762 research outputs found

    Acoustic Scattering from Mud Volcanoes and Carbonate Mounts

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    Submarine mud volcanoes occur in many parts of the world’s oceans and form an aperture for gas and fluidized mud emission from within the earth’s crust. Their characteristics are of considerable interest to the geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and underwater acoustics communities. For the latter, mud volcanoes are of interest in part because they pose a potential source of clutter for active sonar. Close-range (single-interaction) scattering measurements from a mud volcano in the Straits of Sicily show scattering10–15dB above the background. Three hypotheses were examined concerning the scattering mechanism: (1) gas entrained in sediment at/near mud volcano, (2) gas bubbles and/or particulates (emitted) in the water column, (3) the carbonate bio-construction covering the mud volcano edifice. The experimental evidence, including visual, acoustic, and nonacoustic sensors, rules out the second hypothesis (at least during the observation time) and suggests that, for this particular mud volcano the dominant mechanism is associated with carbonate chimneys on the mud volcano. In terms of scattering levels, target strengths of 4–14dB were observed from 800to3600Hz for a monostatic geometry with grazing angles of 3–5°. Similar target strengths were measured for vertically bistatic paths with incident and scattered grazing angles of 3–5° and 33–50°, respectively


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    Petroleum seeps have historically been important drivers of global petroleum exploration. Still today they can serve as direct indicators of gas and/or oil subsurface accumulations. In particular the assessment of the origin of seeping gas is a key task for understanding, without drilling, the subsurface hydrocarbon potential, genesis and quality, e.g. the presence of shallow microbial gas, deeper thermogenic accumulations, the presence of oil and non-hydrocarbon undesirable gases (CO2, N2, H2S). Low quality, biodegraded petroleum can also be recognised, before drilling, through specific geochemical features of the seeping gas. Seeps are then indicators of tectonic discontinuities (faults) and fractured rocks; they can also represent geo-hazards and sources of greenhouse gas (methane) and photochemical pollutants (ethane and propane). A new global dataset of onshore gas and oil seeps (GLOGOS) is here presented. GLOGOS includes more than 1150 seeps from 84 countries (version August 2009) and it is continuously updated and expanded. The data-set includes geographical and gas-geochemical data (molecular and isotopic composition of the main gases). Many seeps are recently discovered or never reported in other data-bases. Seeps are catalogued by country and classified in three types: gas seeps, oil seeps and mud volcanoes. All seeps have a bibliographic or www reference. GLOGOS is a unique tool for hydrocarbon exploration, assessment of Total Petroleum Systems and geo-structural studies

    Low‐temperature dunite hydration: evaluating CH4 and H2 production from H2O and CO2

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    Abiotic methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) produced after hydration of mafic/ultramafic rocks represent energy sources for microbes that may thrive in the deep subsurface regions of Earth and possibly on other planets. While H2 is a direct product of serpentinization, CH4 can form via Fischer–Tropsch Type (FTT) reactions (carbon reduction) that, due to potential H2 migration, can be spatially and temporally detached from serpentinization. We tested an alternative process hypothesized by some scholars, in which CO2 can be reduced through dunite hydration without initially added H2, implying that CH4 can form in the same serpentinized fluid–rock system. The experiment used natural dunite sand (Forsterite 92), CO2 with ÎŽ13C ~ −25‰ (VPDB), and a 1 mm dissolved SiO2 solution mixed in 30 glass bottles (118 mL) stored for up to 8 months at low temperature (50°C) to simulate land-based serpentinization systems. In addition, 30 control bottles without olivine were used as blanks. Trivial amounts of CH4 (orders of 0.2–0.9 ppmv) were detected in both samples and blanks, likely representing analytical noise; essentially, no significant amount of CH4 formed under the experimental conditions used in this work. Low amounts of H2 (~2.55 ± 1.39 ppmv) were generated, with production yields that were one order of magnitude lower than in previously published experiments. Moderate concentrations of SiO2 appeared to hinder low-temperature H2 production. Our experiment confirms that the low-temperature reduction of CO2 into CH4 through direct olivine hydration, without initial H2, is sluggish and not straightforward, which is consistent with previous studies. The presence of substantial amounts of H2, as well as suitable metal catalysts, appears to be essential in the low-temperature production of abiotic CH4, as observed in published FTT experiments

    GLOGOS, A New Global Onshore Gas-Oil Seeps Dataset

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    Petroleum seeps have historically been important drivers of global petroleum exploration. Still today they can serve as direct indicators of gas and/or oil subsurface accumulations. In particular the assessment of the origin of seeping gas is a key task for understanding, without drilling, the subsurface hydrocarbon potential, genesis and quality; e.g., the presence of shallow microbial gas, deeper thermogenic accumulations, the presence of oil and non-hydrocarbon undesirable gases (CO2, N2, H2S). Seeps are then indicators of tectonic discontinuities (faults) and fractured rocks; they can also represent geo-hazards and sources of greenhouse gas (methane) and photochemical pollutants (ethane and propane). A new global dataset of onshore gas and oil seeps (GLOGOS) is here presented. GLOGOS includes more than 1150 seeps from 84 countries (version August 2009), and it is continuously updated and expanded. The dataset includes geographical and gas-geochemical data (molecular and isotopic composition of the main gases). Many seeps are recently discovered or never reported in other databases. Seeps are catalogued by country and classified in three types: gas seeps, oil seeps and mud volcanoes. All seeps have a bibliographic or www reference. GLOGOS is a unique tool for hydrocarbon exploration, assessment of Total Petroleum Systems and geo- structural studies

    Mud volcanoes and microseepage: the forgotten geophysical components of atmospheric methane budget

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    Mud volcanoes and microseepage are two important natural sources of atmospheric methane, controlled by neotectonics and seismicity. Petroleum and gas reservoirs are the deep sources, and faults and fractured rocks serve as main pathways of degassing to the atmosphere. Violent gas emissions or eruptions are generally related to seismic activity. The global emission of methane from onshore mud volcanoes has recently been improved thanks to new experimental data sets acquired in Europe and Azerbaijan. The global estimate of microseepage can be now improved on the basis of new flux data and a more precise assessment of the global area in which microseepage may occur. Despite the uncertainty of the various source strengths, the global geological methane flux is clearly comparable to or higher than other sources or sinks considered in the tables of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories

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    Studies performed since 2000 have demonstrated that geologic emissions of methane are an important global greenhouse-gas source (Etiope, 2004; Kvenvolden and Rogers, 2005; Etiope al, 2008). It is recognised that significant amounts of methane, produced within the Earth crust, released naturally into the atmosphere through faults and fractured rocks. Major emissions are related to hydrocarbon production in sedimentary basins (microbial and thermogenic methane), through continuous exhalation and eruptions from more than 1 200 onshore and offshore mud volcanoes, more than 10 000 onshore and shallow marine seeps and through diffuse soil microseepage. Specifically, six source categories must be considered: mud volcanoes, gas seeps (independent of mud volcanism), microseepage (diffuse exhalation from soil in petroleum basins), submarine seepage, geothermal (non-volcanic) manifestations and volcanoes. Global emission estimates range from 42 to 64 Tg y-1 (mean of 53 Tg y-1), almost 10 % of the total CH4 emission, representing the second most important natural methane source after wetlands. Geo-CH4 sources would also represent the missing source of fossil methane recognised in the recent re-evaluation the fossil methane budget in the atmosphere (about 30 %; Lassey et al,, 2007; Etiope et al, 2008), which implies a total fossil methane emission much higher than that due to fossil fuel industry. The global geo-CH4 emission estimates are of the same level as or higher than other sources or sinks considered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tables, such as biomass burning, termites and soil uptake. Recent studies indicate that Earth’s degassing also accounts for at least 17 % and 10 % of total ethane and propane emissions (Etiope and Ciccioli, 2009)

    Methane Seepage on Mars: Where to Look and Why

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    Methane on Mars is a topic of special interest because of its potential association with microbial life. The variable detections of methane by the Curiosity rover, orbiters, and terrestrial telescopes, coupled with methane's short lifetime in the martian atmosphere, may imply an active gas source in the planet's subsurface, with migration and surface emission processes similar to those known on Earth as “gas seepage.” Here, we review the variety of subsurface processes that could result in methane seepage on Mars. Such methane could originate from abiotic chemical reactions, thermogenic alteration of abiotic or biotic organic matter, and ancient or extant microbial metabolism. These processes can occur over a wide range of temperatures, in both sedimentary and igneous rocks, and together they enhance the possibility that significant amounts of methane could have formed on early Mars. Methane seepage to the surface would occur preferentially along faults and fractures, through focused macro-seeps and/or diffuse microseepage exhalations. Our work highlights the types of features on Mars that could be associated with methane release, including mud-volcano-like mounds in Acidalia or Utopia; proposed ancient springs in Gusev Crater, Arabia Terra, and Valles Marineris; and rims of large impact craters. These could have been locations of past macro-seeps and may still emit methane today. Microseepage could occur through faults along the dichotomy or fractures such as those at Nili Fossae, Cerberus Fossae, the Argyre impact, and those produced in serpentinized rocks. Martian microseepage would be extremely difficult to detect remotely yet could constitute a significant gas source. We emphasize that the most definitive detection of methane seepage from different release candidates would be best provided by measurements performed in the ground or at the ground-atmosphere interface by landers or rovers and that the technology for such detection is currently available

    Trace-gas metabolic versatility of the facultative methanotroph Methylocella silvestris

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    The climate-active gas methane is generated both by biological processes and by thermogenic decomposition of fossil organic material, which forms methane and short-chain alkanes, principally ethane, propane and butane1, 2. In addition to natural sources, environments are exposed to anthropogenic inputs of all these gases from oil and gas extraction and distribution. The gases provide carbon and/or energy for a diverse range of microorganisms that can metabolize them in both anoxic3 and oxic zones. Aerobic methanotrophs, which can assimilate methane, have been considered to be entirely distinct from utilizers of short-chain alkanes, and studies of environments exposed to mixtures of methane and multi-carbon alkanes have assumed that disparate groups of microorganisms are responsible for the metabolism of these gases. Here we describe the mechanism by which a single bacterial strain, Methylocella silvestris, can use methane or propane as a carbon and energy source, documenting a methanotroph that can utilize a short-chain alkane as an alternative to methane. Furthermore, during growth on a mixture of these gases, efficient consumption of both gases occurred at the same time. Two soluble di-iron centre monooxygenase (SDIMO) gene clusters were identified and were found to be differentially expressed during bacterial growth on these gases, although both were required for efficient propane utilization. This report of a methanotroph expressing an additional SDIMO that seems to be uniquely involved in short-chain alkane metabolism suggests that such metabolic flexibility may be important in many environments where methane and short-chain alkanes co-occur

    Widespread abiotic methane in chromitites

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    Recurring discoveries of abiotic methane in gas seeps and springs in ophiolites and peridotite massifs worldwide raised the question of where, in which rocks, methane was generated. Answers will impact the theories on life origin related to serpentinization of ultramafic rocks, and the origin of methane on rocky planets. Here we document, through molecular and isotopic analyses of gas liberated by rock crushing, that among the several mafic and ultramafic rocks composing classic ophiolites in Greece, i.e., serpentinite, peridotite, chromitite, gabbro, rodingite and basalt, only chromitites, characterized by high concentrations of chromium and ruthenium, host considerable amounts of 13C-enriched methane, hydrogen and heavier hydrocarbons with inverse isotopic trend, which is typical of abiotic gas origin. Raman analyses are consistent with methane being occluded in widespread microfractures and porous serpentine- or chlorite-filled veins. Chromium and ruthenium may be key metal catalysts for methane production via Sabatier reaction. Chromitites may represent source rocks of abiotic methane on Earth and, potentially, on Mars

    Geologic carbon sources may confound ecosystem carbon balance estimates: Evidence from a semiarid steppe in the southeast of Spain

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    At a semiarid steppe site located in the SE of Spain, relatively large CO2 emissions were measured that could not be attributed to the ecosystem activity alone. Since the study site was located in a tectonically active area, it was hypothesized that a part of the measured CO2 was of geologic origin. This investigation included a survey of soil CO2 efflux, together with carbon isotope analyses of the CO2 in the soil atmosphere, soil CO2 efflux (ie, Keeling plots), groundwater and local thermal springs. These measurements confirmed the ... Articoli in Schola
