29,253 research outputs found

    Brief Observation of the General Trajectory of Western Media Coverage of the Religious Situation in Ukraine

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    The article attempts to analyze the general trajectory of Western media coverage of the religious environment in Ukraine. Recently, the religious situation in Ukraine has become one of the strategic issues of national security, since it is relevant and important in the light of not only the religious, but also the political context of Ukraine. The study examines the journalistic activity of Western publications about the religious transformations of Ukraine from 2019 to 2023. This encompasses the intensity of the rapid confessional changes in Ukraine, the style of the journalistic text under study, the intensity of their media representation, and the peculiarities of Western publishing. As sources of information, data on open Internet resources, as well as publications in the Western press and blogs are used. The key representations of the Ukrainian religious situation in the American and European mass media are analyzed, and a media context is found in which a specific interpretation of religious issues is proposed, taking into account intense transformational components. The influence of the work of several popular Western media, in particular, the Pulitzer Center, ContactUkraine, ukrainetrek.com, U.S. Department of State, United States Institute of Peace, and others, regarding the Ukrainian religious and political environment is considered. Special attention is drawn to the state reaction to the aggressive influences of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), in particular, and is referred to by the modern press under the stamp Moscow Patriarchate (MP) and is recognized as the pro-Russian and at the same time the largest religious community represented on Ukrainian lands. A political and socio-religious analysis of the processes that took place in Ukraine during the specified period is compiled. The relevance of the research topic is due not only to the widespread public interest and involvement in the waves of confessional shifts, but also to the revealed political instability of church life. This was presented by Western media for the European and American target audiences and was not associated with the UOC-MP and today\u27s religious trends. Therefore, we consider it peculiar that the reflection by journalists of Western publications forced the Ukrainian state apparatus to have influences on a hostile religious institution. Accordingly, consideration of the content of foreign publications is important for the further development of the image of the modern world religious discourse

    Religious Beliefs of World Boxing Champions as a Factor of Influence on Ukrainian Society in the Context of Social Responsibility

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    The issue regarding the influence of mass media on the public consciousness is one of the priorities in the times of the digitalization of the information space. Great sports such as professional boxing are world-famous and have a wide resonance in the media. As a result, scientists are paying attention to the study of factors of influence that arise during the information coverage of sporting events. Religious beliefs are a conditional plane of differentiation of different worldview systems, but in the 21st century, they are harmoniously integrated into the colors of different cultures, nationalities, and states. Celebrities’ religious beliefs can be influential factors that have certain results and consequences for society. This article considers the issue of social responsibility of world boxing champions for the public demonstration of their own religious beliefs as the example of the Ukrainian experience. The latter is relevant for the international community in the context of the rapid movement of Ukraine towards European integration and accession to NATO. The stated issues are considered in the example of media activity of Ukrainian world boxing champions, O. Usyk and V. Lomachenko. The problem is exacerbated against the background of the current Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war, where the plane of the religious worldview is actively used as a destructive factor of informational influence. In this context, this paper presents the data of the study of the coefficient of possibilities of informational influence of the Russian Federation on neighboring countries. The most resonant examples of media activity of Ukrainian world boxing champions on the topic of covering their own religious beliefs are demonstrated. Indicators of media potential of the influence of athletes\u27 religious worldviews on society are analyzed

    Training of Military Chaplains for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Conditions of the Invasion by the Russian Federation

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    The article analyzes the comprehensive training of military chaplains for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The legislative basis of chaplaincy, and the methods and state of its implementation are characterized. The problems that can befall a military chaplain are identified, in particular the contradiction in the combination of military service and pacifism. The development of chaplaincy in Ukraine is outlined. Active assistance to the chaplaincy began only after the Orange Revolution (2004-2005). The following year, a legislative act was made through the directive “On streamlining issues of meeting the religious needs of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.” Later, a sector for work with religious organizations was created under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The relationship between the gradual democratization of society and the development of chaplaincy is examined. In 2021, the Law of Ukraine “On the military chaplaincy service” was adopted, which became the basis for this study. After Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the outbreak of war in the East of Ukraine, the institute of chaplaincy began to develop more systematically and dynamically, which is not typical of the previous period. The accumulation of military force by the Russian Federation on the borders of Ukraine, and the real danger of a military invasion, became catalysts for accelerating the quality of registration and functioning of the chaplaincy. The processes of training military chaplains were intensified by volunteer clergy, who joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014. As a result of the study, the current algorithm for training chaplains for service in the Ukrainian army was determined. The results are presented in a table. It has been established that, in the implementation of this algorithm, several urgent inaccuracies and problems have been identified. Conflicts and misunderstandings mainly arise because of the multi-confessionalism of Ukrainian Christianity, as in those between representatives of the Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox churches. Often, soldiers do not know the difference between these institutions, and, sometimes, battalion commanders do not allow Orthodox or other chaplains to serve because of their own religious beliefs

    Institute of Contemporary Law: The California Superior Court System

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    The Institute of Contemporary Law, having recently completed an investigation and analysis of the California grand jury, now turns its efforts to the area of the superior court system in California. Hoping to correlate the work of students, lawyers and judges in this area, the following article attempts a broad review of the function and operation of the superior court in California. The history of the court, its rules and operation, its jurisdiction and its various departments are the topics covered by the discussion below. The presentation here offered is mainly expository and informational, and, it is hoped, will provide both the scholar and the practitioner with a practical introduction to this subject

    HTqPCR: high-throughput analysis and visualization of quantitative real-time PCR data in R

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    Motivation: Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is routinely used for RNA expression profiling, validation of microarray hybridization data and clinical diagnostic assays. Although numerous statistical tools are available in the public domain for the analysis of microarray experiments, this is not the case for qPCR. Proprietary software is typically provided by instrument manufacturers, but these solutions are not amenable to the tandem analysis of multiple assays. This is problematic when an experiment involves more than a simple comparison between a control and treatment sample, or when many qPCR datasets are to be analyzed in a high-throughput facility

    Short oestrous cycles in sheep during anoestrus involve defects in progesterone biosynthesis and luteal neovascularisation

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    Anoestrous ewes can be induced to ovulate by the socio-sexual, 'ram effect'. However, in some ewes the induced ovulation is followed by an abnormally short luteal phase causing a so called, "short cycle". The defect responsible for this luteal dysfunction has not been identified. In this experiment we investigated ovarian and uterine factors implicated in male-induced short cycles in anoestrus ewes using a combined endocrine and molecular strategy. Prior to ovulation, we were able to detect a moderate loss of thecal expression of steroid acute regulatory protein (STAR) in ewes that had not received progesterone priming (which prevents short cycles). At and following ovulation we were able to identify significant loss of expression of genes coding key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of progesterone (STAR, CYP11A1, HSD3B) as well as genes coding proteins critical for vascular development during early luteal development (VEGFA, VEGFR2) suggesting dysfunction in at least two pathways critical for normal luteal function. Furthermore, these changes were associated with a significant reduction of progesterone production and luteal weight. Additionally, we cast doubt on the proposed uterine-mediated effect of prostaglandin F2α as a cause of short cycles by demonstrating both the dysregulation of luteal expression of the PGF receptor, which mediates the luteal effects of PGF2α, and by finding no significant changes in the circulating concentrations of PGFM, the principal metabolite of PGF2α in ewes with short cycles. This study is the first of its kind to examine concurrently, the endocrine and molecular events in the follicular and early luteal stages of the short cycle

    SOST/Sclerostin Improves Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis and Inhibits MMP2/3 Expression After Injury.

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    Patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture are two times as likely to develop posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). Annually, there are ∼900,000 knee injuries in the United States, which account for ∼12% of all osteoarthritis (OA) cases. PTOA leads to reduced physical activity, deconditioning of the musculoskeletal system, and in severe cases requires joint replacement to restore function. Therefore, treatments that would prevent cartilage degradation post-injury would provide attractive alternatives to surgery. Sclerostin (Sost), a Wnt antagonist and a potent negative regulator of bone formation, has recently been implicated in regulating chondrocyte function in OA. To determine whether elevated levels of Sost play a protective role in PTOA, we examined the progression of OA using a noninvasive tibial compression overload model in SOST transgenic (SOSTTG ) and knockout (Sost-/- ) mice. Here we report that SOSTTG mice develop moderate OA and display significantly less advanced PTOA phenotype at 16 weeks post-injury compared with wild-type (WT) controls and Sost-/- . In addition, SOSTTG built ∼50% and ∼65% less osteophyte volume than WT and Sost-/- , respectively. Quantification of metalloproteinase (MMP) activity showed that SOSTTG had ∼2-fold less MMP activation than WT or Sost-/- , and this was supported by a significant reduction in MMP2/3 protein levels, suggesting that elevated levels of SOST inhibit the activity of proteolytic enzymes known to degrade articular cartilage matrix. Furthermore, intra-articular administration of recombinant Sost protein, immediately post-injury, also significantly decreased MMP activity levels relative to PBS-treated controls, and Sost activation in response to injury was TNFα and NF-κB dependent. These results provide in vivo evidence that sclerostin functions as a protective molecule immediately after joint injury to prevent cartilage degradation. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc


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    U ovom radu će se prezentirati besplatan program za projektni menadžment pod nazivom Gantter i njegova integracija sa Google alatima. Nakon uvoda u projektni menadžment i općenito alata za projektni menadžment, prikazati će se sve mogućnosti rada u Gantter programu. Nakon teorijskog dijela, kroz analizu integracije Google alata sa Gantter alatom, prikazati će se sve prednosti tih integracija te način na koji Gantter program može biti korišten kao alternativa skupljim komercijalnim alatima za projektni menadžment. Prikazati će se integracija Ganttera sa Google Drive, Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Sheets i Google Documents. Osobita važnost integracije može biti za mala i srednja poduzeća, jer pruža efikasna i produktivna rješenja uz minimalne troškove.In this paper, project management software called Gantter will be presented, aswell as it’s integration with Google applications. After the short introduction into the project management in general, all functionalities of the Gantter program will be analyzed. After the theoretical part, trough the integration of Google applications, all the advantages of those integrations will be presented and the way in which Gantter can be used as an alternative to more expensive and commercial project management softwares. Integrations that will be presented are: Google Drive, Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Sheets and Google Documents. These integrations can be of a great importance for smaller or medium sized companies because it offers effective and productive solutions with minimal costs

    Chapter Penser la phase perdue du modernisme russe

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    This paper proposes a revision of Russian modernism’s politically-motivated chronology and geography through the integration of two academic subfields – modernist and exilic studies. Such an integrative approach allows us better to position Russian modernist culture vis-à-vis its western counterparts, returning our research subject to its original context in the larger, international modernist field. The paper will subsequently offer a tentative sketch of the aesthetic and philosophical premises of late Russian modernism against the backdrop of western modernist practices in the 1930s

    Charlotte Krauss, Tatiana Victoroff, éds., Figures de l’émigré russe en France aux xixe et xxe siècles

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    Ce volume rassemble les actes, complétés et augmentés, du colloque du même titre qui eut lieu à l’université de Strasbourg en automne 2009. Les organisateurs du colloque et les directeurs du présent ouvrage se sont proposé d’« oser une approche résolument neuve » (p. 16) qui va au-delà des divisions chronologiques et disciplinaires conventionnelles, car elle confronte un groupe hétérogène d’experts en histoire sociale, culturelle et littéraire russe, française et européenne à la problématique..