62 research outputs found

    Библиотека по естественным наукам РАН глазами каталогизатора

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    Key functions of the RAS Library for Natural Sciences are highlighted. The processes of catalog organization, development and update using BIBLIOBUS AILS are examined. Basic requirements to bibliographic record technology are discussed. The authors conclude that cataloguers need to access to reconciled cumulative reference information resources to consolidate the catalog and to ensure its reliable quality control.Освещены главные функциональные задачи БЕН РАН. Подробно рассмотрен один из важнейших процессов - ведение и правильная организация каталога, который комплексно автоматизирован с помощью АИБС «Библиобус». Представлены основные требования к технологии создания библиографического описания. Сделан вывод о том, что для реализации своего творческого потенциала каталогизатор нуждается в доступе к выверенным и пополняемым справочно-информационным ресурсам, с помощью которых предстоит осуществлять консолидацию каталога. Создание и ведение таких ресурсов - сложная задача, которую необходимо решать, чтобы добиться надёжного контроля качества каталога

    Spent Mushroom Substrates to Improve the Morphometric Indicators and Composition of Biologically Active Compounds in Dill Plants

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    Перспективным направлением утилизации отходов лесопиления (опилок) считается создание на их основе питательных субстратов для выращивания грибов. В настоящей работе опилки лиственных пород деревьев использовали в качестве основы питательного субстрата для выращивания грибов шиитаке (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) в лабораторных условиях. Отработанные грибные блоки (ОГБ), остающиеся после сбора грибов, могут применяться в качестве органического удобрения и (или) мульчирующего материала. Добавление ОГБ в грунт при выращивании укропа пахучего (Anethum graveolens L.) сорта «Кустистый» позволило ускорить срок прорастания семян с 15 до 5 суток и получить большее количество зеленой массы. Изучено влияние применения ОГБ на состав и антирадикальные свойства экстракта укропа. Методом гидропародистилляции получено эфирное масло и методом хромато-масс- спектрометрии исследован его компонентный состав. В контрольном варианте основными компонентами эфирного масла укропа были α-фелландрен – 15,2 %, лимонен – 24,2 % и карвон – 42,5 %. В варианте с применением ОГБ изменилось процентное соотношение компонентов эфирного масла при сохранении его качественного состава: содержание α-фелландрена и лимонена возросло до 20,5 и 31,5 % соответственно, содержание карвона снизилось до 31,0 %. Впервые изучены антирадикальные свойства водных экстрактов укропа в модельной реакции со свободным стабильным 2,2-дифенил‑1-пикрилгидразил-радикалом. Показано, что исследуемые экстракты проявляют антирадикальную активность, значения которой составляют 27,4 и 35,3 % для укропа, выращенного на контрольном грунте, и укропа, выращенного на грунте с ОГБ, соответственноGrowing mushrooms on nutrient substrates made of sawdust may be promising avenues for utilization of sawmill waste. The authors have used sawdust of deciduous trees as the basis for a nutrient substrate in growing shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) in laboratory conditions. Spent mushroom substrates (SMS) after picking mushrooms can be used as an organic fertilizer and (or) mulch. Applying SMS in growing dill (Anethum graveolens L.) ‘Bushy’ allowed to shorten the seed germination period from 15 to 5 days and obtain a larger amount of green mass. The influence of SMS on the composition and antiradical properties of dill extract has been studied. Essential oil was obtained by water-and-steam distillation; the oil composition was studied by chromatography-mass spectrometry. In control, the main components of the essential oil of dill were α-fellandren – 15.2 %, limonene – 24.2 % and carvon – 42.5 %. When using SMS, the composition of dill essential oil was the same, however, the ratio of the components changed: the content of α-fellandren and limonene increased to 20.5 % and 31.5 %, respectively, while the content of carvon decreased to 31.0 %. Aqueous extracts of dill were studied for antiradical properties for the first time. Antiradical activity was determined in a model reaction with a free stable 2,2-diphenyl‑1-picrylhydrazyl radical and made 27.4 % and 35.3 % in the control and dill grown with SMS, respectivel

    Physical-Mechanical Properties of γ-Irradiated SiC Ceramics for Radioactive Wastes Immobilization

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    The interest in silicon carbide (SiC-based) ceramics and composites as matrix material for nuclear waste immobilization is grown up. Long-term chemical durability and radiation resistance of SiC are important factors for radionuclides immobilization. Advantages of SiC-based ceramics as structural materials in nuclear applications are the high-temperature properties, high density and reduced neutron activation. The use of radiation resistant materials is a strong requirement for safe and environmentally beneficial energy system. The SiC ceramics stability under irradiation for temperatures up to 1273 K is also very important for nuclear power applications. The SiC matrices doped by additives of Cr, Si were fabricated using High Speed Hot Pressing Method. Additives content was in the range from 0.5 to 3 wt %. Microstructural characteristics of silicon carbide ceramics were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and infra-red spectroscopy (IR) methods. The results of microcracking under indentation conditions were revealed the lack of cracks in the SiC ceramics with Cr additives before and after irradiation process. In addition, it was demonstrated that samples of SiC with alloying additives Cr and Si possess high mechanical parameters under γ-irradiation process. The strength of ceramics increases with the uniform and fine-grained structure formation. The modification of phase composition and mechanical properties of the SiC ceramics with Cr and Si additives under γ-irradiation were analyzed for further development of radiation resistant and matrix materials for radioactive wastes immobilization

    Evolution of the Reagent for Iodination and Iodonitration. Optimization of the Synthesis Conditions in the Framework of Green Chemistry

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    Показана эволюция реагента Тронова-Новикова, проанализированы результаты работы нашей группы под руководством профессора М. С. Юсубова за последние двадцать лет в области йодирования и йоднитрования. Показаны новые возможности твердофазного реагента на основе йода (йодида калия) и (или) нитратов. Изучены химические свойства твердофазных реагентов и оптимизированы условия проведения реакций, которые позволяют проводить целенаправленный синтез продуктов моно- или дийодирования, йоднитрования, нитрования и гетероциклизации. Показано, что при йодировании активированных и умеренно активированных ароматических субстратов и фенилацетилена в условиях «solvent-free » с более высокими выходами получены продукты, аналогичные продуктам в синтезе с использованием растворителя. Предложены возможные окислительно-восстановительные схемы образования промежуточных частиц дийодосеребра (I) нитрата и нитрилйодида в реакциях без растворителя. Полученные теоретические и экспериментальные данные подтверждают возможность распада нитрилйодида по гомо- и гетеролитическому пути в зависимости от природы субстрата не только в синтезе с участием растворителя, но и в условиях «solvent-free »The evolution of the Tronov-Novikov reagent is shown. Scientific investigations of our research group under the leading of professor M. S. Usubov in the field of iodination and iodonitration have been analyzed. New possibilities of a solid-phase reagent based on iodine (potassium iodide) and (or) nitrates are represented. We have studied chemical properties of the solid-phase reagents and optimized conditions of reactions, which allow prediction the synthesis of products of mono- or diiodination, iodonitration, nitration, and heterocyclization. It has been found that iodination of activated and mild activated aromatic substrates and phenylacetylene under solvent-free conditions results with products similar to those obtained in the presence of solvent. However, the solvent-free procedure offers significant advantages such as higher yields, short reaction times with mild reaction conditions. Possible redox schemes were proposed for the formation of potential intermediate particles diiodosilver(I) nitrate and nitrile iodide in solvent-free reactions. Obtained theoretical and experimental data confirm the possibility of the homo- and heterolytic pathways decomposition of nitrile iodide, depending on the nature of the substrate, in the synthesis with a solvent, as well as under “solvent-free” condition


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    Oncogenic impact of transformative viruses on the risk of cancer is well known. Today there are no studies focused on the effect of widespread, often persisting infections, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and chlamydial infections on the level of hormones in the reproductive organs and their role in the pathogenesis of endometrial cancer.  The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of infectious agents in the substantive and concomitant conditions on the local hormone production in tissue of uterus and ovaries in patients with cancer of the body of uterus in menopausal age.In the tumor, in perifocal zone and in unaltered ovaries in patients with cancer of the body of uterus ELISA and PCR method determines the presence of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus and chlamydial infection. Depending on the level of infection in the tissues the local level of saturation of sex hormones, sex hormone binding globulin, prolactin were evaluated in samples of endometrium and ovaries. The presence of infectious agents have a modifying effect on local hormone production, increasing the intensity of disorders resulting in an imbalance of steroids, estrogen metabolites disturbance ratio and strengthening prolactinemia not only in tumor tissue but also in unchanged ovaries in patients  with cancer of the body of uterus.Известно онкогенное влияние трансформирующих вирусов на риск развития онкологических заболеваний.  Практически не исследовано влияние широко распространенных,  зачастую персистирующих инфекций, типа вируса простого герпес  (ВПГ), цитомегаловируса  (ЦМВ) и хламидийных инфекций на гормональный фон в органах репродуктивной системы и роль их в патогенезе рака тела матки. Целью работы явилось изучение влияния инфекционных агентов в самостоятельном и сочетанных вариантах на локальный гормоногенез  тканей матки и яичников у больных раком тела матки менопаузального  возраста.  В опухоли, перифокальной  зоне и неизмененных  яичниках у больных раком  тела матки ИФАи ПЦР методами определяли наличие вируса простого герпеса 1-го и 2-го типов, цитомегаловирусную и хламидийную инфекции. В зависимости  от инфицированности тканей изучали уровень локальной насыщенности образцов  эндометрия  и яичников половыми гормонами, секстероидсвязывающим  глобулином, пролактином. Присутствие инфекционных агентов оказывает модифицирующее влияние на локальный гормоногенез,  увеличивая интенсивность нарушений, что приводит к дисбалансу стероидов,  нарушению соотношения метаболитов эстрогенов и усилению пролактинемии не только в опухолевой ткани, но и в неизмененных  яичниках у больных раком тела матки

    Design and baseline characteristics of the finerenone in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in diabetic kidney disease trial

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    Background: Among people with diabetes, those with kidney disease have exceptionally high rates of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality and progression of their underlying kidney disease. Finerenone is a novel, nonsteroidal, selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist that has shown to reduce albuminuria in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) while revealing only a low risk of hyperkalemia. However, the effect of finerenone on CV and renal outcomes has not yet been investigated in long-term trials. Patients and Methods: The Finerenone in Reducing CV Mortality and Morbidity in Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trial aims to assess the efficacy and safety of finerenone compared to placebo at reducing clinically important CV and renal outcomes in T2D patients with CKD. FIGARO-DKD is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, event-driven trial running in 47 countries with an expected duration of approximately 6 years. FIGARO-DKD randomized 7,437 patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate >= 25 mL/min/1.73 m(2) and albuminuria (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio >= 30 to <= 5,000 mg/g). The study has at least 90% power to detect a 20% reduction in the risk of the primary outcome (overall two-sided significance level alpha = 0.05), the composite of time to first occurrence of CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. Conclusions: FIGARO-DKD will determine whether an optimally treated cohort of T2D patients with CKD at high risk of CV and renal events will experience cardiorenal benefits with the addition of finerenone to their treatment regimen. Trial Registration: EudraCT number: 2015-000950-39; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02545049

    Improving Marketing and Sales Support Processes in the Distribution Channel of an IT Security Company

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    Software distribution is often done through the channel of partners – distributors and the resellers. The vendor provides its marketing and sales support to the distribution channel in order to grow business in the respective regions. Understanding how this support can be improved and identifying the ways to motivate the partners is the key to business development through the distribution channels. Therefore, the aim of the study is to find out what needs to be improved in the marketing and sales support processes. An action research process for the case of the IT security company was implemented to find out how marketing and sales support processes can be improved. Data was collected by three methods: a questionnaire, discussion café and interviews to the key informants: distribution channel partners. The idea was to obtain general feedback about the support processes as well as more detailed information on what is to be improved in the materials provided by the case company. The study resulted in three major findings: first, identifying the company needs as for investments into the relationship building with the partners in the focus regions; second, identifying how marketing processes need to be re-designed so that the influence of the marketing actions on all channel participants would be considered; third, specifying the marketing materials which need to be improved based on the recommendations of the partners and, finally, developing a new process for collecting continuous feedback to be introduced to the case company. The study suggests that the feedback from the channel partners needs to be obtained on an ongoing basis in order to ensure the excellence of marketing and sales support processes