19 research outputs found

    Geochemical fingerprinting of key lithologies and depositional processes across the upper boundary of the Opalinus Clay (Aalenian, Middle Jurassic, northern Switzerland)

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    The Opalinus Clay is an argillaceous to silty mudstone formation, notable in Switzerland as the selected host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Its upper bounding unit (Passwang Formation and eastern equivalents) is composed of successions of mudstone, sandy bioclastic marl and limestone separated by ooidal ironstone beds. The lithostratigraphic transition is diachronous across northern Switzerland and shows high vertical and lateral lithological variability. To constrain this variability into predictive models, and to identify horizons with properties that could potentially influence radionuclide mobility, the sedimentological and diagenetic processes involved in the genesis of this transition have to be investigated. The present study aims at testing the applicability of X‐ray fluorescence chemostratigraphy to characterise the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic units and understand the complex genesis of the lithostratigraphic transition from the Opalinus Clay towards its upper bounding unit. Sediment drill cores from four locations across northern Switzerland (Mont Terri, Riniken, Weiach and Benken) are analysed using high‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence core scanning. Data are compared to petrographic and additional geochemical data sets (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis, micro‐X‐ray fluorescence mapping) obtained from powdered samples, thin section analyses and drill core slabs. The results demonstrate that the combination of these rapid and non‐destructive measurements along with multivariate data analysis allows the fast and objective classification of lithofacies along complex sedimentary successions. Moreover, it provides quantitative means for differentiating between prominent depositional and post‐depositional processes. The lithostratigraphic transition has been traced by the use of specific elemental proxies as a discontinuity, and its genesis linked to sediment bypassing

    Continental weathering as the source of iron in Jurassic iron oolites from Switzerland

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    Iron is extremely insoluble in oxic seawater. The lack of a large aqueous reservoir means that sediments rich in authigenic iron are rare in the modern ocean. In the Middle Jurassic, however, condensed iron-rich sedimentary rocks are widely distributed. Their formation coincides with increased volcanic activity and continental weathering related to the breakup of Pangea, suggesting iron supply through one of these processes. We studied three Swiss shallow-marine iron oolites from Herznach, WindgĂ€llen and Erzegg, all from condensed sedimentary sequences of Middle to early Late Jurassic age, to constrain the source of iron to these rocks, combining radiogenic neodymium, strontium and stable iron isotope analyses. Leached authigenic neodymium isotope compositions, which appear to preserve the primary signature, serve as a tracer for the potential involvement of hydrothermal fluids in the formation of the iron oolites. The three iron oolite successions yield crustal Nd isotope compositions (ΔNd between − 9 and − 7), providing no evidence for the involvement of such fluids. It is, thus, more likely that iron in the sediments derived from detrital fluvial inputs. Strontium isotope compositions, which could potentially support these findings, point to metamorphic overprinting associated with Alpine thrusting. The light iron isotope signatures associated with Middle to early Late Jurassic condensed sequences, ÎŽ56Fe between − 1.49 and − 0.57‰, suggest that microbially-mediated iron reduction was also involved in generating these sediments.ISSN:1661-8734ISSN:1661-872

    Disentangling shallow-water bulk carbonate carbon isotope archives with evidence for multi-stage diagenesis: An in-depth component specific petrographic and geochemical study from Oman (mid-Cretaceous)

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    Disentangling shallow-water bulk carbonate carbon isotope archives into primary and diagenetic components is a notoriously difficult task and even diagenetically screened records often provide chemostratigraphic patterns that significantly differ from global signals. This is mainly caused by the polygenetic nature of shallow-water carbonate substrates, local carbon cycle processes causing considerable neritic-pelagic isotope gradients and the presence of hiatal surfaces resulting in extremely low carbonate preservation rates. Provided here is an in-depth petrographic and geochemical evaluation of different carbonate phases of a mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) shallow-water limestone succession (Jabal Madar section) deposited on the tropical Arabian carbonate platform in Oman. The superposition of stable isotope signatures of identified carbonate phases causes a complex and often noisy bulk carbon isotope pattern. Blocky sparite cements filling intergranular pores and bioclastic voids evidence intermediate to (arguably) deep burial diagenetic conditions during their formation, owing to different timing or differential faulting promoting the circulation of fluids from variable sources. In contrast, sparite cements filling sub-vertical veins reveal a rock-buffered diagenetic fluid composition with an intriguing moderate enrichment in C-13, probably due to fractionation during pressure release in the context of the Miocene exhumation of the carbonate platform under study. The presence of abundant, replacive dedolomite in mud-supported limestone samples forced negative carbon and oxygen isotope changes that are either associated with the thermal breakdown of organic matter in the deep burial realm or the expulsion of buried meteoric water in the intermediate burial realm. Notwithstanding the documented stratigraphically variable and often facies-related impact of different diagenetic fluids on the bulk-rock stable isotope signature, the identification of diagenetic end-members defined C-13 and O-18 threshold values that allowed the most reliable primary' bulk carbon isotope signatures to be extracted. Most importantly, this approach exemplifies how to place regional shallow-water stable isotope patterns with evidence for a complex multi-stage diagenetic history into a supraregional or even global context

    Palaeogeographical evolution of the Arabian platform during the obduction of the Samail ophiolite

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    International audienceObduction of a dense oceanic lithosphere on top of a light continental lithosphere remains one of the oddest phenomenons in plate tectonics. In northern Oman, the emplacement of the Samail (or Oman) ophiolite took place during Upper Cretaceous. The Samail ophiolite is probably the best studied ophiolite in the world because of its large size and because it has been relatively well preserved from deformation after its emplacement. If many studies have been carried out on the ophiolite itself in order to better understand the structure of an oceanic crust, little is known on the processes leading to its emplacement on the top of the Arabian platform. The sedimentary series deposited on the Arabian platform during the emplacement of the ophiolite could help us to understand the processes involved during the obduction by providing tectono-stratigraphic constraints on the evolution of the platform affected by the obduction. Moreover the reconstitution of the palaeoenvironments and the identification of source areas would allow discussing the evolution of reliefs formed in such a unique context. However, these series, being located just below the allochthonous units, have been affected by deformation. They are grouped in one formation, the Muti Formation, consisting of various lithologies of which the age is uncertain. In consequence, sedimentological analyses require careful mapping of the sedimentary series and biostratigraphical determinations remain difficult. The first results of our sedimentological and stratigraphical investigations show (i) a diachronism of the onset of syn-tectonic sedimentation (chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data) and (ii) a high variation of the source areas within the basin. These data are used in order to present a new model of evolution of the basin formed during the emplacement of the Samail ophiolite on top of the Arabian Platform. Implications for the processes involved during the obduction are also discussed

    Absolute Age and Temperature Constraints on Deformation Along the Basal DĂ©collement of the Jura Fold‐and‐Thrust Belt From Carbonate U‐Pb Dating and Clumped Isotopes

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    During its late‐stage evolution, the European Alpine orogen witnessed a northwest‐directed propagation of its deformation front along an evaporitic basal dĂ©collement into the foreland. This resulted in the decoupling of the northern Alpine Molasse Basin from its basement and the formation of the Jura fold‐and‐thrust belt. Here, we present the first absolute age and temperature constraints on deformation along this basal dĂ©collement using carbonate U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS dating and clumped isotope thermometry. We analyzed calcite veins associated with a thrust fault branching off from the basal dĂ©collement in the distal Molasse Basin and slickenfibers from thrusts and strike‐slip faults in the eastern Jura Mountains. Our U‐Pb data provide evidence for tectonic activity related to Alpine contraction between 14.3 and 4.5 Ma ago. According to the oldest deformation ages, the propagation of Alpine deformation into the distal foreland along the basal dĂ©collement occurred earlier than previously inferred by biostratigraphy, at Middle Miocene (Langhian) times at the latest. Younger deformation ages between 11.3 and 4.5 Ma correspond very well in time with shortening in the Subalpine Molasse and the Central Alps, proving simultaneous tectonic activity along both thrust fronts; i.e., the Jura Mountains and the Subalpine Molasse. Clumped isotopes reveal vein calcite precipitation at temperatures between 53 and 104 °C from fluids with oxygen isotope compositions between −6.2‰ and +9.5‰ reflecting distinct burial settings. Combined, our U‐Pb and clumped isotope data show that the burial conditions in the studied area remained constant between 14.3 and 4.5 Ma indicating that large‐scale foreland erosion did not initiate before 4.5 Ma.ISSN:1944-919

    Reconstructing the magnitude of Early Toarcian (Jurassic) warming using the reordered clumped isotope compositions of belemnites

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    The magnitude of temperature changes in the Early Jurassic are not well known. Clumped isotope measurements can potentially be used to provide better constrains, but unfortunately many of the well-studied sedimentary successions that preserve Lower Jurassic fossils experienced burial temperatures above the limits of preservation of Δ47, which for geological timescales is thought to be between 80–120 °C. Samples from these basins are expected to be partially reordered and yield apparent clumped isotope temperatures that are warmer than original values. Here, we explore whether useful paleoclimate information can be recovered from these samples. We test the hypothesis that relative temperature differences are preserved in partially reordered samples when they experience a common burial history. This was done with the use of reordering models and Δ47 measurements of early Jurassic belemnites from the Aubach section of the SW German Basin, a basin that has a relatively well constrained burial history with maximum burial temperatures above 90 °C. We find that even though partial reordering progressively erases the Δ47 difference between samples, the majority (>50%) of the signal is preserved when samples are buried at temperatures as high of 150 °C for up to 200 Ma. Moreover, the models demonstrate that – regardless of burial conditions – partially reordered samples always preserve minimum records of temperature change across climate events. These inferences are supported by the belemnite Δ47 data that show partially reordered compositions and warming/cooling patterns across the Early Jurassic that closely mimic observations from independent proxies. Model observations are used to interpret a 13 ± 4 °C (95% ci) temperature increase that is observed in the belemnite data across the Early Toarcian. The large magnitude of the temperature excursion is explained as a combination of warming and a change in belemnite habitat before and after the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of partially reordered samples and further open the use of this proxy in deep time settings.ISSN:0016-7037ISSN:1872-953

    Geochemical fingerprinting of key lithologies and depositional processes across the upper boundary of the Opalinus Clay (Aalenian, Middle Jurassic, northern Switzerland)

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    The Opalinus Clay is an argillaceous to silty mudstone formation, notable in Switzerland as the selected host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Its upper bounding unit (Passwang Formation and eastern equivalents) is composed of successions of mudstone, sandy bioclastic marl and limestone separated by ooidal ironstone beds. The lithostratigraphic transition is diachronous across northern Switzerland and shows high vertical and lateral lithological variability. To constrain this variability into predictive models, and to identify horizons with properties that could potentially influence radionuclide mobility, the sedimentological and diagenetic processes involved in the genesis of this transition have to be investigated. The present study aims at testing the applicability of X‐ray fluorescence chemostratigraphy to characterise the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic units and understand the complex genesis of the lithostratigraphic transition from the Opalinus Clay towards its upper bounding unit. Sediment drill cores from four locations across northern Switzerland (Mont Terri, Riniken, Weiach and Benken) are analysed using high‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence core scanning. Data are compared to petrographic and additional geochemical data sets (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis, micro‐X‐ray fluorescence mapping) obtained from powdered samples, thin section analyses and drill core slabs. The results demonstrate that the combination of these rapid and non‐ destructive measurements along with multivariate data analysis allows the fast and objective classification of lithofacies along complex sedimentary successions. Moreover, it provides quantitative means for differentiating between prominent depositional and post‐depositional processes. The lithostratigraphic transition has been traced by the use of specific elemental proxies as a discontinuity, and its genesis linked to sediment bypassing

    Quantification of Lithological Heterogeneity Within Opalinus Clay: Toward a Uniform Subfacies Classification Scheme Using a Novel Automated Core Image Recognition Tool

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    The Opalinus Clay is notable in Switzerland as being the selected host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Since the early 1990’s, this argillaceous mudstone formation of Jurassic age has been intensively studied within the framework of national and international projects to characterize its geological, hydrological, mechanical, thermal, chemical, and biological properties. While there is no formal stratigraphic subdivision, the Opalinus Clay lithology is classically divided into several, dam- to m-scale sub-units (or facies), depending on location. Recent multi-proxy studies (combining petrographic, petrophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical analyses) have however demonstrated that high, intra-facies, lithological heterogeneity occurs at the dm- to cm-scale. To constrain this small-scale heterogeneity into distinct lithological units (subfacies), the present study aims at defining and presenting a convenient subfacies classification scheme covering the overall Opalinus Clay lithology across northern Switzerland. Petrographic (macro- and microfacies), mineralogical (X-ray diffraction) and textural (image analysis, machine learning and 3D X-ray computed tomography) analyses are performed on diverse drill cores from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (northwestern Switzerland), and results are extended further to the east (Riniken, Weiach, and Benken). Most of the investigated Opalinus Clay can be described by the use of five distinctive subfacies types (SF1 to SF5), which are visually and quantitatively distinguishable by texture (grain size, bedding, fabric, and color) and composition (nature and mineralogy of components). The five subfacies types can be further refined by additional attributes and sedimentary characteristics (biogenic, diagenetic, and structural). Eventually, the widespread and consistent use of standardized Opalinus Clay subfacies types provides the means to harmonize petrographic descriptions within multidisciplinary research projects, enhance reproducibility of in situ experiments, and further evidence the tight relations between lithology and various rock properties