192 research outputs found

    The effect of genetic parameters on inheritance of the first pod hight in snap bean - Phaseolus vulgaris L.

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    In order to research the inheritance, gene effect, combination abilities and genetic variance components, we investigated six divergent snap bean genotypes (Supernor, Darija, Grinkrop, Palanačka rana, Šumadinka and Zora) and their F1 progeny created by diallel crossing without reciprocals. For the trait of height of forming the first pod, variance of average value of parents and hybrids was highly significant. The value of dominant components (H1 and H2) was higher than additive component (D), meaning that dominant genes control the inheritance of number of pods per plant. The average level of domination √Hl/D is higher than 1, pointing to superdomination. Heritability in broader sence amounts 90% pointing to high contribution in inheriting the number of pods per plant

    Korelacije svojstava crnog luka pri organskom i mineralnom režimu ishrane

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    The aim of this two-year field study was to investigate the effects of different nutrient regimes on the interrelationships of onion (Allium cepa L.) yield and yield contributing characteristics (bulb weight, number of bulbs plot-1, plant height and number of days from sowing to emergence). The experiment involved five onion cultivars grown in conventional (mineral fertilization) and organic (unfertilized, bacterial fertilizer, farmyard manure) production systems. The trait associations were studied using two-dimensional biplot. The applied treatments affected all the traits investigated and those effects were stable across the growing seasons. Consistently positive correlations that have been found among yield, bulb weight, number of bulbs plot-1 and plant height imply the conclusion that taller plants perform better in all nutrient regimes. Early emergence correlated positively with yield only in favorable (mineral and bacterial fertilizer) environments. The close position of the two favorable entities on the biplot imply the possibility of achieving high and stable onion yields by applying an appropriate organic amendment.Dvogodišnji poljski ogled je postavljen sa ciljem ispitivanja uticaja različitih režima ishrane na odnose između prinosa crnog luka (Allium cepa L.) i svojstava koja se dovode u vezu sa prinosom (masa lukovice, broj lukovica parceli-1, visina biljke, broj dana od setve do nicanja). U ogled je bilo uključeno pet sorti crnog luka, gajenih u konvencionalnom (mineralno đubrivo) i organskom (bez đubrenja, mikrobiološko đubrivo, stajnjak) sistemu proizvodnje. Veze između svojstava su tumačene na osnovu dvodimenzionalnog biplota. Primenjeni tretmani su ispoljili značajan uticaj na sva proučavana svojstva i efekti ovih tretmana su bili stabilni u obe sezone. Pozitivne korelacije koje su utvrđene između prinosa, mase lukovice, broja lukovica parceli-1 i visine biljke upućuju na zaključak da biljke sa većom visinom daju bolje prinose pri svim režimima ishrane. Ranije nicanje je bilo u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa prinosom jedino pri povoljnijim (mineralno i mikrobiološko đubrivo) režimima ishrane. Bliska pozicija ova dva režima ishrane na biplotu upućuje na zaključak da se stabilan i visok prinos crnog luka može postići primenom odgovarajućih organskih đubriva


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    Mass-customization is related to optimizing the balance between flexibility, strongly required by the customer-focused industries and manufacturing efficiency, which is critical for market competitiveness. In the conventional industries, the process of designing, validating and manufacturing a product is long and expensive. Some of the common approaches for addressing those issues are parametric product modeling and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). However, the costs involved are still relatively high because of the very special expertise needed and the cost of the specialized software. Also, the specific design of the product cannot be validated in a real-time, which often leads to making hard compromises between the specific customer requirements and the structural properties of the product in its exploitation. In this paper, we propose the novel methodology for real-time structural analysis assistance for custom product design. We introduce the concept of so-called compiled FEA model, a Machine Learning (ML) model, consisting of dataset of characteristic product parameters and associated physical quantities and properties, selected ML algorithms and the sets of associated hyperparameters. A case study of creating a compiled FEA model for the case of internal orthopedic fixator is provided

    Model-driven data-intensive Enterprise Information Systems

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    Towards Sensing Information Systems

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    Recent advances in the field of pervasive computing, including the approaches and technologies related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are changing the way we perceive computing capability. Although the scientific communities have already started to discuss about the visionary concepts that will exploit these advances, such as Sensing and Liquid Enterprise, the truly smart and interoperable CPS networks are still confined to the ‘valley of death’ - between prototyping and mass-production. In this position paper, we propose the concept of Sensing Information System, a novel paradigm that will facilitate the transformation of CPS to Cyber Physical Ecosystems - borderless technical environments in which the devices will become capable to sense, perceive, decide and act, based on the external, common behavioural and context models. A case study is used to demonstrating the use of Sensing Information Systems for extended clinical workflows

    Svojstva cherry paradajza vezana za toleranciju na sušu u vegetativnom periodu životnog ciklusa

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    Seven cherry tomato local populations have been examined in terms of vegetative growth parameters (plant dry weight, root proportion in plant weight, plant height, number of leaves below the first flower branches, number of lateral branches, length of lateral branches of the first and second order) and measured under irrigation and drought conditions. Pot trial placed in greenhouse included control and drought treatment (volumetric soil water content of 35.0 and 20.9 %, respectively). Significant variability was found for all the analyzed parameters. In breeding of drought tolerant cultivars, attention should be paid on plant dry weight, root proportion in plant weight and plant height. In drought conditions, plants of lower stature had higher root proportion in plant weight and more lateral branches. Local populations designated as G137 and G132 in Smederevska Palanka tomato germplasm collection may be valuable initial material for breeding cherry tomato for drought tolerance. .Ispitana je varijabilnost sedam lokalnih populacija cherry paradajza u pogledu parametara vegetativnog rasta (suva masa biljke, udeo korena u masi biljke, visina biljke, broj listova do prve cvetne grane, broj bočnih grana, dužina bočnih grana prvog i drugog reda) ocenjenih u uslovima optimalne i nedovoljne obezbeđenosti vodom. Ogled je postavljen u saksijama (staklenik) i uključivao je kontrolu i sušni tretman (zapreminski procenat sadržaja vlage u zemljištu 35,0 % odnosno 20,9 %). Konstatovana je značajna varijabilnost svih analiziranih parametara. Kod oplemenjivanja sorti tolerantnih na sušu najveću pažnju bi trebalo obratiti na masu biljke, udeo korena u masi biljke i visinu biljke. U uslovima suše kod nižih biljaka je zabeležen veći udeo korena u masi biljke i veći broj bočnih grana. Kao polazna osnova za dalji rad bi mogle poslužiti lokalne populacije koje su u kolekciji Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci označene šiframa G 137 i G 132.

    Način nasleđivanja indeksa oblika lukovice crnog luka (Allium cepa L.)

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is a very important and widespread vegetable crop. Bulb shape index is a very significant biological and commercial trait. Bulb shape impacts the price, processing, resistance to diseases, etc., which is the reason why it is a very important economical trait. Success of the breeding process depends on genetic determination of the traits that were targeted in the selection process. In order to assess the genetic determination of bulb shape index, the trial was set up in the random block system with five replications, with diallel crossing without reciprocals. Bulb shape index in F1 generation was from flat-round to oval shaped. The most common heredity mode of the bulb shape index was superdomination. The highest value of GCA for shape index was found in 'Makoi bronzi', which was the indicator of the best combining abilities. The highest SCA in F1 and F2 generation was found in the hybrid 'Makoi bronzi' x 'AC 101'.Crni luk (Allium cepa L.) je izuzetno važna i široko raspostranjena povrtarska vrsta. Indeks oblika lukovice crnog luka predstavlja veoma značajno biološko i tržišno svojstvo. Oblik lukovica ima uticaja na tržišnu cenu crnog luka, proces dorade, otpotnost na bolesti, itd. Zbog ovoga, indeks oblika se ubraja u važnu ekonomsku osobinu lukovice crnog luka. Genetska determinisanost osobine utiče na uspešnost procesa selekcije. Kako bi utvrdili genetsku determinisanost indeksa oblika lukovice, postavljen je ogled po slučajnom blok sistemu u pet ponavljanja. Primenjen je metod dialelnog ukrštanja bez recipročnog. Posmatrajući hibridne kombinacije Fi generacije može se uočiti da se njihov indeks oblika lukovice kretao od pljosnato-okruglog do ovalnog. Najzastupljeniji način nasleđivanja indeksa oblika lukovice u ovom istraživanju je super dominacija. Najveću vrednost OKS za indeks oblika imala je linija 'Makoi bronzi'. Najvišu vrednost za PKS u F1 i F2 generaciji imao je hibrid dobijen ukrštanjem linije 'Makoi bronzi' x 'AC 101'

    Mode of inheritance and ammi analysis of onion (allium cepa l.) Bulb traits

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    The success in growing agricultural plants depends on genotype grown, environment and growing technology applied. The impacts of these factors should not be studied separately. Interaction among genotypes and environment was crucial for breeding work and improvement of variety characteristics. Very often in production practice it happens that when comparing the same varieties in different soil and weather conditions they are ranked differently. One of the key aims set at the breeders is breeding for the traits of wide adaptability and calculating of the complex components of genetic variance which is the main condition for successful breeding program such as breeding for increased yield and yield components. Trial was set up at random block system in five repetitions. Ten onion genotypes from the Institute for Vegetable Crops germplasm were used in this trial. After choosing the most stabile genotypes, they were crossed by applying full diallel without reciprocals. Then, a field trial was set up with parents and hybrids of F-1 and F-2 generation. The experiment has been set up at the trial field of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, for three years. The best adaptability in the experiment, for mass of the onion bulb had genotypes Makoi bronzi and Holandski zuti, while for average yield, it was Jasenicki crveni. Also, components of genetic variance in both progeny generations were calculated for mass, yield and height of fresh bulb. The most common heredity mode for mass and yield of the bulb was super-domination and domination of a better parent

    Modified PROMETHEE Approach for Solving Multi-Criteria Location Problems with Complex Criteria Functions

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    The specific problem that occurs in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) processes is ranking a number of alternatives using complex criteria functions (the hierarchical structure of criteria) whose values must consider the impacts of all-important characteristics and parameters of alternatives. The problem becomes more complex by increasing the number of levels of sub-criteria functions (degree of decomposition). This paper proposes an extended procedure based on the mean values conversion of the net outranking flow of sub-criterion functions obtained by modified PROMETHEE methods. The actual value of criterion functions is used only at the last level, and transformed values of the net outranking flow for generating a final rank of alternatives are introduced at other levels. This procedure provides a more objective comparison of the impact of various individual criteria to rank the alternatives and easier making of unique solution, where the impact of decision-maker (DM) experience and subjective estimation is minimised in the selection. Applicability and practicability of the presented procedure for solving the selection problem of a logistics warehouse location are demonstrated in the analysis of a case study example

    Rezultati oplemenjivanja salatnog krastavca (Cucumis sativus L.) u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka

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    Market significance of cucumber for fresh consumption and the new technology of growing make it one of the most attractive vegetable variety. Interest of producers is higher every day, while the selection of new varieties is very low. The aim of this research was the selection of cucumber intended for fresh consumption with good agronomic traits intended for growing in the greenhouses and in the open field. The researchers of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka created new cucumber hybrid which was recognized by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Plant protection in 2013, under the name 'Kralj'.Tržišna značajnost salatnog krastavca i nove tehnologije gajenja čine da on postaje jedna od najatraktivnijih povrtarskih vrsta. Zainteresovanost proizvođača je sve veća a domaća selekcija sorata na ovoj povrtarskoj vrsti je jako oskudna. Cilj ovog istraživanja je selekcija salatnog krastavca sa dobrim agronomskim osobinama namenjenog za gajenje u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju. Novi hibrid salatnog krastavca Kralj, kreiran je u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka. Hibrid je priznat kod MPVŠ, RS, Uprava za zaštitu bilja, 2013 godine pod nazivom Kralj