194 research outputs found

    Good practice characteristics of diet and physical activity interventions and policies : an umbrella review

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    BACKGROUND: This umbrella review aimed at eliciting good practice characteristics of interventions and policies aiming at healthy diet, increasing physical activity, and lowering sedentary behaviors. Applying the World Health Organization's framework, we sought for 3 types of characteristics, reflecting: (1) main intervention/policy characteristics, referring to the design, targets, and participants, (2) monitoring and evaluation processes, and (3) implementation issues. This investigation was undertaken by the DEDPIAC Knowledge Hub (the Knowledge Hub on the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity), which is an action of the European Union's joint programming initiative. METHODS: A systematic review of reviews and stakeholder documents was conducted. Data from 7 databases was analyzed (99 documents met inclusion criteria). Additionally, resources of 7 major stakeholders (e.g., World Health Organization) were systematically searched (10 documents met inclusion criteria). Overall, the review yielded 74 systematic reviews, 16 position review papers, and 19 stakeholders' documents. Across characteristics, 25% were supported byā€‰ā‰„ā€‰4 systematic reviews. Further, 25% characteristics were supported byā€‰ā‰„ā€‰3 stakeholders' documents. If identified characteristics were included in at least 4 systematic reviews or at least 3 stakeholders' documents, these good practice characteristics were classified as relevant. RESULTS: We derived a list of 149 potential good practice characteristics, of which 53 were classified as relevant. The main characteristics of intervention/policy (nā€‰=ā€‰18) fell into 6 categories: the use of theory, participants, target behavior, content development/management, multidimensionality, practitioners/settings. Monitoring and evaluation characteristics (nā€‰=ā€‰18) were grouped into 6 categories: costs/funding, outcomes, evaluation of effects, time/effect size, reach, the evaluation of participation and generalizability, active components/underlying processes. Implementation characteristics (nā€‰=ā€‰17) were grouped into eight categories: participation processes, training for practitioners, the use/integration of existing resources, feasibility, maintenance/sustainability, implementation partnerships, implementation consistency/adaptation processes, transferability. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the proposed list of 53 good practice characteristics may foster further development of health promotion sciences, as it would allow for identification of success vectors in the domains of main characteristics of interventions/policies, their implementation, evaluation and monitoring processes

    Initiatives on early detection and intervention to proactively identify health and social problems in older people:Experiences from the Netherlands

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    Background Over the last years, several initiatives on early detection and intervention have been put in place to proactively identify health and social problems in (frail) older people. An overview of the initiatives currently available in the Netherlands is lacking, and it is unknown whether they meet the preferences and needs of older people. Therefore, the objectives of this study were threefold: 1. To identify initiatives on early detection and intervention for older people in the Netherlands and compare their characteristics; 2. To explore the experiences of professionals with these initiatives; and 3. To explore to what extent existing initiatives meet the preferences and needs of older people. Methods We performed a qualitative descriptive study in which we conducted semi-structured interviews with seventeen experts in preventive elderly care and three group interviews with volunteer elderly advisors. Data were analysed using the framework analysis method. Results We identified eight categories of initiatives based on the setting (e.g. general practitioner practice, hospital, municipality) in which they were offered. Initiatives differed in their aims and target groups. The utilization of peers to identify problems and risks, as was done by some initiatives, was seen as a strength. Difficulties were experienced with identifying the target group that would benefit from proactive delivery of care and support most, and with addressing prevalent issues among older people (e.g. psychosocial issues, self-reliance issues). Conclusion Although there is a broad array of initiatives available, there is a discrepancy between supply and demand. Current initiatives insufficiently address needs of (frail) older people. More insight is needed in ā€œwhat should be done by whom, for which target group and at what momentā€, in order to improve current practice in preventive elderly care. Keywords: Early detection, Preventive home visit, Health and social problems, Older people, Frailty, Qualitative researc

    Willingness to participate in a lifestyle intervention program of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a conjoint analysis

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    Background: Several studies suggest that lifestyle interventions can be effective for people with, or at risk for, diabetes. The participation in lifestyle interventions is generally low. Financial incentives may encourage participation in lifestyle intervention programs. Objetive: The main aim of this exploratory analysis is to study empirically potential effects of financial incentives on diabetes patients' willingness to participate in lifestyle interventions. One financial incentive is negative ("copayment") and the other incentive is positive ("bonus"). The key part of this research is to contrast both incentives. The second aim is to investigate the factors that influence participation in a lifestyle intervention program. Methods: Conjoint analysis techniques were used to empirically identify factors that influence willingness to participate in a lifestyle intervention. For this purpose diabetic patients received a questionnaire with descriptions of various forms of hypothetical lifestyle interventions. They were asked if they would be willing to participate in these hypothetical programs. Results: In total, 174 observations were rated by 46 respondents. Analysis showed that money was an important factor independently associated with respondents' willingness to participate. Receiving a bonus seemed to be associated with a higher willingness to participate, but having to pay was negatively associated with participation in the lifestyle intervention. Conclusion: Conjoint analysis results suggest that financial considerations may influence willingness to participate in lifestyle intervention programs. Financial disincentives in the form of copayments might discourage participation. Although the positive impact of bonuses is smaller than the negative impact of copayments, bonuses could still be used to encourage willingness to participate

    The scope of costs in alcohol studies: Cost-of-illness studies differ from economic evaluations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alcohol abuse results in problems on various levels in society. In terms of health, alcohol abuse is not only an important risk factor for chronic disease, but it is also related to injuries. Social harms which can be related to drinking include interpersonal problems, work problems, violent and other crimes. The scope of societal costs related to alcohol abuse in principle should be the same for both economic evaluations and cost-of-illness studies. In general, economic evaluations report a small part of all societal costs. To determine the cost- effectiveness of an intervention it is necessary that all costs and benefits are included. The purpose of this study is to describe and quantify the difference in societal costs incorporated in economic evaluations and cost-of-illness studies on alcohol abuse.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>To investigate the economic costs attributable to alcohol in cost-of-illness studies we used the results of a recent systematic review (June 2009). We performed a PubMed search to identify economic evaluations on alcohol interventions. Only economic evaluations in which two or more interventions were compared from a societal perspective were included. The proportion of health care costs and the proportion of societal costs were estimated in both type of studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportion of healthcare costs in cost-of-illness studies was 17% and the proportion of societal costs 83%. In economic evaluations, the proportion of healthcare costs was 57%, and the proportion of societal costs was 43%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The costs included in economic evaluations performed from a societal perspective do not correspond with those included in cost-of-illness studies. Economic evaluations on alcohol abuse underreport true societal cost of alcohol abuse. When considering implementation of alcohol abuse interventions, policy makers should take into account that economic evaluations from the societal perspective might underestimate the total effects and costs of interventions.</p

    Implementation conditions for diet and physical activity interventions and policies : an umbrella review

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    BACKGROUND: This umbrella review aimed at identifying evidence-based conditions important for successful implementation of interventions and policies promoting a healthy diet, physical activity (PA), and a reduction in sedentary behaviors (SB). In particular, we examined if the implementation conditions identified were intervention-specific or policy-specific. This study was undertaken as part of the DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub, a joint action as part of the European Joint Programming Initiative a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life. METHODS: A systematic review of reviews and stakeholder documents was conducted. Data from nine scientific literature databases were analyzed (95 documents met the inclusion criteria). Additionally, published documentation of eight major stakeholders (e.g., World Health Organization) were systematically searched (17 documents met the inclusion criteria). The RE-AIM framework was used to categorize elicited conditions. Across the implementation conditions 25 % were identified in at least four documents and were subsequently classified as having obtained sufficient support. RESULTS: We identified 312 potential conditions relevant for successful implementation; 83 of these received sufficient support. Using the RE-AIM framework eight implementation conditions that obtained support referred to the reach in the target population; five addressed efficacy of implementation processes; 24 concerned adoption by the target staff, setting, or institutions; 43 referred to consistency, costs, and adaptations made in the implementation process; three addressed maintenance of effects over time. The vast majority of implementation conditions (87.9 %; 73 of 83) were supported by documents referring to both interventions and policies. There were seven policy-specific implementation conditions, which focused on increasing complexities of coexisting policies/legal instruments and their consequences for implementation, as well as politicians' collaboration in implementation. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the proposed list of 83 conditions for successful implementation may enhance the implementation of interventions and policies which pursue identification of the most successful actions aimed at improving diet, PA and reducing SB

    Cost-effectiveness of counseling and pedometer use to increase physical activity in the Netherlands: a modeling study

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    Background: Counseling in combination with pedometer use has proven to be effective in increasing physical activity and improving health outcomes. We investigated the cost-effectiveness of this intervention targeted at one million insufficiently active adults who visit their general practitioner in the Netherlands.Methods: We used the RIVM chronic disease model to estimate the long-term effects of increased physical activity on the future health care costs and quality adjusted life years (QALY) gained, from a health care perspective.Results: The intervention resulted in almost 6000 people shifting to more favorable physical-activity levels, and in 5100 life years and 6100 QALYs gained, at an additional total cost of EUR 67.6 million. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was EUR 13,200 per life year gained and EUR 11,100 per QALY gained. The intervention has a probability of 0.66 to be cost-effective if a QALY gained is valued at the Dutch informal threshold for cost-effectiveness of preventive intervention of EUR 20,000. A sensitivity analysis showed substantial uncertainty of ICER values.Conclusion: Counseling in combination with pedometer use aiming to increase physical activity may be a cost-effective intervention. However, the intervention only yields relatively small health benefits in the Netherlands

    The polypill in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: cost-effectiveness in the Dutch population

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the polypill in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. DESIGN: A health economic modeling study. SETTING: Primary health care in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Simulated individuals from the general Dutch population, aged 45-75 years of age. INTERVENTIONS: Opportunistic screening followed by prescription of the polypill to eligible individuals. Eligibility was defined as having a minimum 10-year risk of cardiovascular death as assessed with the SCORE function of alternatively 5%, 7.5%, or 10%. Different versions of the polypill were considered, depending on composition: 1) the Indian polycap, with three different types of blood pressure lowering drugs, a statin, and aspirin; 2) as 1) but without aspirin; 3) as 2) but with a double statin dose. In addition, a scenario of (targeted) separate antihypertensive and/or statin medication was simulated. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Cases of acute myocardial infarction or stroke prevented, QALYs gained, and the costs per QALY gained. All interventions were compared with usual care. RESULTS: All scenarios were cost-effective with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio between ā‚¬7,900-12,300 per QALY compared with usual care. Most health gains were achieved with the polypill without aspirin and containing a double dose of statins. With a 10-year risk of 7.5% as threshold, this pill would prevent approximately 3.5% of all cardiovascular events. CONCLUSIONS: Opportunistic screening based on global cardiovascular risk assessment followed by polypill prescription to those with increased risk offers a cost-effective strategy. Most health gain is achieved by the polypill without aspirin and a double statin dose

    Parentsā€™ experiences of childhood abuse and neglect are differentially associated with behavioral and autonomic responses to their offspring

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    Although childhood maltreatment has been shown to compromise adaptive parental behavior, little is known what happens in terms of physiological regulation when parents with a history of childhood maltreatment interact with their offspring. Using a sample of 229 parents (131 women), the present study examined whether childhood maltreatment experiences are associated with parentsā€™ behavioral and autonomic responses while resolving conflict with their offspring. Selfā€reported experienced child maltreatment was measured using a questionnaire assessing abuse and neglect. Parents (Mage = 52.7 years, rangeage = 26.6ā€“88.4 years) and their offspring (Mage = 24.6 years, rangeage = 7.5ā€“65.6 years) participated in a videotaped parentā€“offspring conflict interaction task. Parental warmth, negativity, and emotional support were coded. In addition, their preā€ejection period and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were measured as indicators of underlying sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system reactivity, respectively. Findings demonstrated that experiences of abuse and neglect were associated with behavioral and physiological responses in different ways. Separating these two types of maltreatment in research and in clinical practice might be important

    Whole-genome sequencing reveals a coding non-pathogenic variant tagging a non-coding pathogenic hexanucleotide repeat expansion in C9orf72 as cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has a familial cause in 10% of patients. Despite significant advances in the genetics of the disease, many families remain unexplained. We performed whole-genome sequencing in five family members from a pedigree with autosomal-dominant classical ALS. A family-based elimination approach was used to identify novel coding variants segregating with the disease. This list of variants was effectively shortened by genotyping these variants in 2 additional unaffected family members and 1500 unrelated population-specific controls. A novel rare coding variant in SPAG8 on chromosome 9p13.3 segregated with the disease and was not observed in controls. Mutations in SPAG8 were not encountered in 34 other unexplained ALS pedigrees, including 1 with linkage to chromosome 9p13.2ā€“23.3. The shared haplotype containing the SPAG8 variant in this small pedigree was 22.7 Mb and overlapped with the core 9p21 linkage locus for ALS and frontotemporal dementia. Based on differences in coverage depth of known variable tandem repeat regions between affected and non-affected family members, the shared haplotype was found to contain an expanded hexanucleotide (GGGGCC)n repeat in C9orf72 in the affected members. Our results demonstrate that rare coding variants identified by whole-genome sequencing can tag a shared haplotype containing a non-coding pathogenic mutation and that changes in coverage depth can be used to reveal tandem repeat expansions. It also confirms (GGGGCC)n repeat expansions in C9orf72 as a cause of familial ALS
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