250 research outputs found

    Beyond simulation: designing for uncertainty and robust solutions

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    Simulation is an increasingly essential tool in the design of our environment, but any model is only as good as the initial assumptions on which it is built. This paper aims to outline some of the limits and potential dangers of reliance on simulation, and suggests how to make our models, and our buildings, more robust with respect to the uncertainty we face in design. It argues that the single analyses provided by most simulations display too precise and too narrow a result to be maximally useful in design, and instead a broader description is required, as might be provided by many differing simulations. Increased computing power now allows this in many areas. Suggestions are made for the further development of simulation tools for design, in that these increased resources should be dedicated not simply to the accuracy of single solutions, but to a bigger picture that takes account of a design’s robustness to change, multiple phenomena that cannot be predicted, and the wider range of possible solutions. Methods for doing so, including statistical methods, adaptive modelling, machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms for identifying persistent structures in models, will be identified. We propose a number of avenues for future research and how these fit into design process, particularly in the case of the design of very large buildings

    Sven Hesselgren

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    Hur mÀnniskor uppfattar och pÄverkas av fÀrgsÀttning i stadsrummet

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    Hur upplever mÀnniskor olika fÀrger? PÄverkas mÀnniskan av omgivningens fÀrgsÀttning? Kan fÀrgteorier vara till hjÀlp vid fÀrgsÀttning av ett stadsrum? UtifrÄn frÀmst litteraturstudier beskriver den hÀr kandidatuppsatsen hur vi under 1900-talet har fÀrgsatt fasader i stÀderna i Sverige, och hur mÀnniskor utifrÄn teorier och undersökningar tros uppleva och pÄverkas av fÀrgsÀttningen i stadsrummet. Sven Hesselgren har fÄtt ta upp stor del av arbetet dÄ han forskat mycket om fÀrgperception och gjort en fÀrgatlas utifrÄn mÀnniskors upplevelse av fÀrg. FÀrgsÀttning i staden mÄste ta hÀnsyn till en mÀngd olika faktorer. Genom att titta pÄ hur staden har förÀndrats det senaste Ärhundradet kan vi medvetet vÀlja om vi vill ta hÀnsyn till och skapa en fÀrgsÀttning som samarbetar med, eller motarbetar omgivningens stiltypiska byggnader och dess fÀrgsÀttning. Vissa fÀrger kan ge en behaglig helhetsbild och trivsamhet i stadsrummet medan andra fÀrger utmÀrker sig och skapar en stor komplexitet. Men det Àr inte den enskilda fÀrgen som mÀnniskan upplever i ett stadsrum, utan det Àr fÀrgen i förhÄllande till dess omgivande fÀrger och byggnadstyper. Detta spelar in om fÀrgen passar in i omgivningen och pÄ sÄ vis smÀlter in i den, eller inte passar in i omgivningen och dÀrför utmÀrker sig frÄn den. En fÀrgs upplevda kulör pÄverkas av fÀrgerna runt om den, dÄ komplementfÀrger förstÀrker varandra medan andra fÀrger kan försvaga eller förÀndra varandras upplevda kulör. En och samma kulör kan Àven upplevas pÄ olika sÀtt dÄ den uttrycker sig i olika nyanser. Dessutom kan upplevelsen av kulören Àndras beroende pÄ i vilket material den finns, eller pÄ vilket sÀtt den Àr framstÀlld. MÀnniskor kan Àven pÄverkas rent fysiskt av olika fÀrger, genom ökad eller minskad hjÀrnaktivitet och hjÀrtpuls. MÄlet och syftet har varit att fördjupa mina kunskaper inom fÀrgsÀttning för att kunna applicera kunskaperna pÄ framtida formgivning. Jag menar pÄ att man inte blint kan utgÄ frÄn teorierna som tas upp i arbetet för att skapa det perfekt fÀrgsatta stadsrummet. Men inspiration kan hÀmtas frÄn dem, och frÄn andra teorier, för att kunna skapa sig en egen teori om vad som fungerar och inte fungerar i olika typer av stadsrum

    UtvÀrdering av den nationella databasen över ÄtgÀrder i vatten i fem svenska huvudavrinningsomrÄden

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    Restoration projects are planned and carried out in order to reduce the impact due to anthropogenic influence and to achieve at least good ecological status according to the EU Water Framework Directive. The resilience effort of such restorations is however ambiguous. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of follow up restoration measures in Swedish lakes and streams. In particular, we visualized the geographical spread of restoration measures in Sweden and quantified the different types of measures that were implemented so far. Further, we evaluated the extent of sampling of biological factors before and after the restoration measures have occurred. For the purpose of our study, we used the recently compiled national database of restoration measures in Swedish lakes and streams. We focused our study on five catchments; EmÄn and MörrumsÄn in southern Sweden and LögdeÀlven, SÀvarÄn and UmeÀlven in the northern Sweden. The results show that the geographic spread of restoration measures differed between the northern and the southern catchments. The restoration measures in the northern catchments showed a distinct pattern with mainly fish ways and biotope treatment. This was not the case in the southern catchments, where a variety of measures was used. The results also showed that instead of proper follow-ups (including studies before the restoration measures were preformed), it was more common to only have subsequent sampling of biological factors. Hence, in most cases no conclusions on the actual effectiveness of the restoration measures can be drawn


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    Smart processes for smart buildings : ‘sustainable processes’, ‘recyclable processes’ and ‘building seeds’ in parametric design

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    The rapid evolution of digital technologies and the resulting emergence of novel design methodologies are coinciding with climate change, population growth and increased pressure on global resources. This concurrence evokes opportunities to harness the new design methods to develop smart design solutions and processes that respond effectively to sustainability requirements. Meanwhile, parametric design is emerging as an ideal design methodology to support sustainably in design, whereby the associative parameters in parametric design systems enable automation and synchronicity in generating design forms and evaluating these forms against their environmental performance. This research explores the multifaceted way in which parametric design supports sustainability, and how this can lead to a more holistic understanding of sustainability by shifting the focus from sustainable buildings to sustainable processes. In addition, the work shows how the reusability of parametric definitions in parametric design applications can enable designers to recycle the design process, where a parametric definition acts as a building seed that can be ’planted’ in different projects to automatically generate different forms. This may enable practitioners from all over the world to collectively develop a ‘seed library’ that has the potential for architects to empower, automate and enhance the environmental values of their processes. To achieve this, the main changes and shifts in computational design are reviewed, together with the impact of parametric design and its related applications on the architectural design process. In addition, a case study is conducted to explore how parametric design can significantly accelerate processes in real practice, and how the overlooked potential of reusing parametric definitions can make distinctive results in real architectural projects. Finally, the efficiency of the seed library is discussed as opposed to the apparent issues such as validity of seeds, motivation for sharing, and copyright

    Anaerobic psychrophilic treatment of household waste water in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor

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    Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district in southern Stockholm. A main objective with the Sjöstad project was to halve the environmental impact compared to other construction work. The environmental goals involve a halved water consumption rate, a local treatment of storm water and trials aiming to extract nutrients from the waste water. Sjöstadsverket is an experimental treatment plant used for testing new treatment processes for domestic waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The results are to be compared with the conventional process used at Henrikdals treatment plant today. Two aerobic and two anaerobic main treatment processes are to be tested before decision of full scale is taken in 2005. Anaerobic treatment without heating, as a way to reduce the content of organic material in the waste water, consumes less energy than conventional methods. Anaerobic reactors are usually operated at 37°C. It is possible to attain a high COD-reduction at lower temperatures, assumed a longer contact time between biomass and waste water. In an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) - reactor the microorganisms form granules with excellent sedimentation properties. The granules are floating with the waste water flowing upwards through the reactor. This makes it possible to reduce the COD-content despite a short hydraulic retention time in the reactor. The two UASB-reactors examined in this thesis is a part of the pilot plant. The thesis shows how the startup of the reactors has functioned and evaluates the possibility to reduce the contence of different COD-fractions with this technique.The domestic waste water temperature has during the experiment period dropped from 23°C to 18°C. The total COD-content of the untreated waste water is 567 mg/l. Before the anaerobic step the water is pre-treated by adding of flocculation chemicals and sedimentation. The total amount of suspended material is reduced by 50 % in the pre-treatment and the load on the UASB-reactors is 100 mg/l. With a hydrologic retention time of 2,4 h the pre-treatment and the two-step anaerobic reactor has reduced 64 % of the total COD-content. Over the anaerobic treatment step the COD-reduction was 49 %. The reduction of dissolved COD (<0, 45 ÎŒm) was 59 %. When operated in series the main part of the soluble CODreduction has taken place in the first reactor. After more than six months operation there is still a granulated sludge in the reactors and tests show a high metanogenic activity. Gas production from the reactors has been observed but not measured quantitatively. The results from this thesis show that anaerobic treatment with a UASB-process functions without heating for the household waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The anaerobic process should be combined with pre-treatment and supplementary treatment to reduce the remaining COD and the nitrogen and phosphorus content.Hammarby Sjöstad i södra Stockholm Ă€r en stadsdel under framvĂ€xt. Tanken bakom Sjöstadsprojektet var att halvera miljöpĂ„verkan jĂ€mfört med annan nybyggnation. Bland annat anges i miljömĂ„len halverad vattenförbrukning, lokal hantering av dagvatten och försök med utvinning av vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mnen ur avloppsvattnet. Sjöstadsverket Ă€r en del av detta projekt; en försöksanlĂ€ggning för reningen av avloppsvattnet frĂ„n hushĂ„llen i Hammarby Sjöstad. TvĂ„ aeroba och tvĂ„ anaeroba linjer ska utvĂ€rderas innan beslut om full skala tas Ă„r 2005. Anaerob rening utan uppvĂ€rmning Ă€r ett resurssnĂ„lt sĂ€tt att minska innehĂ„llet av organiskt material i avloppsvattnet. Anaeroba reaktorer drivs vanligen vid ca 37°C. Det Ă€r möjligt att nĂ„ en hög reduktion av organiskt material Ă€ven vid lĂ€gre temperaturer, förutsatt en lĂ€ngre kontakttid mellan biomassa och avloppsvatten. I en Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)-reaktor utnyttjas mikroorganismernas förmĂ„ga att bilda granuler, vilka svĂ€var med avloppsvattnet som flödar uppĂ„t genom reaktorn. Det gör det möjligt att reducera vattnets innehĂ„ll av organiskt material trots en kort hydraulisk uppehĂ„llstid i reaktorn. I detta examensarbete studeras de tvĂ„ UASB-reaktorer som ingĂ„r som en del i pilotanlĂ€ggningen vid Sjöstadsverket. Examensarbetet visar hur uppstarten av reaktorerna fungerat och utvĂ€rderar möjligheten att reducera avloppsvattnets olika fraktioner av COD med denna teknik. Temperaturen pĂ„ vattnet frĂ„n hushĂ„llen har under försöksperioden sjunkit frĂ„n 23°C till 18°C. Det obehandlade avloppsvattnet har en total COD-halt kring 567 mg/l. Innan det anaeroba reningssteget förbehandlas vattnet genom sedimentering och inblandning av flockningskemikalier. Den totala mĂ€ngden suspenderat material halveras i förbehandlingen och belastningen pĂ„ UASB-reaktorerna Ă€r kring 100 mg /l. Efter förbehandling Ă€r vattnets COD-koncentration ca 400 mg/l. Med en hydraulisk uppehĂ„llstid pĂ„ 2,4 timmar har en COD-reduktion pĂ„ 64 % uppnĂ„tts i hela systemet, dvs. försedimentering och tvĂ„-stegs UASB-reaktor. Över det anaeroba reningssteget var reduktionen av COD 49 %. Reduktionen av löst COD (<0, 45 ÎŒm) i UASB-reaktorerna var 59 %. Vid seriell drift har merparten av lösligt COD reducerats i den första reaktorn. Efter nio mĂ„naders drift finns fortfarande ett granulĂ€rt slam i bĂ„da reaktorerna. Tester visar pĂ„ en hög metanogen aktivitet. Gasproduktion har observerats i reaktorerna men inte kunnat mĂ€tas kvantitativt. Resultaten frĂ„n detta examensarbete indikerar att anaerob rening med en UASB-process fungerar utan uppvĂ€rmning för avloppsvattnet frĂ„n hushĂ„llen i Hammarby Sjöstad. Den anaeroba behandlingen bör kompletteras med förbehandling samt en kompletterande behandling för att minska kvarvarande COD och reducera kvĂ€ve och fosfor

    Humble design for sustainable mobility: Re-learning what designing means

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    Creating learning spaces can be a project for designers who want to engage in sustainability transitions. When designing learning spaces, alternative design strategies are key. Therefore, designers need to adapt their positions and find a humbler design approach.QC 20210616</p
