32 research outputs found

    Norway-UK comparative analysis of sustainability in design education

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    © 2018 Institution of Engineering Designers The Design Society. All Rights Reserved. Education for sustainability seeks to educate students in a manner that promotes sustainable development, acknowledging upcoming societal, economic, and technological changes and equipping learners to adapt to these developments. This preliminary exploratory study investigates British and Norwegian government strategies and visions that address these changes and compares them to curricula for design education. This study uses a hermeneutical approach to textual interpretation based on emerging topics from the strategies, and analyses the curricula in light of sustainable education and transformative theory. The findings show the similarities between the two countries; both favour technical skills, whereas issues of an aging society and practicing critical reflection are rarely addressed. Therefore, this paper calls for discussion on the formulation of design education curricula and the skills it prioritises


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    Este artigo apresenta a metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do projeto e produção de um protótipo de abridor de latas e garrafas. Este projeto foi concebido com base em resultados de testes de usabilidade que avaliavam ergonomia, conforto e estética dos abridores comuns

    Determinant Moments in Design Management

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    Design management has occupied a privileged place in debates related to the field of design and innovation in fashion industry. The apparel industry, in particular, presents a dynamic character, requiring constant updates on raw materials, changes in colors and textures, innovations and new product launches to follow trends in this industry. So, this paper aims to systematize the process of product development, identifying activities and actors involved in the product development process and mapping the determinant moments for the design management occurrence in context analysis. The methodology used was a systematic literature review and a multiple case study. As results, players involved have been identified as well the product development process and the intervenient factors in design management of companies imbricated in the apparel industry. We also have identified determinant moments for the occurrence of design management, throughout the product development process


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    O design de próteses para pessoas com amputação ou má-formação de membros é uma das aplicações em Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) expressivamente beneficiadas pelos avanços tecnológicos em processos, sistemas e materiais. Entretanto, muitos aspectos deste produto ainda representam problemas ergonômicos que comprometem o conforto e usabilidade, tais como a interface entre o coto e soquete. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever, por meio de um estudo de caso, a aplicação dos princípios do Design Centrado no Usuário (DCU) associado às Tecnologias de Prototipagem Rápida (TPR) no desenvolvimento de um soquete para uma prótese transradial. O processo envolveu a participação de um adulto do gênero masculino e com má-formação congênita do membro superior esquerdo. Foram desenvolvidas e avaliadas quatro alternativas de soquete e, após avaliação com o usuário, foi desenvolvido um liner a partir da última alternativa, que foi considerada segura e confortável pelo participante. Portanto, observou-se que a integração entre DCU e TPR permitiu o aprimoramento dos aspectos ergonômicos do design da interface, demonstrando assim potencial para contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento de outras TA


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    Design, Vehicles' Ergonomics, Comfort The present paper analyses the relationship between design and comfort among pilots of Baja SAE competitionvehicles. The results indicate that differences between the two models under evaluation, affected the room available to use the control-panel, the driver's posture, and consequently;  the comfort in the cockpit. The paper ends by recommending changes in the design to improve its ergonomic aspects.Design, Ergonomia de transporte, Conforto O presente artigo analisa a influência do design na percepção de conforto em pilotos do veículo de competição BAJA SAE. Os resultados indicam que diferenças nos designs de dois modelos, afetaram o espaço livre de manuseio dos controles, a postura, e consequentemente a sensação de conforto. O artigo encerra recomendando ajustes para um design mais ergonômico

    User Experience of Brazilian Public Healthcare System:A case study on the accessibility of the information provided

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    This paper describes a preliminary study into user experience of Brazilian Public Healthcare System - Sistema Unico de Saúde (SUS). It focuses on the accessibility of the information at three stages: information delivered by the doctor to the patient; the information available for the patient outside the clinic; and the type and amount of information the patient has to handle with meanwhile being diagnosed. This was based on a two-month ethnographic study of a patient diagnosed with liver cancer. The study takes into account the patient’s condition, his age, and his partner’s age, aiming to highlight challenges and gaps in the process, especially those extra demanding for elderly people. The results indicate that mapping the user experience and the key stages throughout the process are useful to outline and understand accessibility issues. The findings highlight opportunities in the process to design better interactions and ways to deliver information, considering elderly users needs.</p

    Extending Product Affordances to User Manuals

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    User instructions or user manuals are instructional booklets designed with the goal of providing an overview of a product and essential information for the user to operate the product. According to a study, users tend to avoid both paper manuals and electronic issues. The study found that users have difficulty connecting the instructions with the practice of using the products. Conventionally, user manuals are included with products in packaging and contain detailed information about the features and benefits of the product. As increasing numbers of products are being digitally integrated, and paper manuals (and updates) are becoming obsolete, they are being rapidly replaced by other media, such as video and software wizard guides. However, paper manuals remain used in the most first-use situations. The aim of this study is to provide an alternative way of designing manuals, where user-intended learning outcomes of manuals are matched with appropriate learning processes or methods. Therefore, a pedagogical approach to the design of instruction manuals is adopted. PID is the practice of creating “instructional experiences that make the acquisition of knowledge and skills more efficient, effective, and appealing.”. PID theory has been applied mainly in schools in context of course planning. However, its application to manuals can illustrate from a pedagogical perspective how design can help users connect instructions to their living practice. In this study, the participants, who were placed in the roles of users and designers, extended the focus of the original manual and introduced different dimensions of product usage in different contexts. They addressed product affordances in a step-by-step guide in which the improvisation space was minimal. In addition they focused on applications of the product in different usage situations in which the manuals have more of the inspirational role. Based on the findings of this study, participants tried to express product affordances in the user manuals

    Norway-UK Comparative Analysis of Sustainability in Design Education

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    Education for sustainability seeks to educate students in a manner that promotes sustainable development, acknowledging upcoming societal, economic, and technological changes and equipping learners to adapt to these developments. This preliminary exploratory study investigates British and Norwegian government strategies and visions that address these changes and compares them to curricula for design education. This study uses a hermeneutical approach to textual interpretation based on emerging topics from the strategies, and analyzes the curricula in light of sustainable education and transformative theory. The findings show the similarities between the two countries; both favor technical skills, whereas issues of an aging society and practicing critical reflection are rarely addressed. Therefore, this paper calls for discussion on the formulation of design education curricula and the skills it prioritizes