144 research outputs found

    A transactional stress and coping perspective on expatriation : new insights on the roles of age, gender and expatriate type

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    Purpose This work sheds new light on the roles of gender, age and expatriation type—self-initiated expatriate (SIE) vs. assigned expatriate (AE)—by applying the transactional theory of stress and coping (and a validated measurement tool) to the expatriation experience. Design/methodology/approach Based on quantitative data from 448 expatriates, the authors examined the coping mechanisms (cognitions and actions) employed by senior and younger expatriates, females and males and SIE and AEs when they face hardships while working abroad. Findings Younger expatriates display less active problem-solving coping, planning, and restraint and consume more alcohol and drugs. Female expatriates express their emotions and use social support more than their male counterparts. SIEs rely on emotional social support more than AEs. Practical implications Recognizing that individual repertoires of responses to expatriate challenges are bounded by personal characteristics—such as age, gender, and expatriation type—should improve efforts to support expatriates. This research suggests that expatriate support should be tailored. It offers indications on who needs what. Originality/value This work provides a fresh perspective and new insights into classic topics (age, gender, and expatriation type). Individuals react differently abroad. They have different resources and face different demands (to a certain extent) that lead to different coping reactions. Older people manage their emotions better, and female expatriates and SIEs gather and use support; these abilities are assets abroad.© Olivier Wurtz. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcodefi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Expatriation, alcohol and drugs : antecedents and consequences of substance use in expatriation

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    Purpose – Expatriation is known to be stressful. The present study examines stress as an antecedent of substance use during expatriation and related effects on expatriates' work adjustment. Moreover, the study sheds light on individual-level moderators (i.e. gender and prior international experience) and organizational-level moderators (i.e. organizational social support) that might condition the stress substance use link. Design/methodology/approach - This work adopts a quantitative survey approach. It is based on two studies, one of 205 expatriates and one of 96 expatriate–supervisor dyads. The data were collected through personal networks and with the help of multinational companies. Findings - This research shows that stress at a medium to high-level increases substance use among male expatriates, but not among female expatriates. Expatriates with substantial prior international experience were identified as being more prone to react to stress by resorting to substance use. It also provides evidence that substance use to aid coping harms professional adjustment. Moreover, some implications relating to professional adjustment are discussed. Research limitations/implications - Substance use was self-reported; this may have deterred users from accurately reporting their consumption levels. Moreover, convenience samples have been used. Preventive actions limiting substance use, such as well-being programs, could be sponsored by local human resources managers in order to limit this phenomenon. Originality/value - This work is one of the first to analyze substance use among expatriates. It shows that some expatriates are more at risk than others of resorting to such use to cope with the hardships of expatriation.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    International Management as Management of Diversity : Reconceptualizing Distance as Diversity

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    Despite the importance of distance in international business and management research, the theoretical foundation for the concept and the underlying causal mechanisms are subject to shortcomings. We propose reinvigorating the study of distance through a diversity lens. We draw on research on diversity and develop a theoretical framework that distinguishes types of diversity (separation, variety, and disparity) at three levels (institutional, organizational, and individual). We show how this framework allows scholars to extend their analysis of distance, revisit important questions, and explore new issues. We discuss the theoretical and empirical implications of our diversity lens for the international business and management community.© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Management Studies published by Society for the Advancement of Management Studies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The loss of transcriptional inhibition by the photoreceptor-cell specific nuclear receptor (NR2E3) is not a necessary cause of enhanced S-cone syndrome

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    PURPOSE: To investigate functional consequence on photoreceptor-cell specific nuclear receptor (NR2E3) transcriptional activity of enhanced S-cone syndrome (ESCS) mutations localized in ligand binding domain (LBD). METHODS: Point mutations were introduced into the LBD of full length and Gal4 chimeric NR2E3 receptors and transcriptional activity was investigated by using transient co-transfection assay on corresponding luciferase reporters. Expression and DNA binding properties of transfected mutant and wild-type receptors were tested by Western blotting and gel shift assay. RESULTS: Our analysis show that two ESCS mutations, missense mutations R385P and M407K, abolished NR2E3 repressive activity in the context of full-length and Gal4 chimeric receptors, while W234S and R311Q mutants retained their repressive activity in both assays. All mutant receptors maintained their stability and DNA binding ability. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that NR2E3 mutations localized in LBD induce ESCS disease without affecting inhibitory activity as recorded in vitro. This demonstrates the absence of correlation between transcriptional inhibition and ESCS phenotype. This analysis suggests that NR2E3 might have transcriptional activation properties not yet identified

    A transactional stress theory of global work demands : A challenge, hindrance, or both?

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    We integrate research on global work demands (Shaffer et al., 2012) with transactional stress theory to examine both the harmful and beneficial effects of three global work demands—international travel, cognitive flexibility, and nonwork disruption—for employees engaged in global work. We propose that global work demands have indirect, and conditional, effects on burnout and work-to-family conflict (WFC), as well as thriving and work–family enrichment, through employees’ appraisals that their global work is both hindering and challenging, respectively. We tested the hypotheses with a matched sample of 229 global employees and their spouses. We found that cognitive flexibility demands are related to harmful and beneficial outcomes: It increases WFC through hindrance appraisals of the global work, but also increases thriving through challenge appraisals. In comparison, international travel demands have only beneficial outcomes, such that it positively related to employee thriving through challenge appraisals, but only among employees working in jobs that have fewer nonwork disruption demands. Finally, nonwork disruption demands had only harmful effects in that it positively related to burnout and WFC through hindrance appraisals. Exploratory analyses also revealed that nonwork disruption demands negatively related to employee thriving, through challenge appraisals, when employees experienced lower levels of cognitive flexibility demands. These findings contribute to our understanding of how employees may react to their global work demands and to the transactional theory of stress by providing a more nuanced understanding of when and why job demands contribute to appraisals that work is hindering and/or challenging.© 2022, American Psychological Association. This paper is not the copy of record and may not exactly replicate the final, authoritative version of the article. Please do not copy or cite without authors' permission. The final article will be available, upon publication, via its DOI: 10.1037/apl0001009fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Ultrafast Optical Modulation of Second- and Third-Harmonic Generation from Cut-Disk-Based Metasurfaces

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    We design and fabricate a metasurface composed of gold cut-disk resonators that exhibits a strong coherent nonlinear response. We experimentally demonstrate all-optical modulation of both second- and third-harmonic signals on a subpicosecond time scale. Pump−probe experiments and numerical models show that the observed effects are due to the ultrafast response of the electronic excitations in the metal under external illumination. These effects pave the way for the development of novel active nonlinear metasurfaces with controllable and switchable coherent nonlinear response

    Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide (1-38) and its analog (Acetyl-[Ala15, Ala20] PACAP 38-polyamide) reverse methacholine airway hyperresponsiveness in rats

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar funcionalmente e estruturalmente efeito broncodilatador do peptĂ­deo ativador da adenilato ciclase pituitĂĄria (PACAP1-38) e da acetil-[Ala15, Ala20]PACAP 38-poliamida, potente anĂĄlogo do PACAP-38, nos ratos desafiados pelo metacolina (MeCh). Ratos Wistar machos foram aleatoriamente divididos em cinco grupos. Grupos 1 e 2, inalando aerossĂłis de solução salina ou doses crescentes de MeCh (0,5, 1, 2,12, 4,25, 8,5, 17, 34 e 68 mg/L). Os outros grupos recebendo terbutalina (Terb) (250 ”g/rato) (10-6M), PACAP-38 (50 ”g/rato) (0.1 mM) ou anĂĄlogo do PACAP-38 (50 ”g/rato) associados a MeCh na dose de 4,25 mg/L. A resistĂȘncia pulmonar total (RL) foi registrada antes e 2 min apĂłs a administração de Mech pelo equipamento pneumomultiteste. A administração MeCh induziu aumento significativo e dose dependente (pThe aim of this study was to investigate both functionally and structurally bronchodilator effects of Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP38) and acetyl-[Ala15, Ala20] PACAP38-polyamide, a potent PACAP38 analog, in rats challenged by methacholine (MeCh). Male Wistar rats were divided randomly into five groups. Groups 1 and 2 inhaled respectively aerosols of saline or increasing doses of MeCh (0.5, 1, 2.12, 4.25, 8.5, 17, 34 and 68mg/L). The other groups received terbutaline (Terb) (250 ”g/rat) (10-6 M), PACAP38 (50 ”g/rat) (0.1 mM) or PACAP38 analog (50 ”g/rat) associated to MeCh from the dose of 4.25 mg/L. Total lung resistances (RL) were recorded before and 2 min after MeCh administration by pneumomultitest equipment. MeCh administration induced a significant and a dose-dependent increase (
