21,652 research outputs found

    Fracture study of windshield glass panes

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    The major stresses which cause crack propagation in windshield glass panes are induced by bending moments which result from the pressure differentials across the panes. Hence the stress intensity factors for the finite plate with the semi-elliptical surface flaw and edge crack under the bending moments are examined. The results show that the crack growth will be upperbound if it is computed by using the stress intensity factor for the finite plate with the edge crack subjected to pure bending moments. Furthermore, if the ratio of crack depth to plate thickness, a/t, is within 0.3, the stress intensity factor can be conservatively assumed to be constant at the value of a/t equal to zero. A simplified equation to predict the structural life of glass panes is derived based on constant stress intensity factor. The accuracy of structural life is mainly dependent on how close the empirical parameter, m, can be estimated

    Effects of pressure and temperature on hot pressing a sialon

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    Mixed powders (60 m/o Al2O3-40 m/o Si3N4) were hot pressed at temperatures and pressures from 1360 to 1750 C and 3.5 to 27.5 MPa (0.5 to 4.0 ksi). Fully dense sialon bodies are obtainable at temperatures and pressures as low as 1550 C and 0.5 ksi. The fully dense bodies contain Beta prime and x-phase. There is some evidence that plastic deformation has contributed to densification

    Microstructure of hot-pressed Al2O3-Si3N4 mixtures as a function of holding temperature

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    Powder mixtures of 40 m/o Si3N4-60 m/o Al2O3 were hot-pressed at 4000 psi at various holding temperatures from 1100 C to 1700 C. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electro Microscopy results were correlated to X-ray phase analysis and density measurements. The progressively developed microstructure was used to interpret the densification behavior of SiAlON. Photomicrographs of microstructures are shown

    Improved method of fabricating planar gallium arsenide diodes

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    Improved method fabricates electroluminescent planar P-N gallium arsenide diodes. GaAs is masked with silicon monoxide to allow P-type impurities to be diffused into unmasked portions of GaAs to form P-N junctions

    The dissociation of subjective measures of mental workload and performance

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    Dissociation between performance and subjective workload measures was investigated in the theoretical framework of the multiple resources model. Subjective measures do not preserve the vector characteristics in the multidimensional space described by the model. A theory of dissociation was proposed to locate the sources that may produce dissociation between the two workload measures. According to the theory, performance is affected by every aspect of processing whereas subjective workload is sensitive to the amount of aggregate resource investment and is dominated by the demands on the perceptual/central resources. The proposed theory was tested in three experiments. Results showed that performance improved but subjective workload was elevated with an increasing amount of resource investment. Furthermore, subjective workload was not as sensitive as was performance to differences in the amount of resource competition between two tasks. The demand on perceptual/central resources was found to be the most salient component of subjective workload. Dissociation occurred when the demand on this component was increased by the number of concurrent tasks or by the number of display elements. However, demands on response resources were weighted in subjective introspection as much as demands on perceptual/central resources. The implications of these results for workload practitioners are described

    Systolic VLSI for Kalman filters

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    A novel two-dimensional parallel computing method for real-time Kalman filtering is presented. The mathematical formulation of a Kalman filter algorithm is rearranged to be the type of Faddeev algorithm for generalizing signal processing. The data flow mapping from the Faddeev algorithm to a two-dimensional concurrent computing structure is developed. The architecture of the resulting processor cells is regular, simple, expandable, and therefore naturally suitable for VLSI chip implementation. The computing methodology and the two-dimensional systolic arrays are useful for Kalman filter applications as well as other matrix/vector based algebraic computations

    MHD boundary layers with non-equilibrium ionization and finite rates Quarterly report, 1 Jun. - 1 Sep. 1969

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    Ionization and recombination rates in boundary layer of magnetohydrodynamic channel electrod

    Comparison of heat-transfer test data for a chordwise-finned, impingement-cooled turbine vane tested in a four-vane cascade and a research engine

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    The heat-transfer characteristics of a chordwise-finned, impingement-cooled vane were investigated in both a modified J-57 research engine and a four-vane cascade. The data were compared by a correlation of temperature difference ratio with coolant- to gas-flow ratio and also by two modifications of this correlation. The results indicated that the cascade vane temperature data can generally be used to represent the engine vane temperature data. A discussion of engine and cascade gas-side heat-transfer coefficients is also presented. A redesign of the vane leading edge could significantly increase the potential turbine-inlet temperature operating limit