4,265 research outputs found

    It Does Matter

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    (WP 15/03 Clave pdf) Some articles lately have hypothesized about IT being a commodity from which firms cannot extract a true competitive advantage anymore. Therefore, according to those authors, the competitive edge would be now in carefully managing IT to reduce costs and avoid overspending. The author rebates these viewpoints using Swanson´s Tri-Core model and proposes a different way to look IT management in the future in order to avoid the current pitfalls.IS strategic planning, IT evaluation, IT management, Organizational use of ISRL, Productivity

    Improvement in survivorship: The key for population recovery?

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    In northern Patagonia, commercial harvesting of South American sea lions, Otaria flavescens, from 1920 to 1960, decimated its population abundance. Population recovery was not immediate after hunting ceased in 1962. The population was stable until 1989, and since then has grown at an annual rate of increase of 5.7%. Along with this growth there was an increase of the juvenile fraction and changes in the social composition of colonies, which could be related to changes in some population vital rates. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in the survivorship pattern of Otaria flavescens through time. The ultimate goal was to contribute to a better understanding of changes that could have operated on the ecosystem after the decline and recovery of one of the main marine top-predators in the southern South Atlantic Ocean. The comparisons of survivorship curves of males and females, obtained from the life tables of two periods with different population trends: 1981-1987 (stationary) and 2000-2008 (recovering), showed that there were differences in survivorship between sexes, where recent female age-specific survival was higher than that of males at any age. The comparison of survivorship between periods showed differences in both sexes. Both juveniles and adults, both male and female, from the recent period showed higher survival than those of the 1980’s decade. This improvement in survivorship could be one of the essential factors that drove population recovery in the last decades. Here we discuss the possible hypotheses of which factors could have changed in the ecosystem to favour juvenile and adult survivorship, such as an increase in the availability of food recourses, a decrease of exogenous mortality causes, or a combination of both factors.Fil: Grandi, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Dans, Silvana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; Argentin

    Metodologías de valoración del riesgo país en la inversión extrajera directa: ¿Qué riesgos comportan?

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    Impredecible, subjetivo, escurridizo y difícil de encerrar en modelos formales son algunos calificativos que expertos analistas han atribuido al riesgo país. Estos rasgos no sorprenden si tenemos en cuenta que el riesgo país emana de la esfera política y pone de manifiesto toda la complejidad de la realidad sociopolítica, económica y financiera de un país. El riesgo país en el comercio internacional se circunscribe a la insolvencia que esa realidad compleja pueda ocasionar al estado o a una firma que opere en el país. En cambio, en las operaciones de inversión extranjera directa los riesgos están relacionados con las pérdidas que pudiera generar al inversor, minorando sus derechos de propiedad, dañando sus activos o mermando su actividad. La valoración del riesgo país es imprescindible para las empresas, a la hora de tomar decisiones de internacionalización, y para los países, en el diseño de su estrategia de desarrollo. Ahora bien, a la vista de la complejidad que entraña el análisis del contexto sociopolítico y su impacto en la economía, ¿cuál es la metodología más adecuada para valorarlo? ¿Son suficientes los modelos econométricos? Este artículo examina y analiza varias metodologías de análisis y da respuesta a estas preguntas

    Commodity Feminism Today: An Analysis of the Always #LikeAGirl Campaign

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    This study examined the Procter & Gamble Always #LikeAGirl commercial video for aspects of commodity feminism as defined by Goldman, Heath and Smith in their 1991 journal article Commodity Feminism. The purpose of this study was to explore the connection between the #LikeAGirl commercial and its viewers. Through this exploration, the study aimed to find any feminist sign values and/or feminine visual signifiers identified in the Goldman et al. (1991) definition of commodity feminism. In addition, this study sought to explore audience connections (positive and/or effective) to identified aspects of commodity feminism in the video. The commercial video was analyzed for aspects of commodity feminism using an in-depth data analysis approach, followed by another qualitative method of measurement. Focus group research, the second method, was conducted using a convenience sample of 30 West Virginia University students. These groups were transcribed, analyzed and coded by the researcher using the Scissor-and-Sort Technique. Findings from this study indicated that feminist sign values were the only aspects of commodity feminism in this commercial video. These connected most effectively with focus group participants when messaging connected on first a negative emotional level, and then led to a positive solution suggested by the brand. This study contributes to the marketing communications field by yielding informative observations concerning persuasive communication tactics to connect with the personal values of the audience

    La educación estadística: medios de desarrollarla. Tipos de estadísticas extranjeras y modelos más utilizables en nuestro país

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    El estadístico ha de poseer gran cultura general además de conocer bien la estadística. Además la estadística tiene gran importancia a la hora de gobernar un pueblo. Es necesario comunicar los resultados a la gente mediante conferencias, prensa, folletos, carteles y cualquier otro medio difusorThe statistician is to possess a considerable general culture in addition to being knowledgeable in statistics. Furthermore, statistics are very important in the governing of a people. It is necessary to communicate the results to the people by means of conferences, booklets, posters, through the press and any other means of dissemination of informatio

    Derecho de asilo y adopción internacional

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2015/201

    Oral Bioavailability of metals in particulate matter

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    [Resumen:] Bio-disponibilidad oral de metales en materia particulada. Se ha utilizado un modelo in-vitro que combina métodos de digestión gastro- intestinal simulada y diálisis para la evaluación de la bio-disponibilidad oral de elementos esenciales y tóxicos, en muestras de partículado (PM10 y PM2.5) de varios entornos de A Coruña (entorno urbano, suburbano e industrial). Después de realizar un tratamiento de digestión ácido asistida por energía de microondas, el contenido total de metales en muestras de material particulado y dializados se analizaron por espectrometría de masas con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS). Se encontraron porcentajes elevados (superiores al 60%) de bio-disponibilidad para el Ca (en todos los entornos y en las fracciones de PM10 y PM2.5). El Fe y Mg presentan una menor bio-disponibilidad (porcentajes en el intervalo de 10 a 60%), mientras que Al, As, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, V y Zn no se consideran bio-disponibles (porcentajes inferiores al 3,0%).[Resumo:] Bio-diponibilidade oral de metáis en materia particulada. Empleouse un modelo in-vitro que combina métodos simulados de dixestión gastro- intestinal e diálise para a avaliación da bio-disponibilidade oral de elementos esenciais e tóxicos en mostras de partículado atmosféricos (PM10 e PM2,5) en mostras de varios entornos da Coruña (entorno urbano, suburbano e industrial), Despoís de realizar un tratamento de dixestión ácida asistida por enerxía de microondas, o contido total de metais nas mostras do material particulado e nos dializados foron analizadas por espectrometría de masas con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS). Atopáronse elevados porcentaxes (superiores ao 60%) de bio-disponibilidade para o Ca (en todos os entornos e fraccións de PM10 e PM2,5). O Fe e Mg teñen unha menor bio-disponibilidade (porcentaxes entre o 10 e o 60%), mentres que o resto dos metáis, Al, As, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, SB, Se, Sr, V e Zn non se consideran bio-dispoñibles (porcentaxes inferiores ao 3,0%).[Abstract:] Oral Bio-availability of metals in particulate matter Oral bio-availability of essential and toxic elements has been assessed in particulate matter samples (PM10 and PM2.5) from several sites of A Coruña (urban, sub-urban and industrial sites) by using an in-vitro model that combines simulated gastric and intestinal digestion / dialysis methods. Total metal content in particulate matter samples and dialyzable were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) after a microwave-assisted acid digestion treatment. High dialyzability percentages for Ca (in all sites and for PM10 and PM2.5) were found (diazability percentages higher than 60%). Fe and Mg are less bio-available (dialyzability percentages in the range of 10 to 60 %), while Al, As, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, V and Zn are not bio-availables (diazability percentages lower than 3.0 %).Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2016/201

    Metodologías de valoración del riesgo país en la inversión extranjera directa: ¿qué riesgos comportan?

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    Unpredictable, subjective, elusive and difficult to lock in formal models are some adjectives that expert analysts have attributed the country risk. These traits are not surprising considering that behind the political risk is the complexity of the socio-political, economic and financial reality. Country risk in international trade affects solvency whereas in FDI is related to the losses caused by deprivation of property rights, cessation of activities or damage to assets. The country risk assessment is essential for multinational companies and for countries in the design of their development strategy. However, in view of its complexity, what is the most appropriate methodology for this kind of risk? Are econometric models appropriate? This article reviews and discusses various analysis methodologies and responds to these questions.Impredecible, subjetivo, escurridizo y difícil de encerrar en modelos formales son algunos calificativos que expertos analistas han atribuido al riesgo país. Estos rasgos no sorprenden si tenemos en cuenta que el riesgo país emana de la esfera política y pone de manifiesto toda la complejidad de la realidad sociopolítica, económica y financiera de un país. El riesgo país en el comercio internacional se circunscribe a la insolvencia que esa realidad compleja pueda ocasionar al estado o a una firma que opere en el país. En cambio, en las operaciones de inversión extranjera directa los riesgos están relacionados con las pérdidas que pudiera generar al inversor, minorando sus derechos de propiedad, dañando sus activos o mermando su actividad. La valoración del riesgo país es imprescindible para las empresas, a la hora de tomar decisiones de internacionalización, y para los países, en el diseño de su estrategia de desarrollo. Ahora bien, a la vista de la complejidad que entraña el análisis del contexto sociopolítico y su impacto en la economía, ¿cuál es la metodología más adecuada para valorarlo? ¿Son suficientes los modelos econométricos? Este artículo examina y analiza varias metodologías de análisis y da respuesta a estas preguntas

    Informe de resultados: I Encuesta nacional dirigida a empresas de arqueología

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    [ES] En noviembre de 2009 finalizó la I Encuesta dirigida a mpresas de arqueología en España, desarrollada por el Laboratorio de Patrimonio (LaPa-CSIC) en colaboración con el Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC). En agradecimiento por la colaboración prestada se envía a las empresas que participaron en el estudio un informe detallado con los resultados de la encuesta, expuestos de manera agregada para que ninguna empresa pueda ser identificada. A través de estos resultados se desarrolla una caracterización de esta actividad comercial que permite sistematizar información sobre su situación actual

    The shadow in the light: The dark romanticism of Francisco de Goya

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    The work of Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) is impressive both in its skill, and in its scope; but perhaps most strikingly in its diversity. This diversity has cultivated a crisis-narrative of Goya’s life; his famed artistic darkness only appeared following significant ‘crisis moments’ in his life. This research contends with this narrative by analysing a collection of Goya’s earlier, lesser-known artworks, the Tapestry Cartoons. The cartoons provide a powerful comparison to the collections of his later years, such as the Black Paintings (1819–23) and the Disasters of War (1810–20). Framing this analysis is the influence of Dark Romanticism, which was an aesthetic trend favoured in the early-nineteenth century. Elements of Dark Romanticism are evident throughout Goya’s career—even in his earliest and brightest works. The bucolic scenes of the cartoons, for example, hinted at peril: a bountiful harvest implied that winter was coming; children’s tree-top play threatened injury; a mannequin thrown at a spring-time festival was sinister. This early darkness casts doubt over the crisis-narrative, and forms the crux of this research. This research interrogates the tapestry cartoons to understand them both as early expressions of Dark Romanticism, and as antecedent artworks that possess clear hallmarks of Goya’s mature artistic style and approach. By conducting this close study, this research informs our understanding of Goya as a Dark Romantic artist, and thereby better understand Dark Romanticism itself as an aesthetic style and ideological movement