346 research outputs found


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    This work aims to produce a rereading of evaluative experiences of former students of Physical Education from CEFD/Ufes. Its purpose is to verify the self-transformation into the teaching condition, with regard to learning evaluations. It is based on investigation-education research. Its sources are oral narratives produced in 2011, when subjects were students, and in 2014, already as teachers. The results of our rereading show new understanding of the evaluation experienced in initial teacher education, recognizing the need for diversification when analyzing the nature of what is evaluated and the characteristic of Physical Education.El objetivo es producir una relectura de las experiencias de evaluación de antiguos alumnos de Educación Física del Cefd/Ufes. Tiene como propósito evidenciar, o no, la transformación de sí mismo en la condición docente, en relación a las evaluaciones del aprendizaje. Está basado en la investigación de tipo investigación-formación. Utiliza como fuente las narraciones producidas oralmente en 2011, cuando los sujetos eran estudiantes de pregrado, y 2014, en la condición de docentes. Los resultados muestran, a partir de la relectura realizada, una nueva comprensión sobre la evaluación experimentada en su formación inicial, reconociendo la necesidad de diversificación cuando se analiza la naturaleza de lo que se evalúa y el saber de ese componente curricular.Objetiva produzir uma releitura das experiências avaliativas de alunos egressos de Educação Física do Cefd/Ufes. Tem como propósito evidenciar, ou não, a transformação de si na condição docente, no tocante às avaliações da aprendizagem. Fundamenta-se na pesquisa do tipo investigação-formação. Utiliza como fonte as narrativas produzidas oralmente nos anos de 2011, quando os sujeitos eram alunos, e 2014, na condição de professores. Os resultados mostram, a partir da releitura realizada, uma nova compreensão sobre a avaliação vivenciada em sua formação inicial, reconhecendo a necessidade de diversificação, quando analisada a natureza do que se avalia e o saber desse componente curricular


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    It is understood that there are difficulties in the teaching and learning process at different levels and modalities of teaching, as well as in all regions of the country. For this reason, the present study aimed to analyze the teaching-learning investigation in natural sciences in rural and urban public schools in Tabatinga-AM. The research was of a qualitative character based on the analysis of the discourse of the schools surveyed. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to achieve the proposed objectives. It was verified in all schools that the methodologies are not diversified, basically using the textbook and the table for displaying the contents. Keywords:  Alto Solimões. Traditional teaching. Methodologies.Compreende-se que existem dificuldades quanto ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem em diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino, bem como em todas as regiões do país. Por essa razão, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a investigação de ensino-aprendizagem em ciências naturais em escolas públicas rurais e urbanas de Tabatinga-AM. A pesquisa foi de caráter qualitativa baseando na análise do discurso das escolas pesquisadas. Utilizaram-se questionários e entrevistas semiestruturas para alcançar os objetivos propostos. Verificou-se em todas as escolas que as metodologias não são diversificadas, utilizando basicamente o livro didático e o quadro para exposição dos conteúdos. Palavras-chave: Alto Solimões. Ensino tradicional. Metodologias

    Strawberry cultivars fruit production and postharvest from two types of saplings

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    The establishment of strawberry crops in southern Brazil is conditioned on the delivery of bare-root saplings imported from Argentina and/or Chile. An alternative to reduce dependence on the acquisition of these saplings is their replacement by clod-rooted saplings that form a clod. However, information on the agronomic performance of clod-rooted saplings is scarce. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the association between types of saplings and strawberry cultivars alters fruit production and postharvest. The treatments were three cultivars (Fronteras, Monterey and Portola) and two types of saplings (bare-root and rooted in a clod), arranged in a randomized block design, with three replications. The productive potential and chemical quality of fruits were evaluated. Plants from saplings rooted in clods showed higher number and fruit production. Plants from bare -root saplings produced larger fruits. The postharvest of fruits was not altered by the treatments. It is concluded that the productive potential and postharvest of fruits of strawberry cultivars is not associated with the types of saplings studied. Regardless of the cultivar, plants from saplings rooted in clods are more productive. The three cultivars tested, of saplings with bare-roots or rooted in clods, present a balanced relationship between sugar and acidity, giving the desired flavor to the fruits in their postharvest period.The establishment of strawberry crops in southern Brazil is conditioned on the delivery of bare-root saplings imported from Argentina and/or Chile. An alternative to reduce dependence on the acquisition of these saplings is their replacement by clod-rooted saplings that form a clod. However, information on the agronomic performance of clod-rooted saplings is scarce. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the association between types of saplings and strawberry cultivars alters fruit production and postharvest. The research was carried out at the Horticulture Sector of the University of Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from March to December 2020, in a greenhouse. The plant material for the research consisted of saplings with bare-roots and saplings rooted in clods. The treatments were three cultivars (‘Fronteras’, ‘Monterey’ and ‘Portola’) and two types of saplings (bare-root and rooted in a clod), arranged in a randomized block design, with three replications and ten plants per plot. The productive potential and chemical quality of fruits were evaluated. Plants from saplings rooted in clods showed higher number and fruit production. Plants from bare -root saplings produced larger fruits. The postharvest of fruits was not altered by the treatments. The productive potential and postharvest of fruits of strawberry cultivars are not associated with the different types of saplings studied. Regardless of the cultivar used, plants from saplings rooted in clods have greater productive potential compared to plants from bare-root saplings. The fruits of the three cultivars tested in this study, from saplings with bare-roots or rooted in clods, present a balanced relationship between sugar and acidity, which makes the strawberries suitable for consumption

    Quality of self-propelled sprayers through periodic inspection

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    The inspection of agricultural sprayers is a vital tool for the increment of quality of spray technology for phytosanitary products. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance conditions of self-propelled sprayers on-farm, using the periodical inspection methodology for sprays and analyzing the climatic conditions during the spraying. The evaluations were carried on farms visited randomly. A questionnaire was filled out by the operator or farmers and the inspection itself of the sprayers. The items evaluated were the condition and location of hoses, presence of leaks, monitor performance, spacing between nozzles, spray nozzles, in-line filter, primary filter, the performance of anti-dripping gauges, and limiting environmental conditions. Most interviewed operators and farmers did not know the methodology for inspecting agricultural sprayers, demonstrating the need to create specific training programs in the region. Self-propelled sprayers have a few technical problems when they were new, however, spraying beyond the ideal weather conditions can reduce the spraying quality

    Meteorological Influence on Space-time Distribution of Tomé-Açu (Eastern Amazon) Vegetation Cover using MODIS Products

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the seasonal behavior of vegetation cover and its response to the variation of meteorological elements in the microregion of Tomé-Açu, Eastern Amazon. The study area refers to the microregion of Tomé-Açu, Pará. MODIS sensor images were processed and analyzed on Google Earth Engine and QGIS 3.18.1 software to apply the NDVI, EVI and LAI vegetation indices. Results showed that the vegetation cover of the Microregion of Tomé-Açu has well-defined seasonality, with evident variation in vegetation indices throughout the year. The three indexes showed higher values in the dry season period and lower values in the rainy period of the year. Seasonality of vegetation cover showed a positive correlation with rainfall in the region, with higher values associated with rainfall occurring between 4 and 5 months prior to the observation


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    Nowadays, the global water crisis poses a great challenge to humanity and a risk to be managed by future generations. In order to use this resource consciously, it is known in the area of agricultural irrigation the need to evaluate the amount of water to be used. Among the soil moisture content determination methods, sensors, coupled to a programmable logic controller, emerge as an alternative to conventional laboratory methods, making the procedure faster and less labor intensive. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the reliability and precision of a low-cost sensor to determine soil moisture content. It was concluded that the evaluated sensors did not present a known precision to estimate the level of soil moisture content. A FC-28 sensor coupled with a Arduino platform was used with three different soils (texture: low, medium and heavy), moisture ranging from 15 to 50%. The results indicated that soil texture influenced the readings, even at the same humidity. In addition, the evaluated sensors did not present replicability nor accuracy for less them 10% moisture differences. Therefore, there is need to calibrate each sensor individually. Keywords: arduino; irrigation; embedded systems.   Análise de confiabilidade e calibração do sensor de umidade do solo FC-28 montado em plataforma microcontroladora   RESUMO: Atualmente, a crise hídrica mundial representa um grande desafio à humanidade e um risco a ser gerenciado pelas gerações futuras. De forma a utilizar este recurso de forma consciente, estudos na área de irrigação agrícola apontam a necessidade de se estimar com precisão a quantidade de água a ser usada. Dentre os métodos de determinação da umidade do solo, os sensores, acoplados a um controlador lógico programável, surgem como uma alternativa aos métodos convencionais de laboratório, tornando o procedimento mais rápido e menos trabalhoso. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou a confiabilidade e precisão de um sensor de baixo custo para determinação da umidade do solo. Um sensor FC-28 associado à uma plataforma Arduino foi usado em três tipos diferentes de solos (texturas: leve, média e pesada), umidades variando de 15 a 50%. Concluiu-se que os sensores avaliados não apresentaram boa precisão para estimar o grau de umidade dos solos. A textura do solo influenciou diretamente as leituras dos sensores, mesmo para a mesma umidade. Além de não apresentaram replicabilidade nem precisão para diferenças menores de 15% nos valores de umidades. Portanto, é necessário calibrar cada sensor individualmente. Palavras-chave: arduino; irrigação; plataformas embarcadas


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    O melanoma oral primário (MOP) é uma neoplasia maligna caracterizada pela proliferação descontrolada de melanócitos, que representa menos de 1% de todos os casos de melanoma. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso de MOP em paciente do sexo masculino, na quinta década de vida, diagnosticado no AC Camargo Cancer Center. Paciente procurou atendimento com queixa principal de "avaliar uma mancha no lábio". Ao realizar o exame intra-oral, foi observada uma lesão nodular de coloração enegrecida, com cerca de 6 cm de extensão, que não apresentava sintomatologia dolorosa e com histórico de crescimento rápido. Foi realizada biópsia incisional e testes imunohistoquímicos confirmando a hipótese para MOP. O protocolo seguido para tratamento foi a terapia múltipla baseada em cirurgia e quimioterapia. Os locais comumente cometidos por MOP são palato e a gengiva, no entanto o paciente desse estudo apresentou essa entidade em lábio. Possui predileção pelo sexo masculino e a maioria dos casos ocorre após a quarta década de vida, quando presentes as principais características clínicas são: a presença de pigmentação melanótica, dor e sangramento, o paciente não apresentou sintomatologia dolorosa. O diagnóstico histológico foi auxiliado por técnicas de imunohistoquímica, usando os marcadores S-100 e Melan A, esses testes são necessários, pois devido alterações morfológicas, o MOP pode assemelhar-se a neoplasias malignas. Existem diversas modalidades tratamento, no entanto, o protocolo mais aceito é cirurgia seguido de quimioterapia que possui maiores taxas de sobrevida. Palavras-chave: melanoma; oral; neoplasia