9 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Reservasi Kamar Hotel Untuk Praktikum Front Office Operations Pendidikan Pariwisata

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    Hotel merupakan salah satu sarana yang sangat penting untuk para wisatawan dapat singgah dan beristirahat. Sistem reservasi kamar hotel dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan pegawai hotel di front office untuk mencatat data pemesanan kamar. Dalam dunia pendidikan pariwisata seperti di program studi Hospitality dan Pariwisata, atau di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pariwisata, melayani reservasi kamar hotel kepada tamu dengan menggunakan aplikasi komputer merupakan hal yang perlu dipraktekkan di sekolah atau di kampus. Aplikasi Reservasi Kamar Hotel Untu Praktikum Front Office dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik: Observasi, Prototyping, dan Join Requirements Planning (JRP). Dirancang dengan menggunakan: Use Case diagram dan Activity diagram, juga dalam bentuk rancangan input dan output. Program aplikasi dibangun dengan menggunakan PHP dengan framework Yi dan database MySQL. Aplikasi dibangun seringkas dan seefektif mungkin sehingga dapat diimplementasikan dan dipraktekkan dengan mudah di sekolah kejuruan pariwisata dan perguruan tinggi pariwisata


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    Machine learning community is not only interested in maximizing classification accuracy, but also in minimizing the distances between the actual and the predicted class. Some ideas, like the cost-sensitive learning approach, are proposed to face this problem. In this paper, we propose two greedy wrapper forward cost-sensitive selective naive Bayes approaches. Both approaches readjust the probability thresholds of each class to select the class with the minimum-expected cost. The first algorithm (CSSNB-Accuracy) considers adding each variable to the model and measures the performance of the resulting model on the training data. The variable that most improves the accuracy, that is, the percentage of well classified instances between the readjusted class and actual class, is permanently added to the model. In contrast, the second algorithm (CS-SNB-Cost) considers adding variables that reduce the misclassification cost, that is, the distance between the readjusted class and actual class. We have tested our algorithms on the bibliometric indices prediction area. Considering the popularity of the well-known h-index, we have researched and built several prediction models to forecast the annual increase of the h-index for Neurosciences journals in a four-year time horizon. Results show that our approaches, particularly CS-SNB-Accuracy, achieved higher accuracy values than the analyzed cost sensitive classifiers and Bayesian classifiers. Furthermore, we also noted that the CS-SNB-Cost always achieved a lower average cost than all analyzed cost-sensitive and cost-insensitive classifiers. These cost sensitive selective naive Bayes approaches outperform the selective naive Bayes in terms of accuracy and average cost, so the cost-sensitive learning approach could be also applied in different probabilistic classification approaches


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    Basically, in achieving success, you must have a character which must be able to have personality in carrying out every problem in all phases of life. Early age must be trained so that it has a dignity and also has a form of personality that has value for future provision. Success can be achieved and pursued by focusing on how each person tries to make progress in every process when doing something new within themselves. Success requires something which needs will in everyone and also every human being. Humans are equipped with curiosity so that they have other things in themselves with different values. Erenos High School needs it as a form and also part of the development of all students to achieve success in the future. The activities were carried out and also carried out with great enthusiasm which were carried out in the school hall. The activity received a good and also positive response and lots of feedback from the participants.Basically, in achieving success, you must have a character which must be able to have personality in carrying out every problem in all phases of life. Early age must be trained so that it has a dignity and also has a form of personality that has value for future provision. Success can be achieved and pursued by focusing on how each person tries to make progress in every process when doing something new within themselves. Success requires something which needs will in everyone and also every human being. Humans are equipped with curiosity so that they have other things in themselves with different values. Erenos High School needs it as a form and also part of the development of all students to achieve success in the future. The activities were carried out and also carried out with great enthusiasm which were carried out in the school hall. The activity received a good and also positive response and lots of feedback from the participants


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    Media pembelajaran mrupakan sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk mentransformasikan pesan dan/atau informasi dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat memicu tanggapan atau perhatian dari minat siswa untuk belajar. Apabila media itu membawa pesan atau informasi dengan tujuan sebagai instruksional atau mengandung maksud pengajaran maka media itu dinamakan media pengajaran. Media memiliki fungsi untuk menjembatani informasi dari satu pihak dengan pihak yang lainnya. Dengan dikembangkannya media pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan data tangkap dan rangsangan otak siswa untuk belajar lebih fokus pada pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru. Jurnal ini memberikan gambarakan bagaimana proses merancang sebuah pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan software Camtasia Studio yang banyak memiliki kelebihan dan kemudahan dalam membuat media pembelajaran interaktif

    Pemisahan Anomali Regional-Residual pada Metode Gravitasi Menggunakan Metode Moving Average, Polynomial dan Inversion

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    It has been done a research about separation of regional-residual anomaly in Gravity method. This research compares the result of three methods i.e. moving average method, polynomial method, and inversion method. The computer program is created using a computer programming Matlab 7. From three methods that have been made, the separation results are compared with results of separation by using Upward Continuation method. From the results of these comparisons will be available an excellent program of regional-residual anomali separation. The results show that in polynomial method of the order 4 obtained similar contour to the separation by Upward Continuation Software. So that the output of this separation will be treated again with Grav2DC software. The output of this software is the density of rock Grav2DC of the study area. Processing results obtained the minimum error of 1.85% for the separation by polynomial method, while for the method of Upward Continuation obtained minimum error of 2.22%. The results obtained show that the separation of regional-residual anomali by polynomial method is similar to separation by Upward Continuation method. Keywords: Gravity method, Separation Regional-Residual Anomaly, Moving Average, Polynomial, Inversion Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemisahan anomali regional-residual pada metode Gravitasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga metode yaitu : metode moving averge, metode polinomial, dan metode inversi. Program komputer ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman komputer Matlab 7. Dari ketiga metode yang telah dibuat hasil pemisahannya akan dibandingkan dengan hasil pemisahan dengan metode Upward Continuation. Dari hasil pembandingan ini nantinya akan didapatkan sebuah program pemisahan anomali regional-residual yang sangat baik. Hasil pemisahan menunjukkan bahwa pada metode polinomial orde 4 didapatkan kontur yang hampir sama dengan hasil pemisahan dengan software Upward continuation. Sehingga hasil output dari pemisahan ini akan diolah lagi dengan software Grav2DC. Hasil output dari software Grav2DC ini adalah densitas batuan dari daerah penelitian. Dari hasil pengolahan didapatkan error minimum sebesar 1,85% untuk pemisahan dengan metode polinomial, sedangkan untuk metode Upward Continuation didapatkan error minimum sebesar 2,22%. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa hasil pemisahan anomali regional-residual dengan metode polinomial hampir sama dengan pemisahan anomali dengan software Upward Continuation. Kata kunci : Metode gravitasi, pemisahan anomali regional-residual, Moving Average, Polinomial, Invers