1,264 research outputs found

    Global anomalies in M-theory

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    We first consider M-theory formulated on an open eleven-dimensional spin-manifold. There is then a potential anomaly under gauge transformations on the E_8 bundle that is defined over the boundary and also under diffeomorphisms of the boundary. We then consider M-theory configurations that include a five-brane. In this case, diffeomorphisms of the eleven-manifold induce diffeomorphisms of the five-brane world-volume and gauge transformations on its normal bundle. These transformations are also potentially anomalous. In both of these cases, it has previously been shown that the perturbative anomalies, i.e. the anomalies under transformations that can be continuously connected to the identity, cancel. We extend this analysis to global anomalies, i.e. anomalies under transformations in other components of the group of gauge transformations and diffeomorphisms. These anomalies are given by certain topological invariants, that we explicitly construct.Comment: 14 pages, harvma

    On Flux Quantization In M-Theory And The Effective Action

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    The quantization law for the antisymmetric tensor field of MM-theory contains a gravitational contribution not known previously. When it is included, the low energy effective action of MM-theory, including one-loop and Chern-Simons contributions, is well-defined. The relation of MM-theory to the E8Ă—E8E_8\times E_8 heterotic string greatly facilitates the analysis.Comment: 17 pp, harvmac; A correction and additional application have been adde

    Domain Wall Fermions and the Eta Invariant

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    We extend work by Callan and Harvey and show how the phase of the chiral fermion determinant in four dimensions is reproduced by zeromodes bound to a domain wall in five dimensions. The analysis could shed light on the applicability of zeromode fermions and the vacuum overlap formulation of Narayanan and Neuberger for chiral gauge theories on the lattice.Comment: uuencoded file with 3 figures; uses macros harvmac, epsf. Revised discussion of the Chern-Simons form and SU(2) anomaly in section 4, as well as additional minor change

    Anomalies and inflow on D-branes and O-planes

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    We derive the general form of the anomaly for chiral spinors and self-dual antisymmetric tensors living on D-brane and O-plane interesections, using both path-integral and index theorem methods. We then show that the anomalous couplings to RR forms of D-branes and O-planes in a general background are precisely those required to cancel these anomalies through the inflow mechanism. This allows, for instance, for local anomaly cancellation in generic orientifold models, the relevant Green-Schwarz term being given by the sum of the anomalous couplings of all the D-branes and O-planes in the model.Comment: 24 pages, LaTex file, no figure

    An alternative approach to KP hierarchy in matrix models

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    We show that there exists an alternative procedure in order to extract differential hierarchies, such as the KdV hierarchy, from one--matrix models, without taking a continuum limit. To prove this we introduce the Toda lattice and reformulate it in operator form. We then consider the reduction to the systems appropriate for one--matrix model.Comment: 18

    Anomaly cancellation in M-theory: a critical review

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    We carefully review the basic examples of anomaly cancellation in M-theory: the 5-brane anomalies and the anomalies on S^1/Z_2. This involves cancellation between quantum anomalies and classical inflow from topological terms. To correctly fix all coefficients and signs, proper attention is paid to issues of orientation, chirality and the Euclidean continuation. Independent of the conventions chosen, the Chern-Simons and Green-Schwarz terms must always have the same sign. The reanalysis of the reduction to the heterotic string on S^1/Z_2 yields a surprise: a previously neglected factor forces us to slightly modify the Chern-Simons term, similar to what is needed for cancelling the normal bundle anomaly of the 5-brane. This modification leads to a local cancellation of the anomaly, while maintaining the periodicity on S^1.Comment: 35 page

    Dilaton Contact Terms in the Bosonic and Heterotic Strings

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    Dilaton contact terms in the bosonic and heterotic strings are examined following the recent work of Distler and Nelson on the bosonic and semirigid strings. In the bosonic case dilaton two-point functions on the sphere are calculated as a stepping stone to constructing a `good' coordinate family for dilaton calculations on higher genus surfaces. It is found that dilaton-dilaton contact terms are improperly normalized, suggesting that the interpretation of the dilaton as the first variation of string coupling breaks down when other dilatons are present. It seems likely that this can be attributed to the tachyon divergence found in \TCCT. For the heterotic case, it is found that there is no tachyon divergence and that the dilaton contact terms are properly normalized. Thus, a dilaton equation analogous to the one in topological gravity is derived and the interpretation of the dilaton as the string coupling constant goes through.Comment: 44 pages, Figures now included. This replacement version includes the 7 figures as PostScript files appended to the end and the macros to insert them into the text. Also some typos in intermediate formulae were correcte

    Iterative Solution of the Supereigenvalue Model

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    An integral form of the discrete superloop equations for the supereigenvalue model of Alvarez-Gaume, Itoyama, Manes and Zadra is given. By a change of variables from coupling constants to moments we find a compact form of the planar solution for general potentials. In this framework an iterative scheme for the calculation of higher genera contributions to the free energy and the multi-loop correlators is developed. We present explicit results for genus one.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    On the "Universal" N=2 Supersymmetry of Classical Mechanics

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    In this paper we continue the study of the geometrical features of a functional approach to classical mechanics proposed some time ago. In particular we try to shed some light on a N=2 "universal" supersymmetry which seems to have an interesting interplay with the concept of ergodicity of the system. To study the geometry better we make this susy local and clarify pedagogically several issues present in the literature. Secondly, in order to prepare the ground for a better understanding of its relation to ergodicity, we study the system on constant energy surfaces. We find that the procedure of constraining the system on these surfaces injects in it some local grassmannian invariances and reduces the N=2 global susy to an N=1.Comment: few misprints fixed with respect to Int.Jour.Mod.Phys.A vol 16, no15 (2001) 270

    Desperately Seeking Chiral Fermions

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    Chiral fermions can (presumably) be constructed by introducing two regulators, one for the gauge fields (e.g. a lattice), and another for the fermion functional integrals in a fixed (regulated) gauge field. This talk discusses cutoff effects arising from the regulator of the fermions.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to Lattice '95 Postscript at http://www-theory.fnal.gov/people/ask/TeX/lat95/chiral.p
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