505 research outputs found

    Nach einem Duett mit Julia höchste Exaltation

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    Dieser Artikel ist die Beschreibung eines E.T.A. Hoffmann-Festes, das im Jahre 2005 an der Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Kanada stattgefunden hat. Zunächst werden das Kursdesign, die pädagogischen Ziele und der organisatorische Rahmen des produktorientierten deutschen Theaterkurses vorgestellt, dessen Teilnehmer die öffentliche Theateraufführung zum Thema E.T.A. Hoffmann am Ende des Semesters gestaltet haben. Die zweite Hälfte des Artikels beleuchtet die vielfältigen Aspekte der Konzeption, der Skripterstellung, der Dramaturgie und Regie der Inszenierungen. Dabei werden literatur-, kultur- und musikwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen in ihrer Bedeutung für die Aufführungspraxis besondere Beachtung geschenkt. Dieser Artikel ist die Beschreibung eines E.T.A. Hoffmann-Festes, das im Jahre 2005 an der Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Kanada stattgefunden hat. Zunächst werden das Kursdesign, die pädagogischen Ziele und der organisatorische Rahmen des produktorientierten deutschen Theaterkurses vorgestellt, dessen Teilnehmer die öffentliche Theateraufführung zum Thema E.T.A. Hoffmann am Ende des Semesters gestaltet haben. Die zweite Hälfte des Artikels beleuchtet die vielfältigen Aspekte der Konzeption, der Skripterstellung, der Dramaturgie und Regie der Inszenierungen. Dabei werden literatur-, kultur- und musikwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen in ihrer Bedeutung für die Aufführungspraxis besondere Beachtung geschenkt

    Auswirkungen von Privatisierung und Ausgliederung auf die organisationale Identität

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    Die Auswirkungen von Privatisierung und Ausgliederung auf die organisationale Identität wurden in den bisherigen Forschungen noch nicht untersucht. Diese Arbeit gibt Einblicke in die Konstruktion und Rekonstruktion organisationaler Identität. Zunächst wird dazu der State of the Art zur "Organizational Identity"-Forschung aufgearbeitet. Die Dissertation verfolgt dabei einen narrativ-konstruktivistischen Zugang. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage werden zwei empirische Fallbeispiele herangezogen. Dazu werden in einem privatisierten und einem ausgegliederten Unternehmen qualitative Interviews durchgeführt, die mithilfe der objektiven Hermeneutik ausgewertet werden. In einem nächsten Schritt wird die Auswertung um eine diskurstheoretische Reflexion erweitert. Dabei werden Themen und Akteure in den Geschichten einer genaueren Betrachtung unterzogen. In beiden Fallbeispielen lassen sich idente Themen finden, die anhand von gegensätzlichen Kategorien dargestellt werden. Die Interpretation der Themen ist etwas Organisationstypisches und verändert sich im Rahmen der Privatisierung und Ausgliederung laufend. Die Akteursstruktur - und damit die Rollenverteilung in den Geschichten - verändert sich im Laufe der Privatisierung und Ausgliederung ebenfalls. Erwartungsunsicherheit bildet im Prozess ein Kernthema. Aus den empirischen Ergebnissen heraus wird ein Modell der Konstruktion und Rekonstruktion organisationaler Identität entwickelt. Unternehmensgeschichte, Macht, Emotionen und Rollenidentitäten spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Organisationale Identität stellt hier eine Balance zwischen Stabilität und Veränderung dar und bildet eine Brücke zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft einer Organisation

    Integrating Semantic Web technologies and Multi-Agent Systems: a Semantic Description of Multi-Agent Organizations

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-918/111110296.pdfInternational audienceDecentralization and openness are inherent properties of multi- agent systems (MAS). The technologies they provide are thus the right abstrac- tion for developing Web-oriented applications. Moreover, di erent works have been proposed to use Semantic Web technologies (SWT) for representing vari- ous dimensions of MAS (e.g., interaction protocols, norms, organizations). Given these facts, we think it is time to go a step further by integrating SWT and MAS in order to improve reusability of data, knowledge, coordination strategies, etc. on the Web and across systems. In this paper, we take a rst step in this direc- tion by proposing a semantic description of multi-agent organizations, showing the bene t regarding integration with Web ontologies

    Generating and sustaining long-lived spin states in 15N,15N′-azobenzene

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    Long-Lived spin States (LLSs) hold a great promise for sustaining non-thermal spin order and investigating various slow processes by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Of special interest for such application are molecules containing nearly equivalent magnetic nuclei, which possess LLSs even at high magnetic fields. In this work, we report an LLS in trans-15N,15N′-azobenzene. The singlet state of the 15N spin pair exhibits a long-lived character. We solve the challenging problem of generating and detecting this LLS and further increase the LLS population by converting the much higher magnetization of protons into the 15N singlet spin order. As far as the longevity of this spin order is concerned, various schemes have been tested for sustaining the LLS. Lifetimes of 17 minutes have been achieved at 16.4 T, a value about 250 times longer than the longitudinal relaxation time of 15N in this magnetic field. We believe that such extended relaxation times, along with the photochromic properties of azobenzene, which changes conformation upon light irradiation and can be hyperpolarized by using parahydrogen, are promising for designing new experiments with photo-switchable long-lived hyperpolarization

    El uso del MOVE en las estrategias de desplazamientos cotidianos de mujeres en Belo Horizonte

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    A presente dissertação aborda o tema do papel do MOVE, sistema Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) da cidade de Belo Horizonte e sua área metropolitana, na configuração das mobilidades urbanas de mulheres. O ponto teórico de partida é a virada da mobilidade e a distribuição diferenciada do capital móvel entre homens e mulheres. O sistema BRT implementado na capital mineira apresenta algumas características próprias, como o fato de se contarem com dois serviços paralelos e independentes. O serviço municipal é gerido pela BHTRANS enquanto o metropolitano é de ingerência da SETOP. Para entender como as belo-horizontinas utilizam ambos os sistemas, foi planejada uma entrevista itinerante para coletar informações qualitativas e quantitativas das usuárias, suas rotinas e suas mobilidades cotidianas. Foram consultadas vinte e três mulheres de diferentes faixas etárias – jovens, adultas e idosas – usuárias do sistema municipal e metropolitano. As entrevistas revelaram que dentre as diversas motivações das usuárias do MOVE, as principais são trabalho e estudo, assim como a realização de atividades religiosas ou de lazer. As mulheres descreveram estratégias em torno ao uso do tempo e do dinheiro, à realização de atividades de cuidado, da procura de segurança e conforto e o conhecimento de tecnologias. A aparição do sistema demandou das mulheres uma adaptação, o que mesmo após o aprendizado não significou uma satisfação por parte de todas as usuárias. Das vinte e três mulheres entrevistadas, tiveram ponderações negativas, quatro mostram-se neutras e as treze restantes avaliaram positivamente o impacto do MOVE. As potenciais variáveis explicativas para as tendências encontradas nas avaliações são a idade das mulheres (as jovens e as idosas tendem a encontrar maiores benefícios do que desvantagens no sistema) e o tempo total de viagem (quanto maior a viagem, maior a possibilidade de achar problemas no sistema). As moradoras do município de Belo Horizonte também tendem à avaliação positiva. Ainda sendo que o MOVE é parte importante dos deslocamentos das mulheres entrevistadas, elas combinam seu uso com os ônibus convencionais e a caminhada. As viagens de várias entrevistadas fogem do padrão observado na teoria, que as descreve como mais curtas, mas em maior quantidade. Contudo o MOVE foi planejado para deslocamentos maiores, o que pode explicar a contra-tendência.La disertación aborda el papel del MOVE, sistema Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) de Belo Horizonte y su área metropolitana, en las movilidades urbanas cotidianas de mujeres. El punto teórico de partida es el paradigma de las movilidades y la distribución diferenciada del capital móvil por género. En la capital de Minas Gerais coexisten dos servicios BRT paralelos e independientes. Para entender como las belo-horizontinas los utilizan, se diseñó una entrevista itinerante para recoger informaciones de las usuarias, sus rutinas y trayectos. Se consultó a veintitrés mujeres de diferentes rangos de edad. Las principales motivaciones de uso del sistema fueron trabajo y estudios, así como también actividades religiosas u ocio. Para tomar decisiones consideraron el uso del tiempo y dinero, las actividades de cuidado, la seguridad, comodidad y su literacidad tecnológica. No todas manifestaron satisfacción con el sistema. Las potenciales variables explicativas son la edad (las más jóvenes y las de la tercera edad tendieron a encontrar más beneficios) y el tiempo total de viaje (cuanto mayor el viaje, mayor la posibilidad de afrontar problemas). A pesar de que el MOVE es parte importante de los desplazamientos cotidianos de las entrevistadas, combinan su uso con ómnibus convencionales y la caminata.Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-GraduaçãoDisertación de maestrí

    Imaging findings of avalanche victims

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    Objective: Skiing and hiking outside the boundaries remains an attractive wilderness activity despite the danger of avalanches. Avalanches occur on a relatively frequent basis and may be devastating. Musculoskeletal radiologists should be acquainted with these injuries. Design and patients: Fourteen avalanche victims (11 men and 3 women; age range 17-59years, mean age 37.4years) were air transported to a high-grade trauma centre over a period of 2years. Results: Radiographs, CT and MR images were prospectively evaluated by two observers in consensus. Musculoskeletal findings (61%) were more frequent than extraskeletal findings (39%). Fractures were most commonly seen (36.6%), involving the spine (14.6%) more frequently than the extremities (9.8%). Blunt abdominal and thoracic trauma were the most frequent extraskeletal findings. Conclusion: A wide spectrum of injuries can be found in avalanche victims, ranging from extremity fractures to massive polytrauma. Asphyxia remains the main cause of death along with hypoxic brain injury and hypothermi

    Influencing factors on the implementation of forest reserves in Switzerland

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    In 1999, an international expert team found the neglect of biodiversity issues in Swiss forest policy to be one of its biggest weaknesses. Influenced by this scientific assessment, the Federal Forest Agency developed forest reserve guidelines with measurable objectives in cooperation with the constituent states (cantons). To assess the outcomes of the Swiss forest reserve concept, we surveyed cantons' implementation degree in 2011. In a previous paper, Kaeser et al. (For Policy Econ 3:6-13, 2013) discussed the survey's results from the perspective of new forms of governance in Swiss biodiversity policy. However, the use of different governance approaches could only partly account for the differences between the cantons' forest reserve areas. As a continuation of this study, the present paper contributes to the discussion about the influencing factors on the implementation of forest reserves in Swiss cantons. For this purpose, we examine the effect of institutional drivers, public policies, property rights and user conflicts in 22 Swiss cantons on their forest reserve areas by using a multiple regression. The effect of financial conditions and the share of protective forest of the cantons on forest reserves is statistically significant. The findings indicate that the potential for forest reserves in protective forests in the mountains has been neglected so far. A combination of forest reserves and protective forests could result in a win-win-situation of ‘less effort for the management of protective forest' and ‘more biodiversity'

    Low iron availability in continuous in vitro colonic fermentations induces strong dysbiosis of the child gut microbial consortium and a decrease in main metabolites

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    Iron (Fe) deficiency affects an estimated 2 billion people worldwide, and Fe supplements are a common corrective strategy. The impact of Fe deficiency and Fe supplementation on the complex microbial community of the child gut was studied using in vitro colonic fermentation models inoculated with immobilized fecal microbiota. Chyme media (all Fe chelated by 2,2′-dipyridyl to 26.5 mg Fe L−1) mimicking Fe deficiency and supplementation were continuously fermented. Fermentation effluent samples were analyzed daily on the microbial composition and metabolites by quantitative PCR, 16S rRNA gene 454-pyrosequencing, and HPLC. Low Fe conditions (1.56 mg Fe L−1) significantly decreased acetate concentrations, and subsequent Fe supplementation (26.5 mg Fe L−1) restored acetate production. High Fe following normal Fe conditions had no impact on the gut microbiota composition and metabolic activity. During very low Fe conditions (0.9 mg Fe L−1 or Fe chelated by 2,2′-dipyridyl), a decrease in Roseburia spp./Eubacterium rectale, Clostridium Cluster IV members and Bacteroides spp. was observed, while Lactobacillus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae increased consistent with a decrease in butyrate (−84%) and propionate (−55%). The strong dysbiosis of the gut microbiota together with decrease in main gut microbiota metabolites observed with very low iron conditions could weaken the barrier effect of the microbiota and negatively impact gut healt
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