86 research outputs found

    Long-range transmission and distribution planning.

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    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1988 .Y697. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 62-13, Section: A. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1988

    Realizing the Prospects of the Demographic Dividend in Selected Arab Countries

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    Background: For most Arab countries, the coming ten years will reveal a real challenge with their changing age structure. Currently, a demographic window of opportunity is unlocked in many of those countries with the increase in the fraction of population in the working-age. Hence, the study investigates the relation between population growth and dependency ratio as demographic indicators and the per capita growth domestic product (GDP). Methods: A  time-series analysis  model  was developed for  Egypt and Morocco versus the Republic of Korea as an economically empowered country that had the same initial conditions in the early sixties. Data exploited are drawn from the World Bank and OECD databases. We adopt an income per capita growth model to analyze the role of demographic factors, mainly working-age share. Results There is a significant relationship between GDP per capita and the proportion of working age population. A significant long-run association between dependency ratio and per capita GDP is confirmed. The reduction of dependency load contributes to GDP per capita growth throughout the study duration by an annual rate of about 9 and 2 percent in Egypt and Morocco, respectively. Conclusion: The decline in the dependency ratio, or alternatively, the raise in the working age population has a favorable impact on economic growth. The paper presents supporting evidence to scale up the effect of age structure alteration and to realize the demographic dividend in the studied countries

    Impact of Nutritional Educational Program on the Nutritional Habits and Status among Older Adults at Qena City, Egypt

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    Background: The age-related changes of the gastrointestinal tract, availability of the food and the functional ability affect the nutritional intake among elderly people. Most of the diseases originate from malnutrition especially among the vulnerable group as older adults. Therefore, the aim of this study is to improve older adults' nutritional habits. The study followed a quesi experimental research design and was carried out in the Elderly Club at Qena City. Sample; One hundred and six older adults who fulfilled the inclusion criteria participated in this study and assigned randomly into fifty-three intervention group and fifty-three control group. Two tools were used to collect the data; Tool I Structured Interview Form and tool II Mini-Nutritional Assessment Scale. The results of this study revealed that there are no statistically significant differences of frequency of usual food consumed per week between pre-test and Posttest among the intervention or control group (P > 0.05). There are significance differences between pre-test and Posttest of food preparation method and the substances used in cooking among only the intervention group. It was concluded from the current study that the intervention improved the nutritional habits. Based on the study results, it will be useful implement the nutritional educational program at all older organizations which provide services to older adults such as elderly homes, elderly clubs, and hospitals in Egypt

    Contribution A La Caractérisation Physico-Chimique Des Effluents De La Cosumar (Casablanca, Maroc) En Vue De Leur Traitement Approprié

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    The production process of the agro-food industry is aimed to ensure consumer’s solvency and satisfaction. As a result, these industries are accelerating their pace and rate of production by resorting to the intensive use of natural resources, especially water and energy. This production rate is accompanied by an increase in the volume of wastewater. According to the normative and legal requirements governing the protection of environment, this wastewater requires characterization in order to guide the choice of their treatment system and recovery. This paper focuses on the physicochemical characteristics of sugar agro-food industry wastewater (Cosumar-Morocco) in order to guide the choice of their appropriate treatment, allowing the reduction of their impacts and nuisances on the marine receiving environment or their reuse. The results obtained, following a follow-up of 4 months (March, April, May and June 2015), revealed that the industrial wastewater of Cosumar is relatively warm and basic with average values of temperature and pH respectively equal to 42, 71 ° C (± 2.61) and 9.38 (± 1.64). These liquid effluents also exhibit a high charge of oxidable matter (average COD=4801.33 mg.l-1 (±2342.66), organic matter (BOD5=3959.01 mg.l-1 ±2293.65), and particulate matter (average solids content = 275, 5mg.l-1±143.25). Moreover, the raw wastewater presents a strong mineralization, which is justified by an Electrical Conductivity of 6828.33 μs.cm-1 (±1704.44) and a Sulphate content of 94.33 mg.l-1 (± 31.66). The average concentrations of Kjeldahl Nitrogen and total Phosphorus are 6.5 mg.l-1 (± 2.54) and 0.67 mg.l-1 (±0.562) respectively. The COD/BOD5 ratio is 1.21, indicating the biodegradability of the wastewater produced, through which the biological treatment can be recommended


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    Fore limb, loin and hind limb cuts of California and New Zealand white rabbits (both sexes) of a marketable age (2 and 3 months) were used to study the effect of certain processing methods (pressure cooking, roasting and smoking) on phospholipid components in rabbit meat. Phospholipids were fractionated applying thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) tech- nique to eight fractions (phosphatidylserine (PS), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), phos- phatidyl inositol (PI), sphingomyelin (SL), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), phosphatidic acid (PA) and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG)). Rather slight differences were observed between sexes, ages and three studied cuts in the quantities of phospholipid components. Phospholipid fractions showed qualitatively the same pattern as that of fresh meat in the three studied processing methods of rabbit meat. However, all studied processing methods resulted in a decrease in all phospholipid fraction contents, except that of Iysophosphatidyl choline and (phosphatidic acid + phosphatidyl glycerol) which slightly increased


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    Objective: Hepatic fibrosis is a wound-healing process in the liver with chronic injury and is characterized by an excess production and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Our aim is to investigate the hepatoprotective effects of caffeine against CCL4-induced liver fibrosis in rats and to be compared with the reference standard N-acetylcysteine (NAC).Methods: Rats were divided into 5 groups (n=8), the 1st group served as normal control, the 2nd group received corn oil, the 3rd group is a fibrosis control and the remaining two groups received in addition to CCL4, NAC (150 mg/kg/day) as a reference treatment and caffeine (15 mg/kg/day). At the end of experimental period the following parameters were measured, specific fibrosis biomarkers [hepatic transforming growth factor β1(TGF-β1) and hepatic hydroxyproline (HYP)], liver function biomarkers [serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), total bilirubin and albumin], lipid profile [serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-Ch) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-Ch)], inflammatory biomarkers [serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), hepatic myeloperoxidase (MPO)], oxidative stress biomarkers [hepatic malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH) and catalase (CAT)], relative liver body weight and liver histopathological study.Results: Caffeine significantly improved all the aforementioned biochemical parameters and liver sections obtained from this group showed prominent histopathological improvement.Conclusion: Caffeine hepatoprotective effects may be due to modulation of the fibrous scar formation, Improvement of liver function, Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potentials

    Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in an Adult Dentate Najaf /Iraqi Population by Using Digital Panoramic Radiographs

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    مقدمه: أجريت دراسات مختلفة عبر مجموعات سكانية مختلفة وأظهرت درجات متفاوتة من انتشار تشوهات الأسنان. كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقييم انتشار تشوهات الأسنان بين سكان النجف / العراق. طرق العمل:    تم إجراء دراسه للاشعات البانوراميه الاساسيه لـ 750 شخصًا تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 و 40 عامًا ، وتم فحص أسنان وفكين المرضى بالأشعة من حيث العدد والحجم والتركيب والموقع وشكل الأسنان . بالإضافة إلى  ذلك جود حجر فى اللب والتشوهات غير الشفافة في الفك تمت دراستها. تم تحليل النتائج باستعمال اختبار كاى سكوير   النتائج: وأظهرت النتائج أن نسبة انتشار تشوهات الأسنان كانت (32.8٪). والتشوهات في عدد الأسنان كانت (4.19٪) ، الحجم (10٪) ، التركيب (0٪) ، الموقع (50.33٪) ، الشكل (27.74٪) ، حجر فى اللب (5.48٪) ، والتشوهات الفكيه غير الشفافة شكلت (2.26٪).  كان أكثر أنواع التشوهات السنية شيوعًا هو تشوهات موقع الأسنان ، و 55.48٪ من الحالات الشاذة للأسنان كانت مرتبطة بأسنان الفك العلوي ، و 44.52٪ كانت مرتبطة بأسنان الفك السفلي.     كانت الأسنان الزائدة ، والأسنان الخلقية المفقودة ، والتبديل بالموقع ، والتخدد الداخلى والخارجى  كانت مرتبطة في الغالب بالقواطع العلوية ، بينما لوحظ الإزاحة بالموقع في الغالب مرتبطة بالأنياب العلوية. ارتبطت الأضراس العلوية في الغالب بحجر اللب والجذور المندمجة وصغر الحجم السنى ارتبطت الجذور الزائدة في الغالب مع الضواحك السفلية ، في حين أن الانقلاب ، والانحشار ، والتقوس ، وأسنان الثور ، ولآلئ المينا ترتبط في الغالب بالأضراس السفلية. شوهدت جميع التشوهات الفكيه غير الشفافة مصاحبة للفك السفلي فقط. الاستنتاجات: يعد التشخيص المبكر وتحديد مدى انتشار تشوهات الأسنان أمرًا مهمًا في تخطيط العلاج للمرضى.Background:    Studies were done across different populations showed a varying degrees of prevalence of dental anomalies. The present study was aimed to evalu­ate the dental anomalies prevalence for Najaf/Iraq population.  Methods:    Analysis was done for the standard Orthopantomograph of 750 subjects with ages ranging between 18 and 40 years. The teeth and jaws were examined radiographically for number, size, structure, position, and shape of the teeth. In addition, the presence of pulp stone and radio-opaque dental anomalies in the jaw was also studied. Chi-squared test was carried for the data analysis. Results:   The prevalence of dental anomalies was (32.8%).  Anomalies in number of teeth was (4.19%), size (10%), structure (0%), position (50.33%), shape (27.74%), pulp stone (5.48%), and the jaws radio-opaque anomalies constitutes (2.26%). The most common type of dental anomalies was anomalies of tooth position, and 55.48% of dental anomalies were associated with the maxillary teeth, and 44.52% were associated with the mandibular teeth.     The supernumerary teeth, congenital missing teeth, transposition, dens evaginatus, and dens invaginatus were mostly associated with the upper incisors, while the displacement was mostly seen associated with the upper canines.  Upper molars were mostly associated with pulp stone, fused roots and microdontia.    The supernumerary roots were mostly associated with lower premolars, while inversion, impaction, dilaceration, taurodontism, and enamel pearls are mostly associated with lower molars. All radio-opaque jaws anomalies were seen associated with the lower jaw only. Conclusion:   The determination of prevalence of dental anomalies is important for the early diagnosis and treatment planning of patients

    Effect of ultrasound on subserosal and intramural fibroids in vitro: A quasi-experimental study of physical therapy

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ultrasound (US) on extra subserosal and intramural uterine fibroids in vitro. A quasi-experimental, randomized, pre-post intervention study of physical therapy was conducted. Thirty women, who underwent myomectomy for subserosal or intramural fibroids with any leiomyomas' volumes in the operating room of Bab El-Sharia Hospital, participated in the study. Thirty uterine fibroids whose were collected from participants were randomly divided into three groups (I, II and III), and exposed to ultrasound therapy for 15, 30, and 45 minutes respectively. Leiomyomas volumes were measured using the fluid displacement method before and after the application of US. The samples were kept in saline solution immediately after their excision from operating room to be transferred to physical therapy department in same hospital to apply ultrasound therapy. Results of all study groups (I, II, and III) showed a statistically significant decrease in the volume of subserosal and intramural leiomyoma post US application (p>0.05). However, there was no statistically significant difference in the size of the subserosal and intramural leiomyoma between study groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, the ultrasound therapy is effective in shrinking the volume of subserosal and intramural leiomyomas without effect of long duration ultrasound therapy.

    Study of obesity associated proopiomelanocortin gene polymorphism: Relation to metabolic profile and eating habits in a sample of obese Egyptian children and adolescents

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    AbstractBackgroundMelanocortinergic system represents a known system involved in the central regulation of body weight with the central proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons forming a potent anorexigenic network. Polymorphisms in the POMC gene locus are associated with obesity phenotypes.AimTo assess the contribution of the POMC gene 9-bp insertional polymorphism in the susceptibility to obesity and its relation to body mass index (BMI) and adiposity-related co-morbidities in obese children and adolescents; as well as binge eating behavior.Patients and methodsFifty obese children and adolescents with simple obesity were screened for Binge Eating Disorder (BED) by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), they were compared to 50 age, sex and pubertal stage-matched non obese controls. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, abdominal ultrasound for fatty liver, measurement of fasting lipid profile, fasting insulin, fasting blood glucose and assessment of POMC gene 9-bp insertional polymorphism were done.ResultsObese patients had significantly higher anthropometric measurements, blood pressure percentiles, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and fasting lipid profiles, and higher frequency of occurrence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease and BED. Allelic frequencies of POMC gene 9bp insertional polymorphism were comparable in patients and controls (p=0.956). Fasting insulin levels were significantly higher in the heterozygous cases having the polymorphism than in wild homozygous cases; whereas no difference was observed among the controls.ConclusionThis polymorphism was associated with higher fasting insulin levels in the obese patients only. These findings support the hypothesis that the melanocortin pathway may modulate glucose metabolism in obese subjects indicating a possible gene-environment interaction. POMC variant may be involved in the natural history of polygenic obesity, contributing to the link between type 2 diabetes and obesity