1,083 research outputs found

    Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the medium of irregular galaxy

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    We investigate the cosmic ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of irregular galaxy. The observations (Chyzy et al. 2000, 2003) show that the magnetic field in irregular galaxies is present and its value reaches the same level as in spiral galaxies. However the conditions in the medium of irregular galaxy are very unfavorable for amplification the magnetic field due to slow rotation and low shearing rate. In this work we present numerical model of the interstellar medium in irregular galaxies. The model includes magnetohydrodynamical dynamo driven by cosmic rays in the interstellar medium provided by random supernova explosions. We describe models characterized by different shear and rotation. We find that even slow galactic rotation with low shearing rate gives amplification of the magnetic field. Simulations have shown that high amount of the magnetic energy flow out off the simulation region becoming an efficient source of intergalactic magnetic fields.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, To be published in "Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies", K.G. Strassmeier, A.G. Kosovichev & J.E. Beckman, eds., Proc. IAU Symp. 259, CU

    The magnetic fields of large Virgo cluster spirals: Paper II

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    The Virgo cluster of galaxies provides excellent conditions for studying interactions of galaxies with the cluster environment. Both the high-velocity tidal interactions and effects of ram pressure stripping by the intracluster gas can be investigated in detail. We extend our systematic search for possible anomalies in the magnetic field structures of Virgo cluster spirals in order to characterize a variety of effects and attribute them to different disturbing agents. Six angularly large Virgo cluster spiral galaxies (NGC4192, NGC4302, NGC4303, NGC4321, NGC4388, and NGC4535) were targets of a sensitive total power and polarization study using the 100-m radio telescope in Effelsberg at 4.85GHz and 8.35GHz (except for NGC4388 observed only at 4.85GHz, and NGC4535 observed only at 8.35GHz). Magnetic field structures distorted to various extent are found in all galaxies. Three galaxies (NGC4302, NGC4303, and NGC4321) show some signs of possible tidal interactions, while NGC4388 and NGC4535 have very likely experienced strong ram-pressure and shearing effects, respectively, visible as distortions and asymmetries of polarized intensity distributions. As in our previous study, even strongly perturbed galaxies closely follow the radio-far-infrared correlation. In NGC4303 and NGC4321, we observe symmetric spiral patterns of the magnetic field and in NGC4535 an asymmetric pattern. Magnetic fields allow us to trace even weak interactions that are difficult to detect with other observations. Our results show that the degree of distortions of a galaxy is not a simple function of the distance to the cluster center but reflects also the history of its interactions. The angle between the velocity vector and the rotation vector of a galaxy may be a general parameter that describes the level of distortions of galactic magnetic fields.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    3D model of magnetic fields evolution in dwarf irregular galaxies

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    Radio observations show that magnetic fields are present in dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrr) and its strength is comparable to that found in spiral galaxies. Slow rotation, weak shear and shallow gravitational potential are the main features of a typical dIrr galaxy. These conditions of the interstellar medium in a dIrr galaxy seem to unfavourable for amplification of the magnetic field through the dynamo process. Cosmic-ray driven dynamo is one of the galactic dynamo model, which has been successfully tested in case of the spiral galaxies. We investigate this dynamo model in the ISM of a dIrr galaxy. We study its efficiency under the influence of slow rotation, weak shear and shallow gravitational potential. Additionally, the exploding supernovae are parametrised by the frequency of star formation and its modulation, to reproduce bursts and quiescent phases. We found that even slow galactic rotation with a low shearing rate amplifies the magnetic field, and that rapid rotation with a low value of the shear enhances the efficiency of the dynamo. Our simulations have shown that a high amount of magnetic energy leaves the simulation box becoming an efficient source of intergalactic magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symp. 274, Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino and A. Kosoviche

    Radio observations of the Milky Way from the classroom

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    We present the project to introduce the first European network of radio telescopes for education. It enables pupils to detect spectral line emission of neutral hydrogen in the Milky Way at a wavelength of 21 cm. Any classroom connected to Internet via any web-browser can remotely control one of the radio-telescopes, observe and analyse obtained spectra: derive the Milky-Way rotation curve and recognise spiral arms in hydrogen distribution. Doing exercises pupils, guided by their teachers, learn the basics of radio astronomy research, use scientific method to explore and interpret the attained spectral data. A range of attractive educational materials are prepared to help in disseminating the scientific knowledge in the classroom and demonstrate the modern information technology

    Deep Radio Continuum Imaging of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10: Tracing Star Formation and Magnetic Fields

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    We exploit the vastly increased sensitivity of the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) to study the radio continuum and polarization properties of the post-starburst, dwarf irregular galaxy IC10 at 6 cm, at a linear resolution of ~50 pc. We find close agreement between radio continuum and Halpha emission, from the brightest HII regions to the weaker emission in the disk. A quantitative analysis shows a strictly linear correlation, where the thermal component contributes 50% to the total radio emission, the remainder being due to a non-thermal component with a surprisingly steep radio spectral index of between -0.7 and -1.0 suggesting substantial radiation losses of the cosmic-ray electrons. We confirm and clearly resolve polarized emission at the 10-20% level associated with a non-thermal superbubble, where the ordered magnetic field is possibly enhanced due to the compression of the expanding bubble. A fraction of the cosmic-ray electrons has likely escaped because the measured radio emission is a factor of 3 lower than what is suggested by the Halpha inferred SFR.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the EVLA Special Issue of ApJ Letter

    Tidal interaction vs. ram pressure stripping effects as seen in X-rays. Hot gas in group and cluster galaxies

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    The hot intracluster/intragroup medium (ICM/IGM) and a high galaxy density can lead to perturbations of the galactic interstellar medium (ISM) due to ram pressure and/or tidal interaction effects. In radio polarimetry observations, both phenomena may manifest similar features. X-ray data can help to determine the real origin of the perturbation. We analyse the distribution and physical properties of the hot gas in the Virgo cluster spiral galaxies NGC 4254 and NGC 4569, which indicate that the cluster environment has had a significant influence on their properties. By performing both spatial and spectral analyses of X-ray data, we try to distinguish between two major phenomena: tidal and ram pressure interactions. We compare our findings with the case of NGC 2276, in which a shock was reported, by analysing XMM-Newton X-ray data for this galaxy. We use archival XMM-Newton observations of NGC 4254, NGC 4569, and NGC 2276. Maps of the soft diffuse emission in the energy band 0.2 - 1 keV are obtained. For the three galaxies, especially at the position of magnetic field enhancements we perform a spectral analysis to derive gas temperatures and thus to look for shock signatures. A shock is a signature of ram pressure resulting from supersonic velocities; weak tidal interactions are not expected to influence the temperature of the ionized gas. In NGC 4254, we do not observe any temperature increase. This suggests tidal interactions rather than ram pressure stripping. In NGC 4569 the radio polarized ridge shows a higher temperature, which may indicate ram-pressure effects. For NGC 2276, we do not find clear indications of a shock. The main driver of the observed distortions is most likely tidal interaction. Determining gas temperatures via sensitive X-ray observations seems to be a good method for distinguishing between ram pressure and tidal interaction effects acting upon a galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, 8 tables, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    NGC 4654: polarized radio continuum emission as a diagnostic tool for a galaxy--cluster interaction

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    A recent comparison between deep VLA HI observations and dynamical models of the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4654 has shown that only a model involving a combination of a tidal interaction and ram pressure can reproduce the data. Deep radio polarization studies, together with detailed MHD modeling, can independently verify those conclusions, that are based on HI observations and dynamical models. We performed deep polarized radio-continuum observations of the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4654 with the Effelsberg 100m telescope at 8.35 GHz and the VLA at 4.85 GHz. Detailed 3D MHD simulations were made to determine the large-scale magnetic field and the emission distribution of the polarized radio continuum in the model, during the galaxy evolution within the cluster environment. This direct comparison between the observed and simulated polarized radio continuum emission corroborates the earlier results, that the galaxy had a recent rapid close encounter with NGC 4639 and is undergoing weak ram pressure by the intracluster medium. This combination of deep radio polarization studies and detailed MHD modeling thus gives us unique insight into the interactions of a galaxy with its cluster environment. It represents a diagnostic tool that is complementary to deep HI observations.Comment: Corrected galaxy name in captions of figures (1 & 2

    Discovery of a strong spiral magnetic field crossing the inner pseudoring of NGC 4736

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    We report the discovery of a coherent magnetic spiral structure within the nearby ringed Sab galaxy NGC 4736. High sensitivity radio polarimetric data obtained with the VLA at 8.46GHz and 4.86GHz show a distinct ring of total radio emission precisely corresponding to the bright inner pseudoring visible in other wavelengths. However, unlike the total radio emission, the polarized radio emission reveals a clear pattern of ordered magnetic field of spiral shape, emerging from the galactic centre. The magnetic vectors do not follow the tightly-wrapped spiral arms that characterize the inner pseudoring, but instead cross the ring with a constant and large pitch angle of about 35deg. The ordered field is thus not local adjusted to the pattern of star-formation activity, unlike what is usually observed in grand-design spirals. The observed asymmetric distribution of Faraday rotation suggests the possible action of a large-scale MHD dynamo. The strong magnetic total and regular field within the ring (up to 30microG and 13microG, respectively) indicates that a highly efficient process of magnetic field amplification is under way, probably related to secular evolutionary processes in the galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, 5 pages, 5 color figure

    Modeling the total and polarized emission in evolving galaxies: "spotty" magnetic structures

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    Future radio observations with the SKA and its precursors will be sensitive to trace spiral galaxies and their magnetic field configurations up to redshift z3z\approx3. We suggest an evolutionary model for the magnetic configuration in star-forming disk galaxies and simulate the magnetic field distribution, the total and polarized synchrotron emission, and the Faraday rotation measures for disk galaxies at z\la 3. Since details of dynamo action in young galaxies are quite uncertain, we model the dynamo action heuristically relying only on well-established ideas of the form and evolution of magnetic fields produced by the mean-field dynamo in a thin disk. We assume a small-scale seed field which is then amplified by the small-scale turbulent dynamo up to energy equipartition with kinetic energy of turbulence. The large-scale galactic dynamo starts from seed fields of 100 pc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.02\,μ\muG, which then evolves to a "spotty" magnetic field configuration in about 0.8\,Gyr with scales of about one kpc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.6\,μ\muG. The evolution of these magnetic spots is simulated under the influence of star formation, dynamo action, stretching by differential rotation of the disk, and turbulent diffusion. The evolution of the regular magnetic field in a disk of a spiral galaxy, as well as the expected total intensity, linear polarization and Faraday rotation are simulated in the rest frame of a galaxy at 5\,GHz and 150\,MHz and in the rest frame of the observer at 150\,MHz. We present the corresponding maps for several epochs after disk formation. (abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, revised version is accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Seeking large-scale magnetic fields in a pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976

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    It is still unknown how magnetic field-generation mechanisms could operate in low-mass dwarf galaxies. Here, we present a detailed study of a nearby pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976. Unlike previously observed dwarf objects, this galaxy possesses a clearly defined disk. For the purpose of our studies, we performed deep multi-frequency polarimetric observations of NGC 2976 with the VLA and Effelsberg radio telescopes. Additionally, we supplement them with re-imaged data from the WSRT-SINGS survey. The magnetic field morphology discovered in NGC 2976 consists of a southern polarized ridge. This structure does not seem to be due to just a pure large-scale dynamo process (possibly cosmic-ray driven) at work in this object, as indicated by the RM data and dynamo number calculations. Instead, the field of NGC 2976 is modified by past gravitational interactions and possibly also by ram pressure inside the M 81 galaxy group environment. The estimates of total (7 muG) and ordered (3 muG) magnetic field strengths, as well as degree of field order (0.46), which is similar to those observed in spirals, suggest that tidally generated magnetized gas flows can further enhance dynamo action in the object. NGC 2976 is apparently a good candidate for the efficient magnetization of its neighbourhood. It is able to provide an ordered (perhaps also regular) magnetic field into the intergalactic space up to a distance of about 5 kpc. Tidal interactions (and possibly also ram pressure) can lead to the formation of unusual magnetic field morphologies (like polarized ridges) in galaxies out of the star-forming disks, which do not follow any observed component of the interstellar medium (ISM), as observed in NGC 2976. These galaxies are able to provide ordered magnetic fields far out of their main disks.Comment: 16 page