1,000,444 research outputs found

    Impact of Paternal Temporary Absence on Children Left Behind

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    Using the first two waves of the Vietnam Living Standards Survey, we investigate how a father's temporary absence affects children left behind in terms of their school attendance, household expenditures on education, and nonhousework labor supply in the 1990s. The estimating subsample is children aged 7-18 in households in which both parents usually coreside and the mother has not been absent. Our results indicate that paternal temporary absence increases nonhousework labor supply by his son. The longer the absence of the father, the larger the impact. One additional month of paternal temporary absence increases a son's nonhousework labor supply by approximately one week. However, a daughter's nonhousework labor supply is not affected. We find no evidence that paternal temporary absence influences his children in terms of school attendance or education-related household expenditures.parental absence, temporary migration, schooling, human capital investment, child labor, Vietnam, VLSS

    Impact of Paternal Temporary Absence on Children Left Behind

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    Using the first two waves of the Vietnam Living Standards Survey, we investigate how a father’s temporary absence affects children left behind in terms of their school attendance, household expenditures on education, and nonhousework labour supply in the 1990s. The estimating subsample is children aged 7-18 in households in which both parents usually coreside and the mother has not been absent. Our results indicate that paternal temporary absence increases non housework labour supply by his son. The longer the absence of the father, the larger the impact. One additional month of paternal temporary absence increases a son’s nonhousework labour supply by approximately one week. However, a daughter’s nonhousework labour supply is not affected. We find no evidence that paternal temporary absence influences his children in terms of school attendance or education-related household expenditures.parental absence, temporary migration, schooling, human capital investment, child labour, Vietnam, VLSS

    Process evaluation of the Teamplay parenting intervention pilot : implications for recruitment, retention and course refinement

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    Background Parenting programs could provide effective routes to increasing children’s physical activity and reducing screen-viewing. Many studies have reported difficulties in recruiting and retaining families in group parenting interventions. This paper uses qualitative data from the Teamplay feasibility trial to examine parents’ views on recruitment, attendance and course refinement. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 intervention and 10 control group parents of 6–8 year old children. Topics discussed with the intervention group included parents’ views on the recruitment, structure, content and delivery of the course. Topics discussed with the control group included recruitment and randomization. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and thematically analyzed. Results Many parents in both the intervention and control group reported that they joined the study because they had been thinking about ways to improve their parenting skills, getting ideas on how to change behavior, or had been actively looking for a parenting course but with little success in enrolling on one. Both intervention and control group parents reported that the initial promotional materials and indicative course topics resonated with their experiences and represented a possible solution to parenting challenges. Participants reported that the course leaders played an important role in helping them to feel comfortable during the first session, engaging anxious parents and putting parents at ease. The most commonly reported reason for parents returning to the course after an absence was because they wanted to learn new information. The majority of parents reported that they formed good relationships with the other parents in the group. An empathetic interaction style in which leaders accommodated parent’s busy lives appeared to impact positively on course attendance. Conclusions The data presented indicate that a face-to-face recruitment campaign which built trust and emphasized how the program was relevant to families positively affected recruitment in Teamplay. Parents found the parenting component of the intervention attractive and, once recruited, attendance was facilitated by enjoyable sessions, empathetic leaders and support from fellow participants. Overall, data suggest that the Teamplay recruitment and retention approaches were successful and with small refinements could be effectively used in a larger trial

    Prenatal diagnosis of proximal focal femoral deficiency: Literature review of prenatal sonographic findings

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    Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD) is a rare musculoskeletal malformation that occurs in 0.11-0.2 per 10,000 live births. This congenital anomaly involves the pelvis and proximal femur with widely variable manifestations, from mild femoral shortening and hypoplasia to the absence of any functional femur and acetabular aplasia. Prenatal diagnosis of PFFD is still a challenge, but early recognition of this malformation could provide useful information to both parents and physicians concerning management and therapeutic planning. For this review, we analyzed all the cases of prenatally diagnosed PFFD that were reported in the literature from 1990 to 2014 and provide a description of the most common prenatal sonographic findings


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    The ecological systems theory and the buffering effect model both suggest that the absence of a multi-systemic conceptualisation of supporting parents of children in conflict with the law (CCL) diminishes the impact of traditional generic efforts to meaningfully buffer parents of CCL during the child justice process. This participatory qualitative study involved parents of CCL and child justice officials as co-constructors of a practice model for supporting parents of CCL. The co-constructed practice model shows that parents must have access to informational, emotional, practical and professional support prior to, during and after the child justice process.

    Parents' presence affects embryos' development in Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801), a fish with parental care

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    In fishes, the parents' presence generally improves embryos' survival through parental care, but it is also associated with some disadvantages such as clutch cannibalism and loss of male physical condition. Captive breeding of the river blenny Salaria fluviatilis might improve if these disadvantages were avoided by artificially replacing parental care benefits in the lab. Before accepting this procedure, it should be studied whether embryo development is dependent or not on any other unknown effect related to the parents' presence. In this study, the ontogenetic sequence and several morphological structures - standard length, head height, jaw length and yolk-sac volume - from embryos reared both in the presence and in the absence of the parents were compared. At day 11 after oviposition, in the parents' absence treatment, well-developed embryos were obtained, but a smaller size of the yolk-sac, a greater head height and a tendency to have a greater jaw length than in the parents' presence treatment were found. These results suggest that the parents' presence might affect embryo development and perhaps offspring sexual determination. Given these differences, the practise of depriving clutches from their parents in captivity breeding programmes should be questioned

    Sistem Monitoring Kehadiran Siswa Oleh Orang Tua Berbasis Sms Gateway

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    SMKN 1 Suwawa is one of the vocational hight schools which locates in Bone Bolango District with the total number of students is 480. In one day observation at the school, there Were many students who did truant during the class hour. The action has been frequently an issue between teachers and parents. Student’s parents found out that their children have been Actively engaged in the theaching and learning process. That is what they expect while the students did the country. The research is aimed at facilitating the school to inform the  Parents regarding the absence of their children in the class. Student’s absence is a form of indicipline action to be decreased at school. System development applies the prototype Method through the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The research finding Revealed that SMS gateway based monitoring system by parents on student attendance is Addressed to facilitate the school to inform student’s parents related to student attendance.  The system displays data of student attendance both in each class and as a whole

    Phenotypic evaluation of Trifolium repens x Trifolium uniflorum F₁ interspecific hybrids as predictors of BC₁ hybrid progeny : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Breeding at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Interspecific hybrids between white clover (Trifolium repens) and its close relatives are being created to address the lack of variation within white clover for traits relating to persistence and drought tolerance. This study addresses two concepts related to developing hybrid breeding strategies using Trifolium repens x Trifolium uniflorum hybrids. A first sandframe experiment investigated whether some of the first generation hybrid plants (F1) with common parents were better than others as future parents. A second experiment assessed whether the performance of the first back cross (BC1) progenies could be predicted from the parental F1 phenotypes. The foliage, fertility, roots and dry weight production of four families of F1 hybrids were evaluated following a period of growth in sand. From each family, the F1 hybrids with the highest and lowest dry weight production were selected and back crossed to two contrasting white clover cultivars. The resulting BC1 hybrid phenotypes were evaluated to ascertain whether any F1 hybrids were markedly better as future parents in hybrid breeding programmes, and whether the F1 phenotype could be used to predict that of the BC1 progeny. Differences in expression of more than half of the traits evaluated were found both between F1 families, and among genotypes within F1 families. Evaluation of the subsequent BC1 generation identified large amounts of variation in expression of most traits both within and among hybrid families. However correlations between trait expression of the F1 parent and the corresponding BC1 progeny were weak to non-existent for most traits evaluated. The absence of correlations indicated that the performance of an F1 hybrid genotype is not able to be used as a predictor of the BC1 progeny phenotypes, and that selection out of the F1 generation is futile in the formation of interspecific hybrid breeding populations

    Bilateral Congenital Anophthalmia: A Report of Two Cases and a Case for Increased Anomaly Ultrasound Scans Coverage in Pregnancy in Nigeria

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    This is a report of two cases of patients with bilateral congenital anophthalmos who presented to a tertiary hospital, in Ibadan Southwest Nigeria, with the aim of highlighting the need for increased implementation of fetal anomaly scans coverage during pregnancy in Nigeria. Information on patients’ sociodemographic data, clinical features, and management are described. Both patients presented because of the inability of the parents to view the globes after delivery. Ophthalmic examination and ocular ultrasonography confirmed bilateral absence of the eyeballs in both patients and the parents were counseled on the anomaly including its treatment and prognosis

    A Rare case of Aphallia

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    .Aphallia (total absence of penis) is an extremely rare abnormality that can be part of the urorectal septum malformation sequence.We are reporting a 40-day-old boy who was referred to our nephrology clinic due to the absence of the penis and urinating through the rectum. He was born to a 17-year-old mother and a 24-year-old father, and was delivered term via normal vaginal delivery.The pregnancy was uncomplicated with no maternal toxin or medication exposure. Both parents were healthy and there was no family history of congenital abnormality. The parents were also unrelated.  Physical examination revealed agenesis of the penis, a normal scrotum, and bilateral normally positioned testises. Moreover, the heart, lungs, abdomen, head and neck, and spinal column were all normal on examination. The karyotype was 46XY and the gender was male. Initial ultrasonography one week after birth revealed moderate bilateral hydronephrosis but the last ultrasonography 45 days later revealed only mild fullness of both kidneys.Keywords: Aphallia; Gender; penile agenesis
