88 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa Pada Model Means Ends Analysis Berbantuan Soal Open Ended

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    Abstrak: Kemampuan dalam berpikir kreatif dibutuhkan pada saat melakukan penyelesaian masalah matematis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa pada model Means Ends Analysis berbantuan soal open ended. Metode penelitian menggunakan Systematic Literatur Review. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengumpulan dan peninjauan terhadap seluruh artikel terkait dengan kemampuan berpikir kreatif, model Means Ends Analysis, dan soal open ended yang diterbitkan periode tahun 2017-2021. Peneliti me-review 15 artikel terakreditasi dari database Google Scholar. Temuan dalam penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa pembelajaran melalui model Means Ends Analysis berbantuan soal open ended mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis, terlihat dari banyaknya penelitian yang mendukung kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis dalam model MEA berbantuan soal open ended. Abstract: The ability to think creatively is needed when solving mathematical problems. The purpose of the study was to examine how students' mathematical creative thinking ability in the Means Ends Analysis model were assisted by open ended questions. The research method uses a Systematic Literature Review. Data collection was carried out through collecting and reviewing all articles related to creative thinking ability, Means Ends Analysis models, and open ended questions published for the period 2017-2021. Researchers reviewed 15 accredited articles from the Google Scholar database. The findings in the study indicate that learning through the Means Ends Analysis model assisted by open ended questions is able to improve mathematical creative thinking ability, as can be seen from the many research studies that support mathematical creative thinking ability in the MEA model assisted by open ended questions

    Modelling Effect of Aggregate Gradation and Bitumen Content on Marshall Properties of Asphalt Concrete

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    Current selection of aggregate gradation fails to explain completely the position of the aggregate gradation on a continuous scale. This study proposes a gradation index (GI) as a new parameter to determine the position ofthe aggregate gradation of the asphalt mixture on the continuous scale. The GI was used to develop a model of the Marshall properties. The aim of this study was todevelopa model between the GI and  bitumen content of the Marshall properties that includes density, voids in the mix (VIM), voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), voids filled with asphalt (VFA), stability, and flow. The materials used were unmodified Asphalt Cement 60/70 with bitumen content variation of 4.5% to 8.0% of the mix and five variations of the aggregate gradation. Curve fitting method is used to find partial correlation factor of the aggregate gradation and the bitumen content of the Marshall properties. Multiple Polynomial Regression (MPR) models were specified to find the relationship between the GI and bitumen content of the Marshall properties. The visualization of the relationship between the GI, bitumen content and Marshall properties used contour charts. The results showed that the MPR determines the model of the relationship between theGI and bitumen content of the density, VIM, VMA, VFA, stability, and flow that have a very strong relationship (R2 > 0.9).Therefore, the model can be used to predict the Marshall properties


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    Leptospirosis control in Pati Regency cannot rely on the general health sector alone, however, it is needed collaboration between the cross-program in leptospirosis control and the relevant sectors. This study aimed to describe the level of leptospirosis knowledge of the health and the cross-sectors officers in Pati Regency, Central Java Province through the assessment activity. A cross-sectional method was used in the present study. A total of 32 people consisting of the  the health and the cross-sectors officers was used as research subjects. They attended the dissemination of leptospirosis held in April 2018 . The instrument used was a questionnaire and the data collection was performed using the questionnaire technique. The data were analyzed descriptively using fisher exact analysis.  The results showed that most respondents had a good level of leptospirosis knowledge. There was no significant positive correlation between resondents' knowledge with age, education level, gender, and type of institution. Respondents understood that environmental factors and the presence of rats played a major role in leptospirosis transmission in Pati District. However, most respondents were lack of knowledge on the role of non-rats as leptospirosis reservoirs. The knowledge of leptospirosis prevention was focused on on self-protecting against bacterial contact from the environment  rather than efforts of rodents control and the use of gloves when treating animals. The District Health Office is recommended to provide the health education on leptospirosis issues for both the cross programs and across sectors officer, particularly how to control rats and the role of non-rats as   leptospirosis reservoirs

    Factors affecting on rational choice of students in Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah University

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    This research is quantitative research. This study aims to find out the factors that most influence the choice of students in choosing Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah University. The location of this study was conducted at Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah University conducted in August 2019 to December 2019. The results of this study produced six factors that influenced the choice of students in choosing Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah University, the most influencing factor or the first factor is the completeness factor of facilities and tuition fees, the second factor is the image of the campus, students activities, and scholarships, the third factor is academic factors and costs, fourth is the factor of study programs and future careers, the fifth factor is the internship and academic factors, the sixth factor of the alliance. This study is only able to analyze the existing factors of 63.134%, the remaining 36.866% are factors that have not been studied in this study, this study produced six factors that influence the first and main factors are the completeness of facilities and tuition fees

    Digital Media Innovation Based on Multimedia Cognitive and Constructivist Theory in a Cultural Context: Encouraging Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills

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    The high-order thinking skills of students in Indonesia are classified as low, this is in line with the results of diagnostic tests conducted in class IX junior high school. Thus, it is necessary to develop digital media based on multimedia and constructivist cognitive theory with cultural context as one of the alternative solution. This study aims to (1) develop digital learning media based on constructivist and cognitive multimedia theories with a cultural context that fulfills the categories of validity, practicality and effectiveness; and (2) improve students' high-order thinking skills after using these media in the learning process. The research subjects were 30 students in class IX junior high school and the research objects were digital learning media based on constructivist theory and cognitive multimedia with a cultural context to improve students' high-level thinking skills on the topic of dilation. This is a research design with the Plomp model, which consists of (1) Preliminary research; (2) Prototyping phase; and (3) Assessment phase. The research instruments used were interviews, questionnaires and tests. The results showed that the product developed was included in the very valid, very practical, and effective category, where: (a) classical learning completeness reached 97%; (b) positive response by product users reached 97%; and (c) the N-Gain value was 0.791 in the very high category. Thus, it can be stated that the product meets the quality standard criteria, where the product can be used to improve students' high-level thinking abilities.

    Studi Populasi Vektor Murine Typhus (Xenopsyella Cheopis) Di Daerah Endemis Leptospirosis, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    Murine typhus dan leptospirosis memiliki kecenderungan berbagi rute dalam penularan terutama di daerahdengan populasi tikus yang tinggi. Infeksi ganda penyakit ini pernah dilaporkan di Asia Tenggara danmempersulit pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat populasi vektor murine typhus, X. cheopis didaerah endemis leptospirosis di Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan di lima kelurahandengan kasus leptospirosis tertinggi pada tahun 2011 (Kelurahan Sambiroto, Sendangguwo, Tandang,Bulustalan, dan Randusari). Metode penelitian adalah survei dengan melakukan penangkapan tikus,pengumpulan dan identifikasi ektoparasit tikus serta menghitung indeks khusus X. cheopis. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan keberhasilan pengangkapan tikus sebesar 8,5%, tikus terinfestasi X. cheopis 28%, dan indekX. cheopis sebesar 0,68%. Disimpulkan Kota Semarang berpotensi terhadap penularan murine typhus

    Holonic Business Process Modeling in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

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    Holonic modeling analysis which is the application of system thinking in design, manage, and improvement, is used in a novel context for business process modeling. An approach and techniques of holon and holarchies is presented specifically for small and medium sized enterprise process modeling development. The fitness of the approach is compared with well known reductionist or task breakdown approach. The strength and weaknesses of the holonic modeling is discussed with illustrating case example in term of its suitability for an IndonesiaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s small and medium sized industry. The novel ideas in this paper have great impact on the way analyst should perceive business process. Future research is applying the approach in supply chain context.Key words: Business process, holonic modeling, operations management, small to medium sized enterpris

    Metode Kontak Tidak Langsung Untuk Uji Kepekaan Pinjal Pada Tikus Terhadap Insektisida

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    Pada bulan Januari 2005, uji metode tidak langsung untuk uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Pes Puskesmas Nongkojajar Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan alat uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus terhadap insektisida (metode kontak tidak langsung).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus terhadap insektisida (metode kontak tidak langsung) dapat digunakan untuk uji kepekaan pinjal. Pinjal Xenopsylla cheopis dan Stivalius cognatus peka terhadap insektisida fenitrothion 2,5%, baik dengan metoda kontak lagsung maupun metode kontak tidak langsung. LT50 (Lethal Time 50%) pada metode kontak tidak langsung, pinjal X. cheopis yang diinvestasikan pada tikus rumah Rattus rattus diardii adalah 18 menit dan pada metode kontak langsung, LT50 pinjal X. cheopis adalah 12 menit. LT95 pada pinjal yang sama untuk metode kontak langsung adalah 60,9 menit dan 62,3 menit untuk metode kontak tidak langsung. Pinjal tikus hutan S. Cognatus pada tikus ladang Rattus Exulans, LT50 adalah 16 menit untuk metode kontak langsung dan 31 menit untuk metode kontak tidak lamgsung, sedangkan LT95 untuk S. Cognatus pada metoda kontak langsung adalah 59 menit dan 114 menit untuk metode kontak tidak langsung
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