2,266 research outputs found

    Conflicts between Attorneys and Social Workers Representing Children in Delinquency Proceedings

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    Processus entrepreneuriaux dans l'industrie des biotechs.: Notes de séminaire

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    La recherche présentée ici s'intéresse au transfert technologique dans le domaine des biotechs, c'est-à-dire le passage de la recherche fondamentale vers le privé. Cepassage est assuré par les entrepreneurs, qui s'appuient sur divers types deressources. Le premier est la recherche académique, surtout dans la première période,celle de la création de l'entreprise. Le second, le capital-risque, traite la ressource "financement": les capital-risqueurs vont accompagner la création et le développement de l'entreprise. Enfin, le dernier type de ressources est ce que l'on appelle les "big pharmas" qui, achetant les produits de l'entreprise, permettent à celle-ci de vivre

    Qué pasa con la dramaturgia chilena contemporánea

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    La estructura social de la industria biotecnológica en Francia : un estudio de las relaciones interorganizacionales a nivel inter-individual

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    Diversos autores han mostrado la importancia de las relaciones de colaboración inter-organizacionales para el desempeño, las formas de gestión o la trayectoria de las empresas biotecnológicas. La mayoría de estos trabajos analizan exclusivamente los acuerdos contractuales entre las empresas y sus principales interlocutores. Este enfoque exclusivamente económico presenta una limitación mayor: la naturaleza de las relaciones contractuales no permite estudiar en detalle la manera en la que los actores cooperan. Nuestro estudio propone ampliar el análisis de estas relaciones inter-organizacionales al nivel inter-individual. Un estudio empírico sobre los dirigentes de la industria biotecnológica en el sector de la salud humana en Francia nos ha permitido cartografiar las relaciones que mantienen y los recursos que intercambian entre ellos. Nuestros resultados confirman la existencia de un sistema de intercambio denso y múltiple. Éste presenta una distribución jerárquica de los diversos tipos de recursos, en la que el centro se diferencia de la periferia por la presencia de relaciones más densas, múltiples y recíprocas. Sin embargo, el análisis comparado de las diferentes redes revela que las relaciones de consejo son bastante centralizadas, mientras que las relaciones de amistad siguen una distribución más homogénea. Sugerimos que este fenómeno forma parte de un mecanismo de compensación que permite a los actores menos centrales mantener relaciones inter-organizacionales. Por último, el análisis de los comportamientos relacionales nos ha permitido descubrir dos normas que orientan los intercambios. Estas normas reflejan en parte el difícil proceso de ajustamiento que debe atravesar un proyecto científico para salir del universo de la investigación académica y desarrollarse en una estructura privada: la empresa biotecnológica.Various authors have shown the importance of collaborative relationships for interorganizational performance, the mode of governance or the trajectory of biotechnology companies. Most of these works analyze the exclusive contractual agreements between companies and their main relationships among individuals. We show that this purely economic approach presents a major limitation: the nature of contractual relationships does not explore in detail how players cooperate. We propose to extend the study of these inter-organizational social relations, seen through the resource exchange in inter-individual. An empirical study on the leaders of the biotechnology industry in the area of human health in France has allowed us to map their relationships and resources they exchange them. Our results confirm the existence of a system of exchange dense and multiple. It presents a hierarchical distribution of various types of resources, where the centre is different from the periphery relations denser, more numerous and more reciprocal. However, comparative analysis of different networks reveals that the relationships of the board are highly centralized, while those of friendship following a more even distribution. We suggest that this phenomenon is part of a compensation mechanism to less central actors to maintain inter-organizational relationships. Finally, two standards of the cooperation process, revealed by the relational behaviour of actors, have been discovered. We suggest that they reflect in part the difficult process of adjustment that must cross a science project out of the realm of academic research and develop in a private structure: the biotech company

    La structure sociale de l’industrie des biotechnologies en France: une étude des relations inter-organisationnelles au niveau inter-individuel.

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    Divers auteurs ont montré l’importance des relations de collaboration inter-organisationnelles pour les performances, le mode de gouvernance ou la trajectoire des entreprises de biotechnologie. La plupart de ces travaux analysent exclusive-ment les accords contractuels passés entre les entreprises et leurs principaux inter-locuteurs. Nous montrons que cette approche exclusivement économique présente une limite majeure : la nature des relations contractuelles ne permet pas d’étudier en détail la manière dont les acteurs coopèrent. Nous proposons d’élargir l’étude de ces relations inter-organisationnelles aux relations sociales, observées à travers l’échange de ressources au niveau inter-individuel. Une étude empirique portant sur les dirigeants de l’industrie des biotechnologies dans le secteur de la santé humaine en France nous a permis de cartographier les relations qu’ils entretiennent et les ressources qu’ils échangent entre eux. Nos résultats confirment l’existence d’un système d’échange dense et multiple. Il présente une distribution hiérarchique des divers types de ressources, où le centre se différencie de la périphérie par des relations plus denses, plus multiples et plus réciproques. Toutefois, l’analyse comparée des différents réseaux révèle que les relations de conseil sont très centralisées, alors que celles d’amitié suivent une distribution plus homogène. Nous suggérons que ce phénomène participe d’un mécanisme de compensation permettant aux acteurs moins centraux d’entretenir des relations inter-organisationnelles. Enfin, deux normes guidant les échanges, mises au jour par le comportement relationnel des acteurs, ont été découvertes. Nous suggérons qu’elles reflètent en partie le difficile processus d’ajustement qui doit traverser un projet scientifique pour sortir de l’univers de la recherche académique et se développer dans une structure privée : l’entreprise de Biotech.Various authors have shown the importance of collaborative relationships for inter- organizational performance, the mode of governance or the trajectory of biotechnology companies. Most of these works analyze the exclusive contractual agreements between companies and their main relationships among individuals. We show that this purely economic approach presents a major limitation: the nature of contractual relationships does not explore in detail how players cooperate. We propose to extend the study of these inter-organizational social relations, seen through the resource exchange in inter-individual. An empirical study on the leaders of the biotechnology industry in the area of human health in France has allowed us to map their relationships and resources they exchange them. Our results confirm the existence of a system of exchange dense and multiple. It presents a hierarchical distribution of various types of resources, where the centre is different from the periphery relations denser, more numerous and more reciprocal. However, comparative analysis of different networks reveals that the relationships of the board are highly centralized, while those of friendship following a more even distribution. We suggest that this phenomenon is part of a compensation mechanism to less central actors to maintain inter-organizational relationships. Finally, two standards of the cooperation process, revealed by the relational behaviour of actors, have been discovered. We suggest that they reflect in part the difficult process of adjustment that must cross a science project out of the realm of academic research and develop in a private structure: the biotech company.Social Network Analysis; inter- organizational relationships; cooperation; Biotech industry; industrie des biotechnologies; relations inter-organisationnelles; analyse des réseaux sociaux; coopération entre concurrents;

    Redes de consejo en la industria biotecnológica en Francia

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    En este artículo exploramos las redes de consejo inter-organizacionales, apoyándonos en la idea de que la naturaleza de las interdependencias funcionales entre los actores es diferente a nivel intra-organizacional y a nivel interorganizacional. Esta diferencia influye en la manera en la que los miembros de un colectivo tratan de resolver los problemas relacionados con la evaluación de la pertinencia de los conocimientos. A nivel intra-organizacional, los conflictos epistémicos se resuelven por un movimiento de centralización y de alineamiento en torno a algunos pocos actores que detentan una autoridad formal. Esta hegemonía, formal y cognitiva, les permite imponer un consenso y ejercer un control elevado sobre el colectivo. En cambio, a nivel inter-organizacional, los conflictos epistémicos se resuelven por un movimiento de polarización, que es mantenido en parte por el activismo relacional de varios líderes de opinión, cuyo poder coercitivo no es absoluto. Ilustramos este proceso de aprendizaje a través de las redes de consejo entre empresarios científicos en la industria biotecnológica francesa.In this article we explore inter-organizational advice networks to build on the idea that the nature of the functional interdependencies between actors is different at the intra-organizational and the inter-organizational level. This difference influences the way in which members of a collective attempt to solve problems associated with evaluating the relevance of knowledge. At the intra-organizational level, cognitive conflicts are resolved by a movement of centralization and alignment around a few actors who benefit from formal authority. This hegemony, formal and cognitive, allows them to impose a consensus and to exercise high control over the collective. In contrast, this paper shows that at the inter-organizational level, cognitive conflicts are resolved by a movement of polarization, which is maintained in part by the relational activism of several opinion leaders whose coercive power is not absolute. We illustrate this learning process through advice networks between scientific entrepreneurs in the French biotechnology industry

    Bringing Meaningful Grade Aligned English Language Arts to the Classroom: Bridging Research and Practice

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    Instruction in meaningful grade aligned English Language Arts (ELA) content for students with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities provides a full educational experience that can lead to increased quality of life. Many teachers, however, face barriers in how to teach meaningful, grade aligned ELA. This article bridges research to practice by describing effective strategies for teaching a wide range of strands that fall under ELA, such as comprehension, writing, and student-led research. In addition, a framework is offered as a model of how to put it all together when teaching grade aligned ELA

    Activation and Cleavage of Dinitrogen by Three-coordinate Metal Complexes Involving Mo(III) and Nb(II/III)

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    Density functional calculations have been employed to rationalize why the heteronuclear N2-bridged MoIIINbIII dimer, [Ar(tBu)N]3Mo(µ-N2)Nb[N(iPr)Ar]3 (Ar = 3,5-C6H3Me2), does not undergo cleavage of the dinitrogen bridge in contrast to the analogous MoIIIMoIII complex which, although having a less activated N–N bond, undergoes spontaneous dinitrogen cleavage at room temperature. The calculations reveal that although the overall reaction is exothermic for both systems, the actual cleavage step is endothermic by 144 kJ mol−1 for the MoIIINbIII complex whereas the MoIIIMoIII system is exothermic by 94 kJ mol−1. The reluctance of the MoIIINbIII system to undergo N2 cleavage is attributed to its d3d2 metal configuration which is one electron short of the d3d3 configuration necessary to reductively cleave the dinitrogen bridge. This is confirmed by additional calculations on the related d3d3 MoIIINbII and NbIINbII systems for which the cleavage step is calculated to be substantially exothermic, accounting for why in the presence of the reductant KC8, the [Ar(tBu)N]3Mo- (µ-N2)Nb[N(iPr)Ar]3 complex was observed to undergo spontaneous cleavage of the dinitrogen bridge. On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that the level of activation of the N–N bond does not necessarily correlate with the ease of cleavage of the dinitrogen bridge
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