5,378 research outputs found

    Психосемантичні засоби дослідження рефлексивної активності

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    In this article, reflectivity is considered as an individual general ability to develop different attitudes to life events in order to reduce an external and internal uncertainty in situations. The objective of the research is to examine the self-assessment criteria for reflectivity with psychosemantic procedure. The author designs a modified version of the Ch. Osgood’s (1957) Semantic Differential (SD) for examining the content and formal features of the self-assessment criteria of reflectivity. This study suggests two main processes of self-assessment of reflectivity, notably differentiation and integration. The results of factor analysis indicate that individuals with high reflectivity level are aligned with low differentiation of the semantic space and monolithic nature of self-assessment criteria. The coherence and consistency of self-assessment criteria reduce the individuals’ level of inner uncertainty, transform external problems to familiar tasks and increase an efficient decision-making. A high level of differentiation is related to individual readiness to make a correct decision in the situation of multiple choice. High differentiation increases the individual adjustment and prevents from poor effects of high reflectivity. Consequently, a high level of reflectivity is associated with a low level of differentiation of self-assessment criteria.У статті рефлексивність розглядається як загальна здатність особистості ставати у різні позиції щодо подій власної життєдіяльності задля зниження ступеня зовнішньої та внутрішньої невизначеності. Мета дослідження – випрацювання оцінних критеріїв рефлективності на основі методів психосемантики. Автор розробила процедуру часткового семантичного диференціала, придатного для оцінки змісту і формальних рис рефлективності. Застосування факторного аналізу дало змогу виокремити лише дві узагальнені вторинні характеристики формальних ознак: рівень інтегрованості та диференціації. Виявлено, що високий рівень рефлексивності пов’язаний з низькою артикульованістю семантичного простору, з вираженою монолітністю оцінних критеріїв. Узгодженість та несуперечливість оцінних критеріїв допомагає суб’єктам знижувати рівень внутрішньої невизначеності, зводити зовнішні проблеми до типових задач. Висока артикульованість семантичного простору корелює з готовністю особи до перевірки висунутих припущень у ситуації множинного вибору, з домінуванням установки на правильність прийняття рішення. У результаті, встановлено, що високий рівень рефлексивності пов’язаний із низьким рівнем диференціації критеріїв оцінювання рефлексивної активності

    Eigenvalues of rank one perturbations of unstructured matrices

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    Let AA be a fixed complex matrix and let u,vu,v be two vectors. The eigenvalues of matrices A+τuvA+\tau uv^\top (τR)(\tau\in\mathbb{R}) form a system of intersecting curves. The dependence of the intersections on the vectors u,vu,v is studied

    Microservices Validation: Methodology and Implementation

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    Due to the wide spread of cloud computing, arises actual question about architecture, design and implementation of cloud applications. The microservice model describes the design and development of loosely coupled cloud applications when computing resources are provided on the basis of automated IaaS and PaaS cloud platforms. Such applications consist of hundreds and thousands of service instances, so automated validation and testing of cloud applications developed on the basis of microservice model is a pressing issue. There are constantly developing new methods of testing both individual microservices and cloud applications at a whole. This article presents our vision of a framework for the validation of the microservice cloud applications, providing an integrated approach for the implementation of various testing methods of such applications, from basic unit tests to continuous stability testing

    European experience and Ukrainian realities in the policy of financial support entrepreneurial sector

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    Aim/purpose – We want to provide recommendations to bridge the gap in access to financing of the entrepreneurial sector in Ukraine based on the analysis of European experience, EBF approaches, financial funds for SMEs and the current state of the credit market in Ukraine. Design/methodology/approach – We used the general scientific methods of knowledge, conceptual tenets of the theory of market economy, abstract logical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical (to determine the nature and causes of bank investment in SMEs, refine categories and terms); formalization, systems analysis (to determine factors of investment banking, institutional and legal environment); statistical, retrospective analysis. The results of surveys conducted by the EBF on the issues of support and development of SMEs are used, own research of 120 Ukrainian SMEs, which was conducted during the period from January to July 2016. The nature of the research questions was reinforced by the decision to survey only SMEs. Independent reporting (from entrepreneurs or CEOs) was used to account for both business activity and the external sources of information. Findings – Policy initiatives should primarily be developed at the national level in the field of lending to SMEs based on the European experience and Ukrainian realities; it is necessary to develop an understanding of the need for access to certain types of information; SMEs are the main providers and the most valuable source of credit information. Research implications/limitations – When using the methods of calculation creditworthiness perhaps to take into account the methods for assessing the quality of management, the image of the enterprise, ISO certificates. Originality/value/contribution – Based on the cross-country comparison of the EU and Ukraine, highlight the necessity of focusing on some legal unification of SME lending procedures for the development of a culture of sustainable entrepreneurship on the European continent

    Cutting-edge industrial technology of mining tool manufacturing

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