112 research outputs found

    Algal-Induced Biogeomorphic Feedbacks Lay the Groundwork for Coastal Wetland Development

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    Ecosystem establishment under adverse geophysical conditions is often studied within the “windows of opportunity” framework, identifying disturbance-free periods (e.g., calm wave climate) where species can overcome establishment thresholds. However, the role of biogeophysical interactions in this framework is less well understood. The establishment of saltmarsh vegetation on tidal flats, for example, is limited by abiotic factors such as hydrodynamics, sediment stability and drainage. On tidal flats, raised sediment ridges colonized by algal mats (Vaucheria sp.) appear to accomodate high densities of plant seedlings. Such ridges were previously found to have higher sediment strength than substratum without algae. Here, we investigate whether these measurements can be explained by geophysical factors only, or that biological (Vaucheria-induced) processes influence tidal marsh establishment by forming stabilized bedforms. We performed two experiments under controlled mesocosm conditions, to test the hypotheses that (a) Vaucheria grows better on elevated topographic relief, that (b) the binding force of their algal filaments increases sediment strength, and that (c) Vaucheria consequently creates elevated topographic relief that further facilitates algal growth. Our experimental results confirm the existence of this algal-induced biogeomorphic feedback cycle. These findings imply that benthic algae like Vaucheria may contribute significantly to tidal marsh formation by creating elevated and stabilized substratum. This suggests biogeophysical feedbacks can “widen” the windows of opportunity for further ecosystem establishment. Our results could be useful for the design of managed realignment projects aimed at restoring the unique ecosystem services of coastal wetlands, such as habitat biodiversity, carbon sequestration potential and nature-based flood defense

    Establishing cordgrass plants cluster their shoots to avoid ecosystem engineering

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    Vegetated coastal ecosystems such as salt marshes, dunes and seagrass meadows occur at the land–sea interface—a dynamic environment typified by harsh growing conditions. These ecosystems are known as biogeomorphic landscapes because their functioning depends on biophysical interactions by which organisms engineer landforms to their own benefit. The strength of such biogeomorphic feedbacks depends on plant traits, such as stem flexibility and shoot density. Recent work demonstrated that dune grasses with similar morphological traits can build contrasting landscapes due to differences in their spatial shoot organization. However, in contrast to dune grasses that trap and stabilize sand particles in aeolian landscapes, flow attenuation in aquatic environments can generate scouring around plant stems and cause uprooting, leading to establishment thresholds for young plants. Yet, it remains unknown how findings from aeolian landscapes translate to aquatic systems and how young clonally expanding plants in hydrodynamically exposed conditions overcome these establishment thresholds by optimizing shoot placement. Here, we measured shoot patterns of 90 establishing cordgrass patches Spartina anglica at 18 European field sites that cover a broad range of hydrodynamic conditions. Next, we carried out a field experiment to investigate how observed spatial shoot patterns affect plant–sediment feedbacks. Surprisingly, field survey analyses reveal highly consistent clustered shoot patterns, regardless of environmental conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that this clustered pattern minimizes scouring compared to densely clumped organizations typically observed in established patches. Synthesis. In contrast to earlier findings highlighting that establishing dune grasses optimize their landscape engineering capacity via a flexible shoot placement strategy, we find that cordgrass instead follows a fixed strategy that minimizes engineering effects in its early life stages. We suggest that marsh grasses avoid physical stress and associated establishment thresholds in their early life stage, and switch to an ecosystem engineering strategy once established. These findings shed new light on how plant traits interact with their environment to shape the landscape and pave the way for improved restoration designs by mimicking the natural shoot organization of establishing vegetation. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.</p

    Elevated micro-topography boosts growth rates in <i>Salicornia procumbens</i> by amplifying a tidally driven oxygen pump:Implications for natural recruitment and restoration

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    • Background and Aims: The growth rate of pioneer species is known to be a critical component determining recruitment success of marsh seedlings on tidal flats. By accelerating growth, recruits can reach a larger size at an earlier date, which reduces the length of the disturbance-free window required for successful establishment. Therefore, the pursuit of natural mechanisms that accelerate growth rates at a local scale may lead to a better understanding of the circumstances under which new establishment occurs, and may suggest new insights with which to perform restoration. This study explores how and why changes in local sediment elevation modify the growth rate of recruiting salt marsh pioneers. • Methods: A mesocosm experiment was designed in which the annual salt marsh pioneer Salicornia procumbens was grown over a series of raised, flat and lowered sediment surfaces, under a variety of tidal inundation regimes and in vertically draining or un-draining sediment. Additional physical tests quantified the effects of these treatments on sediment water-logging and oxygen dynamics, including the use of a planar optode experiment. • Key Results: In this study, the elevation of sediment micro-topography by 2 cm was the overwhelming driver of plant growth rates. Seedlings grew on average 25 % faster on raised surfaces, which represented a significant increase when compared to other groups. Changes in growth aligned well with the amplifying effect of raised sediment beds on a tidally episodic oxygenation process wherein sediment pore spaces were refreshed by oxygen-rich water at the onset of high tide. • Conclusions: Overall, the present study suggests this tidally driven oxygen pump as an explanation for commonly observed natural patterns in salt marsh recruitment near drainage channels and atop raised sediment mounds and reveals a promising way forward to promote the establishment of pioneers in the field

    Vegetation recovery in tidal marshes reveals critical slowing down under increased inundation

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    A declining rate of recovery following disturbance has been proposed as an important early warning for impending tipping points in complex systems. Despite extensive theoretical and laboratory studies, this \u27critical slowing down\u27 remains largely untested in the complex settings of real-world ecosystems. Here, we provide both observational and experimental support of critical slowing down along natural stress gradients in tidal marsh ecosystems. Time series of aerial images of European marsh development reveal a consistent lengthening of recovery time as inundation stress increases. We corroborate this finding with transplantation experiments in European and North American tidal marshes. In particular, our results emphasize the power of direct observational or experimental measures of recovery over indirect statistical signatures, such as spatial variance or autocorrelation. Our results indicate that the phenomenon of critical slowing down can provide a powerful tool to probe the resilience of natural ecosystems

    Shellfish reefs increase water storage capacity on intertidal flats over extensive spatial scales

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    Ecosystem engineering species can affect their environment at multiple spatial scales, from the local scale up to a significant distance, by indirectly affecting the surrounding habitats. Structural changes in the landscape can have important consequences for ecosystem functioning, for example, by increasing retention of limiting resources in the system. Yet, it remains poorly understood how extensive the footprint of ecosystem engineers on the landscape is. Using remote sensing techniques, we reveal that depression storage capacity on intertidal flats is greatly enhanced by engineering by shellfish resulting in intertidal pools. Many organisms use such pools to bridge low water events. This storage capacity was significantly higher both locally within the shellfish reef, but also at extensive spatial scales up to 115 m beyond the physical reef borders. Therefore, the footprint of these ecosystem engineers on the landscape was more than 5 times larger than their actual coverage; the shellfish cover approximately 2% of the total intertidal zone, whereas they influence up to approximately 11% of the area by enhancing water storage capacity. We postulate that increased residence time of water due to higher water storage capacity within engineered landscapes is an important determinant of ecosystem functioning that may extend well beyond the case of shellfish reefs provided here

    How natural foreshores offer flood protection during dike breaches: An explorative flume study

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    In this paper we describe one aspect of nature-based flood protection by foreshores in hybrid flood defences and discuss how foreshore ecosystem restoration can contribute to flood protection. Flood protection consists of flood prevention, by grey, green or hybrid defences, and flood impact reduction, by spatial planning to limit damage and crisis management to limit exposure. Reduction of flood impact is increasingly important because no flood defence system can provide 100% safety, especially with climate change and sea level rise. In this study we aim to understand and visualize the effect of foreshore characteristics (i.e., width, elevation and erodibility) on flooding impact in the hinterland of hybrid flood defences. As it is difficult to research real dike breaches, we do an explorative flume study to analyse the impact of a mimicked dike breach in the hinterland. Our physical scale model showed the presence of a non-erodible foreshore reduces flood damage in the hinterland. With regards to foreshore characteristics, mainly foreshore elevation and erodibility are important, while differing foreshore width has little additional influence. Already a narrow foreshore reduced flood impact in the flume hinterland. Our findings strengthen the appeal to integrate Nature-based flood protection by foreshores in hybrid flood defences. Grey flood defences can be turned into hybrid flood defences even if there is limited space for foreshore ecosystem restoration, for instance by managed realignment

    A facultative mutualistic feedback enhances the stability of tropical intertidal seagrass beds

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    Marine foundation species such as corals, seagrasses, salt marsh plants, and mangrove trees are increasingly found to engage in mutualistic interactions. Because mutualisms by their very nature generate a positive feedback between the species, subtle environmental impacts on one of the species involved may trigger mutualism breakdown, potentially leading to ecosystem regime shifts. Using an empirically parameterized model, we investigate a facultative mutualism between seagrass and lucinid bivalves with endosymbiotic sulfide-oxidizing gill bacteria in a tropical intertidal ecosystem. Model predictions for our system show that, by alleviating the build-up of toxic sulfide, this mutualism maintains an otherwise intrinsically unstable seagrass ecosystem. However, an increase in seagrass mortality above natural levels, due to e.g. desiccation stress, triggers mutualism breakdown. This pushes the system in collapse-and-recovery dynamics ('slow-fast cycles') characterized by long-term persistent states of bare and seagrass-dominated, with rapid transitions in between. Model results were consistent with remote sensing analyses that suggest feedback-mediated state shifts induced by desiccation. Overall, our combined theoretical and empirical results illustrate the potential of mutualistic feedbacks to stabilize ecosystems, but also reveal an important drawback as small environmental changes may trigger shifts. We therefore suggest that mutualisms should be considered for marine conservation and restoration of seagrass beds

    Drought, mutualism breakdown, and landscape-scale degradation of seagrass beds

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    In many marine ecosystems, biodiversity critically depends on foundation species such as corals and seagrasses that engage in mutualistic interactions [1-3]. Concerns grow that environmental disruption of marine mutualisms exacerbates ecosystem degradation, with breakdown of the obligate coral mutualism ("coral bleaching") being an iconic example [2, 4, 5]. However, as these mutualisms are mostly facultative rather than obligate, it remains unclear whether mutualism breakdown is a common risk in marine ecosystems, and thus a potential accelerator of ecosystem degradation. Here, we provide evidence that drought triggered landscape-scale seagrass degradation and show the consequent failure of a facultative mutualistic feedback between seagrass and sulfide-consuming lucinid bivalves that in turn appeared to exacerbate the observed collapse. Local climate and remote sensing analyses revealed seagrass collapse after a summer with intense low-tide drought stress. Potential analysis-a novel approach to detect feedback-mediated state shifts-revealed two attractors (healthy and degraded states) during the collapse, suggesting that the drought disrupted internal feedbacks to cause abrupt, patch-wise degradation. Field measurements comparing degraded patches that were healthy before the collapse with patches that remained healthy demonstrated that bivalves declined dramatically in degrading patches with associated high sediment sulfide concentrations, confirming the breakdown of the mutualistic seagrass-lucinid feedback. Our findings indicate that drought triggered mutualism breakdown, resulting in toxic sulfide concentrations that aggravated seagrass degradation. We conclude that external disturbances can cause sudden breakdown of facultative marine mutualistic feedbacks. As this may amplify ecosystem degradation, we suggest including mutualisms in marine conservation and restoration approaches

    Mechanistic modeling of marsh seedling establishment provides a positive outlook for coastal wetland restoration under global climate change

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    While many studies focus on the persistence of coastal wetlands under climate change, similar predictions are lacking for new wetland establishment, despite being critical to restoration. Recent experiments revealed that marsh seedling establishment is driven by a balance between physical disturbance of bed-level dynamics and seedling root stability. Using machine learning, we quantitatively translate such finding in a new biogeomorphic model to assess marsh establishment extent. This model was validated against multiyear observations of natural seedling-expansion events at typical sites in the Netherlands and China. Subsequently, synthetic modeling experiments underscored that seedling expansion was primarily determined by controllable local conditions (e.g., sediment supply, local wave height, and tidal flat bathymetry) rather than uncontrollable climate change factors (e.g., change in sea-level and global wave regime). Thus, science-based local management measures can facilitate coastal wetland restoration, despite global climate change, shedding hope for managing a variety of coastal ecosystems under similar stresses
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