198 research outputs found

    Complexity-Entropy Causality Plane as a Complexity Measure for Two-dimensional Patterns

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    Complexity measures are essential to understand complex systems and there are numerous definitions to analyze one-dimensional data. However, extensions of these approaches to two or higher-dimensional data, such as images, are much less common. Here, we reduce this gap by applying the ideas of the permutation entropy combined with a relative entropic index. We build up a numerical procedure that can be easily implemented to evaluate the complexity of two or higher-dimensional patterns. We work out this method in different scenarios where numerical experiments and empirical data were taken into account. Specifically, we have applied the method to i) fractal landscapes generated numerically where we compare our measures with the Hurst exponent; ii) liquid crystal textures where nematic-isotropic-nematic phase transitions were properly identified; iii) 12 characteristic textures of liquid crystals where the different values show that the method can distinguish different phases; iv) and Ising surfaces where our method identified the critical temperature and also proved to be stable.Comment: Accepted for publication in PLoS On

    Cidade, modos de postar : paisagens de orla de Porto Alegre em narrativas online no século XXI

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    Amplamente visadas por ações de planejamento estratégico, orlas urbanas ao redor do planeta vêm se consolidando, nas últimas décadas, como loci privilegiados de inserção de paisagens citadinas em um mercado global de imagens e, ulteriormente, em uma economia neoliberal de desejo. Apesar das constantes promessas de experiências e arquiteturas singulares pelo city marketing, o idêntico prolifera-se no mundo urbano, imbricado tanto nas paisagens do espetáculo quanto naquelas da precariedade. Sem refutar os agenciamentos subjetivos da produção urbana formal, as enunciações do marketing digital e a performatividade de algoritmos em redes sociais online dão pistas de modelizações para além da paisagem concreta. São pasteurizadas as possibilidades da própria experiência urbana ordinária, bem como suas formas de significação, transmissão e escuta. Em busca de operar tal problemática, armou-se um plano teórico ancorado em três conceitos: a paisagem como categoria de apreensão do espaço e fenômeno sensível; as tecnologias de informação e comunicação como mediações técnicas dos sentidos e dispositivos de controle; e a narrativa como perspectiva teórico-metodológica para uma investigação política da experiência — e, portanto, da paisagem. Foram exploradas as paisagens de orla de Porto Alegre como objeto empírico de conhecimento por meio de postagens da rede social online Instagram, visando investigar processos de subjetivação na produção de paisagens urbanas em uma contemporaneidade neoliberal. À procura de apreender a realidade social como fricção de diferenças, adotou-se a montagem como procedimento formal de composição com narrativas heterogêneas, com a qual se construiu e se aplicou um método para acompanhar, registrar, recortar, compor, rasgar e, assim, interpretar a paisagem como palimpsesto polifônico e polissêmico. Discutem-se, enfim, alguns atravessamentos surgidos da interpretação de narrativas online: a produção de autoridade para instaurar bordas sociais; de cansaço como dispositivo de controle; de espetáculo para modular o desejo; e de lisura para operar apagamentos. Esses atravessamentos são compreendidos como aberturas para desnaturalizar e ampliar a discussão sobre a produção de paisagens urbanas no século XXI.Widely targeted by strategic planning actions, urban waterfronts around the planet have been consolidated, in recent decades, as privileged loci for the insertion of cityscapes in a global market of images and, later, in a neoliberal economy of desire. Despite the constant promises of unique experiences and architectures by the city marketing, the identical proliferates in the urban world, imbricated both in the landscapes of the spectacle and in those of precariousness. Without refuting the subjective assemblages of formal urban production, the enunciations of digital marketing and the performativity of algorithms in online social networks provide modeling clues beyond the concrete landscape. The possibilities of ordinary urban experience itself are pasteurized, as well as its forms of meaning, transmission and listening. In an attempt to deal with this problem, a theoretical plan was set up anchored in three concepts: the landscape as a category for apprehending space and a sensitive phenomenon; information and communication technologies as technical mediations of the senses and devices of control; and narrative as a theoretical-methodological perspective for a political investigation of experience — and, therefore, of landscape. Porto Alegre’s waterfront landscapes were explored as an empirical object of knowledge through posts from Instagram, an online social network, aiming at investigating processes of subjectivation in the production of urban landscapes in a neoliberal contemporaneity. Seeking to apprehend social reality as a friction of differences, montage was adopted as a formal compositional procedure with heterogeneous narratives, with which a method was built and applied to monitor, record, cut, compose, tear and, thus, interpret the landscape as a polyphonic and polysemic palimpsest. In effect some crossings arising from the interpretation of online narratives are discussed: the production of authority to establish social borders; of tiredness as a device of control; of the spectacle to modulate desire; and smoothness to operate erasures. These crossings are understood as openings to denaturalize and expand the discussion on the production of urban landscapes in the 21st century

    To operate the urban from the inside a good dose of landscape is needed

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    Procuramos, com este artigo, ensaiar como a paisagem, enquanto categoria de apreensão do mundo em que vivemos, pode ser uma ferramenta política, na medida em que expressa diferentes formas de vida que compõem o mundo social. Desta forma, desenvolvemos uma discussão acerca do conceito, passando de algumas acepções encontradas no senso comum a uma discussão do conceito acadêmico de paisagem. A partir daí, procuramos tomar posição em meio às múltiplas formas de trabalho com a paisagem na contemporaneidade. Procuramos, enfim, e por meio de uma discussão acerca da configuração de imagens hegemônicas para as paisagens de orla de Porto Alegre/RS, estender a discussão ao campo do planejamento urbano e regional, defendendo uma abordagem política da paisagem como uma possibilidade de desnaturalizar a produção macropolítica, dominante e excludente da cidade por meio da visibilização e autorização discursiva de outras formas de existência no território.With this article, we try to rehearse how the landscape, as a category of apprehension of the world we live in, can be a political tool, insofar as it expresses different forms of life that compose the social world. In this way, we developed a (brief) discussion on the concept, going from common sense to a discussion of the academic concept of landscape. From there, we seek to take position amid the multiple ways of working with the landscape in current times. Finally, and through a discussion about the configuration of hegemonic images for the coastal landscapes of Porto Alegre/RS, we seek to extend the discussion to the field of urban and regional planning, defending a phenomenological approach to the landscape as a possibility to denaturalize the macropolitical, dominant and exclusionary production of the city through the visibility and discoursive authorization of other forms of existence in the territor

    Marketing eleitoral e os construtores da imagem pública

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    Deficiency in interferon type 1 receptor improves definitive erythropoiesis in Klf1 null mice

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    A key regulatory gene in definitive erythropoiesis is the transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 1 (Klf1). Klf1 null mice die in utero by day 15.5 (E15.5) due to impaired definitive erythropoiesis and severe anemia. Definitive erythropoiesis takes place in erythroblastic islands in mammals. Erythroblastic islands are formed by a central macrophage (Central Macrophage of Erythroblastic Island, CMEI) surrounded by maturating erythroblasts. Interferon-β (IFN-β) is activated in the fetal liver’s CMEI of Klf1 null mice. The inhibitory effect of IFN-β on erythropoiesis is known and, therefore, we speculated that IFN-β could have contributed to the impairment of definitive erythropoiesis in Klf1 knockout (KO) mice fetal liver. To validate this hypothesis, in this work we determined whether the inactivation of type I interferon receptor (Ifnar1) would ameliorate the phenotype of Klf1 KO mice by improving the lethal anemia. Our results show a prolonged survival of Klf1/Ifnar1 double KO embryos, with an improvement of the definitive erythropoiesis and erythroblast enucleation, together with a longer lifespan of CMEI in the fetal liver and also a restoration of the apoptotic program. Our data indicate that the cytotoxic effect of IFN-β activation in CMEI contribute to the impairment of definitive erythropoiesis associated with Klf1 deprivation

    Narratives on the margins : shifting epistemes for a methodology of the common

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    A conjuntura de instabilidade política, econômica e social que assola o ocidente na contemporaneidade nos convoca a discutir os pressupostos epistemológicos que agenciam a problemática urbana em sua colonialidade, apontando para a necessária ruptura de um regime de autorização discursiva que invisibiliza as narrativas situadas à margem da produção urbana hegemônica. Rever tais pressupostos implica desnaturalizar o modus operandi do planejamento urbano revista V!RUS V!RUS journal issn 2175-974x ano 2020 year semestre 01 semester Julho 2020 July editorial editorial entrevista interview ágora agora tapete carpet artigo nomads nomads paper projetos projects expediente credits próxima v!rus next v!rus ocidental, fazendo emergir modos de subjetivação que escapam à normatividade imposta pelo sistema patriarcal e neoliberal, e abrir caminho às práticas urbanas que recuperam o comum (DARDOT, LAVAL, 2017) como racionalidade alternativa ao capitalismo e como composição complexa das diferenças. A partir do reconhecimento da narrativa como epistemologia da experiência, a metodologia busca cartografar as narrativas historicamente apagadas e excluídas da cidade, a fim de atualizar e ampliar os limites dos métodos de pesquisa nos estudos urbanos, tendo em vista a complexidade da cidade contemporânea. A espiral da mimese de Ricoeur (1994) nos possibilita agenciar as derivas e intervenções urbanas como experiência narrada para entrever as singularidades que compõem a heterogeneidade do comum, e fazer emergir argumentos outros sobre a cidade vivida, capazes de deslocar a colonialidade do saber que ainda impera na disciplina urbanística.The conjecture of political, economic, and social instability that plagues the West in contemporaneity summons us to discuss epistemological premises as agencies of the urban issues in its coloniality, pointing towards the necessary rupture of a discursive authorization regime which renders narratives on the margins of hegemonic urban production invisible. To revise such premises implies denaturalizing the modus operandi of western urban planning, causing modes of subjectivation that escape the normativity imposed by the patriarchal and neoliberal system to emerge, and enabling urban practices which restore the common (Dardot, Laval, 2017) as alternative rationality to capitalism and as a complex composition of differences. From the acknowledgment of narrative as an epistemology of experience, the methodology seeks to cartograph the historically erased and excluded narratives of the city, in order to update and broaden the limits of research methods in urban studies, in view of the complexity of the contemporary city. Ricoeur’s (1994) mimetic spiral allows us to operate urban drifts and interventions as narrated experience to glance at the singularities that compose the heterogeneity of the common and to bring out other arguments about the living city, capable of shifting the coloniality of knowledge that still prevails in urban planning

    Evaluation of an automatic HPLC analyser for thalassemia and haemoglobin variants screening

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    In this paper the authors report the evolution of a new automatic HPLC analyser for screening haemoglobinopathies. HbA2 and F determinations are accurate and reproducible. The analysis time is short (6.5 min) and there is a good separation between the HbA2 values of β-thalassemia carriers from normals and α-thalassemia carriers, with no overlap between these groups. In addition, the system is also able to detect and quantitate most of the haemoglobin variants, particularly those (HbS, HbC, HbE and Hb Lepore) able to interact with β-thalassemia and could make haemoglobin electrophoresis unnecessary in all samples. The ease of operation and the limited technical work make this system especially suitable for laboratories with a high workload and allow the cost of screening to be reduced
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