727 research outputs found

    On subdivision of semisimplicial sets

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    On wide Aronszajn trees in the presence of MA

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    A wide Aronszajn tree is a tree of size and height with no uncountable branches. We prove that under there is no wide Aronszajn tree which is universal under weak embeddings. This solves an open question of Mekler and Väänänen from 1994. We also prove that under, every wide Aronszajn tree weakly embeds in an Aronszajn tree, which combined with a result of Todorčević from 2007, gives that under every wide Aronszajn tree embeds into a Lipschitz tree or a coherent tree. We also prove that under there is no wide Aronszajn tree which weakly embeds all Aronszajn trees, improving the result in the first paragraph as well as a result of Todorčević from 2007 who proved that under there are no universal Aronszajn trees

    A cosine functional equation in Banach algebras

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    Monotone mappings and cellularity of ordered sets

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    On numerical and non-numerical ecart

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    Oxidative Stress-Induced Formation of Covalently Linked Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Large Subunit Dimer in Tobacco Plants

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    Objective: Many abiotic stresses cause the excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species known as oxidative stress. While analyzing the effects of oxidative stress on tobacco, we noticed the increased accumulation of a specific protein in extracts from plants treated with the oxidative-stress inducing herbicide paraquat which promotes the generation of reactive oxygen species primarily in chloroplasts. The primary objectives of this study were to identify this protein and to determine if its accumulation is indeed a result of oxidative stress. Results: Here we show that the paraquat-induced protein is a covalently linked dimer of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (LSU). Increased accumulation of this LSU dimer was also observed in tobacco plants exposed to ultra-small anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2), which because of their surface reactivity cause oxidative stress by promoting the generation of superoxide anion. nTiO2 nanoparticle treatments also caused a decline in the chloroplast thylakoid proteins cytochrome f and chlorophyll a/b binding protein, thus confirming that covalent LSU dimer formation coincides with loss of chloroplast function

    \u3cem\u3etrans\u3c/em\u3e-Cinnamic Acid-Induced Leaf Expansion Involves an Auxin-Independent Component

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    The phenylpropanoid pathway, the source of a large array of compounds with diverse functions, starts with the synthesis of trans-cinnamic acid (t-CA) that is converted by cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H) into p-coumaric acid. We have recently shown that in Arabidopsis, exogenous t-CA promotes leaf growth by increasing cell expansion and that this response requires auxin signaling. We have also shown that cell expansion is increased in C4H loss-of-function mutants. Here we provide further evidence that leaf growth is enhanced by either t-CA or a t-CA derivative that accumulates upstream of C4H. We also show that this growth response pathway has two components: one that requires auxin signaling and another which employs a currently unknown mechanism

    Composition of the Metabolomic Bio-Coronas Isolated from \u3cem\u3eOcimum sanctum\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eRubia tinctorum\u3c/em\u3e

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    Objective: Nanoharvesting from intact plants, organs, and cultured cells is a method in which nanoparticles are co-incubated with the target tissue, which leads to the internalization of nanoparticles. Internalized nanoparticles are coated in situ with specific metabolites that form a dynamic surface layer called a bio-corona. Our previous study showed that metabolites that form the bio-corona around anatase TiO2 nanoparticles incubated with leaves of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana are enriched for flavonoids and lipids. The present study focused on the identification of metabolites isolated by nanoharvesting from two medicinal plants, Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) and Rubia tinctorum (common madder). Results: To identify metabolites that form the bio-corona, Tulsi leaves and madder roots were incubated with ultra-small anatase TiO2 nanoparticles, the coated nanoparticles were collected, and the adsorbed molecules were released from the nanoparticle surface and analyzed using an untargeted metabolomics approach. Similar to the results in which Arabidopsis tissue was used as a source of metabolites, TiO2 nanoparticle bio-coronas from Tulsi and madder were enriched for flavonoids and lipids, suggesting that nanoharvesting has a wide-range application potential. The third group of metabolites enriched in bio-coronas isolated from both plants were small peptides with C-terminal arginine and lysine residues

    Auxin/Cytokinin Antagonistic Control of the Shoot/Root Growth Ratio and Its Relevance for Adaptation to Drought and Nutrient Deficiency Stresses

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    The hormones auxin and cytokinin regulate numerous aspects of plant development and often act as an antagonistic hormone pair. One of the more striking examples of the auxin/cytokinin antagonism involves regulation of the shoot/root growth ratio in which cytokinin promotes shoot and inhibits root growth, whereas auxin does the opposite. Control of the shoot/root growth ratio is essential for the survival of terrestrial plants because it allows growth adaptations to water and mineral nutrient availability in the soil. Because a decrease in shoot growth combined with an increase in root growth leads to survival under drought stress and nutrient limiting conditions, it was not surprising to find that auxin promotes, while cytokinin reduces, drought stress tolerance and nutrient uptake. Recent data show that drought stress and nutrient availability also alter the cytokinin and auxin signaling and biosynthesis pathways and that this stress-induced regulation affects cytokinin and auxin in the opposite manner. These antagonistic effects of cytokinin and auxin suggested that each hormone directly and negatively regulates biosynthesis or signaling of the other. However, a growing body of evidence supports unidirectional regulation, with auxin emerging as the primary regulatory component. This master regulatory role of auxin may not come as a surprise when viewed from an evolutionary perspective

    Reversion of the \u3cem\u3eArabidopsis rpn12a-1\u3c/em\u3e Exon-Trap Mutation by an Intragenic Suppressor that Weakens the Chimeric 5\u27 Splice Site

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    BACKGROUND: In the Arabidopsis 26S proteasome mutant rpn12a-1, an exon-trap T-DNA is inserted 531 base pairs downstream of the RPN12a STOP codon. We have previously shown that this insertion activates a STOP codon-associated latent 5\u27 splice site that competes with the polyadenylation signal during processing of the pre-mRNA. As a result of this dual input from splicing and polyadenylation in the rpn12a-1 mutant, two RPN12a transcripts are produced and they encode the wild-type RPN12a and a chimeric RPN12a-NPTII protein. Both proteins form complexes with other proteasome subunits leading to the formation of wild-type and mutant proteasome versions. The net result of this heterogeneity of proteasome particles is a reduction of total cellular proteasome activity. One of the consequences of reduced proteasomal activity is decreased sensitivity to the major plant hormone cytokinin. METHODS: We performed ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis of rpn12a-1 and isolated revertants with wild-type cytokinin sensitivity. RESULTS: We describe the isolation and analyses of suppressor of rpn12a-1 ( sor1). The sor1 mutation is intragenic and located at the fifth position of the chimeric intron. This mutation weakens the activated 5\u27 splice site associated with the STOP codon and tilts the processing of the RPN12a mRNA back towards polyadenylation. CONCLUSIONS: These results validate our earlier interpretation of the unusual nature of the rpn12a-1 mutation. Furthermore, the data show that optimal 26S proteasome activity requires RPN12a accumulation beyond a critical threshold. Finally, this finding reinforces our previous conclusion that proteasome function is critical for the cytokinin-dependent regulation of plant growth