8 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan Menu Makanan Restoran Jinggo Hotel Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi Berdasarkan Margin Kontribusi dan Persentase Harga Pokok Makanan

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    The Food sales in hotel restaurant is one of the revenue received by hotel. Good and proper food menu management will make a contribution to hotel revenue. This study analyzes the food menu offered at Jinggo restaurant of Banyuwangi State Polytechnic Hotel. There are three methods used in this study, namely the contribution margin approach and popularity of each food, the food cost percentage approach and the popularity of each food, and the weighted average contribution margin approach and the percentage of food cost. Each method used produces the list of worth offered food. Furthermore, we investigate the relationship between each method and we choose the most suitable method at Jinggo restauran


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    Bamboo woven craft of Gintangan Village is one of the tourist attractions in Banyuwangi which has become a characteristic of Gintangan Village, Banyuwangi Regency and should be preserved. By interviewing the managers, sellers, craftsmen and the young generation, several real conditions were obtained which were then interpreted in the form of mathematical models and systems of differential equations. Furthermore, by analyzing the critical point of the system of differential equations, the condition of the existence of the Gintangan Village bamboo woven craft is obtained. The critical point showed that by providing the birth number that was greater than death number, the number of incoming residents was greater than the number of outgoing residents, and the conversion number of non-craftsmen to craftsmen was greater than number of craftsmen who decided to stop, it was found that at one time the number of non-craftsmen was little than the number of craftsmen. This situation has a good impact on the existence of bamboo woven craft of Gintangan Village in Banyuwangi


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    The development of community based tourism ideally focuses on community involvement both directly and indirectly in tourism activities. Community based tourism is still underdeveloped at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok. The research aims were identifying and analyzing potency, obstacles, and formulating the strategy and program to be applied in the development of community based tourism at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok. This research applied theory of planning and theory of tourism area life cycle. The data were collected by observation, in–depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method, and analysis of matrix SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats).Through interpretation with descriptive qualitative analysis and analysis of SWOT are found that, Community based tourism is very feasible to be developed at The Mandalika Kuta Lombok, with natural, social and cultural potential. Nevertheless, there are several obstacles that hinder them as such; destination management, environmental cleanliness, and institutional capacity. The development and solution of those obstacles are by applied strategies are as follows; strategy of strength–opportunity (S–O) with development strategy of tourism attraction., strategy of strength–threat (S–T) with improvement strategy of environmental cleanliness., strategy of weakness–opportunity (W–O) with promotion strategy of tourism destination., whereas strategy of weakness–threat (W–T) with development strategy of institutional capacity building. Associated the results expected to contribute in formulating planning and strategies for developing community based tourism as a sustainable and competitive. The development has to be a positive impact on the economy of the community

    Perbandingan Metode Halley dan Olver dalam Penentuan Akar-akar Penyelesaian Polinomial Wilkinson

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    Abstrak: Root finding adalah salah satu topik dalam metode numerik dalam menentukan akar suatu persamaan , biasanya persamaan tersebut dalam bentuk rumit dan sulit diselesaikan secara analitik. Dalam artikel ini suatu polinomial berderajat tinggi yaitu polinomial Wilkinson akan digunakan untuk menguji perbandingan akurasi metode Halley dan Olver, yang mana metode tersebut jarang digunakan karena kalah populer dengan metode Newton-Raphson, akan tetapi kedua metode tersebut memiliki kinerja yang cukup bagus dan lebih cepat konvergen dengan iterasi lebih sedikit. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi metode Halley pada iterasi ke-4 mendapatkan persentase galat 0,0029%, Metode Olver pada iterasi ke-5 mendapatkan persentase galat 0,0004% sedangkan metode Newton-Raphson membutuhkan iterasi ke-7 untuk mendapatkan persentase galat 0,0098%.Abstract:  Root finding is one of the topics in numerical methods for determaining roots of an equation  , usually that equation in the form of complicated and it will be difficult to be solved analytically. In this paper, high order polynomial like Polynomial Wilkinson will be used to test comparison the accuracy on Halley and Olver methods, which is those methods are rarely used for losing popular than Newton-Raphson method, but both methods had powerful performance and faster converging with less iteration.  Based on the simulation, Halley method on 4th iteration got percentage error  0,0029%, Olver method on 5th iteration got percentage error  0,0004%, while Newton-Raphson method are need  7th iteration got percentage error  0,0098%

    Pembuatan Kopi Decaf dalam Kemasan Drip Bag dengan Metode Cold Brew di Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi Banyuwangi

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    Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi is a coffee house that processes roasted coffee and coffee brewing products. The method of brewing coffee at Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi has been less practical, resulting in a thick, concentrated coffee body, relatively expensive products, and can only be enjoyed in one serving. This makes the process of brewing coffee inefficient and less economical. The cold brew method using drip bag coffee allows to solve this problem. This method results in a lower caffeine brew of coffee, can be used for several brews, and the product is more affordable. This program produces decaf coffee packaging products in drip bags that are ready to be marketed. This program was carried out well with the increasing of understanding and skills of business owners and employees in Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi.Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi merupakan usaha kopi rumahan yang mengolah kopi sangrai dan produk seduhan kopi. Metode seduhan kopi di Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi selama ini kurang praktis, menghasilkan body kopi yang tebal, pekat, produk relatif mahal, dan hanya bisa dinikmati dalam satu kali porsi. Hal ini membuat proses menyeduh kopi menjadi tidak efisien waktu dan kurang ekonomis. Metode cold brew menggunakan drip bag coffee memungkinkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Metode ini menghasilkan seduhan kopi yang lebih rendah kafein, dapat digunakan untuk beberapa kali seduh, dan produk lebih terjangkau. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan produk kemasan kopi decaf dalam drip bag yang siap dipasarkan. Kegiatan ini terlaksana dengan baik dengan meningkatnya pemahaman dan keterampilan pemilik usaha dan karyawan Rumah Kopi Ibu Bumi

    Implementasi Fault Tree Analysis pada Sistem Produksi Gula Semut sebagai Industri Kreatif Desa Gintangan Banyuwangi

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    Logika Matematika sebagai dasar dari konsep Analisis Fault Tree dapat diimpelementasikan pada berbagai bidang. Sebagai industri kreatif, produksi gula semut di Dusun Gumuk Agung sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan karena melimpahnya sumber air nira dari pohon kelapa. Gula semut adalah gula aren berbentuk butiran seperti pasir yang dibuat dari nira. Permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu sering terjadi kegagalan pada sistem produksi gula semut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan metode fault tree analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa defect pada proses produksi gula semut yaitu rasa asam, tidak berbentuk kristal, warna gelap dan serbuk tidak halus. Berdasarkan fault tree analysis, terdapat enam minimal cut-set yaitu nira tidak segera diolah, nira tidak disaring, buih saat pemanasan tidak dibuang, kadar air terlalu banyak, pengadukan kurang cepat, dan mengayak tidak dengan teliti. Solusi yang dapat diterapkan adalah menutup dengan rapat bumbung yang digunakan, kecuali pada bagian aliran masuknya nira, melakukan penyuluhan secara berkala dan membuat prosedur pengolahan gula semut. Selain itu, dibutuhkan adanya standarisasi ukuran kadar air, kecepatan pengadukan dan penambahan proses ayakan. Hasil ini diharapkan menjadi pedoman bagi para petani atau penderes agar diperoleh sistem produksi gula semut yang baik dan optimal untuk waktu berikutnya

    Analysis of the Carrying Capacity of Tourism Attraction in Realizing Sustainable Banyuwangi Tourism

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    Mass tourism is profitable for businesses and managers of tourist attractions. However, there are negative impacts, including environmental damage and the emergence of visitor dissatisfaction. As a destination, Banyuwangi has a fairly high level of tourist visits. Cacalan Beach is one of the tourist attractions in Banyuwangi which has a high number of visits. Cacalan Beach has various activities. Based on these problems, it is necessary to analyze the carrying capacity of the Cacalan Beach environment. This study uses the environmental carrying capacity method in the form of physical, real, managerial, and effective carrying capacity to produce the maximum value of the capacity or carrying capacity of Cacalan Beach. The results showed that the physical carrying capacity of recreational activities was 1.731 people, 220 people for canoe, and 80 people for camping. Considering environmental factors, a real carrying capacity of 213 people was obtained for recreational activities. Moreover, by looking at the number of existing managers, a managerial carrying capacity value of 85% was obtained which resulted in an effective carrying capacity of 181 people. This value is smaller than the average number of visitors to Cacalan Beach. Keywords: effective carrying capacity, physical carrying capacity, Cacalan Beac