46 research outputs found

    Ecole enfantine Ă  quatre ans :: et l’enseignant dans tout cela ? : l’impact des changements apportĂ©s par Harmos sur l’identitaire de l’enseignant

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    Depuis longtemps, des Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur l’enfant et son dĂ©veloppement cognitif et social. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂšs lors remarquĂ© qu’une scolarisation dĂšs quatre ans serait un bienfait pour les enfants. Ainsi a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© le projet Harmos. Mais ce travail ne s’intĂ©resse pas directement aux enfants, mais plutĂŽt aux enseignants qui les encadrent et sur l’incidence de l’introduction de ce nouveau systĂšme scolaire sur leur construction identitaire. Les axes choisis pour cette Ă©tude sont les contraintes institutionnelles, l’image du mĂ©tier et les relations sociales. Cinq enseignantes du canton du Jura et du Jura Bernois ont Ă©tĂ© questionnĂ©es durant des entretiens semi-directifs. Elles ont pu ainsi raconter leur vĂ©cu face Ă  Harmos et les changements qui se sont opĂ©rĂ©s pour elles dans leur vie professionnelle. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que moins que l’ñge des Ă©lĂšves, c’est l’accumulation de changements qui provoque une adaptation pour les enseignantes. Les contraintes deviennent lourdes Ă  porter, les Ă©lĂšves changent, et pas toujours pour le mieux, les parents deviennent exigeants et le mĂ©tier n’est toujours pas mieux vu. Par contre, nous pouvons remarquer que les enseignantes trouvent du positif Ă  ces changements aprĂšs un temps d’adaptation

    Routinedaten zu Suiziden und Suizidversuchen in der Schweiz – Ist-Analyse und Identifizierung von Verbesserungspotenzial

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    Der Nationale Aktionsplan SuizidprĂ€vention hat unter anderem das Ziel, den Akteuren der SuizidprĂ€vention fĂŒr die Steuerung und die Evaluation ihrer Arbeit relevante Daten zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. Im Rahmen der Umsetzung des Aktionsplans erteilte das Bundesamt fĂŒr Gesundheit (BAG) Interface Politikstudien Forschung Beratung GmbH den Auftrag, den Ist-Zustand hinsichtlich verfĂŒgbarer Routinedaten zu Suiziden und Suizidversuchen in der Schweiz zu beschreiben, Optimierungspotenzial zu identifizieren und Empfehlungen abzuleiten. Der Fokus liegt auf der Todesursachenstatistik (TUS) und der Medizinischen Statistik der KrankenhĂ€user (MSK). Um die Datenlage zu Suizidversuchen besser einschĂ€tzen zu können, wurde eine Kurzbefragung bei Vertretenden von Notfallstationen akutsomati-scher SpitĂ€ler und Kliniken durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Ist-Analyse erfolgte anhand von Dokumentenanalysen sowie Interviews mit Exper-tinnen und Experten. BerĂŒcksichtigt wurde neben der nationalen auch die kantonale und lokale Ebene. FĂŒr die Ist-Analyse interessierte der Inhalt, der Prozess und die QualitĂ€t der Daten. Dies entlang des Datenpfades von der Datenerzeugung bis hin zur Datennut-zung

    Only males care about their environment: sex-biased dispersal in the asp viper (Vipera aspis)

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    Sex-biased dispersal is common among vertebrates and numerous studies have documented a tendency towards male-biased dispersal in mammals and female-biased dispersal in birds. A few studies have demonstrated that male-biased dispersal seems to be prevalent in reptiles. However, most of these studies considered only a single study site without taking into account possible local variability. We investigated sex-biased dispersal in Vipera aspis in four study sites in Switzerland using microsatellite markers and we predicted a higher dispersal in males than females. In two study sites, females were more spatially autocorrelated and showed a stronger isolation by distance compared with males, which suggests male-biased dispersal. In the other two study sites, the absence of sex-biased dispersal could have been the result of habitat fragmentation. Surprisingly, the dispersal ability of females was similar in the four sites, regardless of habitat fragmentation. This finding suggests a limited impact of habitat on female dispersal and the opposite for male dispersal. Our study demonstrates the importance of inferring sex-biased dispersal in different habitats, because local barriers can affect the outcome of such studies. Hence, general conclusions about patterns of sex-biased dispersal should be drawn with caution when studies are conducted at a single study site

    Génétique de la population des VipÚres péliades (Vipera berus - Linnaeus, 1758 ; Serpentes : Viperidae) dans la région du Hauts-de-France - apport de la génétique à la conservation locale de l'espÚce

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    Genetics of the population of the common European adder ( Vipera berus - Linnaeus, 1758; Serpentes: Viperidae) in the French region of "Hauts -de- France" - contribution of genetics in the local preservation of the species. Genetic tools are frequently used for the protection and conservation of species. We used genetic markers to investigate the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation between five populations of the adder ( Vipera berus ) in the French Hauts-de-France region. Results demonstrated a limited genetic diversity especially within one population; this one seems genetically isolated, whereas three of the five studied populations displayed a limited but significant genetic differentiation. Historically they must have been connected and exchanged genes. The population with a limited genetic diversity should be specifically monitored, in order to determine if the lack of genetic diversity has an impact on the population dynamic. Résumé L'outil génétique est actuellement d'une grande aide pour la protection et la conservation des espÚces. Il a été utilisé pour étudier la diversité et la différentiation génétiques entre cinq populations de VipÚres péliades ( Vipera berus Linnaeus, 1758) dans le Pas-de-Calais. Les résultats montrent une diversité assez faible, surtout dans une population ; cette population semble d'ailleurs génétiquement isolée, alors que trois des cinq populations ont une différenciation génétique significative, mais peu marquée ; elles devaient donc historiquement échanger des gÚnes. Les résultats indiquent qu'une population est à suivre particuliÚrement, afin de voir si la faible diversité génétique se traduit dans une dynamique limitée au sein de cette population

    Data from: Diversifying selection and color-biased dispersal in the asp viper

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    Background: The presence of intraspecific color polymorphism can have multiple impacts on the ecology of a species; as a consequence, particular color morphs may be strongly selected for in a given habitat type. For example, the asp viper (Vipera aspis) shows a high level of color polymorphism. A blotched morph (cryptic) is common throughout its range (central and western Europe), while a melanistic morph is frequently found in montane populations, presumably for thermoregulatory reasons. Besides, rare atypical uniformly colored individuals are known here and there. Nevertheless, we found in a restricted treeless area of the French Alps, a population containing a high proportion (>50%) of such specimens. The aim of the study is to bring insight into the presence and function of this color morph by (i) studying the genetic structure of these populations using nine microsatellite markers, and testing for (ii) a potential local diversifying selection and (iii) differences in dispersal capacity between blotched and non-blotched vipers. Results: Our genetic analyses support the occurrence of local diversifying selection for the non-blotched phenotype. In addition, we found significant color-biased dispersal, blotched individuals dispersing more than atypical individuals. Conclusion: We hypothesize that, in this population, the non-blotched phenotype possess an advantage over the typical one, a phenomenon possibly due to a better background matching ability in a more open habitat. In addition, color-biased dispersal might be partly associated with the observed local diversifying selection, as it can affect the genetic structure of populations, and hence the distribution of color morphs

    Growth hormone receptor polymorphism and growth hormone therapy response in children: a bayesian meta-analysis

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    Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy is used in the long-term treatment of children with growth disorders, but there is considerable treatment response variability. The exon 3-deleted growth hormone receptor polymorphism (GHR(d3)) may account for some of this variability. The authors performed a systematic review (to April 2011), including investigator-only data, to quantify the effects of the GHR(fl-d3) and GHR(d3-d3) genotypes on rhGH therapy response and used a recently established Bayesian inheritance model-free approach to meta-analyze the data. The primary outcome was the 1-year change-in-height standard-deviation score for the 2 genotypes. Eighteen data sets from 12 studies (1,527 children) were included. After several prior assumptions were tested, the most appropriate inheritance model was codominant (posterior probability = 0.93). Compared with noncarriers, carriers had median differences in 1-year change-in-height standard-deviation score of 0.09 (95% credible interval (CrI): 0.01, 0.17) for GHR(fl-d3) and of 0.14 (95% CrI: 0.02, 0.26) for GHR(d3-d3). However, the between-study standard deviation of 0.18 (95% CrI: 0.10, 0.33) was considerable. The authors tested by meta-regression for potential modifiers and found no substantial influence. They conclude that 1) the GHR(d3) polymorphism inheritance is codominant, contrasting with previous reports; 2) GHR(d3) genotypes account for modest increases in rhGH effects in children; and 3) considerable unexplained variability in responsiveness remains

    Identified compounds inhibit O<sub>2</sub> consumption in <i>T</i>. <i>gondii</i>.

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    (A-B) Traces depicting the changes in O2 consumption rate (OCR) over time of intact T. gondii parasites incubated with no drug (pink) or with (A) atovaquone (ATV; two fold serial dilution from highest concentration—10 ÎŒM, colored dark green—to lowest concentration—0.01 ÎŒM, colored light green) or (B) auranofin (AUR; two fold serial dilution from highest concentration—80 ÎŒM, colored dark green—to lowest concentration—0.08 ÎŒM, colored light green)). FCCP (1 ÎŒM) was injected into the well to uncouple electron transport from the proton gradient and thus elicit the maximal OCR. A range of concentrations of the test compounds were then injected and the inhibition of OCR measured over time. A final injection of an inhibitory concentration of atovaquone (ATVi; 5 ÎŒM) maximally inhibited mitochondrial OCR. Values represent the mean ± SD of two technical replicates from a single experiment and are representative of three independent experiments. Similar OCR inhibition traces were obtained for each test compound. (C-I) Dose-response curves depicting the percent of T. gondii OCR in the presence of increasing concentrations of (C) atovaquone, (D) buparvaquone, (E) auranofin, (F) trifloxystrobin, (G) azoxystrobin, (H) MMV024397 or (I) MMV688853. Values represent the percent OCR relative to the no-drug (100% OCR) and inhibitory atovaquone-treated (0% OCR) controls, and depict the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments, each conducted in duplicate; error bars that are not visible are smaller than the symbol. (J) Comparison of the EC50 values determined for T. gondii OCR (OCR EC50; this figure and Table 3) and WT T. gondii proliferation (proliferation EC50; S1 Fig and Table 1). Coloring of compounds is as in Figs 1 and 3 (atovaquone, black; buparvaquone, burgundy; auranofin, orange; trifloxystrobin, pink; azoxystrobin, light blue; MMV024397, red; and MMV688853, dark blue). (TIF)</p

    Assessing the activity of ETC inhibitors against atovaquone-resistant <i>T</i>. <i>gondii</i> parasites.

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    (A-G) Dose-response curves depicting the percent proliferation of WT (black) or atovaquone-resistant (ATVR, red) T. gondii parasites in the presence of increasing concentrations of (A) atovaquone, (B) buparvaquone, (C) auranofin, (D) trifloxystrobin, (E) azoxystrobin, (F) MMV024397, or (G) MMV688853. Values are expressed as a percent of the average fluorescence from a no-drug control at mid-log phase growth in the fluorescence proliferation assay, and represent the mean ± SEM of three (or four for (E)) independent experiments performed in triplicate; error bars that are not visible are smaller than the symbol. Inset bar graphs depict the EC50 ± SEM (nM) of three (or four for (E)) independent experiments. Paired t-tests were performed and p-values are shown.</p

    Identification of selective inhibitors of the ETC in <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i>.

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    Dose-response curves depicting the proliferation of WT (black) or yeast dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (yDHODH)-expressing (red) P. falciparum parasites in the presence of increasing concentrations of (A) the known ETC inhibitor atovaquone, (B) chloroquine, a compound that does not inhibit the ETC, (C) buparvaquone, (D) auranofin, (E) trifloxystrobin, (F) azoxystrobin, (G) MMV024397, or (H) MMV688853 after 96 h of culture. Values are expressed as a percentage of the average proliferation of the drug-free control, and represent the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicate; error bars that are not visible are smaller than the symbol.</p