3,039 research outputs found

    Legal accountability for public school discipline — fact or fiction?

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    Educators, learners and parents/caregivers should be held accountable for instilling learner discipline through clear guidelines and limitations to achieve security at public schools. Two previously identified education challenges are sustaining welldisciplined education systems and ensuring that educators are attentive to legal parameters in making decisions and dealing with discipline. This article adds a third challenge: convincing educators, learners and parents/caregivers of their accountability concerning creating/maintaining safe learning environments. Five subordinate legislation documents relevant to legal accountability are scrutinized, as well as relevant case law. The article follows a documentary comparative perspective using a secondary analysis method: appraising legal guidelines and asking questions to draw conclusions and make pragmatic action-oriented suggestions

    Die onderwys strewe van die UDF

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    The educational strivings of the UDF. There is a continual reaction to educational systems by other social groupings . In South Africa the different political groups are currently reacting to the existing educational system. Each of these political groups has different political aims and expectations. As political aims relate closely to educational aims, it follows that these political groups will have different educational aspirations. The United Democratic Front (UDF) is one of the prominent political group s active in the educational field. This article discusses the educational aspirations of the UDF and endeavours to draw some conclusions. The UDF’s involvement in education takes place via its various affiliates concerned with education. It is possible to deduce what the UDF's educational aspirations are by investigating these affiliates. Presently the UDF's most important contribution to education is its involvement with the National Education Crisis Committee (NECC), which implicates its involvement with People's Education. It can therefore be deduced that the educational aspirations of the UDF are reflected in the principle s of People's Education

    Reactions to infant death by wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: prolonged carrying, non-mother carrying, and partial maternal cannibalism.

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    Observations of dead infant carrying have been reported for many primate species, and researchers have proposed several hypotheses to explain this behaviour. However, despite being a relatively well-studied species, reports of dead infant carrying in wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) remain scarce. Here we report 14 observations of dead infant carrying by female vervet monkeys in a population at Mawana Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Most of the females carried the dead infant for a day or less, but one female carried her infant for at least 14 days. In one case the maternal sister of a dead infant carried it after the death of their mother. We also report a case of mother-infant cannibalism: a female consumed part of her deceased infant's tail. Other post-mortem care-taking behaviours such as grooming, smelling and licking were also recorded. Of 97 recorded infant deaths in this study population since 2010, 14.4% are known to have elicited dead infant carrying, a proportion similar to that reported for other monkey species. We discuss our observations in relation to various hypotheses about this behaviour, including the post-parturition hormones hypothesis, learning to mother hypothesis, and unawareness of death hypothesis

    Situating the study of jealousy in the context of social relationships

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    Whereas the feelings of other beings are private and may always remain so, emotions are simultaneously manifested in behavior, physiology, and other observables. Nonetheless, uncertainty about whether emotions can be studied adequately across species has promoted skepticism about their very presence in other parts of the animal kingdom. Studying social emotions like jealousy in the context of the social relationships in which they arise, as has been done in the case of animal empathy, may help dispel this skepticism. Empathy in other species came to be accepted partly because of the behavioral similarities between its expression in nonhuman animals and humans, and partly because of the neurological parallels. Non-invasive brain imaging results like those reported in the target article can thus help integrate human and animal emotions within an evolutionary framework — but the social context underlies precise definitions of the phenomenon

    Theory for incongruent crystallization: application to a ZBLAN glass

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    Equations which describe incongruent nucleation and subsequent crystal growth are derived. A ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF (ZBLAN) glass was used to test the validity of these equations. Nucleation rate measurements were fitted to theory and some growth rate measurements were in reasonable agreement with theor. predictions. Both nucleation theory and crystal growth theory were used for computer simulations of the crystn. behavior during heat treatments. Some heat treatments were performed in a DSC app. to verify the theories. The exptl. results were in good agreement with the numerical data. Using these theor. results it is possible to est. fiber scattering losses due to crystn. Depending on drawing temp., estd. losses can vary from 0.014 (310 Deg) to >=25 decibel/km (320 Deg). [on SciFinder (R)

    Colorectal cancer is associated with increased circulating lipopolysaccharide, inflammation and hypercoagulability

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    Gut dysbiosis contributes to the development of a dysfunctional gut barrier, facilitating the translocation of bacteria and inflammagens, and is implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC) pathogenesis. Such ‘leaky gut’ conditions result in systemic inflammation, of which a hallmark is increased hypercoagulability. Fluorescence antibody confocal microscopy was used to determine circulating levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in control and CRC populations. Here we showed that circulating levels of LPS are significantly elevated in the CRC population. We also showed that markers of inflammation and hypercoagulability are increased in this population. Furthermore, anomalous blood clotting and structural changes in blood components are presented. Importantly, the association between LPS levels, inflammation, and hematological dysfunction was analysed. Statistical regression models were applied to identify markers with strong association with CRC, and to investigate the correlation between markers. A core aim is enhanced biomarker discovery for CRC. We conclude that circulating LPS can promote systemic inflammation and contribute to the development of a pathological coagulation system, with resulting chronic inflammation and an activated coagulation system implicated in tumorigenesis. Blood-based screening tools are an emerging research area of interest for CRC screening. We propose the use of additional (novel) biomarkers to effectively screen for CRC

    Field experiments with wild primates reveal no consistent dominance-based bias in social learning

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    Directed social learning suggests that information flows through social groups in a nonrandom way, with individuals biased to obtain information from certain conspecifics. A bias to copy the behaviour of more dominant individuals has been demonstrated in captive chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, but has yet to be studied in any wild animal population. To test for this bias using a field experiment, one dominant and one low-ranking female in each of three groups of wild vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus, was trained on alternative methods of opening an 'artificial fruit'. Following 100 demonstrations from each model, fruits that could be opened either way were presented to each group and all openings were recorded. Overall, the dominant females were not attended to more than low-ranking females during the demonstrations, nor were their methods preferentially used in the test phase. We conclude that these monkeys show no overall bias to copy high-ranking models that would lead to a high-ranking model's behaviour becoming more prevalent in the group than a behaviour demonstrated by a low-ranking model. However, by contrast, there were significant effects of observer monkeys' rank and sex upon the likelihood they would match the dominant model. Additionally we found that the dominant models were more likely to stick to their initially learned method than were low-ranking model

    Social attention biases in juvenile wild vervet monkeys: implications for socialisation and social learning processes.

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    The concept of directed social learning predicts that social learning opportunities for an individual will depend on social dynamics, context and demonstrator identity. However, few empirical studies have examined social attention biases in animal groups. Sex-based and kinship-based biases in social learning and social attention towards females have been shown in a despotic and female philopatric primate: the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). The present study examined social attention during the juvenile period. Social attention was recorded through 5-min focal observations during periods of natural foraging. Kin emerged as the most important focus of social attention in juveniles, intensified by biased spatial proximity towards matrilineal related members. The highest-ranking conspecifics were more frequently observed by juveniles than low-ranking ones. Additionally, younger and orphaned juveniles showed higher levels of social attention overall, compared to other age categories. No effect of the juvenile's hierarchical rank was detected, suggesting that the variation in social attention recorded reflects different biases and stages of social learning and socialisation, rather than social anxiety. Juvenile females tended to exhibit a dominance-based bias more strongly than did males. This might be explained by a greater emphasis on attaining social knowledge during juvenile socialisation in the philopatric sex. Moreover, despite a preferred association between juveniles, social attention was more often directed to adults, suggesting that adults may still be more often chosen as a target of attention independent of their dominance rank

    Juvenile vervet monkeys rely on others when responding to danger

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    Funding: Open access funding provided by University of Lausanne. Funding was provided by FP7 Ideas: European Research Council, 283871, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, 310030_143359, PP00P3_170624, Branco Weiss Fellowship-Society in Science.Primate alarm calls are mainly hardwired but individuals need to adapt their calling behaviours according to the situation. Such learning necessitates recognising locally relevant dangers and may take place via their own experience or by observing others. To investigate monkeys alarm calling behaviour, we carried out a field experiment in which we exposed juvenile vervet monkeys to unfamiliar raptor models in the presence of audiences that differed in experience and reliability. We used audience age as a proxy for experience and relatedness as a proxy for reliability, while quantifying audience reactions to the models. We found a negative correlation between alarm call production and callers’ age. Adults never alarm called, compared to juveniles. We found no overall effect of audience composition and size, with juveniles calling more when with siblings than mothers or unrelated individuals. Finally, concerning audience reactions to the models, we observed juveniles remained silent with vigilant mothers and only alarm called with ignoring mothers, whereas we observed the opposite for siblings: juveniles remained silent with ignoring siblings and called with vigilant siblings. Despite the small sample size, juvenile vervet monkeys, confronted with unfamiliar and potentially dangerous raptors, seem to rely on others to decide whether to alarm call, demonstrating that the choice of the model may play an important key role in the ontogeny of primate alarm call behaviour.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe