837 research outputs found

    A case study of introductory programming with MOOCS

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    Computational thinking has become a crucial skill for the 21st Century learners in all disciplines. Research suggests that the best and fastest approach to understand the concepts of computational thinking is through developing programming skills. However, finding effective and affordable learning environments to introduce programming skills to a massive scale of students remains a challenge. Currently, the unprecedented utilization of MOOCs represent an opportunity to achieve this goal. But, existing introductory programming MOOCs have failed to provide instructionally-sound experience for learners. The purpose of this descriptive research is two-fold: (1) Identify the affordances of fifteen MOOC\u27s platforms that are best suited to design and implement basic programming skills courses based on the community of inquiry (CoI) framework, and (2) Describe and compare how CoI framework-based instructional strategies were implemented in six basic programming skills MOOCs

    Towards sustainable training in essential computing research skills in the Netherlands

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    Life science research increasingly depends on computational skills that enable efficient work with large complex datasets. Unfortunately, formal curricula often lack training in this area. There is a need for specialised training that includes topics like shell scripting, basic programming skills in R or Python, data handling, reproducible computational research and open science


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    In today's digital era, basic programming skills are in high demand in the workplace. Many companies are looking for employees who have basic programming skills to develop more sophisticated applications and technologies. Therefore, it is important for SMK students to have basic programming skills in order to compete in the world of work. This effort can help improve the basic programming skills of SMK children so that they can compete in the increasingly tight world of work and prepare themselves for a better future. This activity involves the stages of pre-test, material delivery, discussion, and post-test. The results show that the students are very happy with this training, which shows that in the first and second questions, the students get new knowledge with a simple explanation carried out by the speaker when conducting training, referring to the initial question before programming training, and after carrying out the training process, the students have 100% gained knowledge. Community service activities entitled "Basic Programming Learning Training Using Python Language" at SMK Bina Cipta Palembang have been successfully implemented. The training participants responded positively to this activity. The socialization of basic programming using Python has provided new knowledge for participants, which can increase creativity and knowledge in utilizing Python. The results of this training provide benefits and new knowledge for studentsIn today's digital era, basic programming skills are in high demand in the workplace. Many companies are looking for employees who have basic programming skills to develop more sophisticated applications and technologies. Therefore, it is important for SMK students to have basic programming skills in order to compete in the world of work. This effort can help improve the basic programming skills of SMK children so that they can compete in the increasingly tight world of work and prepare themselves for a better future. This activity involves the stages of pre-test, material delivery, discussion, and post-test. The results show that the students are very happy with this training, which shows that in the first and second questions, the students get new knowledge with a simple explanation carried out by the speaker when conducting training, referring to the initial question before programming training, and after carrying out the training process, the students have 100% gained knowledge. Community service activities entitled "Basic Programming Learning Training Using Python Language" at SMK Bina Cipta Palembang have been successfully implemented. The training participants responded positively to this activity. The socialization of basic programming using Python has provided new knowledge for participants, which can increase creativity and knowledge in utilizing Python. The results of this training provide benefits and new knowledge for students

    Introduction to Programming Using Mobile Phones and MIT App Inventor

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    At the beginning of each year, we ask our new undergraduate students in Computer Engineering if they have ever developed a computer program. Surprisingly, the most frequent answer is no. The few students who have attended a Computer Science training module usually have some basic programming notions; however, most of our students coming straight from high school have never programmed. This lack of basic programming skills represents a major drawback when taking programming-related courses. This is especially true for the course on Computer Organization, taught during the first semester of the first year, as one of its main objectives is to explain the processor architecture, and therefore a great part of it revolves around programming in assembly language. To tackle this lack of basic programming skills, a workshop on mobile application programming using MIT App Inventor is offered to freshmen. This workshop is highly welcomed and positively received by the students, and we believe that it has contributed to improving their performance on courses related to programming, and in particular, on the Computer Organization course

    Designing an Educational Program Based on (Micro: Bit) and Its Effectiveness in Acquisition of Basic Programming Skills and Computational Thinking Skills for Primary School Students

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى تصميم برنامج تعليمي قائم على المايكروبت (Micro: Bit) وقياس فاعليته نحو إكساب المهارات الأساسية للبرمجة ومهارات التفكير الحاسوبي لدى طلاب المرحلة الابتدائية، واستخدمت المنهج شبه التجريبي، وتألفت عينة الدراسة من (22) تلميذًا، وبعد التحقق من ثبات وصدق أدوات الدراسة (بطاقة الملاحظة للمهارات الأساسية للبرمجة، ومقياس التفكير الحاسوبي)، تم تطبيقها على العينة قبليًّا، ثَم نُفِّذَ عدد (15) درسًا بأسلوب التعلم بواسطة المشاريع لمدة شهرين، ثم تم إعادة تطبيق المقاييس البَعدية، وأسفرت النتائج عن وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (0.001) لصالح القياس البعدي لمقياس مهارات التفكير الحاسوبي والمهارات الأساسية للبرمجة للمقياس ككل، وبحجم تأثير عالي مقداره (0.81) لمقياس مهارات التفكير الحاسوبي، وحجم تأثير متوسط مقداره (0.74) للمهارات الأساسية للبرمجة، كما أظهرت تباينًا نسبيًّا في مستويات الدلالة وحجم الأثر في المهارات الفرعية لكلٍّ من المهارات الأساسية للبرمجة، ومهارات التفكير الحاسوبي. وأوصت الدراسة بتضمين دروس تعليم البرمجة باستخدام المايكروبت في مقررات المهارات الرقمية لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائية.The study aimed to design an educational program based on the Micro: Bit and measure its effectiveness in acquisition of basic programming skills and computational thinking skills for primary school students. The quasi-experimental method was used. The sample consisted of (22) students. After verifying the releablity and validity of the study tools (the observation card for basic programming skills, and the computational thinking scale), they were applied as pre-test, then (15) lessons were implemented using project-based learning for a period of two months. After that, the post-test was applied. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = 0.001) in favor of the post-test of the computational thinking skills scale and the basic programming skills overall, and a high effectiveness of (0.81) for the computational thinking skills scale, and an effectiveness of (0.74) for basic programming skills. It also showed a relative variation in the levels of significance and impact size in the sub-skills. The study recommended the inclusion of programming lessons using Micro: Bit in the digital skills curricula for primary school student

    The Future of Programming

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    Nowadays digital literacies are one of the requirements to employees in various areas of human activities, where programming which belongs to computer sciences is seen as a bonus when applying for a job. Some predictions how programming will develop in future are given in this paper

    Spartan Daily, March 8, 2017

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    Volume 148, Issue 18https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2017/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Service-Learning Times : semester 2, 2018/19

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    To foster multi-disciplinary learning experience, the three faculties, the Science Unit and Office of Service-Learning offer you plenty of choices and flexibility in S-L projects. Moreover, we also provide trans-border S-L and research opportunities, enabling you to examine challenging issues at both the local and international levels. A number of S-L projects are also available in cluster courses, free elective courses, and major courses. In short, you have a wealth of opportunities to apply your course knowledge while contributing to the local and the international communities. This booklet highlights the courses with S-L elements in this semester. If you want to choose what kind of S-L adventure you want to go on, you should plan and act quickly while places are available.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/sl_times/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Service-Learning Times : semester 1, 2018/19

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    Service-Learning (S-L) is a pedagogy that drives learning, innovation, contribution and transformation. It provides experiential learning opportunities for students by connecting academic knowledge to impactful community service with ongoing reflection during the process. The diverse and insightful S-L experience enables students to discover their potential, address the challenges faced by the community, as well as transform beneficiaries’ lives by providing support to collaborating partners. This booklet highlights the courses with S-L elements offered this semester. Students wishing to experience the best of S-L should plan and act quickly while places are available.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/sl_times/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Influence of Problem Based Learning and Problem Solving Learning Combined with Braistorming on the Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes

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    Based on the results of observations made in class X TKJ SMKN 2 Probolinggo, it shows the lack of courage of students in expressing opinions, students' skills in solving problems are less than optimal, and basic programming learning outcomes obtained by 69% of students below the KKM. The problem is the background of this research to determine the learning outcomes (Y) of basic programming because of the influence of the application of the problem-based learning model combined with brainstorming (X1) compared to problem solving learning combined with brainstorming (X2). The learning outcomes in question are knowledge learning outcomes (Y1) and skills learning outcomes (Y2). This study aims to: (1) reveal the significance of the difference in Y1 due to the effect of applying X1 compared to X2; (2) revealing the significance of the difference in Y2 due to the effect of applying X1 compared to X2. This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest posttest design. The subjects of this study were class X TKJ 1 and class X TKJ 3 as. Class X TKJ 1 amounted to 34 students were given X1 treatment. Class X TKJ 3 totaling 32 were given X2 treatment. The results of hypothesis testing using t-test, show Y1 class X TKJ 1 compared to class X TKJ 3 obtained a significance number of 0.012, Y2 class X TKJ 1 compared to class X TKJ 3 obtained a significance number of 0.000. The conclusion from the research is that there is a significant difference between the results of learning basic programming because of the effect of applying the problem-based learning model combined with brainstorming compared to problem solving learning combined with brainstormin