609 research outputs found

    Лингвистическая модель времени в представлении носителей неблизкородственных языков

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    В статье рассматривается возможность существования единой темпоральной модели, свойственной неблизкородственным европейским языкам. Представления о пространстве и времени следует считать синкретичными.У статті розглядається можливість існування у неблизькоспоріднених європейських мовах єдиної темпоральної моделі. Уявлення про час і простір слід вважати синкретичними.The article deals with the problem of the universal temporal model that exists in European languages. The main idea is that time and distance are visualized as syncretic notions

    Fungal Automata

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    We study a cellular automaton (CA) model of information dynamics on a single hypha of a fungal mycelium. Such a filament is divided in compartments (here also called cells) by septa. These septa are invaginations of the cell wall and their pores allow for flow of cytoplasm between compartments and hyphae. The septal pores of the fungal phylum of the Ascomycota can be closed by organelles called Woronin bodies. Septal closure is increased when the septa become older and when exposed to stress conditions. Thus, Woronin bodies act as informational flow valves. The one dimensional fungal automata is a binary state ternary neighbourhood CA, where every compartment follows one of the elementary cellular automata (ECA) rules if its pores are open and either remains in state `0' (first species of fungal automata) or its previous state (second species of fungal automata) if its pores are closed. The Woronin bodies closing the pores are also governed by ECA rules. We analyse a structure of the composition space of cell-state transition and pore-state transitions rules, complexity of fungal automata with just few Woronin bodies, and exemplify several important local events in the automaton dynamics

    The diverse structures and functions of surfactant proteins

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    Surface tension at liquid–air interfaces is a major barrier that needs to be surmounted by a wide range of organisms; surfactant and interfacially active proteins have evolved for this purpose. Although these proteins are essential for a variety of biological processes, our understanding of how they elicit their function has been limited. However, with the recent determination of high-resolution 3D structures of several examples, we have gained insight into the distinct shapes and mechanisms that have evolved to confer interfacial activity. It is now a matter of harnessing this information, and these systems, for biotechnological purposes

    Computational universality of fungal sandpile automata

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    Hyphae within the mycelia of the ascomycetous fungi are compartmentalised by septa. Each septum has a pore that allows for inter-compartmental and inter-hyphal streaming of cytosol and even organelles. The compartments, however, have special organelles, Woronin bodies, that can plug the pores. When the pores are blocked, no flow of cytoplasm takes place. Inspired by the controllable compartmentalisation within the mycelium of the ascomycetous fungi we designed two-dimensional fungal automata. A fungal automaton is a cellular automaton where communication between neighbouring cells can be blocked on demand. We demonstrate computational universality of the fungal automata by implementing sandpile cellular automata circuits there. We reduce the Monotone Circuit Value Problem to the Fungal Automaton Prediction Problem. We construct families of wires, cross-overs and gates to prove that the fungal automata are P-complete

    The predictive performance and impact of pediatric early warning systems in hospitalized pediatric oncology patients-A systematic review

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    Pediatric early warning systems (PEWS) arewidely used to identify clinically deteriorating patients. Hospitalized pediatric oncology patients are particularly prone to clinical deterioration. We assessed the PEWS performance to predict early clinical deterioration and the effect of PEWS implementation on patient outcomes in pediatric oncology patients. PubMED, EMBASE, and CINAHL databases were systematically searched from inception up to March 2020. Quality assessment was performed using the Prediction model study Risk-Of-Bias Assessment Tool (PROBAST) and the Cochrane Risk-of-Bias Tool. Nine studies were included. Due to heterogeneity of study designs, outcome measures, and diversity of PEWS, it was not possible to conduct a meta-analysis. Although the studies reported high sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC) of PEWS detecting inpatient deterioration, overall risk of bias of the studies was high. This review highlights limited evidence on the predictive performance of PEWS for clinical deterioration and the effect of PEWS implementation

    The Enabling Delta Life Initiative - Global Programme of Action on Deltas - Programme description

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    Being ‘hotspots’ of human activity with generally high population densities, deltas are vulnerable to changes induced by a range of driving forces, both natural and anthropogenic. In addition to already existing challenges, uncertainty of the possible impacts of climate change, low lying deltas around the world increasingly face challenges to cope with subsidence, flood risk, storms and salinization. Due to on-going urbanization, demographic growth and economic activities, which have to be combined with food production and ecosystem integrity, the demand for sustainable water allocation and sound infrastructure in deltas is omnipresent. Competing demands from a variety of sectors and stakeholders require a transparent dialogue and an enabling governance environment for sound decision-making. The complex and interrelated issues in deltas need to be specifically addressed to make these deltas more resilient and sustainable for the years to come. For that purpose the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and Delta Alliance (DA) developed the ‘Enabling Delta Life Initiative’: a Global Programme of Actions on Deltas, with support from the Netherlands International Development Programme (DGIS). This programme will be part of the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) of GWP and will be jointly implemented by GWP and Delta Alliance