4,914 research outputs found

    Impact of low-input meadows on arthropod diversity at habitat and landscape level

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    In Switzerland, in order to preserve and enhance arthopod diversity in grassland ecosystems (among others), farmers had to convert at least 7 % of their land to ecological compensation areas – ECA. Major ECA are low input grassland, traditional orchards, hedges and wild flower strips. In this paper the difference in species assemblages of 3 arthropod groups, namely spiders, carabid beetles and butterflies between intensively managed and low input meadows is stressed by means of multivariate statistics. On one hand, the consequences of these differences are analysed at the habitat level to promote good practices for the arthropod diversity in grassland ecosystems. On the other hand, the contribution of each meadow type to the regional diversity is investigated to widen the analysis at the landscape level

    Extragalactic Source Counts in the Spitzer 24-micron Band: What Do We Expect From ISOCAM 15-micron Data and Models?

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    The comparison between the new Spitzer data at 24 micron and the previous ISOCAM data at 15 micron is a key tool to understand galaxy properties and evolution in the infrared and to interpret the observed number counts, since the combination of Spitzer with the ISO cosmological surveys provides for the first time the direct view of the Universe in the Infrared up to z~2. We present the prediction in the Spitzer 24-micron band of a phenomenological model for galaxy evolution derived from the 15-micron data. Without any ``a posteriori'' update, the model predictions seem to agree well with the recently published 24-micron extragalactic source counts, suggesting that the peak in the 24-micron counts is dominated by ``starburst'' galaxies like those detected by ISOCAM at 15 micron, but at higher redshifts (1 < z < 2 instead of 0.5 < z < 1.5).Comment: 8 pages: 4 pages of main text + 5 postscript figures, use aastex. Accepted for publication in ApJL. Replaced with the proof version (added missing references and corrected a few sentences

    The therapeutic strategy of HDAC6 inhibitors in lymphoproliferative disease

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    Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are master regulators of chromatin remodeling, acting as epigenetic regulators of gene expression. In the last decade, inhibition of HDACs has become a target for specific epigenetic modifications related to cancer development. Overexpression of HDAC has been observed in several hematologic malignancies. Therefore, the observation that HDACs might play a role in various hematologic malignancies has brought to the development of HDAC inhibitors as potential antitumor agents. Recently, the class IIb, HDAC6, has emerged as one potential selective HDACi. This isoenzyme represents an important pharmacological target for selective inhibition. Its selectivity may reduce the toxicity related to the off-target effects of pan-HDAC inhibitors. HDAC6 has also been studied in cancer especially for its ability to coordinate a variety of cellular processes that are important for cancer pathogenesis. HDAC6 has been reported to be overexpressed in lymphoid cells and its inhibition has demonstrated activity in preclinical and clinical study of lymphoproliferative disease. Various studies of HDAC6 inhibitors alone and in combination with other agents provide strong scientific rationale for the evaluation of these new agents in the clinical setting of hematological malignancies. In this review, we describe the HDACs, their inhibitors, and the recent advances of HDAC6 inhibitors, their mechanisms of action and role in lymphoproliferative disorders

    Cytokine release syndrome associated with T-cell-based therapies for hematological malignancies: Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment

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    Cytokines are a broad group of small regulatory proteins with many biological functions involved in regulating the hematopoietic and immune systems. However, in pathological conditions, hyperactivation of the cytokine network constitutes the fundamental event in cytokine release syndrome (CRS). During the last few decades, the development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and T-cell therapies has rapidly evolved, and CRS can be a serious adverse event related to these treatments. CRS is a set of toxic adverse events that can be observed during infection or following the administration of antibodies for therapeutic purposes and, more recently, during T-cell-engaging therapies. CRS is triggered by on-target effects induced by binding of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells or bispecific antibody to its antigen and by subsequent activation of bystander immune and non-immune cells. CRS is associated with high circulating concentrations of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukins, interferons, tumor necrosis factors, colony-stimulating factors, and transforming growth factors. Recently, considerable developments have been achieved with regard to preventing and controlling CRS, but it remains an unmet clinical need. This review comprehensively summarizes the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of CRS caused by T-cell-engaging therapies utilized in the treatment of hematological malignancies

    Nanoparticles-cell association predicted by protein corona fingerprints

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    In a physiological environment (e.g., blood and interstitial fluids) nanoparticles (NPs) will bind proteins shaping a "protein corona" layer. The long-lived protein layer tightly bound to the NP surface is referred to as the hard corona (HC) and encodes information that controls NP bioactivity (e.g. cellular association, cellular signaling pathways, biodistribution, and toxicity). Decrypting this complex code has become a priority to predict the NP biological outcomes. Here, we use a library of 16 lipid NPs of varying size (Ø ≈ 100-250 nm) and surface chemistry (unmodified and PEGylated) to investigate the relationships between NP physicochemical properties (nanoparticle size, aggregation state and surface charge), protein corona fingerprints (PCFs), and NP-cell association. We found out that none of the NPs' physicochemical properties alone was exclusively able to account for association with human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa). For the entire library of NPs, a total of 436 distinct serum proteins were detected. We developed a predictive-validation modeling that provides a means of assessing the relative significance of the identified corona proteins. Interestingly, a minor fraction of the HC, which consists of only 8 PCFs were identified as main promoters of NP association with HeLa cells. Remarkably, identified PCFs have several receptors with high level of expression on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells

    Nanoparticles-cell association predicted by protein corona fingerprints

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    In a physiological environment (e.g., blood and interstitial fluids) nanoparticles (NPs) will bind proteins shaping a "protein corona" layer. The long-lived protein layer tightly bound to the NP surface is referred to as the hard corona (HC) and encodes information that controls NP bioactivity (e.g. cellular association, cellular signaling pathways, biodistribution, and toxicity). Decrypting this complex code has become a priority to predict the NP biological outcomes. Here, we use a library of 16 lipid NPs of varying size (Ø ≈ 100-250 nm) and surface chemistry (unmodified and PEGylated) to investigate the relationships between NP physicochemical properties (nanoparticle size, aggregation state and surface charge), protein corona fingerprints (PCFs), and NP-cell association. We found out that none of the NPs' physicochemical properties alone was exclusively able to account for association with human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa). For the entire library of NPs, a total of 436 distinct serum proteins were detected. We developed a predictive-validation modeling that provides a means of assessing the relative significance of the identified corona proteins. Interestingly, a minor fraction of the HC, which consists of only 8 PCFs were identified as main promoters of NP association with HeLa cells. Remarkably, identified PCFs have several receptors with high level of expression on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells

    Representaciones de la física, su enseñanza y aprendizaje. Un estudio con estudiantes de nivel secundario y universitario

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    Se describe un estudio exploratorio cuyo objetivo fue identificar, caracterizar y describir las representaciones sociales sobre la física, su enseñanza y aprendizaje en alumnos de diferentes niveles de escolaridad de modo de obtener indicadores para la construcción de los instrumentos a utilizar en las fases siguientes de la investigación. Se empleó una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque descriptivo e interpretativo. Cinco grupos de alumnos de nivel secundario y universitario básico (n=172) respondieron a una prueba individual de evocación libre. Las producciones se analizaron empleando una técnica de análisis de contenido. Se identificaron representaciones relativas a las dimensiones cognitiva, pedagógica, afectiva y sociocultural

    Unveiling the inner morphology and gas kinematics of NGC 5135 with ALMA

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    The local Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC5135, thanks to its almost face-on appearance, a bulge overdensity of stars, the presence of a large-scale bar, an AGN and a Supernova Remnant, is an excellent target to investigate the dynamics of inflows, outflows, star formation and AGN feedback. Here we present a reconstruction of the gas morphology and kinematics in the inner regions of this galaxy, based on the analysis of Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) archival data. To our purpose, we combine the available ∼\sim100 pc resolution ALMA 1.3 and 0.45 mm observations of dust continuum emission, the spectroscopic maps of two transitions of the CO molecule (tracer of molecular mass in star forming and nuclear regions), and of the CS molecule (tracer of the dense star forming regions) with the outcome of the SED decomposition. By applying the 3D^{\rm 3D}BAROLO software (3D-Based Analysis of Rotating Object via Line Observations), we have been able to fit the galaxy rotation curves reconstructing a 3D tilted-ring model of the disk. Most of the observed emitting features are described by our kinematic model. We also attempt an interpretation for the emission in few regions that the axisymmetric model fails to reproduce. The most relevant of these is a region at the northern edge of the inner bar, where multiple velocity components overlap, as a possible consequence of the expansion of a super-bubble.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, resubmitted to MNRAS after moderate revision
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