cu proteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerev s ae in the ration on internal quality of the broiler.The experiment use 125 broiler day ol chicken with a Completely Randomize Design.The ration treatments were R0 (control),R1 (99%R0 +1%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R2 (98%R0 +2%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R3 (97%R0 +3%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)and R4 (96%R0 +4%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)where each treatment was repeate five times and each replication consiste of five broiler chicks.Variable analysis were body cut weight,carcass percentage,liver relative weight,and the content of cholesterol broiler meat.Conclusion of the research showe that by using 3%of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internal quality of broiler,increase body cut weight,carcass percentage,otherwise liver relative weight and the content of cholesterol broiler meat were normal. Keywords :Zn and Cu prote nat supplement,rat ons ,bro ler nternal qual t

    Development of broiler integration in Peru

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    Production and consumption of broiler meat has expanded rapidly in Peru since the 1990s. This rapid expansion was possible due to technological changes in production as well as integration of various stages of production, such as breeding farms, hatcheries, feed mills and grow-out farms by so-called broiler integrators. However, there are some distinguishing characteristics in Peruvian broiler integration that differ from those in developed countries. One is the truncated scope of integration, in which the slaughtering and processing stages are not integrated. The other is that not slaughtering and processing companies, but grow-out farms have become the principal broiler integrators. This paper analyzes the factors associated with these characteristics.Peru, Poultry, Broiler, Integration, Contract

    A Comparative Assessment of the Broiler:Corn Ratio and Its Impact on Broiler Processors' Profitability

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    Input prices for broiler production, particularly corn, are becoming increasingly volatile due to increasing competition for corn from ethanol and biofuels production suggesting volatility in poultry profits will follow indicator of profits relating feed input prices and broiler meat output prices, such as a Broiler:corn ratios. Total chicken exports, total chicken ready-to-cook production, number of eggs set, number of chicks placed, and cold storage chicken inventory are used to estimate. Utilizing a distributed lag model, seventeen years of data for three Broiler:corn ratios, broiler exports, egg set, chick placements, cold storage stocks, and ready-to-cook broiler production were utilized to estimate stock share price for four major broiler producers.Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,

    The Economic Organization of U.S. Broiler Production

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    Broiler production in the United States is coordinated almost entirely through systems of production contracts, in which a grower’s compensation is based, in part, on how the grower’s performance compares with that of other growers. The industry is undergoing a gradual structural change as production shifts to larger broiler enterprises that provide larger shares of an operator’s household income. Larger enterprises require substantially larger investments in broiler housing, and new or retrofitted houses are also an important source of productivity growth in the industry. This report, based on a large and representative survey of broiler operations, describes the industry’s organization, housing features, contract design, fees and enterprise cost structures, and farm and household finances.broilers, chickens, production contracts, broiler grower financial performance, chicken housing, chicken litter, poultry, Farm Management, Production Economics,