854 research outputs found

    Finite element approximations of a phase field model, based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation in the presence of an electric field and kinetics

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    We consider fully practical finite element approximations of the nonlinear parabolic Cahn-Hilliard system [Mathematical equation appears here. To view, please open pdf attachment] subject to an initial condition u0(.) ∈ [−1, 1] on the conserved order parameter u ∈ [−1, 1], and mixed boundary conditions. Here γ ∈ R>0 is the interfacial parameter, [Symbol appears here. To view, please open pdf attachment]∈ R>0 is a time-scaling parameter, α ∈ R≥0 is the field strength parameter, [Symbol appears here. To view, please open pdf attachment] is the obstacle potential, and c(x, u) and b(x, u) are the diffusion coefficients. Furthermore, w is the chemical potential, φ is the electro-static potential and {v, p} are the velocity and pressure. The system, in the limit γ → 0, models the evolution of an unstable interface between two dielectric media in the presence of an electric field, which is quasi-static, and a Stokes flow for the dielectric media. Our goal is to produce stable fully practical finite element approximations to the phase field model above. Additionally, we would like to reproduce the morphologies observed in studies by Buxton and Clarke in [28], and Kim and Lu in [53, 56]. The presence of the electric field and kinetics should drive the interface growth. Initially restricting ourselves to the case without kinetics, we consider coupled and decoupled finite element approximations of the Cahn-Hilliard system. A coupled system is a non-linear algebraic system where the constituent systems are solved simultaneously at each time-step. A decoupled system splits the constituent systems so that they are solved separately and sequentially. Existence, stability and convergence results are presented for a coupled scheme and numerical results are given in two space dimensions. To develop a computationally efficient approximation we present a decoupled scheme with conditional stability in two space dimensions. Numerical results demonstrate that it is a suitable approximation to the coupled scheme. Introducing kinetics to the system requires the careful consideration of both the boundary conditions and mass conservation of the system. A modified coupled scheme admits existence, stability and convergence results. We investigate the applicability of several fast solution methods for the Stokes system. We also present evidence that the MINI-element for the velocity space is more computationally efficient than the Taylor-Hood element. Using further optimisation techniques, such as solving the Stokes system on a coarser mesh, we are able compute results in three dimensions efficiently. Numerous numerical results are presented in two and three dimensions


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    Aims and method: To establish the level of physical care of people suffering from severe mental illness attending a psychiatric depot clinic. 37 Records of patients who were on long acting injectable antipsychotics, were reviewed to establish their physical care arrangement against the POMT-UK standards,and also to establish the type of antipsychotics, whether they suffer from metabolic syndrome, or whether other physical illness has been recorded. Results: Records lacked any reference to baseline arrangements of physical monitoring. 22% suffered from diabetes and 75% of them were identified by The Depot and Well Being clinic (DWBC), 73% had abnormal lipid profile 59% were identified by (DWBC). 22% suffer from hypertension, all of them were identified by (DWBC). Clinical implication: Physical care is an important aspect of care of people with severe mental illness total care. This study has demonstrated that this area is still not looked after adequately. Improvement in this area will improve the global outcome for these patients


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    Aims and method: To establish the level of physical care of people suffering from severe mental illness attending a psychiatric depot clinic. 37 Records of patients who were on long acting injectable antipsychotics, were reviewed to establish their physical care arrangement against the POMT-UK standards,and also to establish the type of antipsychotics, whether they suffer from metabolic syndrome, or whether other physical illness has been recorded. Results: Records lacked any reference to baseline arrangements of physical monitoring. 22% suffered from diabetes and 75% of them were identified by The Depot and Well Being clinic (DWBC), 73% had abnormal lipid profile 59% were identified by (DWBC). 22% suffer from hypertension, all of them were identified by (DWBC). Clinical implication: Physical care is an important aspect of care of people with severe mental illness total care. This study has demonstrated that this area is still not looked after adequately. Improvement in this area will improve the global outcome for these patients


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan berdasarkan data atau fakta yang sahih dan valid, benar dan dapat dipercaya tentang seberapa besar Hubungan Antara Keterlibatan Keluarga Dengan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Produk Pakaian Secara Online Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Pondok Pesantren Sulaimaniyah Cipinang Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan korelasional. Variabel bebasnya adalah keterlibatan keluarga dan keputusan pembelian konsumen adalah variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Pondok Pesantren Sulaimaniyah di seluruh cabang Indonesia. Sedangkan populasi terjangkau adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswa Pondok Pesantren Sulaimaniyah Cipinang Jakarta Timur yang berjumlah 40 orang mahasiswa. Sedangkan sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 36 orang mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara acak sederhana. Teknik analisis data dimulai dengan mencari persamaan regresi linier sederhana dan didapat Ŷ = 53,90+0,219X. Uji persyaratan analisis yaitu uji normalitas galat taksiran regresi Y atas X dengan uji liliefors didapat Lhitung (Lo) 0,099 < Ltabel (Lt) 0,147. Ini menandakan bahwa model regresi berdistribusi normal. Sedangkan uji kelinieran regresi didapat F Hitung (-0,49) < F Tabel (2,50). Ini menunjukkan bahwa model regresi linier. Dari uji hipotesis dengan uji koefisien korelasi product moment dari Pearson diperoleh rxy = 0,361. Dari uji keberartian regresi diketahui bahwa model regresi berarti F Hitung (5,09) > F Tabel (4,13), maka ini berarti terdapat hubungan positif antara keterlibatan keluarga dengan keputusan pembelian konsumen. Dari perhitungan uji-t diketahui thitung = (2,26) > ttabel = (1,68), sehingga ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang berarti (signifikan) antara keterlibatan keluarga dengan keputusan pembelian konsumen. Sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai 13,03% yang menunjukkan bahwa keputusan pembelian konsumen ditentukan oleh keterlibatan keluarga sebesar 13,03%. Hasil penelitian ini telah membuktikan adanya hubungan yang positif antara keterlibatan keluarga dengan keputusan pembelian konsumen pada produk pakaian secara online di kalangan mahasiswa Pondok Pesantren Sulaimaniyah Cipinang Jakarta Timur. Hal ini berarti bahwa jika semakin tinggi keterlibatan keluarga maka semakin baik keputusan pembelian konsumen. ********* The study is aimed at obtaining valid and factual information and knowledge about correlation between family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online among student of the boarding school sulaimaniyah cipinang east jakarta. The study employs survei method with correlation approach Independent variable in the study is family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online. The population in this study were whole students of the boarding school branches throughout Indonesia. While the population at affordable were students of the boarding school sulaimaniyah cipinang east jakarta amounting to 40 students. While the sample who used as many as 36 students. According to statistical computation the study reveals the regression Ŷ = 53,90+0,219X. Result of normality test of error estemimation Y on X shows that the data are normality distributed with Lcount (Lo) 0,099 < Ltable (Lt) 0,147 which further means that Lo < Lt (Ho is accepted). Moreover, based on result of hypothesis test it’s known that value for Fcount (5,09) > Ftable (4,13), for Fcount (- 0,49) < F table (2,50) and therefore, Ho is accepted. Conclusion from the statistical computation is that the regression model of Ŷ = 53,90+0,219X is significant. tcount = (2,26) > ttable = (1,68) means that Ho is accepteh and the model is linier. Based on calculation the study result in determination coefficient as of 13,03% which means that consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online is affected significantly by family involvement. Consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online is affected by family involvement of 13,03%. The result of this study has proved the existence of a positive and sisignificant correlation between family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online among student of the boarding school sulaimaniyah Cipinang East Jakarta. This means that if the higher family involvement will make the better consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online


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    WILDIN WIJAKSONO. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN FAMILY INVOLVEMENT WITH CONSUMER PURCHASING DECISIONS IN CLOTHING PRODUCTS ONLINE AMONG STUDENTS OF THE BOARDING SCHOOL SULAIMANIYAH CIPINANG EAST JAKARTA. Skripsi, Jakarta: Study Program Of Commerce Education, Department Of Economic and Administration, Faculty Of Economic, State University Of Jakarta, Juni 2012. The study is aimed at obtaining valid and factual information and knowledge about correlation between family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online among student of the boarding school sulaimaniyah cipinang east jakarta. The study employs survei method with correlation approach Independent variable in the study is family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online. The population in this study were whole students of the boarding school branches throughout Indonesia. While the population at affordable were students of the boarding school sulaimaniyah cipinang east jakarta amounting to 40 students. While the sample who used as many as 36 students. According to statistical computation the study reveals the regression Ŷ = 53,90+0,219X. Result of normality test of error estemimation Y on X shows that the data are normality distributed with Lcount (Lo) 0,099 Ftable (4,13), for Fcount (0,49) ttable = (1,68) means that Ho is accepteh and the model is linier. Based on calculation the study result in determination coefficient as of 13,03% which means that consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online is affected significantly by family involvement. Consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online is affected by family involvement of 13,03%. The result of this study has proved the existence of a positive and sisignificant correlation between family involvement with consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online among student of the boarding school sulaimaniyah Cipinang East Jakarta. This means that if the higher family involvement will make the better consumer purchasing decisions in clothing products online

    Modernizing family health history: achievable strategies to reduce implementation gaps

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    Family health history (FHH) is a valuable yet underused healthcare tool for assessing health risks for both prevalent disorders like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, and for rare, monogenic disorders. Full implementation of FHH collection and analysis in healthcare could improve both primary and secondary disease prevention for individuals and, through cascade testing, make at risk family members eligible for pre-symptomatic testing and preventative interventions. In addition to risk assessment in the clinic, FHH is increasingly important for interpreting clinical genetic testing results and for research connecting health risks to genomic variation. Despite this value, diverse implementation gaps in clinical settings undermine its potential clinical value and limit the quality of connected health and genomic data. The NHGRI Family Health History Group, an open-membership, US-based group with international members, believes that integrating FHH in healthcare and research is more important than ever, and that achievable implementation advances, including education, are urgently needed to boost the pace of translational utility in genomic medicine. An inventory of implementation gaps and proposed achievable strategies to address them, representing a consensus developed in meetings from 2019-2020, is presented here. The proposed measures are diverse, interdisciplinary, and are guided by experience and ongoing implementation and research efforts.Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD)Public Health and primary car

    Mice with Disrupted Type I Protein Kinase A Anchoring in T Cells Resist Retrovirus-Induced Immunodeficiency

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    Type I protein kinase A (PKA) is targeted to the TCR-proximal signaling machinery by the A-kinase anchoring protein ezrin and negatively regulates T cell immune function through activation of the C-terminal Src kinase. RI anchoring disruptor (RIAD) is a high-affinity competitor peptide that specifically displaces type I PKA from A-kinase anchoring proteins. In this study, we disrupted type I PKA anchoring in peripheral T cells by expressing a soluble ezrin fragment with RIAD inserted in place of the endogenous A-kinase binding domain under the lck distal promoter in mice. Peripheral T cells from mice expressing the RIAD fusion protein (RIAD-transgenic mice) displayed augmented basal and TCR-activated signaling, enhanced T cell responsiveness assessed as IL-2 secretion, and reduced sensitivity to PGE2- and cAMP-mediated inhibition of T cell function. Hyperactivation of the cAMP–type I PKA pathway is involved in the T cell dysfunction of HIV infection, as well as murine AIDS, a disease model induced by infection of C57BL/6 mice with LP-BM5, a mixture of attenuated murine leukemia viruses. LP-BM5–infected RIADtransgenic mice resist progression of murine AIDS and have improved viral control. This underscores the cAMP–type I PKA pathway in T cells as a putative target for therapeutic intervention in immunodeficiency diseases.Peer reviewe

    Sulfonylurea Therapy in Two Korean Patients with Insulin-treated Neonatal Diabetes due to Heterozygous Mutations of the KCNJ11 Gene Encoding Kir6.2

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    Permanent neonatal diabetes (PND) is a rare form of diabetes characterized by insulin-requiring hyperglycemia diagnosed within the first three months of life. In most cases, the causes are not known. Recently, mutations in the KCNJ11 gene encoding the Kir6.2 subunit of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel have been described in patients with PND. We report the first two Korean cases with PND due to a lysineto- arginine substitution at position 170 (K179R) and a valine-to-methionine substitution at position 59 (V59M) mutations of KCNJ11 encoding Kir6.2, respectively. After several years of insulin therapy, these patients were managed by oral glibenclamide therapy at a daily dose of 0.8-0.9 mg/kg. Their basal c-peptide levels increased after one week of glibenclamide therapy, and one month later, the insulin and c-peptide levels were in the normal ranges without any episodes of hyper- or hypoglycemia. These cases demonstrate that oral sulfonylurea may be the treatment of choice in PND patients with KCNJ11 mutations even at a young age