301 research outputs found

    Sistemas voluntarios de gestión de playas de uso intensivo

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    El artículo destaca la importancia de la adopción voluntaria de sistemas de gestión de las playas como soporte de gran parte de la actividad turística española. Se describen brevemente las normas específicas desarrolladas recientemente para las playas turísticas de uso intensivo, en especialla norma UNE 150104 Y el proyecto de norma PNE 187001. Además, un análisis de la evolución de los certificados de gestión en las playas de la Comunidad Valenciana permite comprobar la aplicabilidad de estos sistemas y la compatibilidad entre ellos. El trabajo concluye que los sistemas de gestión y los distintivos de calidad de las playas suponen una oportunidad de mejora en los aspectos sociales, económicos y medioambientales del litoral. Sin embargo, se hace necesaria una revisión de estas normas en el marco de una gestión integrada dellitoral, pues en este momento se encuentran excesivamente orientadas hacia la satisfacción de los consumidores turísticos. No hacerlo supone olvidar aspectos fundamentales que podrían acarrear una pérdida de los atractivos naturales y paisajísticos que motivan, entre otros, los viajes turísticos.This paper highlights the importance of voluntarily adopting quality and environmental management systems in beaches to support the main Spanish tourism activity. Specific standards recently developed for intensively used tourism beaches are described; in particular, standard UNE 150104 and standard project PNE 187001. Additionally, an analysis of the evolution of management certificates in the beaches of the region of Valencia allows for testing the applicability of these systems and their compatibility. The study concludes that beach awards and management systems represent a chance for improvement on the social, economical, and environmental aspects of the coast. Nevertheless, a review of these standards is necessary under an integrated coastal zone management approach since at the present time they are mainly focussed on user satisfaction. Failure to do this would result in essential aspects being forgotten, which would in tum represent a loss of the natural and landscape attractions which are the main motivation for tourist visits

    Knowledge management in the construction industry: current state of knowledge and future research

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    Knowledge management in the construction industry has become an element of transition between traditional processes and the current needs demanded by technological change. This research reviews the updated scientific contributions of knowledge management in construction, as well as its influence. The results come from a bibliometric study, elaborating a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current state. The research method was divided into the following stages: preliminary approach to the bibliography, establishment of search strategies, selection and classification of articles, quantitative analysis and discussion of relevant articles. Three main factors were identified: use and exploitation of knowledge, knowledge transfer, and information technologies; five complementary facets were also identified: culture, innovation, quality, knowledge generation and human factors. The results reaffirm the importance of the use and exploitation of knowledge, in addition to increasing attention to the transfer and technology of information. However, the generation of knowledge has declined because the sector still does not report the results of applying knowledge, and this underlines the need for the future study of strategies to transform tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

    A postgraduate course on precast-prestressed concrete road bridges optimization

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.This paper deals with a postgraduate course in project engineering that forms part of an MSc course in Concrete Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València. The course is concerned first with the basic heuristic algorithms for structural optimization, and it then moves to the application of such algorithms to the practical design of real concrete structures such as walls, road portal and box frames, building frames, vaults, bridge piers, abutments and decks. Two design cases are presented. Simulated annealing (SA) is firstly applied to a prestressed concrete precast pedestrian bridges typically used in public works construction. The second type of structure analysed is a 35-35-35-35m prestressed concrete road bridge deck and 12m of width. A hybrid memetic algorithm (MA) is applied to the cost function objective. Finally, case studies indicate that heuristic optimization is a forthcoming option for the design of real-life prestressed structures

    An evolutionary algorithm approach to designing of precast-prestressed concrete road bridges with steel fiber-reinforcement

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.This paper describes a methodology to optimize CO2 emissions and the influence of steel fiberreinforcement when designing precast-prestressed concrete road bridges with a double U-shape cross-section. A hybrid evolutionary algorithm (EA) combining a genetic algorithm (GA) with variabledepth neighborhood search (VDNS) is applied to two objective functions: the embedded CO2 emissions and the economic cost of these structures. A span length of 30m and a deck width of 12m were considered. The problem involved 41 discrete design variables. The module computed the objective functions of a solution and checked all the relevant limit states. The application of the algorithm requires the initial calibration. Each heuristic is run nine times so as to obtain statistical information about the minimum, average and deviation of the results. Finally, solutions and run times indicate that heuristic optimization is a forthcoming option for the design of real-life prestressed structures

    Optimization of touristic distribution netwoorks using genetic algorithms

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    The eight basic elements to design genetic algorithms (GA) are described and applied to solve a low demand distribution problem of passengers for a hub airport in Alicante and 30 touristic destinations in Northern Africa and Western Europe. The flexibility of GA and the possibility of creating mutually beneficial feed-back processes with human intelligence to solve complex problems as well as the difficulties in detecting erroneous codes embedded in the software are described. A new three-parent edge mapped recombination operator is used to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem required for estimating associated costs with touristic distribution networks of low demand. GA proved to be very flexible especially in changing business environments and to solve decision-making problems involving ambiguous and sometimes contradictory constraints.Peer Reviewe

    Aplicación en la docencia posgrado de algoritmos heurísticos en la optimización de estructuras: Muros nervados

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    Esta comunicación presenta un curso de posgrado perteneciente al Máster Universitario en Ingeniería del Hormigón de la Universitat Politècnica de València dedicado a la formación en ingeniería. La materia se centra en el diseño automatizado de estructuras de hormigón cuyo objetivo pretende la optimización del coste de ejecución. El curso considera la mayoría de los algoritmos heurísticos básicos aplicándolos al diseño práctico de estructuras, tales como muros, pórticos y marcos de pasos inferiores de carreteras, pórticos de edificación, bóvedas, pilas, estribos y tableros de puentes. Se presenta el caso de estudio de la tipología de muro nervado de hormigón armado ejecutado in situ, usado comúnmente en la obra pública de carreteras. Se aplica el algoritmo recocido simulado (SA) a un muro de 10,00 m de altura. El modelo consta de 32 variables que definen la geometría estructural así como las características del hormigón y los armados. Se consideran varios conjuntos de parámetros para definir la heurística y cómo influyen éstos en la obtención de resultados. Finalmente, se concluye que la optimización heurística es una buena herramienta para diseñar muros reduciendo costes y que la elección de los parámetros que definen los algoritmos es fundamental para conseguir una robustez en los resultados

    Structural Expertise Through BIM

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    [EN] Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a leading technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC Industry) and nowadays is being adopted for most professionals and improving its capabilities. There is another big trend in the AEC Industries, the rehabilitation of unused or old buildings and its adaptation to the new demands. Lately, building renovation and rehabilitation have produced more income than the construction of new buildings in the Spanish housing market. The use of BIM for existing buildings combines the BIM data management abilities with the economic trends in the industry giving the professionals new tools to adapt those buildings. Structural reinforcement may be needed during the rehabilitations so structural expertise is usually performed. In this paper, we have created a tool linked to Autodesk Revit that can extract the necessary data from the BIM model and perform an expertise test through a concrete beam. By using BIM for this purpose, we can use the data stored in the BIM model to determine the necessity or not of structural reinforcement and give the professional more control over the project. The use of that stored data shortens the working time for the professional and avoids errors and oversights in the design. Since the building information model is a rich information database it can provide the necessary data to ensure the analysis. A case study is performed showing the capabilities of the tool. The research contributes to integrating structural rehabilitation into the BIM environments reducing the redundancy in software and unifying both, data storage and data analysis via the BIM methodology.Fernández-Mora, V.; Yepes, V. (2022). Structural Expertise Through BIM. Archidoct. The e-journal for the dissemination of doctoral research in architecture. 17(9):1-9. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1903351917

    Competencia Transversal 'Pensamiento Crítico' en el Grado de Ingeniería Civil: Valoración previa

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    Dentro del marco de las nuevas titulaciones de Grado asociadas al proceso de Convergencia Europea, se establecen además de las competencias específicas de la titulación académica, un conjunto de competencias transversales que tienen como objetivo preparar a los estudiantes en su inclusión al mercado laboral una vez finalizados los estudios. En la titulación de Grado en Ingeniería Civil se establecen 10 conceptos, equivalentes en términos de competencias transversales, para ser evaluados, asignándose para ello distintas asignaturas troncales o de especialidad. La competencia transversal denominada `pensamiento crítico` es asignada a la asignatura Procedimientos de Construcción que se cursa en 2º curso. La presente comunicación muestra los resultados de la percepción que tienen los alumnos de dicha asignatura respecto al pensamiento crítico basado en los fundamentos de los procesos constructivos. Se ha realizado para ello una encuesta anónima utilizando una escala Likert de 11 preguntas. Se ha elaborado un análisis factorial mediante el método de componentes principales para identificar las variables subyacentes o factores que expliquen la configuración de las correlaciones. Se ha propuesto un modelo de regresión múltiple para explicar las variables más comunales. Los resultados han permitido el diseño de actividades basadas en metodologías activas para la evaluación del pensamiento crítico

    Canales web en ciencias de la información: documentación informativa y producción multimedia en Complumedia-RTVDoc.

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    This paper provides an overview of the training, research and multimedia production activities undertaken by the Servicio de Documentación Multimedia (Multimedia Documentation Service) of Computense University’s Department of Library and Information Science, in collaboration with Latin American universities and other institutions. These activities encompass E-learning, blended and campus-based teaching, and rely heavily on the Service’s web channel RTVDoc, which offers multimedia contents both real-time and on demand. In what follows, I will also analyse a number of current projects led by the Service. Firstly, the Doctoral programme Documentación: Fundamentos, Tecnologías y Aplicaciones (2008- 2010) (Information Science: Foundations, Technologies and Applications), taught by the said department through e-learning. Secondly, the creation in 2007 of a thematic web channel, Complumedia-RTVDoc, devoted to multimedia production and digital information management in the media. Reference will also be made to the endeavours of the Laboratorio multimedia de formación, investigación y producción en línea (Multimedia Lab for Online Training, Research and Production), also operated by the Servicio, as well as to E-Televisión and Cine@Tele Online, two other web channels devoted to digital information management in the media. As a result of this analysis, I will make a number of suggestions on possible developments in this line of research. Finally, an annex is provided with a sample videography which draws from files contained in Complumedia-RTVDoc.Este trabajo presenta una panorámica (con referencia especial al canal web RTVDoc) de las actuaciones de formación, investigación y producción multimedia tanto presenciales como semipresenciales y virtuales -en tiempo real y en diferido- llevadas a cabo en el ámbito del Servicio de Documentación Multimedia del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en colaboración con otras universidades latinoamericanas e instituciones especializadas. Se comentan asimismo las realizaciones que se encuentran en estos momentos en vigor, destacándose el Programa de Doctorado Documentación: Fundamentos, Tecnologías y Aplicaciones (2008-2010), que se imparte en el marco del Departamento mencionado en un entorno exclusivamente virtual. Se destaca especialmente la puesta en funcionamiento, desde 2007, de un canal web temático (Complumedia-RTVDoc) en el ámbito universitario español para la gestión de información digital en medios de comunicación social (documentación informativa) y la producción multimedia. Se remite asimismo y muy brevemente a otros canales temáticos para la gestión de información digital en medios de comunicación social, de ámbito universitario y de empresa, como son E-Televisión y Cine@Tele Online. Se apuntan, en fin, unas propuestas de futuro enmarcadas en las líneas de investigación señaladas

    Chapter Discovering the marina’s cultural heritage and cultural landscape

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    Culture and heritage are relevant elements in the marinas’ landscape, and they could be competitive advantages in the management of these maritime facilities. This paper explores the marinas’ cultural heritage and cultural landscape, and it attempts to deep into the relationship between them. The identification and evaluation of these elements represents a main stage. It is also proposed three relationship models, ranging from integration, to strengthen and evolution, which enhance the image of the marina and its environment