15 research outputs found

    The inclusion of a business management module within the master of pharmacy degree: a route to asset enrichment?

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    BACKGROUND: Over the past decade the profession of pharmacy has steadily evolved. The New Pharmacy Contract exposed pharmacists to a fundamental change in traditional pharmacy business models. OBJECTIVE: This study will consider whether community pharmacists, pharmacy undergraduates and academic staff within the United Kingdom believe it would be beneficial to incorporate a business management module within the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) undergraduate degree along with potential mechanisms of delivery. METHODS: Further to ethical approval, the questionnaire was distributed to UK registered pharmacists (n=600), MPharm undergraduates (n=441) and academic staff at Liverpool John Moores University (n=44). The questions were formatted as multiple choice questions, Likert scales or the open answer type. On questionnaire completion and return, data were analysed using simple frequencies, cross tabulations and non-parametric techniques in the SPSS (v18). RESULTS: The majority of pharmacists (84.9%) confirmed that business skills affect their everyday responsibilities to a considerable extent. A high proportion of undergraduate students (92.8%) believed that business management skills will impact on their future role. In total, 64.3% of this cohort declared that if a module were introduced they would study it. The majority of staff (79%) agreed that business skills are gaining increased importance within the field of pharmacy. CONCLUSIONS: Data suggest that business skills are of relevance to the practice of pharmacy. Appropriate staff to deliver the taught material would include business owners / lecturers and teaching practitioners covering topics including management, leadership, interpersonal skills and regulation. We suggest the inclusion of a business module with the MPharm degree would be of great value in preparing individuals for practice within a modern day healthcare setting

    Belarus Free Theatre, Labour Mobility and the Cultural Politics of the Border

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    This document comprises two linked sections that open up a critical space for reflecting on the Belarus Free Theatre and serve to broadly mark the company’s activities from 2009 to 2013. The first section is a document that considers Belarus Free Theatre’s role as a transnational cultural producer with symbolic capital in the international theatre community. It traces complex questions about the rhetoric of border crossing in theatre and performance; the wider labour conditions of contemporary cultural workers in theatre and performance; and the wider context of cultural work. Through reflecting on Belarus Free Theatre and its reception in Europe and North America, this piece aims to throw into relief the labour politics that organise the working lives of cultural workers in London. The second section is an interview conducted with the company’s co-founders, Natalia Kaliada and Nikolai Khalezin, in Minsk in 2009. It offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into their thoughts on Belarus Free Theatre’s relationship to both politics and cultural production prior to their 2011 exile from Belarus. The interview traces a complex set of aspirations tied to visibility, political agitation, and cultural and symbolic capital that raise important questions about the role the contemporary theatre and performance industry can play in mobilizing political and social change within the prevailing contemporary political economy

    Judicial Recusal & Expanding Notions of Due Process

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    The merits of judicial elections have been litigated in journals around the country. In light of the recent Supreme Court decisions in White and Caperton, this debate will only intensify. Rather than revisit the arguments for and against electing judges, this Article argues that applying the Mathews v. Eldridge test in cases where a litigant’s due process is threatened by an elected judge—a possibility that the Court initially dismissed in White against Justice Ginsburg’s protests, and then took head on in Caperton—will balance First Amendment rights that judicial elections breed against the rights of the litigants that the Constitution protects. This test would also be mindful of the larger concern voiced by the Caperton dissent: that Caperton motions will undermine the integrity of the judiciary. In sum, the flexibility and elegance of the test in this context is also made timely in light of the uncertainty raised by the Court’s expansive rulings in the areas of judicial elections, due process protection, and First Amendment rights. Lower courts should be relieved that they would not need to break new ground to apply Mathews in this context. And Chief Justice’s prediction that the Court will have to revisit Caperton to measure the “extremeness” of the facts in future cases may not come true after all

    Judicial Recusal & Expanding Notions of Due Process

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    The merits of judicial elections have been litigated in journals around the country. In light of the recent Supreme Court decisions in White and Caperton, this debate will only intensify. Rather than revisit the arguments for and against electing judges, this Article argues that applying the Mathews v. Eldridge test in cases where a litigant’s due process is threatened by an elected judge—a possibility that the Court initially dismissed in White against Justice Ginsburg’s protests, and then took head on in Caperton—will balance First Amendment rights that judicial elections breed against the rights of the litigants that the Constitution protects. This test would also be mindful of the larger concern voiced by the Caperton dissent: that Caperton motions will undermine the integrity of the judiciary. In sum, the flexibility and elegance of the test in this context is also made timely in light of the uncertainty raised by the Court’s expansive rulings in the areas of judicial elections, due process protection, and First Amendment rights. Lower courts should be relieved that they would not need to break new ground to apply Mathews in this context. And Chief Justice’s prediction that the Court will have to revisit Caperton to measure the “extremeness” of the facts in future cases may not come true after all

    Exploring safety systems for dispensing in community pharmacies: focusing on how staff relate to organizational components

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    Background: Identifying risk is an important facet of a safety practice in an organization. To identify risk, all components within a system of operation should be considered. In clinical safety practice, a team of people, technologies, procedures and protocols, management structure and environment have been identified as key components in a system of operation. Objectives: To explore risks in relation to prescription dispensing in community pharmacies by taking into account relationships between key components that relate to the dispensing process. Methods: Fifteen community pharmacies in England with varied characteristics were identified, and data were collected using non-participant observations, shadowing and interviews. Approximately 360 hours of observations and 38 interviews were conducted by the team. Observation field notes from each pharmacy were written into case studies. Overall, 52,500 words from 15 case studies and interview transcripts were analyzed using thematic and line-by-line analyses. Validation techniques included multiple data collectors co-authoring each case study for consensus, review of case studies by members of the wider team including academic and practicing community pharmacists, and patient safety experts and two presentations (internally and externally) to review and discuss findings. Results: Risks identified were related to relationships between people and other key components in dispensing. This included how different levels of staff communicated internally and externally, followed procedures, interacted with technical systems, worked with management, and engaged with the environment. In a dispensing journey, the following categories were identified which show how risks are inextricably linked through relationships between human components and other key components: 1) dispensing with divided attention; 2) dispensing under pressure; 3) dispensing in a restricted space or environment; and, 4) managing external influences. Conclusions: To identify and evaluate risks effectively, an approach that includes understanding relationships between key components in dispensing is required. Since teams of people in community pharmacies are a key dispensing component, and therefore part of the operational process, it is important to note how they relate to other components in the environment within which they operate. Pharmacies can take the opportunity to reflect on the organization of their systems and review in particular how they can improve on the four key categories identified

    Judicial Recusal and Expanding Notions of Due Process

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    Identifying Malicious HTTP Requests

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    This Bachelor’s thesis examines the different vulnerabilities that exists in modern web applications and their exploitation techniques. As web has evolved today into modern and complex web applications, it is regarded to be important to know how to protect against these attacks. The primary objective was to collect information about web application exploits to conduct research for a new generation web application development development. This thesis is also used to receive a GOLD status for a GIAC Web Application Pene- tration Tester certificate. The thesis consists of a theory section and an empirical section. Work for this thesis was done within timeframe of June-September 2012. The theory section describes the methodology behind penetration testing and different attack vectors on the basis of relevant literature and Internet sources. The empirical section is built on a testing envi- ronment that is used to conduct the key research about how different vulnerabilities can be exploited and for the analysis of the malicious traffic. The results provided a lot of information about what kind of attacks can be conduc- ted against web applications and how they can be identified. There are a lot of diffe- rent techniques for input filter and firewall evasion also. When implementing practices to securing a web application; good implementation of input validation is required, never trust the client and detailed rulesets for IDS and firewall devices.Tämä opinnäytetyö tarkastelee moderneissa web-sovelluksissa esiintyviä haavoit- tuvuuksia. Internet on muuttunut yhä dynaamisemmaksi ympäristöksi ja onkin erittäin tärkeää ymmärtää ja osata varautua web-sovelluksissa esiintyviin haavoittuvuuksiin ja niihin kohdistuviin hyökkäyksiin. Pääasiallinen tutkimuskohde on kerätä tietoa erilaisista hyökkäyskeinoista ja hyödyntää tuloksia uuden sukupolven web-sovellus palomuurin kehitystyössä. Opinnäytetyön tar- koituksena on myös saavuttaa GOLD taso GIAC:n Web Application Penetrator Tester sertifikaatissa. Tutkimus koostuu sekä teoria-, että empiirisestä osiosta. Työ toteutettiin aikavälillä kesäkuu - syyskuu. Teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi penetraatiotestauksen metodologiaa sekä lukuisia hyökkäystekniikoita. Empiirinen osio koostuu laboratorioympäristön asentamisesta, eri hyökkäyskeinojan demonstraatiosta ja näiden aiheuttaman TCP/IP liikenteen analysoinnista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää yleisimmät hyökkäyskeinot web-sovelluksia kohtaan sekä kuinka ne voidaan tunnistaa ja erottaa toisistaan. Nämä tavoitteet saavu- tettiin ja tuloksista myös ilmenee, että on olemassa paljon erilaisia keinoja kerätä tietoa kohteesta IDS:n ja palomuurin huomaamatta. Tulokset antavat myös hyvän pohjan or- ganisaatioille implementoida web-sovelluksian ja taustajärjestelmien suojauksia

    Judicial Recusal and Expanding Notions of Due Process

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    The merits of judicial elections have been litigated in journals around the country. In light of the recent Supreme Court decisions in White and Caperton, this debate will only intensify. Rather than revisit the arguments for and against electing judges, this Article argues that applying the Mathews v. Eldridge test in cases where a litigant’s due process is threatened by an elected judge—a possibility that the Court initially dismissed in White against Justice Ginsburg’s protests, and then took head on in Caperton—will balance First Amendment rights that judicial elections breed against the rights of the litigants that the Constitution protects. This test would also be mindful of the larger concern voiced by the Caperton dissent: that Caperton motions will undermine the integrity of the judiciary. In sum, the flexibility and elegance of the test in this context is also made timely in light of the uncertainty raised by the Court’s expansive rulings in the areas of judicial elections, due process protection, and First Amendment rights. Lower courts should be relieved that they would not need to break new ground to apply Mathews in this context. And Chief Justice’s prediction that the Court will have to revisit Caperton to measure the “extremeness” of the facts in future cases may not come true after all

    UX Design using Conversational Interface

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 미술대학 디자인학부, 2017. 8. 윤주현.주변을 둘러보면 식물 하나 키우지 않는, 혹은 안 키워본 사람을 찾기가 어렵다. 식물은 동물보다 키우기 쉽고, 정서에 좋으며, 공기정화 기능까지 갖춘 데다가 아름답기까지 하기 때문이다. 하지만 이 같은 수많은 장점에도 불구하고 식물을 키우는 일이 쉽지는 않다. 식물을 키우는 과정에서 생기는 문제와 궁금증을 해결할 만한 창구가 없거나, 정보를 찾기 어렵기 때문이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 인공지능을 활용한 챗봇형 개인 정원사 서비스 'Leafy(리피)'를 제안하고자 한다. 본 연구는 사람들이 식물을 더 쉽고 부담 없이 키울 수 있는 기반환경을 마련할 것이며, 궁극적으로 국내 식물 인구 증가에 기여하기를 기대한다. 연구의 첫 장에서는 인간과 식물의 관계에 대해 서술한다. 먼저 인간과 식물이 예로부터 가장 근본적인 생존적 관계 속에서 서로를 지탱해왔음을 밝히고, 더 나아가 심리적·환경적·심미적 관점에서 서로가 어떤 관계를 맺고 있는지, 혹은 식물이 인간에게 의미하는 바를 이야기한다. 이어 현존하는 식물 관련 서비스(어플리케이션 한정)의 사례를 조사하여 분석한다. 두번째 장에서는 챗봇에 대해 서술한다. 챗봇의 정의와 의의에 대해 기술하고 난 후, 사람과 대화할 수 있는 대화형 로봇인 챗봇이 갖춰야 하는 정서적 요건에 어떤 것들이 있는지를 분석한다. 여러 챗봇 관련 서비스들에 대해 조사하여 분석한다. 세번째 장에서는 작품 연구를 실시한다. 서비스의 기획과 구조를 시작으로 서비스 네임 및 로고 디자인, 어플리케이션 UI 디자인의 순서로 진행한다. 디자인 작업 뒤에는 작품을 활용한 서비스 활용 시나리오를 제안하고 관련 영상을 제작한다. 작품 전시로 마무리한다. 결론에서는 연구 결과 및 리피가 달성한 연구 목적을 제시한다. 연구 결과 인공지능을 기반으로 한 챗봇 시스템을 활용해 사용자가 식물을 키우는 과정을 돕는 리피를 제작하였으며, 식물을 키우는 과정에서 발생하는 고통을 해소한 점과 익숙한 문자 소통 방식을 사용하는 챗봇 인터페이스의 장점을 극대화하고자 하는 목적을 달성했다. 한계점은 챗봇 기술의 미성숙으로 인해 빠른 시일내로 서비스를 실제화하기 어려울 수 있다는 점이다. 기대효과로는 대화형 로봇 트렌드와 맞물려 향후 진행되는 챗봇의 감정 연구 및 식물 외 반려동물 사례의 적용, 독립적 어플리케이션이 아닌 기존 메신저와의 융합 가능성, 음성형 로봇으로의 발전 가능성을 꼽으며 모든 연구를 마친다.제 1 장 서론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 2 1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법 4 제 2 장 인간과 식물의 관계 5 2.1 심리적 관계 7 2.2 환경적 관계 10 2.3 심미적 관계 13 2.4 식물 관련 서비스 15 제 3 장 챗봇: 인공지능형 개인비서 26 3.1 챗봇의 정의 및 의의 27 3.2 챗봇의 요건 38 3.3 챗봇 관련 서비스 45 제 4 장 작품 연구 59 4.1 서비스 구조 기획 60 4.2 서비스 네임 및 로고 디자인 67 4.3 어플리케이션 UI 디자인 69 4.4 서비스 활용 시나리오 제안 98 4.5 작품 전시 105 제 5 장 결론 111 5.1 연구 결과 요약 112 5.2 연구 결론 112 5.3 향후 방향 113 참고문헌 115 Abstract 120Maste

    Estrategias contra la obsolescencia urbana: aplicación práctica al caso del Barrio La Mariscal, Quito

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    [ES] La obsolescencia es un hecho que afecta en los barrios consolidados de las ciudades, que necesita de un diagnóstico y tratamiento para evitar el envejecimiento y degradación de las fábricas urbanas. La obsolescencia urbana ha acompañado a las ciudades desde su misma creación, y a lo largo de la historia han surgido estrategias dirigidas a revitalizar y renovar sus tejidos. Desde la liberación del corsé de las murallas y la oxigenación urbana de las ciudades medievales con ejemplos paradigmáticos como el París del Barón Haussmann o el Londres de John Nash, las operaciones de redensificación de la Europa destruida tras la Gran Guerra, hasta las recientes estrategias de renovación urbana basadas en estructuras de movilidad más peatonal. Con esta base disciplinar, este trabajo pone en práctica las distintas estrategias de renovación urbana en el barrio degradado de La Mariscal en la ciudad de Quito. Se abordan los problemas urbanos existentes en este barrio y se aplican cuatro estrategias provenientes del estudio histórico de la disciplina. Estas estrategias son humanizar el espacio público, peatonalizar la movilidad, activar la cota cero y vitalizar el parque de vivienda. Estas estrategias estructuran el corpus de la investigación, mezclando la teoría disciplinar con la práctica del proyecto. Así, el lector se enfrenta a una investigación práctica cuya finalidad es seguir construyendo el barrio de La Mariscal.[EN] Obsolescence is a fact that affects the consolidated neighborhoods of the cities, which needs a diagnosis and treatment to prevent the aging and degradation of urban factories. Urban obsolescence has accompanied cities since its inception, and throughout history strategies have emerged to revitalize and renew its tissues. From the wall form work release and the urban oxygenation of medieval cities with paradigmatic examples such as the Paris of Baron Haussmann or the London of John Nash, the redensification operations of the destroyed Europe after the great war, to the recent strategies of Urban renovation based on more pedestrian mobility structures. With this disciplinary basis, this work implements the different urban renewal strategies in the degraded neighborhood of La Mariscal in the city of Quito. The existing urban problems in this neighborhood are addressed and four strategies from the historical study of the discipline are applied. These strategies are to humanize public space, pedestrianize mobility, activate the zero level and vitalize the housing stock. These strategies are the structures of the investigation, mixing the disciplinary theory with the practice of the project. Therefore, the reader faces a practical investigation whose purpose is to continue building the neighborhood of La Mariscal.Chávez Álvarez, LC. (2020). Estrategias contra la obsolescencia urbana: aplicación práctica al caso del Barrio La Mariscal, Quito. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/139391TFG