3,253 research outputs found

    Publicaçáo de normas no ordenamento jurídico português

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    Devaluation Beliefs and Debt Crisis: The Argentinian Case

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    Throughout the year 2001 the Argentine real GDP fell by 20 percent and the Investment Rate decreased by more than 20 percent of the GDP. The government made several announcements on changes in exchange rate policy in order to assist the recovery of the economy. At same time, the Trade Balance produced a huge surplus and the Argentine External Debt over GDP ratio increased so much that it forced the Argentinian government to default and, afterwards, devalue the peso 40 percent. We explore the relationship between default and the expectations on devaluation. We find that depending on the level of debt and given an expectation of devaluation two types of crises can arise: if the level of debt is low the government devalues but does not default; for a higher level of debt, the government devalues and defaults to cancel the future cost of repaying the debt. We have calibrated our model to match the main features of the Argentine crisis and we show that the External Debt over GDP ratio was in a crisis zone where the government found it optimal to default and to devalue.Debt crisis, Devaluation, Argentina

    The Lack of Legal Capacity of Indians in Brazil — Protection or Exclusion?

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    In order to identify the encoding process of the legal situation of the indigenous ethnic group in the Brazilian, with special emphasis on the legal capacity of these levels, we identified a number of citizens considered, specifically 350,438 persons, who in their day-to-day contact and form part of the whole society in the making of the various legal transactions. As a consequence of this fact, a number of important issues are inevitable, such as the validity of the performance of legal activities by these citizens. Because of loopholes, which legislation applies? What parameter should be used to establish the degree of legal capacity of a person belonging to an indigenous group? Last but not the least, the conceptual confusion in the legislation itself when dealing with “forest” population and “Indians” is an extra factor of complexity, with potential impact on the status of the studied citizens and may question whether they are actually subject to protection or discrimination.No sentido de identificar o processo de codificação da situação jurídica dos povos indígenas no ordenamento brasileiro, com especial ênfase nos níveis da capacidade jurídica destes, identificamos um número considerado de cidadãos, especificamente 350.438 pessoas, que no seu dia-a-dia entram em contacto e formam parte do conjunto da sociedade na celebração dos vários negócios jurídicos. Como consequência dessa realidade, um número importante de questões serão inevitáveis, como por exemplo: validez dos actos jurídicos celebrados por estes cidadãos? Em virtude das lacunas legislativas, qual a legislação aplicável? Que parâmetro utilizar para estabelecer o grau de capacidade jurídica de uma pessoa pertencente a um grupo indígena? Da mesma forma, não menos importante, se a confusão conceitual na própria legislação ao usar os termos silvícolas ou índios, provoca alguma alteração no estatuto de cidadania dos mesmos e se realmente a sua incapacidade jurídica é objecto de proteção ou discriminação

    A incapacidade civil dos Índios no Brasil: medida de proteção ou de exclusão?

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    In order to identify the encoding process of the legal situation of the indigenous ethnic group in the Brazilian, with special emphasis on the legal capacity of these levels, we identified a number of citizens considered, specifically 350,438 persons, who in their day-to-day contact and form part of the whole society in the making of the various legal transactions. As a consequence of this fact, a number of important issues are inevitable, such as the validity of the performance of legal activities by these citizens. Because of loopholes, which legislation applies? What parameter should be used to establish the degree of legal capacity of a person belonging to an indigenous group? Last but not the least, the conceptual confusion in the legislation itself when dealing with “forest” population and “Indians” is an extra factor of complexity, with potential impact on the status of the studied citizens and may question whether they are actually subject to protection or discrimination.No sentido de identificar o processo de codificação da situação jurídica dos povos indígenas no ordenamento brasileiro, com especial ênfase nos níveis da capacidade jurídica destes, identificamos um número considerado de cidadãos, especificamente 350.438 pessoas, que no seu dia-a-dia entram em contacto e formam parte do conjunto da sociedade na celebração dos vários negócios jurídicos. Como consequência dessa realidade, um número importante de questões serão inevitáveis, como por exemplo: validez dos actos jurídicos celebrados por estes cidadãos? Em virtude das lacunas legislativas, qual a legislação aplicável? Que parâmetro utilizar para estabelecer o grau de capacidade jurídica de uma pessoa pertencente a um grupo indígena? Da mesma forma, não menos importante, se a confusão conceitual na própria legislação ao usar os termos silvícolas ou índios, provoca alguma alteração no estatuto de cidadania dos mesmos e se realmente a sua incapacidade jurídica é objecto de proteção ou discriminação

    Recomendaciones para la determinación de HER2 en cáncer de mama. Consenso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica ( SEAP ) y de la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica ( SEOM )

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    La identificación de los carcinomas de mama con amplificación/sobreexpresión de HER2 es crítica en la práctica clínica diaria ya que estas neoplasias requieren un tratamiento específico que incluye el uso de terapias dirigidas. Tanto las técnicas de hibridación in situ como las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas son métodos apropiados para la identificación de cánceres de mama HER2 positivos. Sin embargo, numerosos estudios, incluidos los desarrollados por la Asociación para la Garantía de Calidad en Patología de la SEAP (AGCP) y la experiencia de centros de referencia nacionales en la determinación de HER2 han puesto de manifiesto importantes problemas de reproducibilidad entre laboratorios. Por estos motivos, patólogos expertos en la determinación de HER2 de estos centros de referencia, así como oncólogos médicos con una contrastada actividad en cáncer de mama, en representación de las sociedades respectivas (SEAP y SEOM), han trabajado para debatir y consensuar las recomendaciones nacionales de determinación de HER2. Estas recomendaciones se basan no sólo en la experiencia de los participantes en el consenso, sino también en la experiencia internacional publicada en recientes guías de distintos países, tales como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Canadá. En este consenso, se recomiendan los requisitos mínimos que un laboratorio de Anatomía Patológica debe cumplir para garantizar la adecuada determinación de HER2 en la práctica diaria. Aquellos laboratorios que carezcan de los estándares mínimos expuestos en esta guía deberían trabajar en alcanzarlos y durante este proceso remitir a laboratorios de referencia las muestras en las que la determinación de HER2 tenga implicaciones clínicas para las pacientes.Breast cancers with HER2 alterations are critical to identify because such tumors require unique treatment, including the use of targeted therapies. HER2 alterations at the DNA (amplification) and protein (overexpression) level usually occur in concert, and both in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry can be accurate methods to assess these alterations. However, recent studies including those conducted by the Association for Quality Assessment of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the experience of several national reference centres for HER2 testing have suggested that serious reproducibility issues exist with both techniques. To address this, a joint committee of both the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology has met to review guidelines for HER2 testing. Consensus recommendation are based not only on panellist’s experience but also in those consensus guidelines previously reported in several countries, such as United Stated, United Kingdom and Canada. These guidelines include minimal requirements that Pathology Department must meet in order to guarantee appropriate HER2 testing in breast cancer. Pathology laboratories that do not meet these standards must put effort to reach them and, in the meantime, send clinical cases to reference [email protected]

    Procedimientos psicológicos para el afrontamiento del dolor en niños con cáncer

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    Pain is one of the most common symptoms and more disabling in childhood cancer. Some medical treatments and diagnostic procedures are very intrusive and children with cancer consider them even more painful than the disease. The aim of this paper is to carry out a review on the pain in pediatric patients with cancer, stating the most common assessment procedures and techniques of psychological intervention. The characteristics and implementation procedure of breathing control, relaxation training, distraction, visualization, contingency management and hypnosis are reviewed. Therefore, several studies about the efficacy of each psychological technique for reducing pain in children with cancer are considered.El dolor es uno de los síntomas más frecuentes y a la vez más incapacitantes del cáncer infantil. Algunos procedimientos diagnósticos y tratamientos médicos son muy intrusivos y los niños los consideran incluso más dolorosos que la propia enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo una revisión sobre el dolor en el niño oncológico, exponiendo los procedimientos de evaluación y las técnicas de intervención psicológica más habituales. Se exponen las características y el procedimiento de aplicación de la respiración y relajación, distracción, visualización, manejo de contingencias e hipnosis. Asimismo, se revisan diversos estudios llevados a cabo que muestran la eficacia de las técnicas psicológicas de intervención en el dolor en cáncer infantil

    Pichia pastoris, a promising microbial cell factory for continuous manufacturing

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    Proposta de atividades para o ensino de química envolvendo o tema biodiesel.

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    Currently, it is known that the preservation of the environment is an issue of significant importance in society, since the planet has been attacked in various ways. Are vast sources of pollution carried by man, one of the most glaring is the air pollution, caused mainly by burning fossil fuels, especially petroleum. In this approach, it is very important to present this subject in context and integrated with other disciplines in the classroom, aiming above all to the formation of a critical sense with regard to students in search of other less polluting sources of energy, so necessary in the development a country's economic. One of the alternative sources of energy is biodiesel, which despite having some economic and environmental disadvantages, has proved a good alternative, substantially reducing the emission of gases causing the greenhouse effect, acid rain and other environmental problems. This proposal provides theoretical, experimental and computer use. The development of classes involves the extraction of raw materials, synthesis and characterization of biodiesel, into theoretical and experimental. The unprecedented character of this work it is the inclusion of modern chemistry related to the topic which is the characterization technique of infrared spectroscopy, which is one of the quality parameters of biodiesel. Interventions also include concepts such as stoichiometry of the transesterification reaction, reaction yield, limiting reagent, excess reagent, titling and environmental aspects. This view is to highlight the role of chemistry as a science, and transposes the barriers and obstacles toward meaningful learning. Promote training of young people more aware about the reality they live in and able to apply the chemical knowledge in their daily lives as citizens.Atualmente, sabe-se que a preservação do meio ambiente é um tema de relevante importância na sociedade, visto que o planeta vem sendo agredido de diversas formas. São vastas as fontes de poluição exercidas pelo homem, uma das mais gritantes é a poluição atmosférica, causada principalmente pela queima de combustíveis fósseis, em especial os derivados do petróleo. Nesse enfoque, é de grande importância apresentar esse assunto de forma contextualizada e integrada com outras disciplinas em sala de aula, visando sobre tudo à formação de um senso crítico nos alunos no tocante à busca de outras fontes de energias menos poluidoras, tão necessárias no desenvolvimento econômico de um país. Uma das fontes alternativas de energia é o BIODIESEL, que apesar de possuir algumas desvantagens econômicas e ambientais, tem se mostrado uma boa alternativa, diminuindo substancialmente a emissão de gases que causam o efeito estufa, as chuvas ácidas e outros problemas ambientais. Essa proposta prevê aulas teóricas, experimentais e uso de computadores. O desenvolvimento das aulas envolve a extração das matérias-primas, síntese e caracterização do biodiesel, em aulas teóricas e experimentais. O caráter de ineditismo deste trabalho trata-se da inclusão da química moderna, relacionada com o tema, que é a técnica de caracterização da espectroscopia de infravermelho, que é um dos parâmetros de qualidade do biodiesel. As intervenções contemplam ainda conceitos como estequiometria da reação de transesterificação, rendimento reacional, reagente limitante, reagente em excesso, titulação e aspectos ambientais relacionados. Essa visão é destacar o papel da química como ciência, e transpõe as barreiras e obstáculos rumo a uma aprendizagem significativa. Promover a formação de jovens mais conscientes quanto à realidade em que vive e capazes de aplicar os conhecimentos químicos em seu cotidiano enquanto cidadão

    Comparative of the adsorption performance of a multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) and a Tenax TA adsorbent tube for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

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    A comparison between two types of adsorbent tubes, the commonly used Tenax TA and a multi-sorbent bed (Carbotrap, Carbopack X, Carboxen 569) tube developed in our laboratory, has been done to evaluate their usefulness in the analysis of VOCs in ambient air. Duplicate indoor and outdoor samples of Tenax TA and multi-sorbent tubes of 10, 20, 40, 60 and 90 litres were taken in Barcelona city (Spain) on July and October of 2009. Breakthrough values (defined as %VOCs found in the back tube) were determined for all sampling volumes connecting two sampling tubes in series. The analysis was performed by automatic thermal desorption (ATD) coupled with capillary gas chromatography (GC)/mass spectrometry detector (MSD). Significant differences between the concentrations obtained form multi-sorbent bed and Tenax TA tubes are observed for the very volatile compounds (56ºC<boiling point<100ºC and 4kPa<vapour pressure (20ºC)<47kPa) (e.g. acetone, isopropanol, n-hexane) and for alcohols and chlorinated compounds (e.g. 1-butanol, carbon disulphide, dichloromethane, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene), being the concentrations higher in multi-sorbent bed than in Tenax TA tubes. On the other hand, mainly all compounds with boiling points higher than 100ºC (except α-pinene, chlorinated and polar compounds) do not show significant differences between the obtained multi-sorbent bed and Tenax TA tubes concentrations. For the concentrations obtained, Tenax TA present high breakthrough values (from 0 to 77%) for mainly all compounds and sampling volumes studied. On the other hand, multi-sorbent bed tubes do not exhibit important breakthrough values for these compounds, except the VVOCs ethanol (for all sampled volumes), and acetone, dichloromethane and isopropanol (for sampling volumes over 40 litres). The concentration differences observed between Tenax TA and multi-sorbent bed tubes are directly related to the high breakthrough values determined for Tenax TA adsorbent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version