1,833 research outputs found

    Geologic context of geodetic data across a Basin and Range normal fault, Crescent Valley, Nevada

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    Geodetic strain and late Quaternary faulting in the Basin and Range province is distributed over a region much wider than historic seismicity, which is localized near the margins of the province. In the relatively aseismic interior, both the magnitude and direction of geodetic strain may be inconsistent with the Holocene faulting record. We document the best example of such a disagreement across the NE striking, ~55° NW dipping Crescent normal fault, where a NW oriented, 70 km geodetic baseline records contemporary shortening of ~2 mm/yr orthogonal to the fault trace. In contrast, our geomorphic, paleoseismic, and geochronologic analyses of the Crescent fault suggest that a large extensional rupture occurred during the late Holocene epoch. An excavation across the fault at Fourmile Canyon reveals that the most recent event occurred at 2.8 ± 0.1 ka, with net vertical tectonic displacement of 4.6 ± 0.4 m at this location, corresponding to the release of ~3 m of accumulated NW-SE extension. Measured alluvial scarp profiles suggest a minimum rupture length of 30 km along the range front for the event, implying a moment magnitude M_w of at least 6.6. No prior event occurred between ~2.8 ka and ~6.4 ± 0.1 ka, the ^(14)C calender age of strata near the base of the exposed section. Assuming typical slip rates for Basin and Range faults (~0.3 mm/yr), these results imply that up to one third, or ~1 m, of the extensional strain released in the previous earthquake could have reaccumulated across the fault since ~2.8 ka. However, the contemporary shortening implies that the fault is unloading due to a transient process, whose duration is limited to between 6 years (geodetic recording time) and 2.8 ka (the age of the most recent event). These results emphasize the importance of providing accurate geologic data on the timescale of the earthquake cycle in order to evaluate geodetic measurements

    Stress Field Constraints on Intraplate Seismicity in Eastern North America

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    Focal mechanisms of 32 North American midplate earthquakes (mb = 3.8-6.5) were evaluated to determine if slip is compatible with a broad-scale regional stress field derived from plate-driving forces and, if so, under what conditions (stress regime, pore pressure, and frictional coefficient). Using independent information on in situ stress orientations from well bore breakout and hydraulic fracturing data and assuming that the regional principal stresses are in approximately horizontal and vertical planes ( ± 10 °), the constraint that the slip vector represents the direction of maximum resolved shear stress on the fault plane was used to calculate relative stress magnitudes defined by the parameter Φ = (S2-S3)/(S1-S3) from the fault/stress geometry. As long as the focal mechanism has a component of oblique slip (i.e., the B axis does not coincide with the intermediate principal stress direction), this calculation identifies which of the two nodal planes is a geometrically possible slip plane (Gephart, 1985). Slip in a majority of the earthquakes (25 of 32) was found to be geometrically compatible with reactivation of favorably oriented preexisting fault planes in response to the broad-scale uniform regional stress field. Slip in five events was clearly inconsistent with the regional stress field and appears to require a localized stress anomaly to explain the seismicity. Significantly, all five of these events occurred prior to 1970 (when many regional networks were installed), and their focal mechanisms are inconsistent with more recent solutions of nearby smaller events. The frictional likelihood of the geometrically possible slip on the selected fault planes was evaluated in the context of conventional frictional faulting theory. The ratio of shear to normal stress on the fault planes at hypocentral depth was calculated relative to an assumed regional stress field. Regional stress magnitudes were determined from (1) S1/S3 ratios based on the frictional strength of optimally oriented faults (the basis for the linear brittle portion of lithospheric strength profiles), (2) the computed relative stress magnitude ( Φ) values, and (3) a vertical principal stress assumed equal to the lithostat. Two end-member possibilities were examined to explain the observed slip in these less than optimally oriented fault planes. First, the frictional coefficient was held constant on all faults, hydrostatic pore pressure was assumed regionally, and the fault zone pore pressure was determined. Since pore pressure is a measurable quantity with real limits in the crust (P0 \u3c S3), this end-member case was used to determine which of the geometrically possible slip planes were frictionally likely slip planes. Alternately, pore pressure was fixed at hydrostatic everywhere, and the required relative lowered frictional coefficient of the fault zone was computed. Slip in 23 of the 25 geometrically compatible earthquakes was determined to also be frictionally likely in response to an approximately horizontal and vertical regional stress field derived from plate-driving forces whose magnitudes are constrained by the frictional strength of optimally oriented faults (assuming hydrostatic pore pressure regionally). The conditions for slip on these 23 relatively well-oriented earthquake faults were determined relative to this regional crustal strength model and require only moderate increases in pore pressure (between about 0.4-0.8 of lithostatic, hydrostatic is about 0.37 of lithostatic) or, alternately, moderate lowering (\u3c50%) of the frictional coefficient on the faults which slipped. Superlithostatic pore pressures are not required. Focal mechanisms for the two other earthquakes with slip vectors geometrically consistent with the regional stress field, however, did require pore pressures far exceeding the least principal stress (or extremely low coefficients of friction). These events may reflect either local stress rotations undetected with current sampling or poorly constrained focal mechanisms. The analysis also confirmed a roughly north to south contrast in stress regime between the central eastern United States and southeastern Canada previously inferred from a contrast in focal mechanisms between the two areas: most central eastern United States earthquakes occur in response to a strike-slip stress regime, whereas the southeastern Canadian events require a thrust faulting stress regime. This contrast in stress regime, with a constant maximum horizontal stress orientation determined by far-field plate-driving forces, requires a systematic lateral variation in relative stress magnitudes. Superposition of stresses due to simple flexural models of glacial rebound stresses are of the correct sense to explain the observed lateral variation, but maximum computed rebound-related stress magnitude changes are quite small (about 10 MPa) and do not appear large enough to account for the stress regime change if commonly assumed stress magnitudes determined from frictional strength apply to the crust at seismogenic depths

    Stress Field Constraints on Intraplate Seismicity in Eastern North America

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    Focal mechanisms of 32 North American midplate earthquakes (mb = 3.8-6.5) were evaluated to determine if slip is compatible with a broad-scale regional stress field derived from plate-driving forces and, if so, under what conditions (stress regime, pore pressure, and frictional coefficient). Using independent information on in situ stress orientations from well bore breakout and hydraulic fracturing data and assuming that the regional principal stresses are in approximately horizontal and vertical planes ( ± 10 °), the constraint that the slip vector represents the direction of maximum resolved shear stress on the fault plane was used to calculate relative stress magnitudes defined by the parameter Φ = (S2-S3)/(S1-S3) from the fault/stress geometry. As long as the focal mechanism has a component of oblique slip (i.e., the B axis does not coincide with the intermediate principal stress direction), this calculation identifies which of the two nodal planes is a geometrically possible slip plane (Gephart, 1985). Slip in a majority of the earthquakes (25 of 32) was found to be geometrically compatible with reactivation of favorably oriented preexisting fault planes in response to the broad-scale uniform regional stress field. Slip in five events was clearly inconsistent with the regional stress field and appears to require a localized stress anomaly to explain the seismicity. Significantly, all five of these events occurred prior to 1970 (when many regional networks were installed), and their focal mechanisms are inconsistent with more recent solutions of nearby smaller events. The frictional likelihood of the geometrically possible slip on the selected fault planes was evaluated in the context of conventional frictional faulting theory. The ratio of shear to normal stress on the fault planes at hypocentral depth was calculated relative to an assumed regional stress field. Regional stress magnitudes were determined from (1) S1/S3 ratios based on the frictional strength of optimally oriented faults (the basis for the linear brittle portion of lithospheric strength profiles), (2) the computed relative stress magnitude ( Φ) values, and (3) a vertical principal stress assumed equal to the lithostat. Two end-member possibilities were examined to explain the observed slip in these less than optimally oriented fault planes. First, the frictional coefficient was held constant on all faults, hydrostatic pore pressure was assumed regionally, and the fault zone pore pressure was determined. Since pore pressure is a measurable quantity with real limits in the crust (P0 \u3c S3), this end-member case was used to determine which of the geometrically possible slip planes were frictionally likely slip planes. Alternately, pore pressure was fixed at hydrostatic everywhere, and the required relative lowered frictional coefficient of the fault zone was computed. Slip in 23 of the 25 geometrically compatible earthquakes was determined to also be frictionally likely in response to an approximately horizontal and vertical regional stress field derived from plate-driving forces whose magnitudes are constrained by the frictional strength of optimally oriented faults (assuming hydrostatic pore pressure regionally). The conditions for slip on these 23 relatively well-oriented earthquake faults were determined relative to this regional crustal strength model and require only moderate increases in pore pressure (between about 0.4-0.8 of lithostatic, hydrostatic is about 0.37 of lithostatic) or, alternately, moderate lowering (\u3c50%) of the frictional coefficient on the faults which slipped. Superlithostatic pore pressures are not required. Focal mechanisms for the two other earthquakes with slip vectors geometrically consistent with the regional stress field, however, did require pore pressures far exceeding the least principal stress (or extremely low coefficients of friction). These events may reflect either local stress rotations undetected with current sampling or poorly constrained focal mechanisms. The analysis also confirmed a roughly north to south contrast in stress regime between the central eastern United States and southeastern Canada previously inferred from a contrast in focal mechanisms between the two areas: most central eastern United States earthquakes occur in response to a strike-slip stress regime, whereas the southeastern Canadian events require a thrust faulting stress regime. This contrast in stress regime, with a constant maximum horizontal stress orientation determined by far-field plate-driving forces, requires a systematic lateral variation in relative stress magnitudes. Superposition of stresses due to simple flexural models of glacial rebound stresses are of the correct sense to explain the observed lateral variation, but maximum computed rebound-related stress magnitude changes are quite small (about 10 MPa) and do not appear large enough to account for the stress regime change if commonly assumed stress magnitudes determined from frictional strength apply to the crust at seismogenic depths

    SAFOD Penetrates the San Andreas Fault

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    SAFOD, the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (Fig. 1), completed an important milestone in July 2005 by drilling through the San Andreas Fault at seismogenic depth. SAFOD is one of three major components of EarthScope, a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) initiative being conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The International Continental Scientific DrillingProgram (ICDP) provides engineering and technical support for the project as well as online access to project data and information (http://www.icdp-online.de/sites/sanandreas/news/news1.html). In 2002, the ICDP, the NSF, and the USGS provided funding for a pilot hole project at the SAFOD site. Twenty scientifi c papers summarizing the results of the pilot hole project as well as pre-SAFOD site characterization studies were published in Geophysical Research Letters (Vol.31, Nos. 12 and 15, 2004)

    Global crustal stress pattern based on the world stress map database release 2008

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    The World Stress Map (WSM) project is a global compilation of information on the contemporary crustal stress field from a wide range of stress indicators. The WSM database release 2008 contains 21,750 stress data records that are quality-ranked using an updated and refined quality-ranking scheme. Almost 17,000 of these data records have A–C quality and are considered to record the orientation of maximum horizontal compressional stress SH to within ±25°. As this is almost a triplication of data records compared with the first WSM database release in 1992, we reinvestigate the spatial wave-length of the stress patterns with a statistical analysis on a global 0.5° grid. The resulting smoothed global stress map displays both; the mean SH orientation that follows from the maximum smoothing radius for which the standard deviation is 2000 km) exist for example in North America and NE Asia. These have been used in earlier analyses to conclude that the global stress pattern is primarily controlled by plate boundary forces that are transmitted into the intraplate region. However, our analysis reveals that rather short wave-length of the stress pattern <200 km are quite frequent too, particularly in western Europe, Alaska and the Aleutians, the southern Rocky Mountains, Basin and Range province, Scandinavia, Caucasus, most of the Himalayas and Indonesia. This implies that local stress sources such as density contrasts and active fault systems in some areas have high impact in comparison to plate boundary forces and control the regional stress pattern

    Stress orientations and magnitudes in the SAFOD pilot hole

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    Borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures in the 2.2-km-deep SAFOD pilot hole at Parkfield, CA, indicate significant local variations in the direction of the maximum horizontal compressive stress, SHmax, but show a generalized increase in the angle between SHmax and the San Andreas Fault with depth. This angle ranges from a minimum of 25 ± 10 ° at 1000–1150 m to a maximum of 69 ± 14 ° at 2050–2200 m. The simultaneous occurrence of tensile fractures and borehole breakouts indicates a transitional strike-slip to reverse faulting stress regime with high horizontal differential stress, although there is considerable uncertainty in our estimates of horizontal stress magnitudes. If stress observations near the bottom of the pilot hole are representative of stresses acting at greater depth, then they are consistent with regional stress field indicators and an anomalously weak San Andreas Fault in an otherwise strong crust

    Characterizing the Potential for Injection-Induced Fault Reactivation Through Subsurface Structural Mapping and Stress Field Analysis, Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas

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    Kansas, like other parts of the central U.S., has experienced a recent increase in seismicity. Correlation of these events with brine disposal operations suggests pore fluid pressure increases are reactivating preexisting faults, but rigorous evaluation at injection sites is lacking. Here we determine the suitability of CO2 injection into the Cambrian‐Ordovician Arbuckle Group for long‐term storage and into a Mississippian reservoir for enhanced oil recovery in Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas. To determine the potential for injection‐induced earthquakes, we map subsurface faults and estimate in situ stresses, perform slip and dilation tendency analyses to identify well‐oriented faults relative to the estimated stress field, and determine the pressure changes required to induce slip at reservoir and basement depths. Three‐dimensional seismic reflection data reveal 12 near‐vertical faults, mostly striking NNE, consistent with nodal planes from moment tensor solutions from recent earthquakes in the region. Most of the faults cut both reservoirs and several clearly penetrate the Precambrian basement. Drilling‐induced fractures (N = 40) identified from image logs and inversion of earthquake moment tensor solutions (N = 65) indicate that the maximum horizontal stress is approximately EW. Slip tendency analysis indicates that faults striking <020° are stable under current reservoir conditions, whereas faults striking 020°–049° may be prone to reactivation with increasing pore fluid pressure. Although the proposed injection volume (40,000 t) is unlikely to reactive faults at reservoir depths, high‐rate injection operations could reach pressures beyond the critical threshold for slip within the basement, as demonstrated by the large number of injection‐induced earthquakes west of the study area