1,285 research outputs found

    The effect of bright light on rest-activity rhythms and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

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    De fleste som lever med demens har ogsĂ„ atferdsmessige- og psykologiske symptomer ved demens (APSD) som for eksempel depresjon, angst, agitasjon, og sĂžvnforstyrrelser. APSD pĂ„virker livskvalitet og pleiebehov. Aktivitetsrytmen er ofte endret hos personer med demens. For eksempel kan sĂžvn og vĂ„kenhet forekomme uregelmessig, med rastlĂžshet og atferdsforstyrrelser pĂ„ kvelds- og nattestid, og sĂžvn pĂ„ dagtid. Forstyrrelser i sĂžvn og vĂ„kenhet har negative konsekvenser for daglig fungering, kognisjon, og affekt. I tillegg er det trolig at denne typen problemer gjenspeiler forstyrrelse av den endogene cirkadiane rytmen. APSD, inkludert sĂžvnproblemer, behandles ofte medikamentelt, pĂ„ tross av at slik behandling har begrenset effekt og kan medfĂžre alvorlige bivirkninger. Lys pĂ„virker den cirkadiane rytmen, og kan i tillegg ha en innvirkning pĂ„ vĂ„kenhet og humĂžr. Disse omtales som ikke-visuelle effekter av lys. Lysterapi er en ikke-medikamentell behandling som ifĂžlge noen tidligere studier kan ha en positiv effekt pĂ„ affekt, agitasjon, sĂžvnforstyrrelser og aktivitetsrytmer hos personer med demens, men resultatene fra ulike studier har ikke vĂŠrt entydige. MĂ„let med denne avhandlingen var Ă„ undersĂžke effekten av lysterapi pĂ„ APSD og aktivitetsrytmer, gjennom en klynge-randomisert placebo-kontrollert studie over 24 uker – DEM.LIGHT studien. Et sekundĂŠrt mĂ„l, og et forarbeid til hovedstudien, var Ă„ undersĂžke lysforholdene ved demensenheter pĂ„ sykehjem. Artikkel 1 presenterte en undersĂžkelse av lys pĂ„ 15 demensenheter i Bergen kommune, gjennomfĂžrt ved to Ă„rstider og med lysmĂ„linger i ulike retninger. LysmĂ„lingene ble sammenlignet med grenseverdier basert pĂ„ anbefalinger og tidligere forskning. Lysverdiene ble oppgitt i mĂ„leenheter som er relevante for ikkevisuelle effekter av lys. Artikkel 2 og 3 rapporterte resultater fra DEM.LIGHTstudien, gjennomfĂžrt pĂ„ 8 sykehjem med 69 deltagere. Intervensjonen besto av takmonterte LED-lys i fellesstuen pĂ„ 4 demensenheter, som gav lys av ulik styrke og fargetemperatur gjennom dagen. Maksimalt nivĂ„ for intervensjonen var ~1000 lx og 6000 K, mellom kl. 10:00 og 15:00, mĂ„lt vertikalt 1.2 m over gulvet. Kontrollgruppen (4 demensenheter) hadde standard innendĂžrsbelysning (~150–300 lx, 3000 K). Data ble innhentet ved baseline, og etter 8, 16 og 24 uker. Artikkel 2 undersĂžkte effekten av lysbehandlingen pĂ„ aktivitetsrytmer registrert med aktigrafi, og artikkel 3 undersĂžkte effekten pĂ„ proxy-vurderte APSD-mĂ„l (Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, CSDD og Neuropsychiatric Inventory – Nursing Home Version, NPI-NH). Effekten av behandlingen ble analysert ved bruk av blandede regresjonsmodeller (multilevel models), med demensstadium (Functional Assessment Staging Tool, FAST skĂ„re) ved baseline som en a priori bestemt kovariat. I tillegg ble baselineskĂ„rer pĂ„ utfallsmĂ„lene inkludert som kovariater i analysene til artikkel 3. I artikkel 1 fant vi at de fleste mĂ„lingene av lyset pĂ„ demensenhetene var under terskelverdiene, uavhengig av Ă„rstid og mĂ„leretning. I artikkel 2 fant vi ingen forbedring av aktivitetsrytmen etter BLT hos personer med demens nĂ„r vi korrigerte for multippel testing. Uten slik korreksjon var akrofasen (tidspunktet for aktivitetrytmens makspunkt) signifikant mindre forsinket (med en time) i uke 16 i intervensjonsgruppen sammenlignet med kontrollgruppen. Artikkel 3 rapporterte blandede resultater for effekten av lysintervensjonen pĂ„ APSD. Det var en signifikant effekt pĂ„ underskalaer som mĂ„ler affektive symptomer i uke 16, men ikke i uke 8 eller 24, etter korreksjon for multippel testing. Det var en signifikant effekt pĂ„ CSDD og NPI-NH total-skĂ„rer i uke 16 fĂžr, men ikke etter, korreksjon for multippel testing. Det var ingen signifikant effekt pĂ„ andre underskalaer. Oppsummert peker funnene fra artikkel 1 mot at lyset pĂ„ demensenheter er utilstrekkelig sett opp mot terskelverdier for ikke-visuelle effekter av lys. Likevel var resultatene fra DEM.LIGHT-studien, som Ăžkte belysningen pĂ„ demensenheter, blandede. Basert pĂ„ disse resultatene kan vi ikke anbefale takmontert lysterapi ved demensenheter. Det er imidlertid flere metodologiske utfordringer og karakteristikker ved utvalget som begrenser generaliserbarheten til disse funnene.Most people living with dementia have behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), such as depression, anxiety, agitation, and disturbed sleep, that strongly affect well-being and care needs. The rest-activity rhythm (RAR), i.e., the diurnal pattern of activity, is often altered in individuals with dementia. Sleep and wakefulness may, for instance, occur at irregular intervals, characterised by restlessness and behavioural disturbances at night, and napping during the day. This disruption of the sleep-wake pattern is detrimental to functioning and well-being. It is also thought to reflect deterioration of the endogenous circadian rhythm. Pharmacotherapy is often used to treat BPSD, including sleep disturbances, but has limited efficacy and is associated with severe side effects. Light influences the circadian rhythm, and can also have effects on alertness and mood. These are collectively referred to as non-image forming (NIF) effects of light. Bright light treatment (BLT) is a non-pharmacological intervention that has been found to improve affective symptoms, agitation, sleep disorders, and RARs in people with dementia in some studies, but results have been mixed. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of BLT on RARs and BPSD in a 24-week cluster randomised controlled trial - the DEM.LIGHT trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03357328). A secondary aim, and preparation for the trial, was to investigate the illumination in nursing home dementia units. Paper 1 was a field study investigating nursing home illumination in 15 dementia units across seasons and gaze directions. Measured illuminances were compared to thresholds suggested by industry standards and research, and measurement units relevant to NIF effects of light were used. Paper 2 and 3 reported results from the DEM.LIGHT trial, conducted at 8 dementia units, with 69 participants. In the intervention group (4 units), ceiling mounted LED-panels provided ambient light of varying illuminance and correlated colour temperature throughout the day, with a peak of ~1000 lx and 6000 K (measured vertically at 1.2 m) between 10:00 and 15:00. In the control group (4 units), standard indoor light of ~150–300 lx, 3000 K was used. Data were collected at baseline and at 8, 16, and 24 weeks. Paper 2 investigated the effect of the intervention on actigraphy-measured RARs, and paper 3 investigated the effect on proxy-rated BPSD measures: the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory - Nursing Home Version (NPI-NH). Treatment effects were analysed using multilevel regression models, with dementia stage (score on the Functional Assessment Staging Tool, FAST) at baseline as a pre-determined covariate. In addition, baseline scores on the outcome measures were included as covariates in the models in paper 3. In paper 1 we found that, regardless of season and gaze direction, nearly all measured illuminances in dementia units fell below the thresholds. In paper 2, we found that there was no effect of BLT on RAR outcomes in people with dementia when controlling for multiple testing. Without controlling for multiple testing, the acrophase (i.e., timing of the activity peak) was significantly less delayed (by one hour) in the intervention group compared to the control group, in week 16. Paper 3 found mixed results for the effect of BLT on BPSD. There was a significant reduction of scores on affective subscales in the intervention group in week 16, but not at other follow-ups, after controlling for multiple testing. There was a significant effect on the NPI-NH and CSDD total scores in week 16 before, but not after, controlling for multiple testing. There were no significant effects on other subscales. In conclusion, the findings in paper 1 suggest that illumination in dementia units is inadequate compared to thresholds suggested for NIF effects of light. However, the results of the DEM.LIGHT trial, which increased the indoor illumination in dementia units, were mixed. Based on our results, we cannot make clear recommendations regarding the use of ambient BLT in dementia units. Several methodological challenges and sample characteristics may limit the generalisability of these results.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Om Ă„ kjenne landskapet : vitenskap, folk og maktrelasjoner i Namaqualand, SĂžr-Afrika

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    In this thesis I explore the links and co-production between science and politics in Namaqualand through answering three research questions: 1. To what extent have landscapes in Namaqualand changed during the last 66 years (1939-2005), and how have different land uses contributed to the state of present landscapes? 2. How have science and policy influenced each other in the formation of local planning initiatives during the land reform process in Namaqualand? 3. In what ways do politics and land tenure models influence ecological science concerning communal land management in southern African dryland areas? Land degradation has been a recurrent theme in environmental research. Widespread erosion, overgrazing and desertification presumably caused by African smallholders have been a key concern by policymakers and development agencies for more than a century. This degradation orthodoxy is partly based on equilibrium models in ecological science and partly on modernization theories of land tenure and commercialization of agriculture. Both the equilibrium model and the focus on private land tenure have met considerable critique in Southern Africa and in Africa in general. Critics argue that dryland areas are ecologically unstable and unpredictable and therefore do not fit the equilibrium model. Further, they argue that privatization of land and limitations of grazing animals will marginalize the poorer farmers and lead to more poverty in rural areas, without contributing to more sustainable grazing areas. Still however, equilibriumbased thinking continues to influence African land and environmental policies. This project was carried out in Namaqualand, South Africa where, like in the rest of South Africa, apartheid policy brought about segregation between colored and white farmers, creating a dual agricultural system. The colored population was enclosed in small reserves, while white farmers gradually formed large farms that were later fenced. This unequal distribution of land and resources has continued until today and forms the background for the land reform process that started in 1994. The thesis is a case study of the development of knowledge about environmental change in Namaqualand. It discusses the politicized production and application of science and in doing so the thesis combines the approaches of Political Ecology and Science and Technology Studies. This thesis contributes to the existing body of literature in the following ways: The first paper combines data on land cover changes in Concordia (a communal area in Namaqualand), in a neighboring private farm and in a neighboring nature reserve, with data on the history of land use in the area. The article combines repeat photography covering a period of 66 years with interviews with local farmers on land use history and the authors find that vegetation has changed negligibly in the communal area studied over the 66-year period. While cultivation in the communal areas probably changed the landscape considerably, this change happened prior to the time period studied. In the neighboring private farm, as well as in the nature reserve, vegetation cover and species composition have recovered considerably since 1939. Thus rather than a degradation process in the communal area, we uncover a regeneration in the private farm and the nature reserve, following destocking subsidies and subsequent conservation. The second paper documents how the notion of carrying capacity was employed in a management plan developed as part of the land reform policy process in Concordia. Initially, the notion of carrying capacity was used by communal farmers to challenge the current distribution of land and the dominating idea that communal farming inherently led to degradation. Eventually, however, the concept contributed to depoliticize rangeland policy by rendering the relationship between land and livestock a question of numbers and not a question of how much land communal farmers have access to. The third paper discusses the use of photography in fenceline contrast studies within ecological science. Fence-line contrast study is a methodology used in ecology to compare to areas (divided by a fence). This way one may assume that other conditions are equal and that difference in management practice can explain visible differences found. Based on two cases from Namibia and Southern Africa, the article substantiates that fenceline contrast photographs are more than an objective representation of landscape difference. Rather, they function as models that relate ecological dynamics to presumptions of land tenure and management. The message implied in using such photographs is that communal tenure inherently leads to overgrazing and, hence, to the degradation of pastures, while private tenure results in healthy rangelands. This is a message that echoes the degradation orthodoxy, and the fenceline contrast photographs thus contribute to the current pressure on communal land tenure, even thought the data as such do not support such a pessimistic view. The overall argument of this thesis is that science and politics are intrinsically linked and coproduced, both in political processes and in the production of scientific knowledge. While the findings of the first article questions general assumptions of the validity of the degradation orthodoxy in Namaqualand, the second and the third articles show how degradation orthodoxy still influences both policy processes and science production. Thus, in order to open up for other influences and new and more fitting ecological models in policy and science, change must happen at different levels of the process of knowledge production and policy formation.I denne avhandlingen undersĂžker jeg forbindelsen og samproduksjonen mellom politikk og vitenskap i Namaqualand i SĂžr Afrika. Avhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i tre forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„l: 1) I hvilken grad har landskapet i Namaqualand endret seg fra 1939 til 2005, og hvordan har ulik bruk av pĂ„virket landskapet? 2) Hvordan pĂ„virker vitenskap og politikk hverandre nĂ„r lokale plandokumenter for beiteallmenninger skal utformes i forbindelse med jordreformprosessen i Namaqualand? 3) PĂ„ hvilke mĂ„ter pĂ„virker politiske modeller for organisering av eiendom den Ăžkologiske forskningen i beiteallmenninger i det sĂžrlige Afrika? Jordforringelse har vĂŠrt et tilbakevendende tema i miljĂžforskningen i Afrika. Politikere, byrĂ„krater, forskere og utviklingsorganisasjoner har trukket en sammenheng mellom fattige bĂžnders praksis og det de har tolket som utbredt erosjon, overbeite og forĂžrkning. I SĂžr-Afrika er denne oppfatningen delvis basert pĂ„ likevektsmodeller innen Ăžkologien og delvis pĂ„ moderniseringsteorier innen samfunnsvitenskapene. BĂ„de likevektsmodellene og fokuset pĂ„ privat eierskap har mĂžtt betydelig motstand blant forskere de siste tiĂ„rene. Kritikerne hevder at tĂžrrlandsomrĂ„der har en ustabil og uforutsigbar Ăžkologisk dynamikk, og at likevektsmodellene ikke gjenspeiler det som skjer pĂ„ bakken. FĂžlgelig mener forskere at privatisering og begrensninger i dyretall marginaliserer fattige bĂžnder og fĂžrer til mer fattigdom pĂ„ landsbygda, uten at man vet om det vil fĂžre til en mer bĂŠrekraftig utnyttelse av beiteomrĂ„dene. PĂ„ tross av disse advarslene dominerer likevektstankegangen afrikansk miljĂž- og landbrukspolitikk. Avhandlingen bygger pĂ„ et feltarbeid i Namaqualand i SĂžr Afrika. Dette omrĂ„det er i likhet med resten av SĂžr-Afrika merket av kolonitiden og senere av apartheidtiden. Skillet mellom fargede og hvite har fĂžrt til en todeling i landbruket. Gjennom 1800 og 1900-tallet tok settlerbĂžndene kontroll over mer og mer av jorda til lokale gjetere og beitefolk. De fargede bĂžndene ble henvist til smĂ„ reservater, mens hvite settlerbĂžnder gradvis dannet stĂžrre farmer som seinere ble gjerdet inn. Denne ujevne fordelingen av jord og ressurser har fortsatt fram til i dag, og er bakgrunnen for jordreformprosessen som startet i 1994. Denne avhandlingen er en case-studie av samproduksjonen mellom politikk og Ăžkologisk vitenskap i Namaqualand. Avhandlingen diskuterer den politiserte bruken og produksjonen av vitenskap og kombinerer dermed innsikter fra politisk Ăžkologi med vitenskaps- og teknologistudier. Avhandlingen er et bidrag til den eksisterende litteraturen pĂ„ fĂžlgende mĂ„ter: Den fĂžrste artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i data om endringer i vegetasjonsdekket i allmenningen Concordia, pĂ„ en tilgrensende privat farm og pĂ„ et naturreservat. Disse dataene sammenliknes med data pĂ„ tidligere bruk av omrĂ„det. I artikkelen bruker vi gamle og nye landskapsfotografier fra en periode pĂ„ 66 Ă„r. De vi finner i fotografiene analyserer vi sammen med intervjuer med lokale allmenningsbĂžnder og farmere om den historiske bruken av omrĂ„det. I studien fant vi en tendens som er helt motsatt av den myndighetene har advart mot. Myndighetene har fryktet at hard bruk av allmenningen vil fĂžre til uopprettelige skader. Men pĂ„ den tilgrensende farmen og i naturreservatet viser det seg at vegetasjonen er fortettet og at artssammensetningen er gjenvunnet i lĂžpet av disse 66 Ă„rene. Dette har skjedd som fĂžlge av apartheidstatens subsidier for Ă„ kutte dyretall pĂ„ farmen pĂ„ 1970-tallet og det pĂ„fĂžlgende vernet av naturreservatet. Dermed kan ikke forskjellen i vegetasjonsdekket i beiteallmenningen pĂ„ den ene siden og den private farmen og naturreservatet pĂ„ den andre tilskrives forringelse i allmenningen, men en regenerering og fortetting av vegetasjonen pĂ„ farmen og i naturreservatet. Dette viser for det fĂžrste at en slik regenerering er mulig, og for det andre at vegetasjonen i allmenningen holder seg stabil. Den andre artikkelen dokumenterer hvordan begrepet ’bĂŠreevne’ ble brukt i en planleggingsprosess i Concordia som var en del av jordreformprosessen i SĂžr-Afrika. Til Ă„ begynne med ble begrepet bĂŠreevne brukt av organisasjonen som organiserte jordreformen i Namaqualand (Surplus People Project) til Ă„ vise myndighetene at den skeive fordelingen av jord hverken var Ăžkologisk eller Ăžkonomisk bĂŠrekraftig. Begrepet ble innarbeidet i forvaltningsplanene og i beiteforskriftene, og etter at omfordelingen av jorda var avsluttet fikk bĂŠreevnebegrepet en ny funksjon. NĂ„ bidro ’bĂŠreevne’-begrepet til Ă„ avpolitisere beitepolitikken ved at god forvaltning ble redusert til et spĂžrsmĂ„l om hvor mange dyr man har pĂ„ beitet og at diskusjonen om hvor mye land de fattige bĂžndene burde ha tilgang til ble dysset ned. Den tredje artikkelen diskuterer bruken av fotografier i gjerdekontrast-studier i Ăžkologiske akademiske tidsskrifter. Gjerdekontrast-studier er en metode brukt i Ăžkologi for Ă„ sammenlikne to omrĂ„der (delt med et gjerde). Basert pĂ„ to caser, en studie fra Namibia og en fra SĂžr-Afrika, hevder jeg at gjerdekontrast-fotografier er mer enn en objektiv representasjon av forskjeller i landskap. Like viktig er at de fungerer som modeller som relaterer Ăžkologisk dynamikk til forestillinger om at privat eierskap er det mest fordelaktige for enkeltbĂžnders Ăžkonomi og for miljĂžet. Disse modellene er ikke uttalt i artiklene som er studert, men budskapet som bildene uttrykker er at felleseie av beiter i seg selv fĂžrer til overbeite og dermed til beiteforringelse, mens privat eierskap medfĂžrer en mer bĂŠrekraftig bruk. Dette er et budskap som har klangbunn i de store fortellingene om degradering og allmenning som myndighetene i SĂžr-Afrika og Namibia har forfektet i over hundre Ă„r. Dermed bidrar bildebruken og fortolkningen av bildene til et politisk press pĂ„ allmenningen som organisasjonsform, selv om dataene i artiklene ikke tegner et sĂ„ dystert bilde. Det overordnede argumentet i denne avhandlingen er at vitenskap og politikk er nĂžye sammenvevd, bĂ„de i politiske prosesser og i produksjon av vitenskap. Funnene i den fĂžrste artikkelen stiller spĂžrsmĂ„l ved den generelle oppfatningen av forringelse av beitelandet i Namaqualand. Den andre artikkelen viser at den gamle forestillingen om degradering av almenningsomrĂ„dene fortsatt pĂ„virker politikk og vitenskap. Den tredje artikkelen viser at oppfatningene om at allmenningsbeite er skadelig lever videre gjennom bruk og fortolkning av gjerdekontrastfotografier. For Ă„ Ă„pne opp for Ăžkologiske ikke-likevektsmodeller i politikk, og for nye tanker om hva som er bĂŠrekraftig organisering av eiendom, mĂ„ dermed forandringer skje pĂ„ forskjellige nivĂ„er i politikkutforming og vitenskapsproduksjon.Nansenfondet : Nordiska Afrikainstitute

    Contrasting body burdens of organohalogenated contaminants in two Arctic glaucous gull Larus hyperboreus populations in relation to their dietary ecology

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    This study compared body burdens of organohalogenated contaminants (OHCs) between glaucous gull populations from Bjþrnþya and Kongsfjorden, Svalbard and if OHC levels was influenced by their dietary ecology and biological variables (body condition index and sex). To do so, blood from 112 adult glaucous gulls were sampled during the breeding seasons of 2015 until 2019 in Bjþrnþya and Kongsfjorden. We measured plasma concentrations of OHCs including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFASs). Feather stable isotopes of nitrogen (ή15N) and carbon (ή13C) were analyzed to indicate trophic level and feeding habitat, respectively. Body burdens of OHCs differed significantly between the two populations for all 5 sampling years. Overall, the population at Bjþrnþya had plasma concentrations of OHCs 5.3 times higher than the Kongsfjorden population. The most quantitatively abundant contaminants found in the glaucous gulls were ΣPCBs and ΣPFASs in Bjþrnþya and ∑PCBs in Kongsfjorden. No differences in relative trophic position between both breeding populations were reported although Kongsfjorden individuals varied significantly in ή15N across sampling years, while Bjþrnþya individuals remained stable over time. In addition, we highlighted no relationship between plasma OHCs and feather ή15N (trophic position) although the lack of association might be due to both tissues (i.e blood and feathers) reflecting different time scales. Only ΣPFSAs and ΣPFCAs showed a positive relationship with ή13C, suggesting that feeding habitat, more than trophic position, might explain variance in contaminant exposure

    Characterisation of fructan accumulation in grasses and its implication for cold adaptation and overwintering

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    Fructans are fructose-based oligo- and polysaccharides that occur in many plants in temperate climates. Beside its main function as storage carbohydrate, fructan has been suggested to play a role in temperate adaptations, e.g., as cryoprotectant or by increasing photosynthesis efficiency at low temperatures. Here, I investigate the role of fructans in winter survival and global distribution of perennial temperate grasses by conducting a common garden experiment with 35 phylogenetically diverse species. Sampling of crown material was performed once a month from 30th October 2019 to 29th April 2020 and fructan content in the samples was analysed and quantified with high performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection. The results were combined with a phylogenetic tree to investigate the correlation of fructan accumulation with regrowth in spring as well as global distribution data. I identified several new fructan accumulators in the Pooideae subfamily and my results reveal a large variety in fructan types among Pooideae species. The observed phylogenetic pattern of fructan types suggests several independent origins of FTs and FEHs in the subfamily. Furthermore, fructan amount throughout the winter showed a clear correlation with regrowth ability in spring, a measure of frost tolerance and winter endurance. A reciprocal relationship was found between the bioclimatic variable isothermality and amount of fructan throughout the winter months. A phylogenetic analysis of variance with global distribution data revealed a striking pattern of fructan accumulators being able to survive in areas with longer winters than non-fructan accumulators.submittedVersionM-LU

    Ghosts, Fairies and Old Wives’ Tales: The Function of Folklore and Superstition in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights

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    Denne masteroppgĂ„va tar fĂžre seg Jane Eyre av Charlotte BrontĂ« og Wuthering Heights av Emily BrontĂ«. OppgĂ„va undersĂžker kva ein kan lĂŠre om det viktorianske samfunnet i England, ved Ă„ sjĂ„ pĂ„ aspekt som klasse, kjĂžnn, og samfunnsendringar relatert til urbaniseringa i denne perioden. Desse aspekta blir undersĂžkt gjennom Ă„ sjĂ„ pĂ„ nokre av dei mange folkloristiske elementa ein kan finne i dei to bĂžkene. Folklore er folkeminna og folketrua som har overlevd gjennom ein tidsalder pĂ„ folkemunne, og som difor har ukjend forfattar. BĂ„de Jane Eyre og Wuthering Heights viser til folklore gjennom referansar til alvar, spĂžkelse, gamle balladar og sanger, eventyr, og “kjerringsnakk.” OppgĂ„va ser fĂžrst pĂ„ korleis folklore er brukt i Jane Eyre, ved Ă„ sjĂ„ pĂ„ korleis hovudkarakteren blir assosiert med overnaturlege vesen i samanheng med at ho i auga til andre karakterar blir framandgjort som eit resultat av at rolla hennar i samfunnet er vanskeleg Ă„ definere. Vidare ser oppgĂ„va pĂ„ spĂžkelse, og deira innverknad pĂ„ Wuthering Heights, relatert til den same typen framandgjering som i Jane Eyre. Til slutt ser oppgĂ„va pĂ„ korleis tradisjonen for historieforteljing pĂ„ folkemunne skilde seg frĂ„ bokpublisering, som var den nyare og meir aksepterte forma i dei viktorianske mellomklassene. Ved Ă„ studere Jane Eyre og Wuthering Heights i samanheng med folklore og konteksten av det viktorianske samfunnet, prĂžver denne oppgĂ„va Ă„ leggje vekt pĂ„ kvifor studiar innanfor folklore og litteratur kan vere verdifullt for Ă„ finne innsikt i samfunnsrelaterte tema som skjuler seg bak folklore i fiksjon.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG350MAHF-ENGMAHF-LÆF

    Organic flow assurance: Asphaltene dispersant/inhibitor formulation development through experimental design

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    Master's thesis in Environmental TechnologyThe exploitation of hydrocarbon has forced the petroleum production to move closer to extreme climate areas and deep waters such as the Barents Sea. These challenges require effective and safe production, transport and processing of the petroleum sources. Chemical and physical changes in the reservoir may cause different types of unpredicted problems such as organic deposits which are mainly asphaltene and wax precipitation. Wax precipitation is very common in subsea pipelines. Asphaltenes are more affected by for example pressure drops and high shear, which may cause formation damage as well as plugup the well-bores and tubing. In the petroleum industry, flow assurance has become a key concern where the cold sea bottom temperatures and extreme water depths give rise to enormous technical challenges which includes the management of solids such as asphaltenes and wax. Flow assurance is defined as “safe, uninterrupted and simultaneous transport of gas, oil and water from reservoirs to processing facilities”. The term refers to the need to guarantee flow of oil and gas from the reservoirs to the processing facilities. In this thesis the focus will be on chemical control of asphaltene and the formulation of an optimal asphaltene dispersant mixture. An experimental method needed to be established for the screening tests of the dispersant mixtures. When performing a screening test, the experimental method is desired to be simple and quick. This will save time and money as the screening test will only give an idea of how the system works and interacts. Different methods were tested such as measurement of the asphaltene deposit level, spot test, UV-Vis spectroscopy and turbidity measurements. Turbidity measurement was decided to be used in the formulation of an optimal asphaltene dispersant mixture. Design of experiments (DoE) and mixture design are well known methods which are often used when mixing together multiple components. DoE techniques provide an idea of how the mixtures work together and can then optimize the formulation at a minimum effort and cost. The computer software, Design Expert was used for the experimental design in this thesis. The program was used to set up an experimental plan which showed the mixture components and the mixture proportions to be tested. When the results were ready, they were inserted in Design Expert and a model was suggested. The analysis of the model was also done by Design Expert which made it possible to easily detect certain trends in the model such as identifying results that deviated from the model in form of failed experiments. Three different crude oils were tested, Crudo-Metapetroleum a viscous and heavy crude oil with an asphaltene content of 12,1535g/100ml, Hier D02A crude oil which is a more common crude oil with an asphaltene content of 2,2380g/100ml and Jordbér crude oil with an asphaltene content of 0,2210g/100ml. Three commercial asphaltene dispersant were tested in order to find an optimal mixture formulation. The dispersants used for these tests, dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid (DDBSA), Hybase M-401 and Flowsolve 113, did not show any usable synergistic effects. The results showed that the best dispersant was Flowsolve 113

    Role of hormones in bone formation and resorption: A literature review [How hormones; adiponectin, angiotensin, cortisol, erythropoietin, insulin, parathyroid hormone, oxytocin, sex hormones, affect bone remodeling]

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    The study aims to present the current research literature on hormones and its influence on bone remodeling and metabolism; an emphasis is given the disease of dry socket and bone related diseases such as periodontitis and osteoporosis. This thesis’ overview may be helpful by motivating the discovery of new approaches to address these diseases. There is plenty of available research about hormones in the medical literature, however, the literature is scarce in the field of dentistry. This review aims to shed light on available research on the topic of hormones and dentistry in regard to their effects on jaw bone. Additionally, the authors have selected three diseases to discuss how they are influenced by hormones: osteoporosis, periodontitis, and dry socket

    The long-term effect of carbohydrate intake differing in quantity and quality on appetite in people with obesity - results from a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC)

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    Background: Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for Ä series of health consequences. A better understanding of appetite regulation can be an important part of providing treatment strategies. When weight is lost, several physiological adaptations, including changes in appetite, take place. Dietary composition seems to affect appetite, and both carbohydrate quantity and quality may play a role. It has been suggested that ketogenic diets may suppress the expected rise in appetite during weight loss. Several studies have investigated the effects of ketogenic diets on appetite, but not in the long term. Aims: The primary aim is to determine if a VLCHF diet results in a lesser short-term and long-term increase in ghrelin, as well as subjective hunger, compared to HCLF diets despite expected weight loss in all groups. The secondary aims are to determine if there are differences between the cellular and acellular HCLF diets in regard to appetite and if there are sex differences in regard to appetite between all three groups. Methods: 192 obese participants (20-55 years) were randomized to one of three normocaloric diet interventions: 1) a high-carbohydrate low-fat (HCLF) diet with mostly cellular carbohydrate sources, 2) a HCLF with mostly acellular carbohydrate sources, and 3) a very- low-carbohydrate high-fat (VLCHF) diet. Subjective appetite was assessed with VAS. Fasting levels of ghrelin and ketones were analyzed in blood samples. Results: Change in ghrelin was significantly lower in the VLCHF group compared to the HCLF groups at three months. Change in subjective fasting hunger was significantly lower in the HCLF- a group at three months compared to the other groups. Sex differences were shown for both changes in ghrelin and change in subjective hunger. Conclusion: The current thesis suggests that both carbohydrate quantity and quality may affect appetite and that there may be sex differences in response to the diets in regard to appetite. Abbreviations: HCLF, high-carbohydrate low-fat diet; VLCHF, very-low-carbohydrate high- fat diet; VAS, visual analog scale.Bakgrunn: Flere helserelaterte risikofaktorer er knyttet til overvekt og fedme. For Ä utvikle gode behandlingsstrategier kan en bedre forstÄelse av appetittregulering vÊre nyttig. Ved vektnedgang skjer det en rekke fysiologiske adaptasjoner, inkludert endringer i appetitt. Diettsammensetning kan trolig pÄvirke appetitt, og bade karbohydrat kvalitet og kvalitet kan vÊre viktige. Det har blitt foreslÄtt at ketogene dietter kan begrense den forventede Þkningen i appetitt under vektnedgang. Flere studier har undersÞkt effekten av ketogene dietter pÄ appetitt, men ikke over lang tid. FormÄl: FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä finne ut om en VLCHF diett resulterer I en mindre Þkning i ghrelin og subjektiv sultfÞlelse sammenliknet med HCLF dietter, pÄ kort og lang sikt. I tillegg er de sekundÊre formÄlene Ä finne ut om det er appetittforskjeller mellom den cellulÊre og det acellulÊre HCLF dietten, og om det er kjÞnnsforskjeller i appetitt mellom alle diettgruppene. Metode: 192 deltakere med fedme (20-55 Är) ble randomisert til en av tre normokaloriske diettintervensjoner: 1) en hÞy karbohydrat, lav fett diett (HCLF) med hovedsakelig acellulÊre karbohydratkilder, 2) en HCLF med hovedsakelig cellulÊre karbohydratkilder, og 3) en veldig lavkarbohydrat, hÞy fett diett (VLCHF). Subjektiv appetitt ble vurdert ved hjelp av VAS, og fastende ghrelin og ketoner ble mÄlt i blodprÞver. Resultater: Endringen i ghrelin var signifikant lavere i VLCHF gruppen sammenliknet med de to HCLF gruppene ved tre mÄneder. Endringen i subjektiv sultfÞlelse var signifikant lavere i den acellulÊre HCLF gruppen ved tre mÄneders visitten sammenliknet med de andre gruppene. Det var forskjell i endring i ghrelin og subjektiv sultfÞlelse mellom menn og kvinner. Konklusjon: Det foreslÄs at bÄde kvantiteten og kvaliteten av karbohydrater i kosten kan pÄvirke appetitt, og at det kan vÊre ulik appetittrespons av diettene mellom kjÞnnene. Forkortelser: HCLF, hÞy karbohydrat, lav fett diet; VLCHF, veldig lavkarbohydrat, hÞy fett diett; VAS, visuell skale («visual analog scale»)

    Model Checking Upgrades in Ethereum Smart Contracts

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    In this master’s thesis, the model-checking tool StraTegic Verifier has been extended to verify upgrades in Smart Contracts. It has been shown how to model Smart Contracts as Concurrent Game Models, enabling them to be verified by the model checker. By implementing Dictatorial Dynamic Coalition Logic, upgrades of Smart Contracts can be expressed, and the models can be changed before verification. The implementation of DDCL is a step in the direction of being able to use formal verification when there are upgrades in Smart Contracts.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO390MASV-INF
