138 research outputs found

    Host factors and early treatments to restrict paediatric HIV infection and early disease progression

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    open6noA body of evidence indicates that a threshold level of the virus is required to establish systemic and persistent HIV infection in the host and that this level depends on virus-host interactions. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is the main source of paediatric HIV infection and occurs when the host's immune system is still developing. Thus, innate resistance and immunity, rather than adaptive immune response, may be the main drivers in restricting the establishment of HIV reservoirs and the long-lived persistence of HIV infection in infants. Genetic variations in HIV co-receptors and their ligands, as well as in Toll-like receptors and defensins, key elements of innate immunity, have been demonstrated to influence the risk of perinatal HIV infection and disease progression in HIV-infected infants. Early treatments with combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) restrict paediatric infection by reducing the level of the transmitted/infecting virus to below the threshold required for the onset of immune response to the virus and also significantly reduce HIV reservoirs. However, despite long periods with no signs and symptoms of HIV infection, all early cART-treated children who later discontinued cART had a rebound of HIV, except for one case in whom a period of viral remission occurred. Which parameters predict viral remission or viral rebound after cART discontinuation? Could early cART prevent rather than just reduce the establishment of viral reservoirs? And, if so, how? Answers to these questions are also important in order to optimise the use of early cART in infants at high risk of HIV infection.openGianesin, Ketty; Petrara, Raffaella; Freguja, Riccardo; Zanchetta, Marisa; Giaquinto, Carlo; DE ROSSI, AnitaGianesin, Ketty; Petrara, Raffaella; Freguja, Riccardo; Zanchetta, Marisa; Giaquinto, Carlo; DE ROSSI, Anit

    Performance based building design to ensure building quality: from standardization to LEAN construction

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    The discipline of architectural design is influenced by the standardization activities concerning the construction and the development of tools for the coordination in the design process such as Building Information Modeling. The two disciplines contribute reciprocally to the achievement of the overall quality of the building process. To do so, it is strategic to develop researches on the following aspects: - definition of frameworks for the connection of the building system requirements to space and technology unit that defines it; - development of an inventory of interoperable and compliant technical solutions; - implementation of the discipline of model checking for project validation; and methodologies of comparison between intervention models; - implementation of collaborative environments for verification of compatibility between programs and regulations in order to identify the optimal design solution

    Premature aging and immune senescence in HIV-infected children

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    Objective: Several pieces of evidence indicate that HIV-infected adults undergo premature aging. The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy (ART) exposure on the aging process of HIV-infected children may be more deleterious since their immune system coevolves from birth with HIV. Design: Seventy-one HIV-infected (HIV+), 65 HIV-exposed-uninfected (HEU), and 56 HIV-unexposed-uninfected (HUU) children, all aged 0\u20135 years, were studied for biological aging and immune senescence. Methods: Telomere length and T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels were quantified in peripheral blood cells by real-time PCR. CD4+ and CD8+ cells were analysed for differentiation, senescence, and activation/exhaustion markers by flow cytometry. Results: Telomere lengths were significantly shorter in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (overall, P < 0.001 adjusted for age); HIV+ ART-naive (42%) children had shorter telomere length compared with children on ART (P = 0.003 adjusted for age). T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels and CD8+ recent thymic emigrant cells (CD45RA+CD31+) were significantly lower in the HIV+ than in control groups (overall, P = 0.025 and P = 0.005, respectively). Percentages of senescent (CD28-CD57+), activated (CD38+HLA-DR+), and exhausted (PD1+) CD8+ cells were significantly higher in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (P = 0.004, P < 0.001, and P < 0.001, respectively). Within the CD4+ cell subset, the percentage of senescent cells did not differ between HIV+ and controls, but programmed cell death receptor-1 expression was upregulated in the former. Conclusions: HIV-infected children exhibit premature biological aging with accelerated immune senescence, which particularly affects the CD8+ cell subset. HIV infection per se seems to influence the aging process, rather than exposure to ART for prophylaxis or treatmen

    Role of R5 phenotypic variation in mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1

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    chronic viral infections transmitted to infants: from mechanisms to prevention and care Meetin

    The loess deposits of Buca Dei Corvi section (Central Italy): Revisited

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    Loess deposits have been described in the past for the upper section of Buca Dei Corvi succession (Central Italy). In this paper the depositswere re-analysed to clarify the depositional environment and to attempt a paleoclimate reconstruction. Two radiocarbon dates on pedogenic carbonate constrain the ages to the Late Glacial, and are consistent with previous OSL dating of the top of the succession. The non-marine mollusc assemblage shows typical character of cold and dry climatic conditions, testified by strong oligotypical composition. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the sediments indicate the abundant presence of exotic quartz mineral which can be explained only by wind transport. Probably,wind transportwas also responsible of deposition of carbonatewhich then dissolved and re-precipitated producing pedogenic concretions. Stable isotopes (13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios) of the concretions are consistent with a climate drier than present conditions, with an environment characterized by sparse vegetation

    Características geoquímicas de las cuñas de hielo en Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz, Argentina): implicancias paleoambientales y cronológicas

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    Ground wedge structures of cryogenic origin are common in the Quaternary sediments along the coast of the Patagonia, and their formation is related to climatic cold events experienced by this area in the Late Quaternary. The infilling sediments of two wedges generations were analyzed in the area of Puerto Deseado. Bulk chemistry (major elements), X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphoscopic observations with Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) and chemical analyses of volcanic glass shards were undertaken to provide indications about infilling sediment provenience, along with chronological constraint for wedge formation. Bulk chemistry and XRD patterns indicate a significant SiO2- enriched composition of the sediment infilling compared to the most of the loess deposits of the North Argentina and the present day dust originated in Patagonia. This was interpreted as due to the nature of the bedrock present over the Deseado Massif. SEM morphoscopic characteristics of glass shards evidence typical aeolian reworking features, with impact structures and indented edges of the volcanic fragments. Chemical analyses of the glass shards indicate that they were probably generated by the H0 eruption (17,300-17,400 cal yr BP) of the Hudson volcano. Volcanological data indicate that H0 eruption dispersed toward NE, but volcanic glasses were available for reworking due to a WNW component in the western wind direction. Over the Deseado Massif structural high the glass shards mixed with sediments enriched in SiO2, and were eventually deflated further to SE reaching the present coastal area and infilling the frost cracks. The age of the glass shards (17,300-17,400 cal yr BP) and that of the sandy layer affected by cryogenic structures (14,670±750 yr BP) well constrain to the Late Glacial both wedge generations.Las cuñas de hielo son estructuras comunes en sedimentos cuaternarios a lo largo de la costa patagónica, y su formación está relacionada con eventos climáticos fríos experimentados en esta área en el Cuaternario Tardío. Se analizaron sedimentos que rellenan dos generaciones de cuñas de hielo en la zona de Puerto Deseado. Análisis químicos de elementos mayores, difractometría de rayos X (DRX), observaciones con microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM) y análisis químico de fragmentos de vidrio volcánico contenidos en el sedimento que rellena las cuñas proporcionaron información sobre la precedencia del relleno, además de inferir antecedentes cronológicos sobre su formación. La composición química del sedimento y la difracción de rayos X indican una composición enriquecida en SiO2 en comparación con la mayoría de los depósitos de loess del norte de Argentina y el polvo actual originado en la Patagonia. Esto fue interpretado como producto de la influencia de las rocas que constituyen el macizo del Deseado. Las características morfológicas de los fragmentos de vidrio evidencian rasgos típicos de retrabajo eólico, con presencia de estructuras de impacto y bordes dentados. Los análisis químicos de los fragmentos de vidrio son compatibles con un origen en la erupción H0 (17.300-17.400 cal yr BP) del volcán Hudson. Datos volcanológicos indican que la erupción H0 originó una pluma de dispersión hacia el NE. El material volcánico dispersado por esta erupción quedó disponible para ser retrabajado por una componente WNW de los vientos del W dominantes en la zona. Sobre el macizo del Deseado, los fragmentos de vidrio se mezclaron con sedimentos ricos en SiO2 y fueron adicionalmente, enriquecidos en este elemento hasta alcanzar el área de costa actual, rellenando las cuñas de hielo. La edad de los fragmentos de vidrio (17.300-17.400 cal yr BP) y de la capa arenosa afectada por las estructuras criogénicas (14.670±750 años BP) limitan al glacial tardío la formación de ambas generaciones de cuñas.Centro de Estudios Integrales de la Dinámica Exógen

    Premature aging and immune senescence in HIV-infected children.

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    Objective: Several pieces of evidence indicate that HIV-infected adults undergo premature aging. The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy (ART) exposure on the aging process of HIV-infected children may be more deleterious since their immune system coevolves from birth with HIV. Design: Seventy-one HIV-infected (HIV+), 65 HIV-exposed-uninfected (HEU), and 56 HIV-unexposed-uninfected (HUU) children, all aged 0-5 years, were studied for biological aging and immune senescence. Methods: Telomere length and T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels were quantified in peripheral blood cells by real-time PCR. CD4+ and CD8+ cells were analysed for differentiation, senescence, and activation/exhaustion markers by flow cytometry. Results: Telomere lengths were significantly shorter in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (overall, P < 0.001 adjusted for age); HIV+ ART-naive (42%) children had shorter telomere length compared with children on ART (P = 0.003 adjusted for age). T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels and CD8+ recent thymic emigrant cells (CD45RA+CD31+) were significantly lower in the HIV+ than in control groups (overall, P = 0.025 and P = 0.005, respectively). Percentages of senescent (CD28−CD57+), activated (CD38+HLA-DR+), and exhausted (PD1+) CD8+ cells were significantly higher in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (P = 0.004, P < 0.001, and P < 0.001, respectively). Within the CD4+ cell subset, the percentage of senescent cells did not differ between HIV+ and controls, but programmed cell death receptor-1 expression was upregulated in the former. Conclusions: HIV-infected children exhibit premature biological aging with accelerated immune senescence, which particularly affects the CD8+ cell subset. HIV infection per se seems to influence the aging process, rather than exposure to ART for prophylaxis or treatment. Keywords: immune activation, immune senescence, microbial translocation, pediatric HIV/AIDS, premature aging, telomere length, T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circl

    Niveles altos del mar durante el Último Máximo Interglacial deducidos mediante muescas de abrasión y márgenes internos de terrazas marinas en Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina

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    A detailed geomorphological survey was undertaken in the area of Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina) to reconstruct the Relative Sea-level (RSL) position during the Last Interglacial highstand. The presence of active and well-preserved abrasive notches and inner margins of terraces related to the MIS5e and to the Holocene, measured with DGPS, allowed to accurately estimate the RSL change from the present to the MIS5e highstand at ca. 21 m. The geomorphological and geochronological analyses support the notion of the presence of a significant regional tectonic uplift in the Atlantic Patagonia, which can be locally estimated at ca. 0.12 mm/yr.Se realizó un estudio geomorfológico detallado en la zona de Puerto Deseado (provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina) para reconstruir la posición relativa del nivel (RNM) del mar durante el Último Máximo Interglacial. La presencia de muescas de abrasión activas y bien conservadas, y la posición de los márgenes internos de las terrazas relacionadas con el MIS5e y el Holoceno, medido con GPS diferencial, permitió estimar con precisión el cambio RNM desde el presente hasta la transgresión MIS5e en aproximadamente 21 m. Los análisis geomorfológicos y geocronológicos sustentan la noción de la presencia de un significativo levantamiento tectónico regional en la Patagonia Atlántica, que puede estimarse localmente en alrededor de 0,12 mm/año.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Mid-Holocene relative sea-level changes along Atlantic Patagonia: new data from Camarones, Chubut, Argentina

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    This paper concerns the relative sea-level changes associated with the Atlantic Patagonian coast derived from sea-level index points whose elevation was determined by a differential global position system (DGPS). Bio encrustations from outcrops located near Camarones, Chubut, Argentina, consist of autochthonous deposits characterized by Austromegabalanus psittacus (Molina, 1782), encrusting acer vulinid foraminifera, coralline red algae and bryozoans. The association of the different organisms is interpreted as being associated with an intertidal environment, and they have been used as index points to establish the relative sea-level position. The main conclusion is that the relative sea-level between c. 7000 and 5300 cal. yr BP was in the range ofc. 2?4 m a.s.l., with a mean value of c. 3.5 m a.s.l. Our data seem to support the existence of different rates of relative sea-level fall in different sectors of Atlantic Patagonia during the Holocene and highlight the importance of a more precise and accurate relative sea-level estimation by producing new data and revisiting the indicative meaning of most of the indicators so far used in the area.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse