892 research outputs found


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    Aurinkosähkön pientuotanto Suomessa : tilastollinen analyysi

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    Aurinkosähkön pientuotannon määrä on kasvanut valtavasti viime vuosina ja kasvun oletetaan jatkuvan uusiutuvalle ja hajautetulle energiantuotannolle asetettujen tavoitteiden myötä. Tästä huolimatta, Suomessa ei ole tehty kattavaa tilastollista analyysia aurinkosähkön pientuotannosta ja siihen liittyvistä alueellisista tekijöistä. Tässä työssä tutkitaan millaisia sosiodemografisia, asuinrakenteellisia ja maantieteellisiä muuttujia aurinkosähkön pientuotannon taustalla on. Tutkielmassa on myös laadittu kannattavuuslaskelmia kotitalouksien aurinkoenergiasysteemeille taloudellisten kannustimien tai esteiden selvittämiseksi. Aineisto on kerätty useista avoimista tietokannoista ja aggregoitu siirtoyhtiöalueille. Tutkittavina muuttujina ovat pientuotannon verkkopalvelusopimukset sekä aurinkoenergian pientuotantokapasiteetti. Metodina työssä on käytetty kuvailevaa analyysia ja usean muuttujan lineaarista regressioanalyysia, jossa on hyödynnetty pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää. Tulosten mukaan aurinkosähkön pientuotannossa korostuvat maaseutumaiset alueet ja asukkaiden korkeampi keski-ikä, kun tarkastelussa olivat pientuotannon verkkopalvelusopimukset. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kaupunkialueilla systeemikoot ovat suurempia, vaikka aurinkosähköä tuottavia kotitalouksia on vähemmän. Sähkön hinnalla huomattiin olevan positiivinen vaikutus pientuotannon sopimusten määriin. Tätä tulosta tukevat kannattavuuslaskelmat, joissa sähkön hinnalla oli selvä vaikutus aurinkopaneeleiden taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen. Taloudellisia kannustimia lisäämällä aurinkosähkön tuotanto voisi olla houkuttelevampaa kotitalouksille. Tulokset antavat mielenkiintoisen kokonaiskuvan aurinkosähkön pientuotannosta Suomessa, mutta tarkempien sosiodemografisten ja asuinrakenteellisten taustatekijöiden identifioimiseksi analyysi tulisi toistaa alueellisesti tarkemmalla aineistolla, esimerkiksi postinumerotasolla.The microproduction of solar photovoltaics (PV) has grown enormously in recent years in Finland, and it is expected to grow even further due to the ambitious renewable energy targets and the on-going smart energy transition. Nevertheless, there is a lack of country-level statistical analysis on the topic. This thesis studies which sociodemographic, economic, and geographical factors explain the microproduction of solar electricity in Finland. The thesis consists of a literature review and statistical analysis on the electricity distribution system operator (DSO) level. The response variables are the number of prosumer contracts and the capacity of solar PV microproduction. The data, which were gathered from various open sources, is analyzed in a descriptive manner followed by multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis uses the ordinary least square method. In addition, profitability calculations are made to study economic incentives and barriers to the adoption of a PV system. The results suggest that the microproduction of solar PV is connected to non-urban areas and higher mean age. Instead, there are not that many separate prosumers in urban areas, but single systems’ capacities are more extensive there. The analysis showed that electricity price has a significant impact on the microproduction of solar PV. The profitability calculations support this result: electricity price substantially affects the viability of solar PV system investment. Thus, the introduction of financial incentives could enhance the adoption of solar PV systems among households. This thesis offers a comprehensive overview of small-scale solar electricity production in Finland. However, the characteristics of the microproduction of solar PV are complex and involve various interactions that are difficult to capture in aggregated data. This offers an opportunity to repeat the analysis with a more detailed geospatial dataset in the future

    PaaS Cloud Service for Cost-Effective Harvesting, Processing and Linking of Unstructured Open Government Data

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    Selle projekti eesmärk on luua pilveteenus, mis võimaldaks struktueerimata avalike andmete töötlemist, selleks, et luua semantiline andmete (veebis olevatest dokumentidest leitud organisatsioonide, kohanimede ja isikunimede) ressursikirjeldusraamistiku - Resource Description Framework (RDF) - graaf, mis on ka masinloetav. Pilveteenus saab sisendiks veebiroomaja toodetud logifaili üle 3 miljoni reaga. Igal real on veebiaadress avalikule dokumendile, mis avatakse, loetakse ning kasutades - tööriista eestikeelsest tekstist nimeolemite leidmiseks- Estnltk-d, eraldatakse organisatsiooonide ja kohtade nimetused ja inimeste nimed. Seejärel lisatakse leitud nimed/nimetused RDF graafi, kasutades olemasolevat Pythoni teeki RDFlib. RDF graafis nimed/nimetused lingitakse nende veebiaadressidega, kus asub seda nime/nimetust sisaldav avalik dokument. Dokumendid arhiveeritakse lugemise hetkel neis olnud sisuga. Lisaks sisaldab teenus igakuist andmete ülekontrollimist, et tuvastada dokumentide muutusi ja vajadusel värskendada RDF graafe. Genereeritud RDF graafe kasutatakse SPARQL päringute tegemiseks, mida saavad teha kasutajad graafilise kasutajaliidese kaudu või masinad veebiteenust kasutades. Projekti oluline väljakutse on luua arhitektuur, mis töötleks andmeid võimalikult kiiresti, sest sisendfail on suur (test-logifailis on üle 3 miljoni rea, kus igal real olev URL võib viidata mahukale dokumendile). Selleks jooksutab teenus seal kus võimalik, protsesse paralleelselt, kasutades Google’i virtuaalmasinaid (Google Compute Engine) ja iga virtuaalmasina kõiki protsessoreid.The aim of this project is to develop a cloud platform service for transforming Open Government Data to Linked Open Government Data. This service receives log file, created by web crawler, with URLs (over 3000000) to some open document as an input. It then opens the document, reads its content and with using "Open source tools for Estonian natural language processing" (Estnltk), finds names of locations, organizations and people. Using Psython library "RDFlib", these names are added to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) graph, so that the names become linked to the URLs that refer to the documents. In order to archive current state of accessed document, this service downloads all processed documents. The service also enables monthly updates system of the already processed documents in order to generate new RDF relations if some of the documents have changed. Generated RDFs are publicly available and the service includes SPARQL endpoint for userss (graphical user interface) and machines (web services) for cost-effective querying of linked entities from the RDF files. An important challenge of this service is to speed up its performance, because the documents behind these 3+ billion URLs may be large. To achieve that, parallel processes are run where possible: using several virtual machines and all CPUs in a virtual machine. This is tested in Google Compute Engin

    The Correlation Between Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 1 Muaro Sentajo Teluk Kuantan in Recount Texts

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    The objective of this research is to find out the level of students\u27 ability in reading comprehension and writing ability in recount texts and the correlation between those variables of the second year students of SMAN 1 Muaro Sentajo. The sample of this research was class XI IPS 2 which consist 25 students. The data were collected by using two kinds of test, reading comprehension and written test. The result of this research showed that the students got good level with the average score 73.28 in reading comprehension, and in writing the students got good level with the average score 76.12. The result of this research proved that there is a positive correlation between reading comprehension and writing ability on recount texts. The rxy distribution of coefficient correlation is 0.8. It means that the correlation was in a high level. So, Ha (alternative hypothesis) of this research is accepted, and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Is there any difference between students\u27 reading and writing score? So, the researcher try to find out students\u27 reading and writing score and their correlation. Finally, the researcher suggests for the teacher, they should have some efforts to develop the students\u27 motivation and encourage them to practice their reading comprehension and writing ability in recount texts

    Etüülalkoholi intoksikatsiooni kliiniline pilt ja olulisemad biokeemilised muutused lastel

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Etanool on kõige enam kuritarvitatud aine nii Lääneriikides, kui ka Eestis. Rohke alkoholi tarvitamisega kaasnevad alkoholist tingitud probleemid ka lastel ja noorukitel. Igapäevase haiglatöö seisukohast oli eesmärgiks uurida alkoholijoobes lastel esinevaid kliinilisi tunnuseid erinevatel joobe raskusastmetel ning kliinilise leiu korrelatsiooni seerumi alkoholi kontsentratsiooniga (SAC), juriidilisest aspektist oli oluline tuvastada seerumi ja vere alkoholi kontsentratsioonide suhe. Samuti oli uuringu eesmärkideks oli teha kindlaks ägeda alkoholi intoksikatsiooniga lastel elutähtsate analüütide (glükoos - Glu, laktaat - Lak, kaalium - K, naatrium - Na) muutuste esinemine ning muutuste seos alkoholi kontsentratsiooniga või hormonaalse (testosteroon, östradiool, progesteroon, kortisool) hetkeseisuga. Uuringus osalesid 3 aasta jooksul (2005-2008) Tartu Ülikooli Lastekliinikusse või Tallinna Lastehaiglasse hospitaliseeritud alkoholijoobes lapsed, kellest kolme uuringuetappi jäi 226-264 last vanuses 8.4-17.9 aastat ning poiste:tüdrukute keskmise suhtega 1.46:1. Alkoholi intoksikatsiooni kliinilises hindamises oli parimaks diagnostiliseks tunnuseks teadvuse häirumise tase, mis korreleerus hästi SAC-ga ning sage leid oli kõne- ja tasakaaluhäired. SAC alusel õige joobe raskusastme määramisel lastel oli tõhusus 67.7%. Arstid hindasid kliiniliselt alkoholijoobe raskemaks ühe astme võrra võrreldes alkoholi kontsentratsiooniga. Seerumi- ja vere alkoholi kontsentratsioonide suhe lastel oli 1.19:1. Uuringu tulemustena selgus, et plasma K, Na, Glu ja Lak taset võiks hinnata kõigil alkoholijoobes hospitaliseeritud lastel ning SAC >1.50 g/L korral peaks biokeemilisi muutusi hindama rutiinselt, kuna alkoholijoobes lastel võib esineda Lak ja Glu taseme tõusu ning K taseme langust erinevate SAC korral. Samas märkimisväärsed muutused on SAC juures üle 1.50 g/L ning esineda võib kriitilises väärtuses hüperlaktineemiat ja hüpokaleemiat. Selgus ka, et alkoholijoobes lastel toimub kortisooli kontsentratsiooni suurenemine, mis seondub Glu ning tüdrukutel progesterooni taseme tõusuga.Ethanol is the most frequently abused drug in the Western countries, including in Estonia. Increasing alcohol consumption is accompanied by the growing problem of alcohol intake by children and adolescents. Aim of the study was to study the prevalence of clinical signs in different alcohol intoxication levels and the correlation with the SAC. The legal purpose was to establish the ratio between serum and blood alcohol concentrations. The aims of the study were also the prevalence of vital biochemical (glucose - Glu, lactate - Lac, potassium - K, and sodium - Na) changes in children with acute alcohol intoxication (AAI), and to establish the impact of serum alcohol concentration (SAC) or hormonal (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, cortisol) status on the biochemical changes. In the research were all children with acute alcohol intoxication, who were hospitalised in Tartu University Children’s Clinic and Tallinn Children’s Hospital over a 3-year period (2005-2008). There were 226 to 264 children in the age 8.4-17.9 years, forming a male: female ratio of 1.46:1. The severity of alteration of consciousness was the leading sign in the clinical evaluation of children with AAI, and correlated well to the SAC. Disturbances of speech and balance are also common in AAI. The average efficiency to diagnose the right AAI severity group, determined by the SAC, was 67.7% in AAI children. Clinically, doctors tended to estimate the severity of drunkenness to be one level more severe than determined by SAC. The serum and blood alcohol concentrations ratio of 1.19:1 was established, and should be used in children. The most important results in the biochemistry were that plasma Glu, Lac, K and Na levels should be measured in all children hospitalized with AAI, and biochemical changes could be assessed in SAC above 1.50 g/L for hyperlactinaemia, hyperglycaemia and hypokalaemia. Increased plasma cortisol level above reference values is also common finding in children with AAI, and cortisol correlated with plasma glucose level and in girls, with plasma progesterone concentration

    Intonaspacio : comprehensive study on the conception and design of digital musical instruments : interaction between space and musical gesture

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    Site-specific art understands that the place where the artwork is presented cannot be excluded from the artwork itself. The completion of the work is only achieved when the artwork and place intersect. Acoustically, sound presents a natural relation with place. The perception of sound is the result of place modulation on its spectral content, likewise perception of place is dependent on the sound content of that place. Even so, the number of sound artworks where place has a primary role is still very reduced. We thus purpose to create a tool to compose inherently place-specific sounds. Inherently because the sound is the result of the interaction between place and performer. Place because is the concept that is closer to human perception and of the idea of intimacy. Along this thesis we suggest that this interaction can be mediated by a digital musical instrument - Intonaspacio, that allows the performer to compose place-specific sounds and control it. In the rst part we describe the process of construction and design of Intonaspacio - how to access the sound present in the place, what gestures to measure, what sensors to use and where to place them, what mapping to design in order to compose place-speci c sound. We start by suggesting two di erent mappings to combine place and sound, where we look at di erent approaches on how to excite the structural sound of the place, i.e., the resonant frequencies. The rst one, uses a process where the performer can record a sample of sound ambiance and reproduce it, creating a feedback loop that excites at each iteration the resonances of the room. The second approach suggest a method where the input sound is analyzed and an ensemble of the frequencies of the place with the highest amplitudes is extracted. These are mapped to control several parameters of sound e ects. To evaluate Intonaspacio we conducted an experiment with participants who played the instrument during several trial sessions. The analysis of this experiment led us to propose a third mapping that combines the previous mappings. The second part of the thesis intends to create the conditions to give longevity to Intonaspacio. Starting from the premise that a musical instrument to be classi ed as such needs to have a dedicated instrumental technique and repertoire. These two conditions were achieved first, by suggesting a gestural vocabulary of the idiomatic gestures of Intonaspacio based on direct observation of the most repeated gestures of the participants of our experiment. Second, by collaborating with two composers whom wrote two pieces for Intonaspacio.A arte situada é uma disciplina artística tradicionalmente ligada a Instalação que pretende criar obras que mantêm uma relação directa com o espaço onde são apresentadas. A obra de arte não pode assim ser separada desse mesmo espaço sem perder o significado inicial. O som pelas suas características físicas reflecte naturalmente o espaço onde foi emitido, isto é, a percepção que temos de um som resulta da combinação do som directo com as reflecções do mesmo no espaço (cujo tempo e amplitude est~ao directamente relacionados com a arquitectura do espaço). Nesta lógica a arte sonora seria aquela que mais directamente procuraria compôr som situado. No entanto, o espaço é raramente utilizado como fen omeno criativo intencional. Nesse sentido, o trabalho aqui apresentado propõem-se a investigar a possibiliade de criar sons situados. O termo Espaço está muitas vezes associado a algo de dimensões vastas e ilimitadas. Assim sendo e na óptica da arte situada, onde h a uma necessidade de criar uma relação, parece-nos que lugar é um termo mais adequado para enquadrar o nosso trabalho de investigação. O lugar, para além de representar um espaço onde se podem estabelecer relações de intimidade (proximidade), apresenta dimensões que são moldáveis consoante a percepcção e o corpo humano. Ou seja, o Homem ao deslocar-se no lugar vai ao mesmo tempo de nindo as fronteiras desse mesmo lugar. Esta visão do lugar aparece no final do século dezanove quando a filosofia começa a orientar o pensamento para uma visão mais direccionada para o Homem e para a percepcção humana. O lugar passa então a representar algo que e estabelecido na acção e pela percepcção humana, onde e possível estabelecer relações de intimidade, ao contrário dos não-lugares (sítios mais ou menos descaracterizados onde as pessoas estão só de passagem). Re-adaptámos por isso a nossa questão inicial não só para realçar esta ideia de lugar mas também para reflectir uma bi-direccionalidade perceptiva que é fulcral para a arte situada - como criar e controlar sons inerentemente localizados? Inerentemente porque para existir de facto uma interacção entre lugar e obra de arte sonora são necessárias duas condições: por um lado o som possa provocar uma resposta do lugar, e por outro, o lugar possa modificar a nossa percepcção dele mesmo. A existência de uma relação interactiva abre espaço a um novo ponto que não tinhámos considerado anteriormente e que acrescentámos a nossa nova questão, o controlo. Propomos como possível reposta a esta questão a construção de um instrumento musical digital, o Intonaspacio, que servir a de mediador desta interacção e que possibilitará ao performer a criação e o controlo de sons localizados. Primeiro poque o instrumento musical possibilita o aumento das capacidades humanas, através da extensão do corpo humano (tal como um garfo extende a nossa mão, por exemplo). Segundo, porque o instrumento musical digital pelas suas características, nomeadamente pela separação entre o sistema de controlo e o sistema de geração de som abre novas possibilidades sonoras antes excluídas por limitações mecâncias ou humanas. Podemos por isso visionar um acesso mais alargado a novas dimensões espaciais e temporais. Esta tese está dividida em duas partes, na primeira parte descrevemos a construção do Intonaspacio, e na segunda estabelecemos as bases para permitir a sua longevidade. A primeira parte começa por investigar formas de acesso ao som do lugar, composto pelo conjunto dos sons ambiente e dos sons estruturais do lugar (ressonâncias próprias resultantes da arquitectura). Pensamos que uma das possíveis formas de compôr sons localizados e precisamente através da possibilidade de poder ter os sons ambiente a gerar e a amplificar os sons estruturais. Surgem então duas novas questões de natureza técnica: Como integrar o som ambiente na obra sonora em tempo-real? Como permitir que estes excitem a resposta do espaço? Para as responder desenhámos dois mapeamentos diferentes. Um primeiro em que o performer pode gravar pequenos trechos de som ambiente que são emitidos e re-gravados criando um ciclo de feedback que excita as ressonâncias do lugar. Um segundo método onde se faz uma análise espectral ao som captado e se extrai um conjunto de frequências cujas amplitudes são as mais elevadas. Estas são posteriormente utilizadas para controlar parâmetros de vários efeitos sonoros. Colocámos ainda no instrumento um conjunto de sensores diferentes para captar o gesto do performer. Estes estão localizados em diferentes areas do esqueleto do instrumento de modo a permitir areas sensíveis maiores e consequentemente um maior n umero de graus de liberdade ao performer. Neste momento o Intonaspacio permite extrair cerca de 17 características diferentes, agrupadas em três secções - orientação, impacto e distância. Estas podem ser utilizadas para modelar o som gerado pelo instrumento através dos diferentes mapeamentos. Ambas as propostas de mapeamento foram avaliadas por um conjunto de pessoas durante um teste de utilização do Intonaspacio. Os resultados deste permitiram-nos chegar a uma terceira sugestão de mapeamento onde combinamos características de ambas as propostas anteriores. No terceiro mapeamento mantém-se a análise ao som captado pelo instrumento mas a informação recolhida e usada como material sonoro de um algoritmo de síntese aditiva. A segunda parte da tese parte de uma premissa estabelecida durante o trabalho realizado nesta tese. Um instrumento musical deve possuir uma técnica instrumental própria e um repertório dedicado para que seja considerado enquanto tal. Neste sentido e com base na observação directa dos gestos mais comuns entre participantes do nosso estudo, propusémos um vocabulário gestual dos gestos idiomáticos do Intonaspacio, ou seja, dos gestos que dependem exclusivamente da forma do próprio instrumento e da localização dos sensores na estrutura do instrumento (zonas sensíveis) e são independentes do mapeamento. Colaborámos ainda com dois compositores que escreveram duas peças musicais para o Intonaspacio. O Intonaspacio revelou ser um instrumento complexo e expressivo que possibilita aos performers incluir o lugar enquanto parâmetro criativo, no entanto apresenta ainda alguns problemas de controlo. No primeiro mapeamento, embora a integração do lugar seja sentida como mais directa e apresentando resultados sonoros mais interessantes (de acordo com os participantes do estudo), a sensação de controlo é muito baixa. Já no segundo mapeamento, embora tenha um controlo mais fácil, a presença do lugar é muito subtil e pouco perceptível. Esperamos que o terceiro mapeamento venha contribuir para solucionar este problema e aumentar o interesse no instrumento, principalmente por parte dos compositores com quem colaborámos e iremos colaborar no futuro

    تأثير استراتيجية (فكر - زواج- شارك) على مهارة القراءة فى المدرسة العالية الحكومية 1 بوكت تنجي (دراسة تجريبية)

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    أهداف من هذا البحث لمعرفة تأثير استخدام استراتيجية (فكر- زواج - شارك) على مهارة القراءة فى الفصل الحادي عشر في المدرسة العالية الحكومية 1 بوكت تنجي. أما منهج البحث في هذا البحث فهو البحث الميداني الكمي بالنوع التجريبي. أما النتيجة التى حصلتها الباحثة من هذا البحث فهي أن استخدام استراتيجية (فكر- زواج - شارك) يؤثر على مهارة القراءة، وتستدل به من نتيجة الاختبار فى الفصل التجريبي هي 10,56 والفصل الضبطي هي 7.32. والمقارنة بين نتيجة الاختبار فى الفصل التجريبي والفصل الضبطي باختبار-ت هي 4,57 فالفرض التبادلي مقبول والفرض العدمي مردود. لذلك، وجدت الباحثة فرقا بين نتيجة تعليم مهارة القراءة باستخدام استراتيجية (فكر- زواج - شارك) في الفصل التجريبي وبدون استخدام استراتيجية (فكر- زواج - شارك) في الفصل الضبطي. بعدما بحثت الباحثة هذا البحث وصلت إلى الخلاصة أن استخدام استراتيجية (فكر - زواج - شارك) يؤثر على مهارة القراءة في المدرسة العالية الحكومية 1 بوكت تنجي.The purpose of this research is to describe the influence of the use of Think-Pair-Share  strategy on Arabic Reading skill at grade X of MAN I Bukittinggi. This research used experimental research design. The finding describes that Think-Pair-Share strategy has an effect toward Arabic reading skill. The test result of experimental class was better than control class with the average of each class is 10.56 is higher than 7.32. The comparison of the test result of the two classes by using t-test was 4.57 which mean that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Therefore, there is a difference of learning achievement between the experimental and control class in applying Think-Pair-Share strategy. It can be concluded that Think-Pair Share strategy has a significant influence toward Arabic reading skill at MAN I Bukittinggi