28 research outputs found

    Form, Space and Meaning of Traditional Architecture of Towani Tolotang Traditional Community Amparita Sidenreng Rappang

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    The Towani Tolotang traditional community, which has traditional Bugis houses, is known for having houses with rounded pillars malibu lenrong, many squares and does not use glass as a window ornament so that it has a distinctive shape. When observing their way of life, the belief in Pengderreng or ade’ customs' greatly influenced the Towani Tolotang Indigenous Community's way of life, also affecting the Towani Tolotang Indigenous Community's view of the world or cosmo, which in turn will influence the meaning of the architecture of their house. The problem in this study is how the relationship between form, space and meaning in the Towani Tolotang traditional house and the influence of cosmology on its form and space. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between form, space and meaning and the influence of cosmology on the form and space of the Traditional Architecture of the Towani Tolotang Indigenous Community by using descriptive analysis. While data collection was done by interview and photo methods. The results of this study show that there are differences between the Uwwata, uwak and to sama houses, the Uwwata house is bigger than the uwwa house, has a tapping makampar and is on the watang pola. Main body of the house and Bola is not there or the house next door does not have a chair and table in the living room like the Bugis house in general, the watang pola and the siwali bola unite. The Outer Tapping is a place to receive guests who convey good news, while guests who go straight inside and sit on the inner tapping mean they are delivering sad news. Uwak has a long tapping on the body of the house while the house for to sama, some has tapping and some doesn't have tapping, short tapping is on the body of the house and has a living room in terms of the meaning of Towani Tolotang Architecture which still maintains its customs and sacred rituals Mappenre nanre, tudang sipulung,  massarapo and Attorioloang led by Uwatta and Uwak

    Fasad Bangunan Asrama Haji Makassar Ditinjau dari Ragam Gaya Arsitektur Islam

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    Fasad merupakan elemen pertama pada bangunan yang dapat kita lihat secara visual dan juga merupakan elemen estetik dari sebuah bangunan dan sekaligus sebagai identitas karya arsitektur dari sebuah bangunan. Kompleks Bangunan yang bergaya arsitektur Islam akan tetapi memiliki fasad yang berbeda pada tiap bangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan persamaan fasad pada tiap bangunan wisma. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode observasi naturalistis. Observasi penelitian kualitatif adalah pengamatan langsung terhadap objek untuk mengetahui keberadaan objek, situasi, konteks dan maknanya dalam upaya mengumpulkan data penelitian. Secara spesifik metode pengamatan (observasi) merupakan sebuah teknik pengumpulan data ruang, tempat, pelaku, kegiatan dan foto-foto serta dokumen dokumen gambar arsip dari Asrama Haji Makassar. Hasil penelitian adalah dari segi geometrik keseluruhan denah mayoritas kotak memanjang horizontal tidak ada yang vertikal terdapat juga ada yang kotak pendek kecil sesuai dengan ukuran lahan, depan gerbang besar dengan teras yang menyesuaikan tinggi bangunan kanan kiri sehingga para jamaah banyak yang bisa berkunjung. Dari penggunaan warna mayoritas krem muda, krem tua, coklat kuning muda dan putih, dalam kolom dengan 2 tipe besar dibagian teras dan kecil di bagian dinding bangunan, pintu kaca yang berlapiskan ketebalan 8 mil corak gelap, jendela memanjang dan ada pendek, terdapat ornamen bintang berlubang. Wisma tersebut dengan keseluruhan rata-rata diatas ukuran 13.257 meter memanjang kiri kanan dimensi dimensinya seperti kolom 1 ukuran 50 mil, dan yang kecil kolom ukuran 25 mil.Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah  bangunan wisma di Asrama Haji Sudiang memiliki bentuk fasad yang berbeda-beda, dari segi lengkungan, kolom bangunan, warna bangunan dan ornamen pada  bangunan dan memiliki gaya arsitektur Islam dari  timur tengah

    Social Spaces Territory of Bajo Tribe’s Settlement

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    Kampung Bajo along the bay of Bone South Sulawesi, inhabited by Bajo tribe and Bugis tribes coexist so that there is social-cultural interaction. Since 1905 the life of the Bajo tribe has changed,they began to open themselves to relationships, initially exchange the staple for its survival. As a result of these relationships, dynamics arise in the use of space both micro space, meso and macro space in the scale of settlements, making it very difficult to see the limits of territory in the use of space. Territory deals with spaces with a certain extent where individuals or groups use and defend their exclusive territory. Seeing this, the research is important and interesting to do, focused on the concept of the territory of social space in the context of the interaction of two ethnic Bajo tribe and Bugis tribe in the form of settlement, using phenomenology method


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    Permukiman Suku Bajo di Desa Torosiaje memiliki keunikan tersendiri yaitu permukiman tersebut dibangun di atas laut yang benar-benar terpisah dari daratan serta sebagian besar daerahnya didominasi oleh perairan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mengeksplorasi arsitektur hunian Suku Bajo di Desa Torosiaje dari perspektif kearifan lokal budaya bermukim. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengamatan alami dengan paradigma fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di dalam permukiman Suku Bajo di Desa Torosiaje memiliki empat rumah awal (1901) dan masih bertahan hingga saat ini (2022) meskipun sudah banyak mengalami perubahan. Sampai sekarang khususnya untuk ruang yang disebut Tingnga ma Dambila Kidal (kamar depan yang terletak di sebelah kiri di dalam sebuah rumah) dan teras depan (Bunda) serta teras belakang (Buliang), masih tetap diaplikasikan ke dalam empat bangunan yang ada; Jambata’ (ruang penghubung) terdapat Dego-dego yang menjadi tempat untuk masyarakat Suku Bajo melakukan interaksi sosial berupa Pupo’ Susurang; Tiang Bendera Batte selain menjadi simbol akan adanya permukiman, juga dijadikan sebagai ritual tolak bala oleh masyarakat Suku Bajo di Desa Torosiaje


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    This paper aims to develop a model for disaster-responsive spatial and building design in small island. Samalona, a tourist destination small island located at about 6.8 km off-shore of Makassar city, has been chosen as a case study due to frequent occurrence of windstorms and abrasion that have jeopardised the island settlement and its ecological resources. The research is descriptive, supported with spatial analysis using Surfer software. Data were collected through literature review, extended field-observations in two weekend days, and questionnaire survey. All of 14 islanders??? head of household and 34 accidentally-selected tourists were interviewed. The result is a model that comprises spatial zoning and transect for infrastructure strengthening, and building design in terms of use, location, orientation, and type. The discussion concludes that: Spatial zoning model forms Northeast-Southwest axis lines perpendicular to a Northwest???Southeast axis in accordance with wind and wave directions, instead of concentric pattern respecting Samalona???s circling form; The building design model should rely on structural and material strengthening to counteract translocation


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    Pada penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu dapat menganalisa kesesuaian setiap wilayah untuk penentuan kawasan perekonomian baru sebagai pusat kegiatan dalam mendukung Pengembangan di Kota Ambon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan adalah metode  kualitatif dan  metode kuanitatif dan metode analisisnya menggunakan skalogram guttman. Dalam persoalan ini melihat bagaimana suatu Pengembangan  yang direncanakan oleh pemerintah dalam suatu Rencana tata ruang wilayah atau RTRW Kota Ambon kemudian di evaluasi hasil pengembangan yang telah dilakukan, namun penelitian ini hanya mencakup kawasan wilayah yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan perekonomian. Salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam melihat aspek substansialnya adalah yaitu dengan menganalisa ketersediaan fasilitas perkotaan dengan menggunakan analisis skalogram, dari hasil akhir table skalogram yaitu mendapatkan orde wilayah tertinggi dan kesimpulan nya adalah wilayah dengan orde tertinggi memilki peluang sebagai wilayah perekonomian baru di Kota Ambon. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis bahwa dari empat wilayah di Kota Ambon menghasilkan satu wilayah sebagai pendukung Pengembangan untuk wilayah perekonomian yaitu Kecamatan Baguala pada hasil skalogram memilki jumlah fasilitas paling banyak diantara wilayah lainnya.


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    This paper aims to develop a model for disaster-responsive spatial and architectural design. Saugi Island is a small island inhabited in Pangkep District of South Sulawesi. The population is dominated by fishermen community with a population density of ?? 129 inhabitants/ha, and the current island area today is 3.2 hectares. Considering of determining location of the island's research is based on the vulnerability of housing and settlements due to high levels of abrasion, as well as the vulnerability of the ecological carrying capacity due to the intensity of economic activity population. Saugi Island potentially exposed to natural disasters like the blows of waves and storms, and rising sea levels. The end-product of this research is model for disaster-responsive spatial and architectural design. The building design model should rely on structural and material strengthening to counteract building damage


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    Takabonerate region has great potential, but there are still many obstacles faced in developing the region. This study aims to determine the priority development strategy in the Takabonerate Selayar. The research method is survey. The approach in this research is qualitative and quantitative approaches to describe the responses of respondents toward tourists and the local community based on questionnaires given object. The obtained data were processed and analyzed using IFAS-EFAS analysis and SWOT. According to the research, based on SWOT Strategy priority is SO Strategies (Strength-Opportunity), a strategy using the strengths and opportunities, while the strategy is Optimizing the management of nature tourism, marine tourism and cultural tourism in the area, improve the coordination with local governments and parties Related to gain support in the development of the region and addressing harassment / threats to the security of the region and build a functional system combined with community elements

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Takabonerate di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar

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    Takabonerate region has great potential, but there are still many obstacles faced in developing the region. This study aims to determine the priority development strategy in the Takabonerate Selayar. The research method is survey. The approach in this research is qualitative and quantitative approaches to describe the responses of respondents toward tourists and the local community based on questionnaires given object. The obtained data were processed and analyzed using IFAS-EFAS analysis and SWOT. According to the research, based on SWOT Strategy priority is SO Strategies (Strength-Opportunity), a strategy using the strengths and opportunities, while the strategy is Optimizing the management of nature tourism, marine tourism and cultural tourism in the area, improve the coordination with local governments and parties Related to gain support in the development of the region and addressing harassment / threats to the security of the region and build a functional system combined with community elements